“Friendly Friday”

PAX: PA, Crablegs, Hot route, Porcelain, hambone, Tiny dancer, brother-in-law, T-Cell, Vector, Cunning Linguist, Hi-viz, Right said, Ride-along, Silver medal, Bicentennial Man, Studio 42, Trapper keeper, Firefox, Lunch lady, Bad Boy.

Temp: 22 Degrees.

Chilly 22 degree morning didn’t stop 20 PAX to come out to get better. YHC posted on slack if any PAX could bring an FNG to a Friendly Friday workout sub 25 degrees, they would officially get 5 reps off of every exercise. How many did we have? Zero. So I changed up the workout a little.

Quick Mosey around the back of the golf course. On the way picked up the pre-hustle crew, which including one nifty head-lamp from PA. Was a lot darker behind the course than I thought it would be. YHC had head-lamp envy.


SSH X 30

Cherry Pickers x 15

Willy Mays Hayes x 20

High Knees x 25

Air Press x 25

The Thang:

Mosey back down to the parking lot to the hill, for a good round of 11’s.

Simple: Burpees & Squats.

I will say, there wasn’t a lot of Mumble Chatter, but a lot of heavy breathing. The combination of the 11’s + Hill + temp = heavy breathing.

Completed 11’s, PAX went over to the wall. Line up, Plank position parallel to each other. One by one, each PAX would step behind the Plank and lift legs for a little bicep action. This was both tough for the PAX curling legs, and the 20 PAX holding plank.


Flutter kicks x 30

Crunchy Frogs x 15

Hello Dolly x 30


Prayers to Ride-along’s family for the passing of his Grandfather.

Congratulations to PA and his new job! Will be on the road to the West Coast more, but still commits to posting on Friday’s.

Leadership Luncheon: January 18th. Dr. Clay Stauffer. Richland Country club. 11:30. Please HC to Bad Boy to get a count for the food order.

Coffeeteria: PC, Tiny Dancer, Studio 42, Ride-along, Hambone, Bi-centennial Man, T-Cell, Vector, Hi-Viz, Crablegs, Right said, Cunning Linguist, Bad Boy.

Right Said’s Soggy Birthday Q – Titan – 1/4/19



It was a soggy one this morning. Steady light rain fell on 18 PAX who braved the weather to improve themselves.



Blue Mule




Hot Route



Tiny Dancer



Hi Viz

Trapper Keeper

Cunning Linguist



Bicentennial Man

Harvey Updyke


QIC: Right Said


One Good Morning


Warm Up:

Mosey to Sylvan Park Paideia


LBAC forward and reverse

Air press

Cherry pickers

Mosey to Richland Park tennis courts


Pre-thang thang:

Group 1 bounds from one end of the tennis courts to the other while Group 2 does 5 burpees and then sprints to the end of the tennis courts. First team to finish wins. Bounders won.

The thang:

DORA 1-2-3

100 Merkins

200 Situps

300 Squats

Mosey back to McCabe Park


7 minutes of Mary in 5 minutes:

10 rep dealer’s choice ab routine.



Bad Boy’s 3rd F event is coming up

Warpath January 12th

Winter Ironclad has begun


Learnings: Tennis courts are not designed for water runoff. Situps in the rain on wet tennis courts make Dose coffee taste that much better.


-Right Said


Bomber – 12.14.18 – “Six Monkeys Humping”

19 PAX got into the Christmas spirit as they made their way through the 12 Days of Christmas on the last “Friendly” Friday of 2018.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Ride Along, Cunning Linguist, Harvey Updyke, Hi-Viz, Studio 42, Porcelain, Bad Boy, Firefox, Crablegs, Brother-at-law, T-Cell, Pumpkin Spice, Shadow, Hot Route (FNG), Crawlspace, Preacherman, Vector


PAX set off on a medium mosey around the baseball fields and MPCC over to the upper lot and circled up for a little warmup pain. All exercises in cadence.

  • SSH x 12
  • SnL Squats x 12
  • Merkins x 12
  • Mountain Climbers x 12
  • LBAC w/ Good Mornings x 12
  • Cherry Pickers x 12
  • Air Press x 12

Thoroughly warm and likely wondering when YHC was going to stop being polite and start getting real, the theme of the day was introduced. The PAX would go through the 12 days of Christmas building on each day in the same manner as the song, and those days went a little something like this:

  1. A Lap Around the Parking Lot
  2. Jump Squats
  3. American Hammers
  4. Clerkins
  5. Burpees
  6. Monkey Humpers
  7. Flutter Kicks
  8. Imperial Squat Walkers
  9. Hop Kicks
  10. Jump Lunges
  11. Thrusters
  12. High Knees

This turned out to not be as friendly as some would expect, but YHC is convinced it was at least friendly in spirit if not physically. What’s better than a bunch of grown men butchering a classic Christmas carol with shouts of “Six Monkeys Humping” echoing through the parking lot?

