A Tale of Two Qs

19 posted for some fun in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey around parking loop and down to bottom of the hill.  Backwards run up the hill and head to the main lot for warmup COP (yes, we did one this time)= SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, various merkins (regular, clerkins, werkins, staggered grip, Chuck Norris)

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over.

While in circle, bear crawl to center, 5 merkins, crawl bear back to the outside of the circle, 5 merkins, and repeato x3.

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over.

Lineup on parking arrows, run backwards to end of drop-off lanes, 5 merkins, sprint forwards back to starting line and 5 more merkins.  Repeato x4 with some random core work between some sets.

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over.

Polar Bear down the lot, turn around, inchworm merkins half way and burpee broad jumps the rest of the way.

Indigenous People bear crawl across lot.  Everyone planks while the person in back bear crawls to the front.  Once everyone completed a rotation we switched to holding table and crab walks.

Check with Big Stick to see if he’s ready to take over, but Big Stick decided to leave.

Mosey back to the center of the lot for 5 minutes of Mary.

NMM: Based on last Friday’s Co Q, YHC decided to do most of the driving.  Big Stick appeared extremely prepared, and YHC planned to give Mr Stick the Q for the last ten minutes.  This served to shield the PAX from 25 minutes of sprints and explosive merkins as well as to make sure everyone got a full dose of Toga this time (can you really get enough?).  Imagine YHC’s surprise to learn that Big Stick had another date that required him to leave before the end.

There were of course the usual festivities at The Hall today.  Bagger was disappointed when YHC forgot to do both sides of the staggered merkins, nobody knows how to perform Balls to the Wall, and Ludwig needs some tricep work to maintain crab walk form.

Strong work today, happy birthday Kathy, and welcome to FNG American Girl!

Stay Classy,


PAX:  Bagger Vance, American Girl, Black Lung, Edible Arrangement, Ludwig, Big Stick, Floppy Disk, Swamp Fox, CAPS LOCK, Blue Mule, Toga, Kathy, Yard Sale, PSL, Offshore and four others I’m missing (Big Stick was supposed to take roll call)

QIC: Toga and sort of Big Stick

Walk Softly and Don’t Bother with a Warm-up

21 redwoods posted for a beautiful morning at the Hall.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey around parking loop with high knees, butt kickers and lunges interspersed.  Immediately begin sprints across parking lot with 10 explosive merkins after each sprint.  Repeato 30x (probably 10 really but felt like 30).

Grab a partner, grab a coupon and begin 3 minute cycle where P1 executes 10 thrusters, 10 merkins (because we hadn’t already done those.., oh wait) and 10 pull-ups.  P2 does WWIs then flapjack.  Complete two cycles.

Big Stick mumbled something then disappeared.  YHC took Q.

Stay on playground for triple check.  Divide into teams of 3.  P1 does balls to the wall (B2TW), P2 does 10 swerkins, and P3 does leg raises.  Switch when P2 completes swerkins, and each person hits each station 3x.

Mosey to bottom of the hill on the northeast side of the school.  Begin The Beast= 6 exercises, 6 reps, 6 stops stopping at ~25, 50, and 75 yards up the hill and then back.  Exercises were leg raises, merkins, squats, WWII, and half of a round of burpees before time expired.

NMM:  YHC contacted Mr Stick about doing a Co-Q this morning, and there was even a comment about YHC’s portion being heavy on merkins.  Not to let that stop him, Big Stick skipped the traditional warmup, disclaimer and chit chat and went right to sprints and explosive merkins.  Was this motivated by YHC calling Big Stick second and not first, or was this because BS informed the PAX he had to go play round ball immediately after his portion of the Q? Who can say.  Nobody puts Big Stick in a corner!

All jokes aside, the PAX tackled the exploding sprints of doom and confusion around Triple Checks and The Beast with the usual aplomb.  Mumble chatter was high with discussions on the various modifications of exploding merkins, the various interpretations of balls to the wall, and where the 25, 50 and 75 lines should be for The Beast.  Good times!

PAX: Books a Million, Shug, Big Stick, Bagger Vance, Dmish/Doughnuts, Floppy Disk, Ludwig, Grease Trap, PSL, Cinderella, CAPS LOCK, Toga, Swamp Fox, Offshore, Yard Sale, and a cast of thousands (sorry Big Stick wasn’t there to capture all the names).

