16 October 2020


Temp: High 40s
Gloom Factor: High

PAX: Big Stick, Foxtrot, PSL, D’Mish, Dilly 2x, Topanga, Pedialyte, Bueller, Whopper, Faulkner, Dine n Dash

QIC: Bagger Vance

0529:55 Disclaimer Executed

Mosey the top loop


Count off in 4s and Grab a ‘Pon, head to the playground. As life would have it, we had a perfect 12 for the 12s Workout.

6 Rounds x 3 Movements x 12 Reps w lap in between.

RnR if you finish R6

R1 – Merkins, Squats, Lunges
R2 – Pull Ups, Pistol Squats, Coupon Swings
R3 – Knees to Elbows, Turkish Get Up, Reverse Burpees
R4 – Rows, Thrusters, Single Leg Deadlift
R5 – AST, Single Arm Push Press, Step Ups
R6 – Reverse Lunge Curls, Burpee Broad Jump, Skull Crushers

RnR as time permits

Mary –
High Plank 1’
Flutter Kix x 20 IC
Low Plank 1’
Flutter Kix x 15 IC
GMA x 6 IC


NMM: General consensus this was the workout of the year at CH. Also, need to clean up the ‘Pons, Foxtrot’s hands got dirty. Dilly2X played D1 ball and can do a legit Pistol Squat. The #4s not only were the fastest but had the best form overall.

BH: Prayers for parenting skillz


Titan – 10.14.20 – “The TITANium Dozen”

12 highly-motivated PAX took the DRP and posted in Titan’s gloom for some bodacious B.O.M.B.S. this morning.

PAX: Blue Mule, BnB, Crawlspace, Dfrost, Drago, Minus 3 (FNG), Natural Ice, Reveille (Kotters), Right Said, Siri, The Situation

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Low to medium. A slight chill left something to be desired, but them’s small potatoes.

At 0529, YHC called out that One Minute Warning.

Effectively disclaimed.

YHC then led the PAX up the hill near our interim parking lot for a quick loop and then we began the Warm-O-Rama at almost exactly STARTEX.

15 x SSH
12 x LBAC
12 x rLBAC
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

Next, YHC led the PAX on a mosey to near the entrance to the Parthenon where we began the Thang for today:

50 x Burpees
100 x Overhead Press
150 x Merkins
200 x Big Boy Sit-Ups
250 x Squats

PAX partnered up while Partner 1 began with Burpees and Partner 2 ran the original parking lot loop.
Rinse and repeat for the O.M.B.S.

Much fun was had by the PAX, some of whom were noticeably chatty this AM. YHC welcomes this, of course, but I wonder if B.O.M.B.S. is getting too easy for the PAX of F3 Nashville??


Upon completion, Siri gave us a 30 count and then we moseyed back to STARTEX for Mary.

10 x Flutter Kicks
10 x Hello Dolly
12 x LBCs
15 x Alabama Prom Dates
12 x Freddie Mercury

End Workout at 0615.

Y’all who continue to post at our workouts — you’re the true champions. Seriously, you all motivate me to improve myself each and every day. It’s that simple.

If you’re a reader of the Good Word, I’d encourage a quick glance at Romans 8:31-39 if you could use a pick-me-up.

-Continued thoughts and prayers were given to all of those who are suffering these days in silence and are either embarrassed or otherwise unwilling to ask for help. If you haven’t heard from a friend or family member recently, please check on them. Now is not the time to be silent, men!
-Let’s all extend a welcome the newest member of F3 Nashville, Minus 3!
-Kotters to Reveille! Welcome back, brother!
-To those interested in learning more about brewskis, BOLO for a Side Straddle Hops event in the not-too-distant future. Connect with Toothless on Slack for the deets.

This is The Artist Formerly Known as Colonel Angus, saying “Deuces!”


Westeros – 10.12.20 – “R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen”

15 High Impact Men evaded the fartsack and got better together by posting for an overdue Eddie Van Halen tribute workout.

PAX: Blue Mule, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Dfrost, Drago, High Flyer, Hi-Viz, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, Right Said, Rug Doctor, Siri, Spinal Tap (FNG), Vector

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Mostly Mild and Moist.