Upon completion of one final AYG lap, PAX moseyed back to the lot to hold a Boat Pose for 60″ in honor of the wet ground.



YHC got a little defensive when Hi-Viz and Bad Boy questioned his math, but there is speculation that perhaps it was either misspoken or misheard. Regardless, the point was ultimately made that Christmas would be Day 12 from this point in time. This was enough for YHC to build a workout around even if the true “Twelvetide” is Dec 25 – Jan 5. All is forgiven.


  • Libeery on 12/18 at 7:30 – Fat Bottom Brewery.  PAX will be discussing the F3 book Freed to Lead. Reading, while highly encouraged, is not required to join the fun.
  • Christmas Day workouts will be OYO. Coordinate amongst yourselves should you wish to work off the cookies and milk.
  • NYD Convergence to return to FRA aka The Hill. Likely time will be 0700 – 0800. Here’s hoping it’s not 7 degrees outside again.

PA out.

Baseball & 40s at Bomber

19 PAX made the right decision to take the DRP this morning and share some time in the gloom to get better together at Bomber.

PAX: T-Cell, Princess Aurora, Bicentennial Man, Firefox, Porcelain, Preacher Man, Trapper Keeper, Hi-Viz, Bad Boy. Crawlspace. Right Said. Ride Along, Pumpkin Spice, Shadow, Cunning Linguist (QIC), Lunchlady. Harvey Updyke. Tiny Dancer, Hambone

One-minute warning  at 0529 was followed by a brief disclaimer at 0530 (and after which YHC heard mumblechatter from some PAX about its verbosity), and then a brief mosey along Greenway to open area near the small playground for Warm-a-rama:

SSH x 20

LBAC x 15

rLBAC x 15

WMH x 16

Slow and Low Squat x 20

Count off 1-4 then another Mosey through the neighborhood and re-entry to Bomber near the smaller baseball diamond for Thang 1.

THANG 1: Field of Dreams

4s at Home Plate do 15 Burpees

1s at First Base do AMRAP Squats

2s at Second Base do AMRAP Merkins

3s at Third Base do AMRAP Big Boy Sit-ups

When 4s as a group are done with Burpees, all bases advance via Bear Crawl and perform next move. Wash, rinse, repeat. End once 4s return home.

Mosey to benches near the Community Center for Thang 2.

THANG 2: Forties 

Round 1:

30 Dips

10 Merkins

Followed by full lap around Community Center

Round 2:

25 Dips

15 Merkins

Another lap.

Five full rounds then planks until all have returned.

Circle up for THANG 3.

THANG 3: Circle Burps

YHC began by vocalizing “Down,” and all PAX performed Burpee. Moved clockwise along circle until all PAX have said, “Down” and we have performed as many Burpees as there are PAX.

Mosey back to parking lot area for 4MoM on our sixes:

Freddie Mercury x 15

American Hammers x 15

Boxcutters x 12

Flutter Kicks x 15

LBC x 15

Then, CoT for Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama, Sixth Man (Preacher Man), Announcements, Prayer Requests, and BoM, all followed by a heavily-attended coffeeteria.


  • YHC must admit that he is humbled by the turnout today and equally humbled that he is granted the opportunity to lead this group of HIMs. Every time YHC takes the Q, YHC is positively transformed and the hope is that the PAX feel even the slightest bit of that same transformation.
  • Today’s lesson learned was YHC focused ever-so-slightly on upper body to the detriment of the lower body, but seeing as it’s not a Friendly Friday, can we just consider that a minor flaw?


  • Let’s get a few more Qs on the sign-up sheet! Deets on Slack.  YHC is 100% willing to co-Q with anyone who hasn’t taken the Q yet.
  • Libeery on the 18th at 7:30pm at Fat Bottom. Book is Freed to Lead. Google it. It’s the well-written backstory of a men’s workout group that originated in Charlotte, NC. For more details, hit up Bicentennial Man on Slack.



Bomber 112318: Leftovers

CONDITIONS: 40 and calm at 0600 start. Nice sunrise.