Qs: Big Stick, Toga

Stay Classy,

Toga and Big Stick

That sounds brutal, I like it.

    PAX: see picture + BV + Blackwater…BB might never get posted if I tried to name everyone

QIC: Books-a-Million & Olan Mills

24 unsuspecting HIM did not know what they were getting themselves into this morning, but knew it was going to make them better……but at burpees?!?

Short mosey around the parking lot
circle up
SSH x10
Willie Mays Hays x10
Good Mornings x10
Mountain Climbers x10
Air Chair – hold deep squat, air claps in cadence x15 (thanks to BV)

Mosey to coupon shed
Slaughter Starter 10 mins
20 burpees / min OYO rest for balance of minute x10
— can’t do 20, do 15…can’t do 15, do 10

head to top of the hill…Partner 1 grab coupon on the way

Partner 11’s
partner 1 -w/ coupon runs down the hill, 1 jump squat  (work up)
partner 2 -11 hanging toe touches (work down), flutter kick waiting for partner

Mosey back to parking lot for some sprints and WWI’s

Flutter Kicks x30
J-Lo’s x15
Plank and hold
10 Merkins OYO

GrowRuck event in November
Continued prayes for Greasetrap and family

You can take the boy out of Tuscaloosa, but you can’t take the Tuscaloosa out of the boy….

QIC: Iditarod

PAX: Aristotle, BV, CCR, Floppy Disk, PSL, Grisham, PreVac, Big Stick, Grease Trap, Flo Daddy, Ludwig, Olan Mills, Books A Million, Edible Arrangement, Walter White, Mug Shot, Black Water, Brother at Law, Third Degree, Swamp Fox, Flo Jo (FNG) Cobains to any I left out.

Midweek seeing that YHC schedule dictated Nashville on Friday decided to traverse to the shire to post at cruel hall for old time sake. Noticing the insert name here was still in place YHC decided to follow directions.

Since YHC’s hometown boys were riding the crimson tide into Nashville for Saturday’s festivities in west end YHC thought it only fitting to bring a little Tuscaloosa to the Shire.  It doesn’t happen often since the SEC expanded.


GMs x 10 IC

WMH x 20 IC

Hill Billies x 20 IC

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC

SSH x 20 IC

The Thang

B-Bear Crawl Inch Worm-With added twist crawl Bear back

E-Elevens-Jump Squats/Burpees-Side shuffles instead of runs to work on lateral movement. (Before Elevens YHC began a playlist of Alabama inspired tunes that played via Bluetooth for the duration of the workout.)

A-Alternating Shoulder Taps IC x 61 (the amount of times the Crimson Tide has beaten the Commodores)

T-toe Touches IC x 18 (the amount of time the Dores have sneaked victories over the Tide)

Mosey to the top of the hill for instructions

V-Ups at bottom of hill-Run back up to playground

A-AMRAP Chin ups

N-Nolan Ryans x 20 IC Each Side Run to bottom of hill

D-Dirkins x 20 Mosey back to parking lot

Y-Y Raises-Done for the duration of “Yea Alabama” with Vocal Accompaniment


Flutter Kicks x 30 IC

WWI Sit ups x 20 OYO

Reverse Crunches x 20 OYO

Tempo Merkins x 18 IC


BV shared some inspiring words about brotherhood and guys continuing to rally around the Kemps and whatever future situation will arise.  Cause in this fallen world something will we just need to be there for each other. Prayer then Dismissal.


Dixieland Delight-Alabama (A Bryant Denny favorite YHC spared the pax of the Bama student section ad libs)

Sweet Home Alabama-Lynard Skynard

Song of the South-Alabama

Tuscaloosa 1962-Donnie Fritts (Probably the most underrated and under appreciated Muscle Shoals musician)

Thankful for the opportunity to lead, You guys all inspire me and encourage me.


Roll Tide,


Iditarod 1yr F3 Anniversary Q

QIC: Iditarod

PAX: Scraps, Schnitizel, Yosef, Aristotle, NPR, Black Lung, Mr. Roboto, G-String, Wood Shed, CDL, Sea Gull

A dirty dozen gathered this AM to celebrate 1 Year anniversary of YHC’s first post.  We paid homage to Polaroid from F3 Raleigh.

APB: Where’s Papa Juan, Long Relief, Godfather, Nadal, Ace, Alfonso, Anchor, Air Wolf, Wall Street, Big Worm and Pharoah.  I’m sure I forgot some.  A couple I know where you are.


