Loving you was like Red

AO: middle-tooth
Q: t-cell
PAX: Focker, Young Pawn, Toothless, Michelin Man, Chariot, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Betty Ford, DrRupp, Subway, sooner, FeelTheBerns
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS:Warmer than expected. Lots of Red. We were in our Red era. Then the power of TSwift took over and we let her take us where she wished as we fired up the Red album.

WARMUP: 22 SSH, some GM and WMH, followed by some baby arm circles and squats.

THE THANG: Long mosey down Granny White, so much so that MM thought we were headed back to Lipscomb. Wrong. Headed to the Hill!

11’s with 2 exercises = 22 (fuzzy T Swift math) Burpees at the bottom, drop squats up top.

Mosey over to the pavilion where we worked out next two either a dead body or a man sleeping. We will never know, we had DID business to attend to. 25 dips, 20 inclines, 15 declines for 3 rounds.

MARY: No time!

Brewsday, Gobbler, check the Slack

COT: Grateful for Fockers vulnerability and sharing over some recent victories and growth. He’s a true HIM.

Mighty Ducks/Flying V

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, Malibu, morning star, Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, Siri, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), AAA, Timber, Smoltz 2.0, Bumble Bee 2.0, Big Red 2.0
FNGs: None
No complaints

1. Mosey to stop sign and back
2. Arm Circles
3. Don Quixotes
4. Slow Merkins
5. Slow Pushups

Triple Deke!
Partner up to complete 100 Merkins, 200 big boys, 300 squats. 1 partner runs to backstop and back while the other is doing reps.

Triple Deke (Part Deux)
Partner up to complete 25 Pull Ups, 50 American Hammers, 75 step ups. 1 partner “Apollo Ono’s” around the playground (ice skating)

3 reps of run down the hill, politician back up

15 Supermans with 3 count hold called out by @malibu

No Noise November
Hoblin Gobbler Run on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Cold Plunge with @Morning_star

Prayers for those men who could not make it this morning and those on the fence about coming.

My college coach ended every workout by saying, “Take care of yourself, then if you can, take care of someone else.” For a long time I thought this was selfish. Aren’t we called to be men for others?

As I age, I realize it is impossible to take care of others unless I’m fundamentally fit – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thankful to this group of men who are helping me in all three areas.

Stay classy out there

AO: iiipillars
Q: Zelenskyy
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, Pep, Tackle Box, Go Fish, Black Lung, Harbaugh, wardas1, YumYum, Two Face, Old Crow, Swiffer, Bard
FNGs: 1 Bard
CONDITIONS: warm and bright

WARMUP: mosey to field and do 2 laps
15 SSH
15 Face pulls
20 mountain climbers
15 WMH

THE THANG: 1. Bearpees: 🐻
Line up across the field, OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward. Once you get to other side, rinse and repeat adding another Burpee. Get to 4 burpees.
2. Aiken Legs 🦵
Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Iron Mikes (10 each leg forward). 3 sets. Run a lap
3. B.O.M.B.s 💣
Partner up. Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 runs to the other end of the field. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete. The exercises and reps are: 30- Burpees / 60- Overhead Claps / 90- Merkins / 120- Big Boy Sit-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hobblin’ Gobbler on Thanksgiving
No noise November

COT: prayers for Pep traveling to see his dad
Prayers for Mike and his ALS diagnosis
Prayers for various health issues at SPCA (Florez, Cleek, Osenga)

A Nod to Bobby Knight

6 November Q

Temp : 55
Gloom : High
PAX : Michelin Man, Focker, Pedialyte, EZGO, Esposa, Deep State, CCR, Red Skull, Accounts Receivable, Movin On Up, Winona, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Mosey Bus loop.

