National Parks Road Trip Tabata!

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Sparrow, AAA, Papa Bear, Timber, Wolfpack, morning stār, The Merchant, Pebbles, Tea Party, G-string, Sooie, El Capitan, Bookworm, Fishbiscuit, Tonks, Bumblebee, Eevee
FNGs: 1 Eevee
CONDITIONS: Muggy mid-70s


– Bacs + bacbacs 15x
– Downward dog + cobra + plank leg stretch
– Willie mays hays OYO
– Imperial Walkers 15x
– Motivators to 5


National Parks Road Trip Tabata
(1:45 on, 30 sec. rest, rotate)

It’s good to backpack with a buddy- pair up to visit the Parks together.

1. (Joshua Tree) Hangs Monkey bars
2. (Acadia) Tandem leg-lift thrusters: lie on backs with linked arms, lift & kick sky with both feet
3. (Black Canyon) Dips
4. (Arches) Lieutenant Dans with 18lb. cases
5. (Denali) Coupon floor-to-ceiling (49lb. Case + 29 lb. case + boulders for 2.0’s)
6. (Sequoia) WW2s with axe throws
7. (Everglades) Swing presses
8. (Death Valley) Line touch moseys

Repeat circuit 2x


The National Parks have been called America’s Best Idea. There are few natural places in the world more glorious than the Parks. Visiting one causes you to feel a sense of smallness, wonder, and gratitude for the opportunity to just be “here.”

Some of my favorite memories with my family growing up are at the Parks, especially as our family business began creating National Parks artwork + products.

I encourage each of y’all to go visit the Parks when the opportunity arises & make memories with those you love. Cherish this American heritage that has been preserved for you & your children to enjoy.


Check Slack for the latest F3 news & updates.


Countorama & Nameorama (welcome @Eevee!)

Ended with the Lord’s Prayer & gave thanks to our Father in Heaven for our health & the fellowship of the PAX. It was a joy getting stronger together today.

Thank you Sooie for the Brewie!


Back 2 School!!! :books:

AO: atlantis
Q: Toothless
PAX: Pep, Schnauzer, SalPal, Siri, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: True to it’s name, we were underwater at atlantis – swimming through the air


– 30 x SSH
– 10 x WMH (oyo)
– 10 x Windmills
– 15 x Overhead Claps
– 15 x Seal Claps
– 15 x Moroccan Night Clubs
– 15 x Imperial Walkers


School Bus Route
Start with a one-mile Indian run “school bus” with stops along the way. Head around the park perimeter toward Morrow and the rec center, turn right and follow outer path all the way around by the river and almost to post before cutting across above the fields to the treatment plant.

Every time the rotation completes 2x the stop sign comes out and the PAX have to give 10 Prisoner Squats. After all, schools are basically prisons. Aim for 100+ squats, 10+ stops.

Core Subjects
Split into groups, post up at each station with 1 group running around the water tower as a timer. The other groups split up and go to 1 of 4 stations, performing an exercise until the runners return.

– “Apart” vs “a part”
– Hello Dollys, spread those legs “apart”

– Ratios, multiplication
– Captain Thors 1:4 ratio of Big Boy Sit-ups to American Hammers

– Inertia
– J-Lo’s, it takes force to stop movement in a given direction

– First public school in the country predates the country’s founding
– Boston Latin School founded in 1635
– 1 Clerkin, 6 Supermans, 3 Peter Parkers, 5 Mountain Climbers

Once PAX complete each station and are back to their “homeroom”, they serve detention. Complete 20 burpees. SSH in silence to get out of detention, otherwise 20 more burpees, repeat til successful.

Mosey back to post & stretch til time


You would think with this small of a group of PAX and as sharp as they all are that we would have gotten out of detention in one go, but alas! Turns out this Breakfast Club did not want to part ways, so they stayed in detention til the end. YHC was merciful and cut 5 burpees from the penalty each time, leading to a total of 50 burpees to close out the workout.

Also YHC was surprised that no one recognized the Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks songs that played during our core subjects round, including the fabled I’m Just a Bill.

– Announced the 5k which looks like it went well
– HUGE announcement about the goings on this week at atlantis, HC for an AOQ transition!! :trident:

Prayers for…
– Siri’s work dynamic and conversation
– SalPal’s wife’s career journey
– Schnauzer’s wife’s friend who lost her husband while expecting their second

As always, it was an honor to lead men! See you this Thursday!!! :trident:
— Toothless :tooth:


AO: cruelhall
Q: Accounts Receivable
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Cal Worthington, Donkey Hammer, Focker, Mistah Mistah, Pedialyte, Topanga, Winona
FNGs: None
F3 Backblast 7/26/24

Warm Up
Side straddle hops
Yoga stretches
10 Burpees

Indian run down to Ellington and back
Grab blocks head to pavilion

Tabata Workout
4 sets / 4 cycles
1. Box jumps
2. Kettle bell swings
3. Curl to press
4. Iron crosses

Back up to parking lot for sprints.
4 sets of:
-sprint down
-Bernie back
-5 atomic merkins

Round robin fave core exercises.

Lead like Jesus did….as a servant.