PAX: Crawlspace, Tiny Dancer, Norm (F3 Raleigh), Right Said, Porecelain, Cunning Linguist, Shadow, Dutch Oven, Pumpkin Spice

QIC: Hi-Viz


WOR: Quick mosey to the nip, followed by 23 of each, IC: SSH, Merkins, Air Presses.

T-Cell (who was planning to Q, until a a last-minute logistical issue) provided YHC a turnkey workout, so it was fairly straightforward. Run the greenway and stop at nine points along the way to perform 23 of each of the following exercises to spell out LEFTOVERS.

L Lieutenant Dans
E Elevated Merkins
F Flutter Kicks
T Travoltas
O Overhead Presses
V V-Ups
E E2Ks
R Reverse Lunges
S Squats

We rounded the corner back into McCabe with two minutes on the clock, just in time to find Tiny Dancer and wrap up with Jane Fondas on each side for good measure.


Great work all around. Nice to have Norm from Raleigh visiting. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend. Viz out.

B.O.M.B.S. for Breakfast

16 HIMs made the right decision and escaped the Fartsack this morning to make themselves better.

VQIC: Cunning Linguist

PAX: Blue Mule, Studio 42, Porcelain, Ride Along, Hi-Viz, En Fuego, Vector, Lunch Lady, Preacher Man, Pumpkin Spice, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Right Said, Harvey Updyke, and Macaroni from F3Franklin


YHC gave a one-minute warning followed by a rather verbose disclaimer (during which mumblechatter was overheard surrounding the Weinke on my left arm), then we moseyed along the outside of Bomber and uphill (where YHC got  “turned around”) to the area euphemistically known as the “Bump” for Warmarama.

Warmarama consisted of:
SSH x 15
WMH x 12
LBAC x 12
rLBAC x 12
4-Count Squats x 12

YHC had PAX count off 1s and 2s, and strongly encouraged them to remember their neighbor.

Mosey to Park Smart sign near entrance of Bomber.

Main event was B.O.M.B.S. with 1s running to and looping around traffic circle outside Bomber while 2s started on:

Burpees x 50
Overhead Claps x 100
Merkins (called an audible) x100
Big Boy Situps x 200
Squats x 250

When 1s tagged in, they took note of 2s progress with Burpees and counted from there. Wash, rinse, repeat until Squats are complete.

Mosey back to main parking lot area for 3MOM:

Freddie Mercury x 12
Boxcutters x 12
Flutter Kicks x 12
American Hammers x 12
LBC x 12

Circle up and perform Countarama, Namearama, Sixth Man, and CoT. Highlighted Macaroni for putting YHC in the EH less than two months ago.


Lessons learned were a-plenty this go ‘round, but I cannot say enough positive things about the group of HIMs I have the opportunity to share 45 minutes with on the Big Ball every morning. I am humbled by the outpouring of support given to YHC, both today and up to now, and I look forward to my next Q.

They say you never forget your first, right?


• Let’s keep adding our names to the Q calendar. Cold weather is no excuse to avoid taking the DRP.
• Speaking of cold weather, props to Porcelain and Bagger Vance for sharing a link in the Slack channel for where we can procure additional gear and learn how to layer effectively.
• Post-workout coffeeteria discussion revolved around the planning of a HDHH in the near future. Be on the lookout for details very soon.

Bomber – 11.09.18 – “Gloomiest of Glooms”

17 HIM were keen to take the DRP on this Friendly Friday despite the rather unfriendly temps and pouring rain. YHC was proud to see so many on a day that would keep most in the fartsack.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Harvey Updyke, Cunning Linguist, Preacherman, Lunch Lady, Crablegs, Shadow, Frequency (Kotters), T-Cell, Blue Mule, Homeboy (WL-Cherokee), Porcelain, Ride Along, Tiny Dancer, Hi-Viz, Hot Mic (FNG), Pumpkin Spice


After a thorough disclaimer and introduction to F3, we took a quick mosey around the upper lot and up the big drive, splashing in the puddles along the way. COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • LBAC F x 10 (15 ct hold)
  • OH Claps x 10 (10 ct hold)
  • Air Press x 10 (5 ct hold)
  • LBAC R x 10

Back down to the end of the lower lot for the main event, a three exercise ladder with some Bernie Sanders thrown in. Exercise in (  ) for those who’ve done F3 longer than

  • Merkins x 15
  • Bernie Sanders to first median
  • Lunges x 15 e/s
  • Bernie Sanders to second median
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 e/s
  • Spring back to start

RnR with 14, then 13, on down to 5 for time’s sake. Plank progression to wait for six.

