President’s Day

AO: iiipillars
Q: Baguette
PAX: Dollywood, Goose, princessaurora, Go Fish, wardas1, Pep, Black Lung, Grape, Tackle Box, Bard, YumYum, Gov’t Mule, Haggis
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp

4 laps
20 SSH
10 OHP
10 GM
10 WMH

Mosey to wall
145th Presidents Day (day after)
Groups of 2
1 person runs lap
1 completes exercises
145 x Step Ups
145 x Merkins
145 x WWI
145 x dips
145 x squats

Mosey to goal line
46 Presidents
Jump squat x Bernie
Man maker x lunge
Plank until all complete

Mosey to startex

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plankpril is coming, thanks to PA for the coffee!

COT: Haggis job search, Grape’s M’s health

The things we do for love

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Focker, t-cell, Go Fish, Tackle Box, Black Lung, Goose, princessaurora, Harbaugh, Baguette, YumYum, Pep, Swiffer, Dollywood
FNGs: 1 Dollywood
CONDITIONS: snowy/icy! My fingers went numb! Just like my cold dead heart


20 SSH
10 Good Mornings OYO
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 OH Press
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
mosey to the field



Four corners with a partner
20 hand slap merkins
20 hand slap BBSU’s
20 bropees
10 partner derkins each

One partner runs while other completes exercises for a total of 100 each of:
O Squats
V Ups
Elbows to knees (4 count mountain climbers)

3 MoMary picked from a “box of chocolates”
20 APD’s
20 Freddie Mercs
15 box cutters

MOLESKINE: we followed the journey of a star crossed lover who finally had the confidence to buy his heartthrob some flowers leading to an electric love that ultimately ended with infidelity that led to our hero contemplating the meaning of life. Thankfully, he proclaimed in the end that he would survive.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, Leanpax starts again in 10.5 months

COT: prayers for Nancy, Zelensky, the Benz family, and for love

Charity Stripe

AO: iiipillars
Q: Harbaugh
PAX: Pencil Pusher, Baguette, Go Fish, Grape, grisham, YumYum, Pep, Pop-A-Lock, DintyMoore, t-cell, Zelenskyy, Haggis, Formica
FNGs: None
1) Circle warm-up
2) Groups of 3 – Rotating laps; 300 merkins; 300 squats
3) Groups of 3 – Rotating laps; 300 dips; 300 squats
4) Full field – jog down/ sprint back; 10 burpees per trip -> completed 8x (had to do burpees because T Cell, Grape, and Dinty Moore all missed their free throws)
5) Plank to ‘O-o-h child’
6) Closing

Coldballs Warm Heart Can’t Snooze

AO: iiipillars
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Tackle Box, Baguette, Go Fish, Zelenskyy, Pep, Grape, Good Morning America, Focker, princessaurora, Natural Ice, Formica, Hardball, Government Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual suspects
SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies,
Arm Circles, Moroccan Night Clubs
Willy Mays Hays, Good Mornings

Burpee apocalypse, possibly miss counted by YHC. Likely landing at the usual 55 burpees

Pax Froggered to a nearby parking garage and took on a lengthly tabata. Pax performed an exercise for a solid minute, with a 10 second rest.

C – Crunchy frogs
O – Overhead arm press
L – Lt Dans
D – Diamond merkin
B – Big boy sit ups
A – Alternating shoulder taps
L – Lunge
L – Little baby crunch
S – Squats

W – Wide merkins
A – American hammers
R – Rocky balboa
M – Monkey humpers

H – Heels to the heavens
E – Elbow jack – plank jack at low plank
A – Apollo Ohno
R – Russian twists
T – Turkish get up – lay down don’t use arms or use one to get up

C – Carolina Dry Docks
A – Al Gore Tree Hugger
N – Nolan Ryan – Its a punching newtons cradle
T – Toad Squat – Squat and touch the ground like a toad then hop

S – Star Jump
N – No Surrender
O – Outlaw – On your six legs together an make an O
O – Oblique Crunches
Z – Zoro – Z version of the Outlaw
E – Electric Chair – Wall squat

Pax’s experienced a well rounded tabata and extreme Exicon expansion

Thank you @grape for the opportunity to lead!


AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: bluemule, Focker, sooner, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Movin On Up, Grape, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Tackle Box, moneyshot, Bard, Formica, Haggis
FNGs: None



Big balls in hand, mosey to the field for a little COP

– IYTs
– SnL Squats
– Fire Hydrants R/L
– Good Mornings


Swole 30 – In honor of LeanPax commencing, YHC thought we’d keep a strict WHOLE 30 diet. 30 reps of the following exercises, each exercise separated by a lap around the track.

Hollow body rocks
Overhead Squats
Eight Count Body-Builders

Various Ab work to wait for six

Slam Ball Lines – PAX form two lines each with a slam ball, and line up behind goal line. PAX 1 performs explosive slam ball chest pass toward other end zone and runs to back. Cycle through line all the way to other end. RnR return trip. Switch to reverse slam ball toss for round 2.

Pull-up Set – Quick mosey to find some pulling space on the jungle gym and swing set. PAX perform pull-ups to failure, followed by rest of seconds equal to reps. RnR until you can only get one.

LeanPax Tabata – Mosey back to middle of field for LEANPax Ab Tabata. 20” of work followed by 10” of rest. 8’ total=4 rounds of each exercise

Leg Raises
Elbows to knees (one side only each round)
Ab Thrusters
Newton’s Cradle

Soundtrack to this section was Don McLean’s 8-ish minute hit “American Pie” as the LeanPax-ers have in fact said bye-bye to processed desserts among other things.


Prayers for @tackle_box nephew and for my mom.

Many of us have set some sort of goals this year. We are surrounded by guys who want to help us achieve those goals, so be accountable to someone and be an encouragement. Grateful to lead y’all once again.

The Shoppes of Green Hills

AO: iiipillars
Q: t-cell
PAX: Focker, Black Lung, Baguette, Grape, Pep, Bad Boy, Go Fish, Gov’t Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, but warmed up just enough to get colder at Coffeterria

WARMUP: Light stretching while I complained about @blacklung and others being late and messing up my meticulously timed shopping workout.

2.5 (25!) mi jaunt thru the main shopping district to gather gift ideas and look at lights. Generally speaking we did the following along the way.
25 Anthro Abs
25 Lululemon Lunges
25 Kendra Scott Drop Squats
25 Bud’s Liquor Burpees
25 Mall Merkins
2 sets of Doughbird Did
25 King Jewelers Jump Squats

25 Happy Crunchy Frogs from TCell
25 Flutter Kicks from Go Fish
25 crunches from Focker
30(??) split leg sit ups from Black Lung who continued to sabotage my workout until the very end.

LeanPax and Convergence next week at Middle Tooth

Pep and Baguettes dads.
Reminder from Focker that holidays are tough time for so many, including us as fathers, husbands, friends, etc. Stay present and stay alert during the next few weeks.

Coffeteria Festivus:
Grape told me to shut up and just lead the workout.
Focker told us about a workout that’s harder than F3.
We don’t like it when PA works is out too hard.

Name that Tune (90 & early 00’s Rock)

AO: iiipillars
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Hair Band, Pep, Black Lung, Focker, t-cell, Tackle Box, princessaurora, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Haggis, Formica, Swiffer
FNGs: None
Brisk, but nice

2 mile Pre Party run @hairband @grape @harbaugh @blacklung and YHC

Left the friendly confines for the parking garages of Burton Hills Office Park. Quickly crossed Hillsboro road and made our way to the second hill between two of the parking structures. While moseying, Yacht Rock was the playlist
Before we started playing Name that Tune, we did 5 mins of Mary Dealers Choice, but must be 20 reps. Flutter kicks, Happy Crunchy Frogs, Box Cutters, Freddie Mercs (while a Queen song played) and LBCs

Name That Tune 90 & Early 00s rock Edition
PAX was given 20 seconds to name that song and artist, but once you answered correctly you could not answer again until all the rest of the PAX had answered. Incorrect answers resulted in 5 8-Count body builders at the bottom and top of the hill. If a PAX named the song and artist correctly, they got to pick the exercise to do at the bottom and top of hill. YHC still chose the mode of transportation up the hill. Next time per feedback of the group, I will have more variety. Everyone loved the Lunge walk up the hill. Maybe we just do sprints, who knows.
PAX got the majority of the songs right and hopefully fun was had by all.
Moseyed back to the Startex with a little sprint/race to the finish. We found PA back at the startex, and was given some brotherly feedback. 😉 Thanks for the coffee PA.
Finished with Name that Tune for two songs, so PA could be a part.

