Death March to the Danger Zone

AO: atlantis
Q: Three Stooges
PAX: SalPal, Cable News, Pole Dancer, Toothless, Firefox, Schnauzer, Hurl Mary
FNGs: None

Danger Zone – Side Straddle Hop to Kenny Loggins Danger Zone. Squat every time he sings “Danger Zone.”
Mosey to bigger parking lot.

Bataan Death March – Burpee Indian Run. PAX mosey in a line. Last man drops and does 5 burpees. They then run to catch the others, tapping the new last man for their burpees, and continue to the front of the line.
15 minutes came to 1.5 miles.

Mosey to Pizza Hut

Tabata exercise
2 sets: 1 min exercise/30 sec rest
Alabama Prom Dates

Plankpril 2 min plank

Finished with some Mary

Thank you all for a great VQ. We had a great turnout and I had a lot of fun. We keep working and getting stronger everyday. Tomorrow is going to continue to be better than it was today.

Plankpril – we’re at 2 minutes
Bring a Friend Under the Sea Day – May 2nd
The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny – May 9th
Show support at the new AOs if you can
pain-train(Fridays in Bellevue)
the-castle (Wednesdays & Saturdays in Hendersonville)
Chunks is having a UFC watch party with BBQ Saturday. See 2ndf for details.

Intentions were shared for friends and family members. Finished with an Our Father.


3, 2, 1…let’s count!

AO: atlantis
Q: Grape
PAX: Three Stooges, Cable News, Sally, Right Said, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold, but not cold enough for sleeves

Quick run around the parking lot to warm up my arms (@Sally reminded me that’s not how it works)
20 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 Moroccan Night Clubs

Let’s count animals!
1 Bear Crawl around the parking lot
2 minutes of Monkey humpers (this was much harder than I was expecting)
3 sets of 3×3 inchworm merkins
4 sets of 4 crunchy frogs

Mosey to the bigger parking lot

Let’s count down!
Dora 3-2-1
300 Squats
200 Merkins
100 BBSU’s
50 Burpees (I don’t think any group finished this)
Runner was going to the second tree and back

Mosey back to startex for Mary

MOLESKINE: super proud of the guys working hard. Was worried about Cable News for a bit, but like a true HIM he powered through! Also loved when Puzzlah would say “sweet” in a high pitched voice every time I gave him the rep count in the Dora. Thanks for having me y’all!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday, plankpril, murder mile

COT: everyone shared an intention, including prayers for family members and friends who are battling cancer, high school decisions for Puzzlah, and work stuff for Sally


That’s One Mötley Crüe

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Toothless, Siri, Sally, Three Stooges, Hair Band, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and Dry

WARMUP: Mosey, Active Warmups, Stretching

THE THANG: Plyo-rama! Perform exercises 1 minute on, 1 minute rest (run around the parking lot, back to start)

– Merkins
– Alabama Prom Dates
– Star Jumps
– Dips
– WW1s
– Supermans
– Mountain Climbers
– Diamond Crunches
– Iron Mikes
– Plank
– Left Plank
– Right Plank
– Squats
– Leg Raises
– Burpees

Finished up with Mary set to Shout at the Devil

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday for St. Paddy’s with bluemule, convergence at the end of the month

COT: Prayers for strength and courage through difficult decisions at work across PAX and family, along with prayers for grieving friends and family in their time of need.


Bench Warmers

AO: atlantis
Q: Firefox
PAX: Sally, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Three Stooges
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: No complaints

WARMUP: Many thanks to Three Stooges and Sally who joined me for 10 minutes of mindful breathing/meditation prior to starting. From there, we did a short parking lot mosey and stretching.

THE THANG: Despite the 2 months of lead time, all my theme ideas were a bit half-baked; so, I went simple. 4 sets of exercises, each repeated 3 times.

Set 1: The Sequence plus Broad Jumps
– 40x Plank Jacks
– 30x Mountain Climbers
– 20x Merkins
– 20x FLBACs
– 20x BLBACs
– 20x Air Presses
– Broad Jump across the short dimension of the parking lot and back

Set 2: Time to ride the bench!
– Step-ups with knee raise
– Bulgarian split squats
– One-legged stands (from seated position, while holding one leg off the ground, use your other leg to raise yourself to standing)
First round we did 20 reps per leg, then 15 reps, then 10 reps.

Set 3: Keep the benches warm! 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, rotating through the following:
– Bench flutters (with core engaged and seated on the ground facing the bench, hold one foot above the bench seat and the other below… then swap their positions)
– Decline mountain climbers (feet on bench seat, hands on ground)
– Copenhagen plank right side (PAX were encouraged to pick a modification that worked for them. Mine was with both feet on the bench, single forearm down on the ground, doing small knee crunches with my non-supporting leg)
– Copenhagen plank left side

Set 4: Did I forget to do any hollow body holds? 40sec on, 15 sec off… 3 times through. The last hold was challenging.
– Shoulder touch plank jacks
– Hollow Body Hold

MOLESKINE: This was my first time trying to incorporate meditation at both the beginning and end of a Q. Looking for feedback from the PAX (particularly Three Stooges and Sally, but definitely chime in Toothless and Pole Dancer) on how that went for you.

– Game Night 3/12
– Murder Mile

– Everyone shared.
– Everyone took 2 minutes of silence for prayer intentions, let their thoughts run their course, and then clear their minds.

Always an honor and privilege to lead, gentlemen!