Head over to the wall for

  • Dips x 20
  • Irkins x 15
  • Slow MCs x 10
  • MCs x 10
  • Rear Leg Raise x 15″ followed by 10 Reps (R/L)


  • Flutter Kicks and Long Slow FKs until Q calls time



Said it already, but it’s days like this when you see the Magnet that is the 1st F. You’d be hard-pressed to find many who would so willingly get out in these conditions, and I’m grateful for all who did, especially my 22-year-old coworker, Chase now known as Hot Mic!


  • YHC on Stonewall Q tomorrow with something fun planned. Don’t miss out!
  • Remember our Veterans this Veterans Day
  • TWO VQ’s on tap for next week with Pumpkin Spice sharing a Q with Brother-At-Law at Titan and Cunning Linguist taking the reins at Bomber
  • Reveille is our 12th Man this month. Check the Slack for his leadership thoughts.
  • Umbrella has it for December, and he’s invited us all to an event at Richland Country Club on Dec 7. Check Slack for that, too.
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.


Bomber 11.2.2018: Reflections on Time

22 HIM came out into the gloom to reflect on time

PAX:  PA, Bad Boy, T-cell, Hi-Viz, Lunch Lady, Pumpkin Spice, Crawl Space, Right Said, En fuego, Duplex, Shadow, Ride Along (FNG), Hambone, Harvey Updyke, Crablegs, Bicentennial Man, Porcelain, Silver Medal, ABC, TK, Firefox, Vector (QIC)

Conditions:   Cool but comfortable, especially as many HIM debuted their new F3 wardrobe swag

Warm-o-rama:  Willy Mayes Hayes x 12, Good Mornin’s x 12, LBAC x 12, Seal claps x 12, Reverse LBAC x 12

Flashback:  November 3, 2017 – YHC arrived at Bomber with Ebola, unsure of what was about to happen.  Hambone on Q, several thoughts flashed across my brain about 4 minutes in as we bear crawled up the street next to Edley’s (1. “This is odd,” 2. “Holy crap, I’m out of shape,” and 3. “Don’t barf. Don’t barf. Don’t barf.”)

In the year that’s followed, I’ve gotten stronger, embraced the odd, and have not barfed.   More importantly, I’ve grown as a HIM and leader thanks to all of you.  So today, as I reflected on the passage of time, I decided we all should do the same.  Time is fleeting, often wasted, and finite.  We must use the time we have to better ourselves as leaders, men, husbands, partners, brothers, sons, uncles, etc.


It’s Time – Imagine Dragons (2012)

Days Go By – Dirty Vegas (2002)

Only Time Will Tell – Asia (1982)

4 Minutes – JT/Madonna (2008)

Time Has Come Today – Chambers Brothers (1967)

Too Much Time on My Hands – Styx (1981)

Closing Time – Semisonic (1998)

Clocks – Coldplay (2002)

Mosey to Rec Center Cul-de-sac. Clock shaped, it served well as our first exercise AO.  Partner up to race the clock:

#1:   On even numbers of the clock face, jump squats (12 reps, 10, 8 . . .) around the clock. Odd numbers, merkins.  Once group moves to 11, next group starts at 12.  PAX performed SSH (as seconds ticking away) until their turn to race.  Plank action when finished.

#2:  Evens: Squats.  Odds: Plank Jacks

Mosey to Hill for 7s (like the days of the week).  Lt. Dans at bottom, burpees at top.  On 3rd time up the hill (representing Wednesday, which of course is “HUMP DAY!” run down to other side of the hill and back, stop to perform the Bad Boy Honorary Lt. Dan Burpee x 4.

Mosey to Wall:  DID x 15 for 2 sets.  3rd set x 10 with focus on partner’s form.

Mary:  Circle up (like a clock) – PAX choice around the clock:  Flutter kicks, Hello Dollys, WW1s, Crunchy Happy T-cells . . . I mean Frogs, Ankle Taps, J-Los, Freddy Mercurys, Russian Twists

COT:   Welcome FNG Ride Along (a.k.a. Chris)!!  6th Man: Porcelain.  Congrats to Bad Boy and M for the gender reveal (It’s a girl!).

Thanks to all HIM for the past year.  I have truly grown in ways I had not planned or anticipated.  Value the time you have with your loved ones, and continue to strive each day to be better than the day before.



Bomber 10192018 | Focus: Form

CONDITIONS: Brisk. Winter is coming.