Brewsday Today at 4:30 12 South Tap Room 2for1
Brewruck on Dec 16th talk to Red Skull for all the deets
Several convergences coming up for iiipillars and middeltooth
January 13th at 6:00 am at Memorial Park in Hendersonville. Please invite any friends you have in Hendersonville to join us.
Prayers for Hairband traveling
Prayers for little Luca battling an illness

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. No better way to start your morning than with you men in the Gloom.



AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: Tackle Box, moneyshot, Black Lung, Michelin Man, princessaurora, Go Fish, Formica
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and wet outside, dry and well lit in parking garage

WARMUP: run to garage, various stretching to time limit, no reps counted

THE THANG: concentration on form and muscle activation, no reps counted (it’s like the opposite of a CrossFit pull up)
TABATA 50 sec on, 10 sec rest (8 rounds total)

Round 1: drop squats and merkins
Round 2: IYTs and monkey humpers
Round 3: dive bombers merkins and donkey kick/fire hydrant hip circuit

MARY: PAX chose various exercises to varying time limits

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hobbling Gobbler on Thursday at #greemachine

COT: Reminder of 2 things
-Holidays are number one time for addiction relapse, but also when lots of us go back into unhealthy living whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally. So be gracious with your family, remain disciplined, and be responsible for yourself and how you respond.
-The first holiday after a loss is incredibly weird and full of so many emotions. Don’t forget about those who lost loved ones this year, especially those at Covenant. Reach out to someone and just let them know their loss and pain isn’t forgotten.

Passing the Torch

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape , princessaurora
PAX: Harbaugh, Vector, Natural Ice, It’sJUSTLunch, Baguette, Black Lung, YumYum, Go Fish, Focker, Tackle Box, Swiffer, Bard, Govt’ Mule, Howitzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: crisp and bright

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, WMH, Good mornings, LBAC F, Moroccan night clubs, OH claps, and then a bunch of LBAC R

THE THANG: Partner up to do pull ups or swing set inverted prom date leg rows (or something like that) then flapjack

Jack Webb

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Burpee relay (one PAX does 2 burpees and calls out an exercise for the rest of the circle to do, second time around the circle increased burpee count to 4)

2 laps around the track passing the speaker

Bear crawl relay with a partner

Most back to startex

ANNOUNCEMENTS: No noise November, hobbling gobbler

COT: prayers for F3 Nancy, for Luka, and for the St Paul Community

Special shout-out to @princessaurora for trusting YHC to take over as AOQ. Excited to continue his strong legacy!

Stay classy out there

AO: iiipillars
Q: Zelenskyy
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, Pep, Tackle Box, Go Fish, Black Lung, Harbaugh, wardas1, YumYum, Two Face, Old Crow, Swiffer, Bard
FNGs: 1 Bard
CONDITIONS: warm and bright

WARMUP: mosey to field and do 2 laps
15 SSH
15 Face pulls
20 mountain climbers
15 WMH

THE THANG: 1. Bearpees: 🐻
Line up across the field, OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward. Once you get to other side, rinse and repeat adding another Burpee. Get to 4 burpees.
2. Aiken Legs 🦵
Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Iron Mikes (10 each leg forward). 3 sets. Run a lap
3. B.O.M.B.s 💣
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to the other end of the field. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 30- Burpees / 60- Overhead Claps / 90- Merkins / 120- Big Boy Sit-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hobblin’ Gobbler on Thanksgiving
No noise November

COT: prayers for Pep traveling to see his dad
Prayers for Mike and his ALS diagnosis
Prayers for various health issues at SPCA (Florez, Cleek, Osenga)