Spider lunge
Reach throughs
90/90 Hip mobility w reach
Dynamic Hamstrings x 10 R/L
Reach backs

EVO I Playground
20” dead arm hang
5 Merkins, 10 Squats, 20 Lunges
RnR x 5

EVO II Basketball Court
Butt Burners x 10 R/L
Block Swings x 10
SGL arm shoulder press x 5 R/L
RnR x 5

EVO III Parking Lot
Frog Hops F/R
High Skips
Bear Crawl
Gorilla Walk
Crawl Bear
Gorilla Walk
High Skips (R)

Pistol LBC R X 10 IC
Ola Dolly x 10 IC
Straight leg raise R x 10
Ola Dolly x 10 IC
Straight leg raise L x 10
Ola Dolly x 10 IC
F Kix x 20 IC
Pistol LBC L X 10 IC
90/90 Hip Internal/External Rotation x 10


BH – Hobbling Gobbler Thanksgiving morning. 0600 from Green Machine lot. Food, drinks to follow.

TAP – EZGO’s friend whose cancerous tumor miraculously disappeared.
The Gunn family and Derek’s battle with cancer.
The Mayernick family and Mike’s battle with ALS.



Partner Smartner

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Papa Bear, Pep, Sherlock, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wolfpack, 1 DR from Blount County TN
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Dark and Crisp

Mosey around Start Ex
– partner up at parking lot
– Over/Under – 1 min each

Part 1
– Partner 1 sits on 6 with arms out to side doing heel taps in front
– Partner 2 jumps over arms/legs in clockwise manner
Part 2
– Partner 1 alternates low/high plank
– Partner 2 jumps over then crawls under
Part 3
Bear Crawl Tag – if your hand is touched then you leave the game area and do 5 burpees before re-enter

Mosey to Playground
Dora Dora Dora
Same partners – partner 1 runs building perimeter while partner 2 does below
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 squats
200 american hammers

Mary – Go – Round for 10 minutes w/ each Pax choosing their favorite

Join #nonoisenovember

Upcoming travel and family dynamics surrounding those opportunities.

King of the Hill

AO: thebuffalo
Q: greyalbum
PAX: 40 Minutes, The Bobs, Ultratecht, Hot Route
FNGs: None
Extra crispy

Mosey down the park road
Mountain Climbers
Worlds Greatest Stretch
Mosey back to bball court

Took coupons to base of Long Ave hill
One man runs up to the top to complete exercise while men at the bottom all run through separate exercises. Cycle through all PAX R&R

1. Top of hill – 10 blockees/bottom of hill squat thrusters with coupon

2. Top of hill 15 V ups with coupon/bottom of hill overhead press, curls, skull crushers, goblet squat, lunges, bus drivers

3. Top of hill 20 overhead press/bottom of hill curls, skull crushers, goblet squat, lunges, bus drivers

Seated Freddie Merc
Prom Dates
Side Planks
Box cutters
Flutter kicks
American Hammers


COT: Each man gave a brief life update on how they’re doing open to interpretation. We had a strong time of sharing. We all need each other. One person shared that they’ve learned with age that true strength is shown in your ability to ask for help.

Struggle bus: Grisham WOD

AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Skeet, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Right Said, Dan and Dave, Hair Band, greyalbum, Mullet, toga, Ginger, Decaf, Knuckles, Ringworm, baggervance, Thunder Duck, Hacker (Franklin), Young and Restless, Shocker (Mark Holmes), backtrack, pizzalot?, hops, re-inlist, peewee, sally the camel, peach fuzz, flipper, red shark, cool cucumber, iron lung, two more that split before the count
FNGs: None

Burpee-pocalypse 10 down to 1

Burpee over block x 5
Block press x 5
R&R x 10, 15. 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

The Grisham WOD was the welcome party workout for STRUGGLE 001 so YHC thought it only fitting to show the 4:13 men who opted out, and the F3 PAX who were unable to attend, what was up. The STRUGGLE 001 class endured this workout, q’d by @bigbang, after admin and before leaving the grounds. After completing this workout they still had 8hrs and 10+ miles left to go. Mad respect for these men, they absolutely crushed it then and did it again with confidence this morning.

