A Stream of Consciousness Riff Based Jam Session Q

17 Nov 22

A Stream of Consciousness Riff Based Jam Session Q

Temp :
Gloom Factor : Moderate
Pax : T Cell, Bad Boy, Cowboy, Money Shot, BNB, Black Lung, Venus, Feel the Berns, Movin On Up, Topanga, FNT, Bagger Vance

Nice long mosey out Lealand to the baseball field then circling up at Mustang for

SSH, Razor Cuts, Phelps, Squat n Reach, etc.


Karaoke and Extended 6s w Merks

Sprint to EZ then some groundwork to the 10’ and back … lateral bounds and bear crawl/crawl bear

Sprint to 50’ then back to EZ RnR

At some point we Lunged and Reverse Lunged about 20’

Squats on Extended 6s w some Merks and Burps thrown in for good measure

To the parking lot for frog hops forward then some gorilla bounds R/L (at this point w were in 1s & 2s)

Mosey to the bottom pull up station
2s stay down and 1s go up. 1-2 pax do pull ups while others work on ext 6s Merks then R2 go into ext 6s squats

Back to StartEx for Suicides n Groundwork

2s Plank Progression 1s run to LP 1 back and LP 2 and back. Flap Jack
R1 APD Progression
R2 Plank Progression
R3 Plank Progression

6’ MOM

Mobility work


NMM : Great turnout this am w a Dirty Dz of F3 Nashville’s finest. Grateful to Money Shot for making the Joe onsite and for dear Ms Wiley and her percolator. Always a pleasure to see some new faces along with Redwoods like T Cell & Bad Boy. Getting to see Cowboy three times in 24 hr was a rare treat as well. Stunner of the day was Venus lurking around the corner next to the boys bathroom as we made our way into the house that Dilfer built. YHC was going to rep count WOR based upon TD’s jersey number but alas couldn’t remember if he was 12 or not. Today’s Q was a blend of old, new and rare BV cuts.

BH : Excitement in the air as Movin On Up and his M are expecting baby numero uno. Congrats man. We also poured one out for BNB who is heading to Raleigh at EOY. Godspeed brother. TAP to Third Coast and his family as he is in Ukraine right now making a documentary. As winter approaches, this is a great Other Season, not off season. Think about those Gainz you can make spiritually, personally and professionally.

Hobbling Gobbler next Thursday 0600 from Green Machine lot. There will be prizes, coffee and post run beverages for all participants.




Truncated Q

5 May 22
Temp: 56
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Bad Boy, Money Shot, BNB, Movin on Up, D’Frost, Black Lung, Bagger Vance

0530 Disclaimer Claimed
0531 Speaker Died

Mosey the Loop to open gate on Shallowford w BK, HK, Side Shuffle, Karaoke, Bernie, Skips, Reverse Skips

X 10 IC
Bear Lifts
Quadruped Lateral/Linear wrist rocks
Quadruped Reach Throughs R/L
APD hold up position
Deep Squat to Prayer Pushout

15 X OYO Drop Squat
15 X Squat Jumps
6s – Merkins, Squats X 5 IC
25 Pull Ups OYO

Hand off to D’Frost to finish out as YHC had to Irish Goodbye to work


What is this Q called?

Temp: 40 ish
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Lochte, BNB, Bad Boy, T Cell, The Shield, Works for a Guy, Topanga, Bagger Vance

Disclaimer and some additional excuse making about this is a new routine, YHC will need to Weinke, etc.

Side shuffle (L/R) Pole to Pole
Karaoke (L/R) Pole to Pole
Bear Crawl Crawl Bear
Mod Gorilla (R/L)

In Nose out mouth x 10
In nose out nose x 10
In mouth out mouth x 10

SSH x 20
Seal Jax x 20
Glute bridge (r:l) x 8
Straight leg swing(r/l) x 10
Rolling v sit x 5
Neck flexion x 10
Neck rotation x 10
Scapula merkins x 10
Merkin to downward dog x 10
Spider lunge w extension x 10
Baby arm circles (F/R)
Shoulder corkscrews x 10
Sumo squat slow n low x 10
Reverse lunge w twist x 5 (r/l)
Speed skaters x 10 (r/l)
Inch worms x 10

PAX split into 1s & 2s
1s to the top pull up station
2s stay at the bottom
Pull Ups at station then flap jack for merkins at opposite station.

Pull Ups

Skips pole to pole
Bernie Skips pole to pole
AYG to StartEx


NMM: Focused on different movement patterns, less quantity more quality. Tempo and time under tension training. Getting breath under control, getting nasal, slowing breath down. Today’s music was from WNXP playlist on Spotify. Today’s workout title came from Bad Boy, T Cell and BNB riding me all morning and the fact that I have nothing else pithy to call it.
BH: Ukraine, 413 starting again next week, marriages, SB travel.


Green Machine – 12.30.21 – “Wet Leg”

Six PAX took a ride on the Green Machine Thursday morning. Conditions: soggy and mild.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Cowboy, High Flyer, Moneyshot, Ponzi, Works For A Guy


Armed with an indie/alt/post-punk/rock playlist and some simple exercises, PAX took a long mosey before settling down at the pull-up station for a COP warm-up and EMOM circuit:

  • Pull-Ups x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15

Perform all three sets, resting for remainder of minute. 15 minutes total.

Mosey over to the parallel bars for another circuit

  • Dips x 15
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups x 15
  • Lunges x 16

RnR x 4

Mosey along the westside of the Victory Trail to the steep hill leading up to yellow gate. Bernie up the hill x 8.

Hobble back to start for 2.25MOM:

  • Plank x 45″
  • Side Plank R x 15″
  • Plank x 15″
  • Side Plank L x 15″
  • Plank x 45″


High-quality crew this morning in spite of the fact that every time YHC Qs the Green Machine, it has been/is raining. Tclaps to High Flyer for the process improvement during our first circuit as well as for the hair-bending coffeeteria. For the musically curious, playlist is below.


TAPS for Charlie, Heather Norton, Spicoli Family, and other families dealing with sickness.

NYD Convergence tomorrow at Stonewall. 0600 run with Bagger and co.  0700 Main Event with White Bison coffeeteria to follow. Foxtrot has promised prizes and treats, so show up to find out what’s up his sleeve!

PA out.