At 0529, YHC called out that One Minute Warning and then exactly one minute later, a rougher-than-usual Disclaimer was given (and this is further evidence that YHC needs to post and/or Q more frequently, as has been suggested by Vector, Michelin Man, Crablegs, okay, okay, I get it). Then, a quick mosey over to the right-side of the school (right-side if you’re facing the school straight away, that is) for WOR:


15 x SSH
12 x LBAC
12 x rLBAC
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats
10 Good Mornings OYO

Next, YHC explained THE THANG. Simply put, we needed to celebrate the legacy of a true guitar legend who recently left this mortal coil at the relatively young age of 65: Eddie Van Halen. Thus, we would spell the name Eddie Van Halen through our workout manuevers, starting with EDDIE:

20 x El Capitans (modified so the PAX remain in place, each leg being one-half count)
20 x Dry Docks
20 x Imperial Walkers
20 x El Capitans, part deux

30 second count courtesy of Drago, then mosey to the front of the school (which is technically always the front of the school, unless you’re facing the back of the sch…, okay, now I am seriously confused, so just forget I typed that) for the VAN:

25 x V-Ups
25 x Alternating Shoulder Taps (each shoulder is one-half)
25 x Norris Merkins (i.e., Merkins on your knuckles, a la the greatest veteran of our Air Force,  Chuck Norris)

20 count courtesy of Michelin Man, then another mosey to the left-side of the school for HALEN:

20 x Humpers IC
20 x Air Press
20 x LBCs
20 x Es of the Burpee variety
20 x Nightclubs of the Moroccan variety

With plenty of time left, we took another mosey along the street toward STARTEX for an impromptu bonus segment of the THANG — we would work out to the most popular song by Van Halen, which is “Jump” (and yes, Drago, I know the song came out more than a decade before you were born, but it remains a great song):

During the verses, Squats
During the chorus, JUMP Squats (totes obvi)
During the solo by Eddie Van Halen, some Side Straddle Hops

With even more time to spare, we sprinted to the end of the lot, and then planted ourselves on our sixes for a somewhat extended round of MARY:

12 x Flutter Kicks
12 x Boxcutters
15 x LBCs
Pigeon Stretch
Newton’s Cradle IC
10 x J-Lo’s
15 x Freddie Mercury
1 Min Free Stretch

End of Workout at 0615


An unexpectedly large turnout for YHC’s Q is both humbling and challenging but in the best of ways. It forces me to step up my game and deliver. My only hope is that we all broke a sweat and enjoyed the creativity on display (and who knows, maybe Van Halen is your new favorite band???) More seriously, I would like to thank you all for continuing to push me to be a better person by being a part of my life.


-Thoughts and prayers were given to all of those who are suffering these days in silence and are either embarrassed or otherwise unwilling to ask for help. If you haven’t heard from a friend or family member recently, please check on them. Now is not the time to be silent, men!

-Welcome to F3 Nashville, Spinal Tap! Looking forward to seeing you in the gloom more frequently (and golf clap to Natty Ice for the Emotional Headlock)!

-BOLO for a Side Straddle Hops event in the not-too-distant future. Connect with Toothless on Slack for the deets.

This is The Artist Formerly Known as Colonel Angus, signing off!


Westeros 9-28-2020: Celebrating Autumn by Killing Your Legs

14 HIM got in an autumnal (yes, BnB, that’s a real word – https://www.dictionary.com/browse/autumnal) mood at the first Westeros of the fall season.

PAX:  Vector (QIC), Hi-Viz, Harvey Updyke, Cub Cadet, Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice, Drago, Blue Mule, T-cell, Cunning Linguist, BnB, Michelin Man, Natural Ice plus a wandering Black Lung who found the PAX at 6:14:58

Conditions:   Cool mid-60 degrees.

Disclaimer given. Mosey to side of WEMS for the

Warm-o-rama:  LBAC x 15, Overhead Claps x 15, RLBAC x 15, WMH x 12, Good Mornings Apocalypse with 10 reps, LBAC x 12, RLBAC x 12, SSH x 15

Decided that the many trees, slight breeze, and rustling of the leaves made this the right location for the main event:

Main Event:
A:  American Hammers
U:  Usual Merkins
T:  Tysons, Mike (a.k.a. Iron Mikes)
U:  Usual Squats
M:  Mountain Climbers
N:  Newton’s Cradle

100 reps of each (and for A, T, M, and N, each leg/side = 1/2 rep, a decision Q would regret by the end). Between sets, run around (or if you are Pumpkin Spice, through) the tree-filled glen to Bowling Ave.

Playlist:  Selected to emphasize the autumnal (BnB, there’s that word again) theme.

DISCLAIMER:  Autumn-themed songs are pretty limited, and because we start to get sad about the end of summer, they tend to be mopey and slow.  Not ideal for a work-out.  So some doozies in this list (of course, CL kept pointing out better songs I missed . . . Fall on Me by R.E.M., songs by Fall Out Boy, etc.).