Re-inlist was Team Lead for this portion during Struggle 001 so I thought it was only fitting he bring us home for the last 4 rounds

I felt like the 4:13 men earned the right to choose Mary so they had the option of typical core work or the burpee-pocalypse. @IronLung loudly chose burpees for the group, which was super fitting for this class. He even took over calling out the rounds “3 BURPEES SIR, DOWN!” 😂

– Praise report for the Gunn family
– Prayers for @HairBand and his family navigating the death of a great-grandparent and the related family strife
– Praise again for the $5k from the F3 Foundation
– YHC shared that on Nov 21 we’ll be adopting a little girl we’ve been fostering for 1.5 years now
– Signing Day tomorrow!

Lights Out

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, Pebbles, Sooie, Timber, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
27 degrees 🥶, starry ✨

30 breaths at a tempo of 66bpm. 2 count inhale, 2 count exhale. Breath hold and merkins until failure or Needtobreathe
20 SSH
15 BAC
10 Don Quixote
Stretch/shakeout OYO

3 cones scattered throughout the knoll. Mosey to each cone and perform the following plank exercises:
20 thigh taps
20 shoulder taps
20 rotating planks
20 leg raises
20 arm raises

2 teams, 3 cones per team. Each team sets their illuminated cones in the “end zone”. Teams send a runner sprinting to the end zone, perform an exercise 5x, then either turn the light out on the opposing team’s cone, or return to re-light an extinguished cone. 1 point awarded when a team extinguishes all 3 cones of the opposing team. Change exercise with each point. First to 5 wins.
Iron mikes
Dry docks
Big boy sit-ups
Jump squats
…it was a shutout 5-0 ☹️

15 leg lifts
15 emperor penguins
Flutter kicks for 1 minute

Hobblin’ Gobbler
Polar plunge

YHC shared 5 things I’m hoping to get out of No Noise November. Reflected on quote from Blaise Pascal: “The sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room.”
Prayer requests.
Prayed and 15 seconds of silence.
Enjoyed good mymblechatter over some Sooie Brewie ™️

Rain on Rain on Rain

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: greyalbum, Hot Route, Ultratecht, Quik Stik, The Bobs
FNGs: None
Lots of Rain

Standard stuff

“The Alex Workout” Had to call an audible due to the rain, so we ran to the bridge and back with some burpees interspersed.

No noise november about to kickoff

Thankful for brotherhood

On Turning 30 and Batman

AO: westeros
Q: Siri , Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, Crawlspace, Salpal, Pep, Red Skull, Black Lung, Vector, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Grape
FNGs: None

WARMUP: everyone took a card to randomly assign roles for the workout. RedSkull was Batman, Right Said was Joker, and the rest of us were citizens of Gotham initially loyal to Batman. SalPal led us through some semi-wet warmups.

THE THANG: burpees and pull ups, pull ups and burpees, courtesy of SalPal. Training the PAX for the canonical 1,000 lbs that Batman was able to lift. Then we hustled off to the tennis courts where Siri took over.

Joker do side straddle hops and call different exercises for team Batman to do, and call cadence. ~5 minutes. Intent is for joker to play games with his enemy. Anyone who needs to bow out can join team joker and do side straddle hops.

Freeze tag for Joker to pick off members of Batman’s crew. Joker has 30 seconds to tag as many people as possible. Whoever he tags joins his team and helps him tag others.
Rest of the workout is a competition between team Batman and team joker.

Relay race: bear crawl up the steps, crawl bear back down, one pax at a time. Rest of the PAX do merkins while they wait. Winning team gains one of the other team’s members.

Relay race across the field. Each person sprint down and back then tag the next person. PAX do abs while they wait. Everyone sprints 2 times.

Relay race at the playground. Each person does 30 merkins while his team does dips. Everyone goes twice.

At this point the teams were pretty evenly split between Batman and Joker.
2-minute Ring of Fire to close out.