Obligatory 2 Laps around the courthouse

GMs x 12 IC

WMH + BAC x 10 IC

WMH + BAC-Reverse x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 12 IC

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

COP for Musical tribute to Polaroid who is planning a return trip to the Boro in November-To Wyclef Jean’s-Gone till November-Squats during verses-During the Chorus  Merkins for every November sang by Mr. Jean himself

YHC asked the PAX to Partner up

P-Patty Cake Merkins-Partners start in opposite directions around the courthouse Evrey time they meet 10-Patty cake merkins.  Merkin and when in high plank position exchange high five- 4 Sets of 10. Mosey to future site of Green House Ministries.

O-Ollie Norths-Fireman’s carry partner length of future site.

L-Lt Dan’s the entire length of the current Greenhouse Ministries Parking lot.

A-Awesome-A reprise of the Everything is Awesome Burpee challenge-Overhead arm claps and one Burpee for every Awesome sang.  Everything is Awesome-Tegan and Sara from the Lego  Movie.

R-Randorama-20 Monkey humpers IC, 20 Dips OYO, 20 Irkins OYO, 20  Bulgarian Splits Sqauats IC

O-One legged Burpees-6 One legged Burpees-(YHC started to notice the  time dwindling fast here.)

I-Indian Bear Crawl-Pax formed line head to to in plank position from the 6 Pax Bear crawls to front until all have participated.

D-Drying Cockroaches-10 OYO

Mosey Back to the Square


YHC Shared extreme gratitude for relationship with Polaroid when he was in the Boro acknowledging that even though Polaroid sought YHC as a Elder/Mentor YHC gained just as much from the relationship.  Prayed for Polaroid prayed for Pax to develop relationships where the y could give away what they know and help other men.


Bullhorn-Hit up Air Wolf if you want to help with oil changes at the Greenhouse Ministries on Saturday.  He needs to know something by Thursday I believe.


I can’t describe enough what F3 has meant to me and why I want to see it grow in the Boro.  Over the past year I have seen men ask for prayer for their marriages, families, sick loved ones.  I have been picked up when I was struggling early on by fellow PAX like Blue Mule.  I have been challenged to lead by the likes of Funyuns, Bagger, and CCR.  So many more of the F3 Nashville crew especially in the Shire have challenged and pushed me in some way and desire to see that happen in the Boro and to see it affect other men.  Not to mention my Dr. the last time I had a check up asked what are you doing differently because he noticed improvement in overall health that he wasn’t sure I’d ever achieve because of genetics.  Keep challenging each other Physically, Mentally, Spiritually. Always be head locking. ISI

Thankful for the PAX and thankful to lead,


It’s Not About You

Why do we post Back Blasts?
As my dad would have said to me when I was a kid, “Because I told you to!” Obviously, that didn’t work for me then and it doesn’t work for us now as GAM, grown ass men.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of the Back Blast coming off the Memphis launch, a host of new and reworked AOs and a great Nantaan call recently.
As I understand them, the Back Blast is the following:
  • A recap of the workout
  • A place to recognize those who posted
  • A way to track numbers and growth
  • A way to commemorate a break through
  • A way to commemorate someone splashing merlot for posterity
  • A way to make announcements
  • A way to document new and different exicon from the PAX
  • You’re a leader and part of Qing a workout is writing the BB
I’m sure there’s more on that from DREDD & OBT in Freed to Lead but I can’t get my hands on it right now.
All the above is great and I wholeheartedly agree with #1-8 and with the Nantaan of the Nation and the Great Weasel Shaker at WWHQ in their excellently penned Freed to Lead (which I still can’t find). But to me, the real reason we post the BB I realized today when I got a text from country code +44. At first glance I thought it was spam. Upon further inspection, it was from the one and only Scribe of F3Nashville Faulkner. So, without blabbing on, here’s what he wrote (I edited the very end)
“Been doing three F3 workouts a week by following the backblasts. Off days I run 4 miles. Miss the camaraderie and spiritual support. Tell everyone I said hey. Praying for those mentioned in backblasts, particularly the Kemps. Glad to see how F3 is growing … In this pic, I just finished Edible Arrangement’s latest Qed workout. The park I work out in mainly behind me. Hope you’re well.”