PAX: T-Cell, Dewey, Duplex, Porcelain, Shadow (FNG), Princess Aurora, Minnow Tank (FNG), Crawlspace, Crablegs, Cunning Linguist, Vector, Bad Boy, Trapper Keeper, En Fuego, Reveille, ABC

QIC: Hi-Viz

Mosey to upper parking lot. Today’s focus: Slow it down. Focus on form. Today’s about quality of movement, not quantity.

WOR: SSH IC X 20, Squats (Slow-N-Low) X 20 IC, 6-Count Burpees X 10 IC, LBAC X 10 IC, Beetle Baileys X 10 IC, Reverse LBAC X 10 IC

Count off 1s and 2s. Lose count somehow. Re-do count off.

THANG: Mosey to the end of the parking lot. 1s and 2s line up at different spots. Bear crawl zig-zag down the parking lot, forward, side, forward, side. Those waiting to go (and those who ended before others) knocked out some Lieutenant Dans.

6-Count Burpees X 10 IC

Mosey to the parking lot.

1s and 2s line up for relay, up the hill and back. Runner calls the exercise for those on his team.

6-Count Burpees X 10 IC

Rinse and repeat the relay, except runner calls the exercise for the other team.

6-Count Burpees X 10 IC

Grab some wall. Slow-N-Low DIDs X 10 IC.

6-Count Burpees X 10 IC

MARY: LBCs X 20 IC, Plank (~2:00).


NMM: T-Claps all around. Lots of hard work this morning. I’ve been wanting to Q a workout like this for a while, focusing on slowing things down to make sure all of us are doing things correctly, not just sort of doing them.

YHC has been thinking a lot about shortcuts lately. I challenged the group in this morning’s COT — and I’ll take the opportunity to challenge all of us — to look for the ways we’ve gotten into the habit of choosing shortcuts instead of choosing the more difficult or more costly way to correctly do things. It might be when you post. It might be at work. It might be at home.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today. And thanks for challenging me to get better at our AOs and throughout my life.

BH: Check out the #Leadership channel on Slack for the 12th Man effort we’re launching. Hit up T-Cell if you’re interested in being a HIM who helps out.

#PickneyPain next Friday. Crawlspace and Right Said have been ‘voluntold’ to take the Q. Sure to be a good one.


Bomber – 10.12.18 – “Nippy Out Here”

19 PAX posted on a wonderfully brisk morning for the 6th edition of Friendly Friday at Bomber.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Hi-Viz, Firefox, Lunch Lady, Trapper Keeper, Wahlburger (FNG), Dutch Oven, Duplex, Pop-A-Lock, Cobra Kai (FNG), Bad Boy, Crablegs, Cunning Linguist, Studio 42, Harvey Updyke, Porcelain, Blue Mule, Bicentennial Man


After a perfectly articulated disclaimer, we stepped off for a medium mosey out of the main drive, up Sloan, and over to “the Nip” for a COP:

  • SSH x 13
  • SnL Squats x 13
  • WMH x 13
  • LBAC F x 13 – 10 ct hold
  • LBAC R x 13 – 10 ct hold
  • Overhead Claps x 13 – 10 ct hold
  • Air Presses x 13
  • Merkins x 13

Count off 1s and 2s and mosey over to the upper lot where YHC has laid out cones for some team suicides. Starting in single file line, P1 runs to first cone and back to the back of the line. Each successive man runs to the first cone and back until all have gone at which point P1 runs to the second cone. Continue until everybody has run to the last cone and back. Between each round, teams performed the following exercises while they waited.

  • SSH
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Jump Squats
  • SSH

Mosey on down to the stone benches in front of Neighbors and pair up for some Bell Cow action. In pairs foursomes, call out an exercise for the rest of the PAX and then Indian run to the roundabout, bear crawl around, and return. Exercises, in no particular order, included:

  • Flutter Kicks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • SSH

Took the PAX to the playground to knock out a set of max pull-ups whilst the non-pullers planked, and then headed back to parking lot for…


  • Dixie Stampede
  • Bridge Sit-Ups
  • LBCs



Welcome to our FNG’s Eric and Luke, now known as Wahlburger and Cobra Kai. Both were up to the tasks before them, and I have no doubt they are ready for some less “friendly” workouts. Tclaps to Dutch Oven and Pop-A-Lock for getting them out here.


  • Prayers for all of those affected by Hurricane Michael
  • Praises for Bad Boy’s M entering her 18th week of pregnancy.
  • Bomber is still very alive, and we are exploring the possibility of a West Park AO
  • Chattanooga Training Day led by YHC was a success with many an FNG and even more muscle failure. Glad to have been a part.
  • Even on a bye week, go Tigers.

PA out.