Sweater Weather – The Neighborhood (2013)
Fall Down Toad the Wet Sprocket (1994)
Wake Me Up When September Ends – Green Day (2004)
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground – White Stripes (2001)
Seasons Change – Expose‘ (chock full of 80’s cheesy sax playing, 1987)
September – Earth, Wind, & Fire (1978)
November Rain – GnR (1991)
The Boys of Summer – The Ataris (2003)
Yellow – Coldplay  (like the color of the leaves . . . it works and I stand by it) (2000)

Several key items to note:

  1.  Because Drago was born after most of these songs came out, I have added the year of release.  (Note the paucity of 80s songs, my friends.  Vector’s branching out!)
  2. T-cell got an extra groove in his step when November Rain hit, recalling the (#1 at the time, now a respectable #25 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_music_videos) very expensive video complete with wedding between GnR lead singer Axl Rose and supermodel Stephanie Seymore, at the time his girlfriend (sadly, it didn’t work out):

3.  Some mumble chatter by the over 40 crowd about my choice to not use the Don Henley version of Boys of Summer.  YHC was trying to remain hip and cool (as the kids say, I think) to the younger members of the PAX.

Second Round:  A quick, due to time, shout out to the informal season name.  25 reps each of
F:  Frogs, of the Crunchy Variety
A:  Alternating Side Squats
L:  Lt Dans
L:  LBCs

Sprint like an autumnal (attn: BnB) breeze to the cars.


  • Thanks for T-cell’s impending new arrival and Blue Mule’s renewal of vows.

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning. I must say, as the older (NOT elder) statesman of F3 Nashville, I worry that some may see my Q on the calendar and think “Hmm, a lighter day . . . nice!”  So I try to amp up the exercises (while avoiding the running — you’re welcome, Natural Ice).  Based on the Slack post-Q mumble chatter, mission accomplished.  Made this older (NOT old) dude feel a bit better.  


Starting Over

PAX: Redskull, Cowboy, B&B, Bagger Vance, Toga (QIC), Black Widow, Shoota, Detective Pikachu, Little Show, Clean Plate, Left Twix, Bouchee, Hobby Lobby, T Cell, Hambone, Black Lung, Noble Virus, and various others…

22 redwoods posted to get stronger and focus on working past perceived limits today.  Here’s how it went down:

Preamble then mosey to gravel lot for warmarama.  Mosey to STEM building for modified curb crawls= The standard issue curb crawl up to 7, but the merkins are not executed until everyone is on the line.  Crowd Pleaser!

Mosey to front of STEM school for a little isometric fun= 7 rounds of wall sits and inverted row holds for 30 secs.  Team one holds up the wall while team two holds the top of the row.  Flapjack and repeato for seven cycles.

Mosey to bball court for the ever popular “Death by Shuttle Run”= 10 yd shuttle run adding one rep EMOM.  We started at 5 and went to 15.

On your six for Mary.

COT with YHC taking us out.

NMM: We all have challenges, and we all need to be together when we’re overcoming them.  The PAX put in some solid work today as everyone was pressed to get on the same page to complete the workout.

Stay Classy,


The Racetrack 2020-9-30

PAX: Hugs not Drugs, Umbrella, Faulkner, Venus, Penny Loafers, Wedding Singer, Olan Mills, Not a Sport, Tampa Libra, Nurse.Rachet, Offshore, Toga

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Disclaimer and mosey to the base of Mt. Parking Garage.


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10


Mosey to inside parking deck at bottom of ramp to level 2

  • Burpees x20
  • backpedal up ramp
  • sprint straightaway together

at level 2

  • Merkins x40
  • repeat backpedal and sprint on next level

RnR with

  • Squat jumps x60 (level 3)
  • LBC x80 (level 4)
  • 4-count flutters IC (level 5) – quite popular

After sprint at top of deck, mosey back to bottom for round 2:

RnR with

  • Burpees x10
  • Merkins x20
  • Squat jumps x30
  • LBC x40
  • flutters x50

Mosey back to start right on time.

Announcements: Umbrella and Toga leading book study. See slack posting for details.

Great to be back in the saddle and always an honor to lead.


11s Never Felt So Good

PAX: Not a Sport, Nurse Ratched, Wedding Singer, Toga (QIC), Offshore, Boone’s Farm (KOTTER), Hugs Not Drugs (kotter), Umbrella, Penny Loafers, Venus

Gloom Factor: 70 and Sunny

Ten redwoods moseyed on over to GWP to get a little stronger in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Watch Toga and Not a Sport fail to get the flag in the ground (there may be pills for this?) then mosey to the GWP parking lot for warmarama.  Mosey to playground for 11s=

  • 11s with Pull-ups and merkins
  • Break for Mary
  • 11s with Chin-ups and

Mosey to ballpark for 30 muscle ups then rush it on back to the parking lot for COT, YHC took us out.