The title of this post is from the people at GoRuck.  I was constantly reminded of this over the past weekend in the 9-11 Memorial Ruck.  Ultimately, the BB isn’t about us being too busy, too lazy or too indifferent because it’s not about us and how we feel about posting the BB…it’s what someone else gets out of it.
So if not for #1-8 and for F2L, do it for the Faulkner’s, the Rooms2Go and others that find themselves DR for an extended period of time and that miss y’all, that miss F3Nashville and miss the 15 Burpess every minute for 10 minutes from that jerk Funyuns!

Light Crowd Today


Q: Ludwig

PAX: Big Stick, Third Degree, Yard Sale, Dupree, Vegemite, Ludwig, CCR, Dine ‘n Dash, Bagger Vance, Accounts Receivable

10 PAX posted on a slightly drizzly morning of 68 degrees. YHC anticipated a light turnout, and verily, it came to pass. I recycled my first Q from about a year ago with some slight tweaks.

Mosey to Crievewood Baptist parking lot for WOR.

SSH x20

WMH x10

Good Mornings x10

High Knees x10

Hop Kicks x10

LBAC x10

Seal Claps x10


We lined up in the parking lot right at the point where you begin to go uphill.

Lunge to the top of the hill at Hogan and do 20 Deep Squats. Jog back down and plank for the 6.

Rinse ‘n Repeat but with broad jumps to the top.

Rinse ‘n Repeat but Lt. Dans to the top. Stay at the top after 20 deep squats.

Mosey to the rails.

Increasing/Decreasing pyramid

1 row, 1 merkin

2 row, 2 merkin, etc.

All the way up to 10, and then back down to 1. 100 rows and merkins each when all is said and done. LBCs for the 6.

Partner up and head to the pavilion for 5 sets of suicides.

P1 performs suicide, while P2 performs called exercise AMRAP. When P1 finishes suicide, flapjack.

Round 1 – Atomic Merkins

Round 2 – Mountain Climbers

Round 3 – Plank Jax

Round 4 – SSH

Round 5 – Burpees

Still some time left, so let’s get in some more upper body work at the playground.

3 sets each of 10 dips, 10 pullups and 10 swerkins.

Head back to the parking lot.

A bear crawl/crawl bear suicide for good measure. Real crowd pleaser.


Flutter Kicks x30

30 seconds of low plank.


Good work today men. Continue to pray for the Kemps and Wallaces, and baby Loretta. Also, all those affected by the flood in Texas and Louisiana.

26 PAX @ Cruel Hall Friday 18 August 2017 – Jack Webbs and Hill Sprints

26 PAX post at Cruel Hall Friday 18 August 2017.


The 26 PAX were YHC Blue Mule, Foxtrot, Black Lung, Bagger Vance, Swampfox, Mattress Money, Vegemite, Accounts Receivable, Dupree, Yardsale, CCR, OSHKOSH, Blackwater, Due Process, Books-A-Million, Olin Mills, Big Strick, Grisham, Spring Breaker Ricki Lake, Dine-N-Dash, Nightstand, Pre-Vac, T-Swizz, Blue Dad, Mike Boss, CAPSLOCK.


Long mosey around the area where the buses pull in and back to start for warm-o-rama.


WARM-O-RAMA: Good Mornings, squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, baby arm circles forwards and backwards.


40 count four-count flutter kick in cadence.


JACK WEBB PERMUTATION ONE: One pushup. One overhead arm press. Pyramid up to ten of each. Then do the same process from ten down to one. That totals 110 pushups and 110 overhead arm presses.


Mosey over to the covered pavilion.


THANG UNDER THE PAVILION: Team up in groups of threes. Two people alternate flutterkicks and overhead arm claps while one person moves from one end of the pavilion to the other. Round one was [for the life of me I can’t remember what the first movement was!]. Round two was burpee broad jumps. Round three was sprints there, back, and there again. Round four was Lieutenant Dans.


Mosey down to the hill for hill sprints.


HILL SPRINTS: Sprint up the hill then mosey back down. Repeat three times.


JACK WEBB PERMUTATION TWO: One pushup. One four count overhead arm pres. Pyramid up to ten of each. That totals 55 pushups and 110 overhead arm presses.


MARY: 20 WW2 situps, 20 four-count crunchy frogs, 20 four-count flutterkicks, 20 four-count hello Dollys, high planks.


It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.


Blue Mule Out