At least I caught it

AO: handsomizer
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Natural Ice, Rocket Mortgage, Right Said, bluemule, Blueliner, DintyMoore, Wet Wipes, Good Morning America, Chunks, Salami, Patty, Hedwig, DintyLess
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Humidity 10/10

Mosey to Bottom Of Stairs
OYO stretching
Bearway to heaven

Kickball! With 5x Squat Jumps every 3 outs
The Ground
The Foul Line

It was a pleasure to end my F3 Nashville Journey with my last Q at the AO that Natural Ice, BnB, Blue Nile, and I started. I have loved every second of working out in the Gloom with you boys, and when we visit Nashville, I’ll SYITG

Combined going away and our 2.0’s first bday party tomorrow. Details will be on 2nd F channel
5K at Handsomizer tomorrow night through Nashville SC. Contact Salami for details

I’m moving August 3rd to Woodruff, SC. I would appreciate your help in loading the uhaul starting at 6am on 8/3. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Please HC to me so we will know how much to buy.

I’ll be at some AOs next week, but this was my last Q here.
So, for the last time in Nashville, DP out.

Mostly Murph

AO: pain-train
Q: Grape
PAX: Timber, G-string, Papa Bear, Pitmaster, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: starting to get darker in the mornings

WARMUP: SSH, LBAC F, LBAC R, OH Press, Seal Claps

THE THANG: almost a full Murph (finished with 1.5 miles)

MOLESKINE: thanks for having me out today. My knee was not happy with the running, and everything inside me wanted to fartsack this morning. I already can tell my day is going to go better because I did something hard before the sunrise. I appreciate you HIM

ANNOUNCEMENTS: come out to thestronghold sometime!

COT: prayers for G-string great grandma
Prayers for our country per Papa Bear
Prayers for the fathers out there per Timber


100 Burpees

AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Decaf, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, bluemule, Chunks, Dan and Dave, toga, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Layup, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory
FNGs: 14 Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Layup, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory

WARMUP: Standard Warmup in the lot

Mosey 1/2 mile to the lot across from the helipad. Circle up for 5 burpees EMOM with various exercises to execute during the time remaining within each minute. These included SSH, squats, LBCs, etc.

Mosey to the lot across from the STEM school to execute the same as above.

Mosey back to the main lot for 10 more burpees for a total of 100 burpees.

T Swifts Greatest Hits

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to the lower parking lot for some SSH, Arm Circles and stretches


95% of Men over the age of 35 will never sprint again. So, if I Q we will not be in that 95%.

Ran some sprints and skips. Dilbert is faster than expected. Speed and Power.

Then moseyed around the park on the greenway.

Got back to the Startex for some ab work and then some broga to finish with other stretches.

MOLESKINE: Was an honor to lead at the discipline. So excited to see F3 North growing. Small PAX today, but that has become a trend with my Qs recently. LOL

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dilbert accepted a new job. Wow, he’s a man in demand. Congrats bro. Dizzy Doc has added a new addition to his PAX.

COT: Prayers for all the men there and the men not there. Thanks HIMs.

Summer Fun

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Black Lung, bluemule, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, Salami, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clydesdale friendly


Warm Up –
Ring of Fire – merkins (stopped at 200)
– tap out = high knees
25 SSHs
25 Dips
20 Shoulder Taps
Partner Up

Partner/Teams Challenge
– Wheel Barrow to Agility Course (5 burpees each switch or at finish
– Ninja Rap Merkins
– 4x4s – (burpee, plank, mtn climber, merkins) while partner completes Bearcrawl and Agility Ladder on field

Complex Mary (20 count)
– Alabama Prom Date – LBC
– Vector Ups – Box Cutters
– American Hammers – Crunchy Frogs
– Inch Worm – Shoulder Taps

F3 is not fun

gullivers-travels-challenge continues, nearing halfway point.

handsomizer convergence on Friday with bomber closing for kickball challenge

Run to the Castle at handsomizer – come and join Salami and YHC for some bonus f3 bonding.

Summer time coverage for what remains for those traveling and interacting with family. Encouragement for those in our Nashville group.

Tortoise & Hare, ep 1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Focker, Natural Ice, SalPal, Decaf, Longhorn, Judy, Duncan (F3 Waxhaw), Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Bumble Bee, Peso, Unc, Tampax, Skid Mark, Long Way, Soft Soap, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 73 degrees and very humid

WARMUP: SSH, Squats, IWs, Right over Left, Left over Right, WMH

THE THANG: RUN!! The first 3 mile run for the new class and for some of our F3 PAX. The 4:13 Strong men started of in a sprint and made it to the first turn before they started walking. We had a fast finish of 26:15 and an “all in” time of 38:34. Not bad for the first run. We will do one more run before breaking into Pace Groups.

Thank you Michelin Man for leading the wrap up exercises as we brought in the six.

MOLESKINE: Thank you to my F3 brothers for coming out this morning. Your presence makes a huge difference for the 4:13 Strong men.

COT: Prayers for strength, wisdom, courage and endurance.

Dora day

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: The Banker, Timber, Sooie, morning stār, Pebbles, Bumblebee, Tonks, FishBiscuit
FNGs: None
Cool enough, misty morning, full of gnats

Came in hot one minute late.
Inch worm walkouts to merkin
Daisy pickers
Don Quixote
Mosey to the stop sign and back

Partner up. Dora workout
One partner bear-crawls to the cones and duck walk back
As a team
– 50 pull-ups
– 100 floor-to-ceilings
– 150 merkins
– 200 squats
All were done hero style. When the first team finished, all PAX mosey around the backstop

Ring of fire to 5
Emperor penguins
Alternating clap v-ups
Leg raises
Hollow hold for 30 seconds

Are there dreams you’ve let go of because they are “too hard” or you’re “too old”? Can some of those still be realities? If we encourage our children to work hard and follow their dreams, how much more effective will it be if they see us doing the same thing.

Gulliver’s travels is still going on
4:13 has started a new class

Prayers were offered up