F3 simple workout

AO: atlantis
Q: Pep
PAX: Salpal, Cable news, bitminer, three stooges
FNGs: 3 Cable news, bitminer, three stooges
CONDITIONS: pleasant mid temperatures

– pep-style mosie to playground
– little-baby arm cirles + reverse – 10
– seal clap – 15
– hillbillies – 15

– run around pavilion, alias pizza hut
– exercises
– burpees: 100
– bama prom dates (roll tide, y’all): 200
– firehydrants (each side is one): 300
– american hammers: 200
– ‘mericans: 100

– Salpal has read the sop from Chunks on getting FNG’s out. Well done, Salvatore.
– I missed Hairband’s presence today.

Pinch Hitter

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal , Natural Ice
PAX: Toothless, Right Said, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy Mid-40s

WARMUP: Slowzy + Light Stretching

THE THANG: @Natural_Ice was down for the count, but sent ahead 3 rounds of apocalypse countdowns:

Mega Apocalypse 1 + Mosey


Mega Apocalypse Deux + Mosey

2 Count Iron Mikes
Carolina Dry Docks

Mega Apocalypse Returns Again + Mosey

Hand release merkins
Lt Dan

We modified to count down burpees for time, had a minute left for light stretching.
Prayer intentions for firm foundations, healthy pregnancies, and life decisions. High quality discussion at coffeteria on sci-fi literature, corporate matchmaking services, the nature of changing behavior, and the ethics of true crime entertainment.

Q D’etat

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band , Salpal
PAX: Grape, Salpal, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: shrinkage with a side of fog and legs

2 laps mosey around parking lot
Imperial walkers

Sprints: 50%x2, 75%x2, 100%x1
Lunge walk around parking lot

5min of Hairy (Hair Band Mary, dubbed Hairy by @grape)

30 iron mikes
30 squat jumps

Mosey to Pizza Hut
3 rounds of Isometrics, holding 1min, If you break form everyone does a burpee
– squat
– plank
– balls to the wall

Arms Finisher:
– as many derkins as you can do in a minute, then half of that number for 3 more rounds. Hold squat when done

Normal Mary to finish

– @salpal is Atlantis’ new AOQ!!
– the new shovel flag was unveiled, see picture
– brewruck February 17th, check channel for deets
– brewsday/juiceday, @natural ice for the deets
– leanpax finishes up on saturday february 10th, stay strong fellas

Each man shared as Atlantis is a 3F AO and we take that more seriously than anything
– @puzzlah wife going into surgery next week, prayers for success, high quality and easy recovery
– @salpal wife finishing PhD, preparing for new baby in August, and work conversations
– @grape inviting a coworker to read through John with him
– YHC, traveling this weekend, for continued wisdom and resistance to temptation and glory to God in my relationship with Liz

It has been a great honor having Atlantis be my first leadership position in F3. I’m excited to see what’s in store next and I’m comforted knowing I’ve left this premier AO in good hands.

Rock on,

Hair Band

Under the sea, under the fog

AO: atlantis
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Salpal, Oatmeal, sooner, Hair Band, Black Lung
FNGs: None

SSH, GM, WMH, short mosey 🏃‍♂️
30ish each of squat tucks, iron mikes, burpees, and side plank with reach interspersed with hand target sparring  🥊

🏋️‍♂️ 50 lb sand bag carry to playground
💪 45 on, 15 off upper body circuit for 10 min
👣 Heavy Dora: pax alternated carrying sandbag around the picnic shelter and exercising until total was reached: 50 dips, 50 step ups, 50 squats (called off early for time)
🏋️‍♂️ Back to startex
⭕️ Mary and stretching

🍽️ #leanpax continues
🍖 The Hunger Games on Saturday
🐒 Night Moves next Wednesday, starting from The Nations Frothy Monkey
🔱 New Atlantis AOQ announced next Thursday
🙏 Gratitude for family wins for @Oatmeal @Black_lung and a work win for @Salpal, supplication for family strife for @sooner @Hair_band and YHC
🗣️ Closing words: James 3:13, 17f “… the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere…”

Insert Generic Witty Title About Cold Weather Here

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Firefox, Young Pawn, Hair Band
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost, but not quite, in the single digits club. Maybe next year boys.

WARMUP: A few misc. routines and an ill-advised lap around a frozen parking lot.

THE THANG: EMOM Stations: Burpees, Lt. Dan’s, 35 lb. KB Swings, Jump Squats, BB Sit-ups.

Ring of Fire + Howler Monkeys + Dealer’s Choice Mary to Close.

I took off a few clothes.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PARTY @Firefox feat. @Natural_Ice MEAT NEXT SATURDAY LETS GO. If you really wanna shop around F3 events, @Hair_Band has an event before at the Cookery. Night moves + new Atlantis AOQ announcement.

Prayers for Hairband’s family, Dinty’s Reno, Young Pawn’s wife RTO (first time this week), Foxy’s wife’s grant, and the homeless and isolated of Nashville.

Reply below if I missed anything. Honor to lead. GreenSallyOut.

Kultimate Kans

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, Salpal, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Hair Band, Firefox
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: brisk but not bright

WARMUP: active stretching


four things relay, lots of coaching… round 1-4 travels forward and back: murder bunny/redrum bunny, bear crawls/crawl bears, broad jump/backwards broad jump, mozey/jog

new game!!!
Ultimate KanJam, aka “Kultimate”
teams of 3, periodic exercises dictated by the q, general ultimate rules apply (5 stall count), hit the can-2 pts, in the kan-4 pts, in the slot-10 pts… play to 40… I thought we’d play best of 3, but turned into a turnover fest and only played 1 game.

share favorite memory below
– rugby scrum for the miss

a surprising number of announcements, leanpax, Firefox game night+hairband show on Jan 27, a special Atlantis night moves in February, others im sure im forgetting