NMM:  It’s always an honor to lead, and there was a bigger than usual PAX at the Cow.  New faces, old faces returning and .. Venus.

Stay Classy,


Weight v Wait Vol. IV

Weight v Wait Vol IV

TEMP: 55

Spanish Fly (FNG), VolDawg (FNG), Honey Do, Blue Mule, Chew Toy, Hambone, Booshay, Det Pikachu, Black Widow, T Cell, Boing, Right Said, Red Skull, Clean Plate, Lil Show, Shootuh, Hack Face, Noble Virus, Rainman, Left Twix, Horse Hockey, Hobby Lobby, Toga, Bambi, Black Lung, Bagger Vance (QIC)

IW X 13 IC
HB X 13 IC
OK Mornings x 13 IC

Mosey to Front Parking Lot
Partner up, one F3er and one 413er
Coupons are for the 413er to carry on his own. He may ask for help but the F3 PAX can’t take block without being asked for help.


(PAX w no partner or block performed flutter Kix)

Mosey to the rails by way of the back sidewalk, Iron Mike and wait for the 6








Mosey back to STARTEX




Weight v Wait Q

We all carry a weight, sometimes its visible like our coupons the 413ers carried. Sometimes its not visible like the dark things we don’t want exposed. Point is, we all have it and we all have others that are here for us to help shoulder that burden. We also wait on what is to come, that which is expected but not seen. We have a faith in something bigger than ourselves that sustains us.

The 413ers have both a Weight and to Wait for the next chapter to unfold. It is our duty as HIM to walk alongside and encourage them.

I was reading Deuteronomy 1:30-31 this am and it reminded me of the waiting we all have to do. The Israelites were waiting on the Promised Land and Moses was reminding them of how God fought for them in Egypt and picked them up as a father does with his child. It just seemed to fit with this am Q.


Tortoise n Hare on Tuesday.

Praying for Noah and his family.


Coupon Monday

Labor Day Q

Temp: 73
Gloom: Nil

PAX: High Flyer, Big Bang, Works for a Guy, Yard Sale, Venus, Dine n Dash, Tampa Libra, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Disclaimer 0529:30

WOR: Mosey the top loop, grab a block and head to the bus loop.

P1 Works
P2 Runs

R1: Squats
Front x 24
Overhead x 24
Bulgarian x 12 (R/L)
(Flutter Kix)

R2: Hinge
Perfect Mans x 12 (R/L)
Coupon Swings x 24
Dead Lifts x 24
(V Ups)

R3: Press
Chest Press x 24
Thrusters x 24
Merkins x 24

R4: Pull
Curls x 24
Coupon Drags x 12 (R/L)
Bent Rows x 24
(V Ups)

R5: Carry
Lunge Walk Press x 24
Bear Hug (speed bump to speed bump)
Farmer Carry (SB2SB)

Pons back to the shed, PW46

Flutter Kix x 24 IC
Merkins 6 SnL IC
LBC x 24 IC
Merkins 6 SnL IC
Pistol LBC x 24 IC
Merkins 6 SnL IC
Ola Dollies x 24 IC
Merkins 6 SnL IC



Hearty group of HIM to honor those who Labor. So great to have one of the OGs, Big Bang back out in The Shire.


Shirt order still live, link here: https://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-nashville-records-pre-order-september-2020

Prayers up for the Sinclair family (Ludwig)

Prayers up for the young men who recently graduated 413. We also recently lost Sleeves from this last class. Red Skull is going to assess the demeanor on campus today and I will give y’all an update.



PAX: Umbrella, Ponzi, Quiver, Ginger, Hugs not Drugs, Venus, Penny loafers, Black widow, Boone’s Farm, Not a sport, Olan Mills (QIC)

Disclaimer and mosey to the base of Mt. Parking Garage.


  • SSH x 15
  • Good Mornings x10
  • Willie Mays Hays x10
  • Baby Arm circles x10….Reverse x10


  • Freddie Mercury x1 min
  • Flutter Kicks x 1 min
  • Leg Lifts x 1 min
  • J-Lo’s x 1 min
  • LBC’s x 1 min

Head for the stairs

  • Hustle up the stairs…25 Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • Hustle to other stairwell…25 Burpees
  • Bottom of stairwell…25 Derkins, 25 Aerkins
  • Hustle back over to starting position and commence 5 minutes of Mary

Rinse & Repeat with 20, 15 reps