

Pax: Black Lung, Scraps, Seagull, Yosef, Iditarod, Grohl, Mr. Roboto, Aristotle, Childish Gambino, Airwolf

11 Pax posted on a balmy Thurs Am for NPR’s Halloween celebrations. Namely burning of the sugar with smoker after smoker.

Warm o Rama – 2 laps around the parking lot, 20 baby arm circles both directions, 15 Willie Mays Hays, 15 Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies, 10 Michael Phelps

The Thang:

NPR had run of the Blutooth and focused on muscle failure this morning. PAX chain smoked different muscle groups. NPR ran the following:

Move It Like This, Baha Men – Side Straddle hops the whole song. When they say “move it like this” do a burpee

Ghostbusters, Ray Parker Jr- baby crunches the whole song, WWI situp on “Ghostbusters”. PAX also worked on dodging parking cars. Sad Clowns want their spot, even when there are hundreds of open ones elsewhere

Smooth Criminal, MJ – plank the whole time. Do a Mercan when he says “Annie or Ok”.

Dream On, Aerosmith – hold reverse plank. Do a dip when he says “Dream on” or “Sing”

Gettin Jiggy With It/This is How We Do it – bearmuda triangle, 5 squats, 5 derkins, 5 WW1 situps. Bearcrawl 2 ways and Crawlbear 1 way

Cool down lap around the parking lot.


Bullhorn: PT test next Thursday, see how you’ve improved since July



The Hill

QIC: GreaseTrap

Pax: Brother-at-Law, Binary, Tampa, Yardsale, Preacher man, PSL, Calf Killa, Donuts(properly named), Captain Derivative (FNG), Venus, Big Bang, Blue Mule, Toga, Frugal, NumbTux, Big Stick, CAPSLOCK, Funyuns, Big Bang, GreaseTrap

19 Pax posted for a good workout with perfect temp- 60 degrees


Run to circle area


10 Merkins

Goodmornings X15

Slow and low squats tempo X25

10 Merkins


Strungth: 10 min

Partner up for 5-5-5-5-5

Heavy weight thrusters with Barbell in weight room. Unusual we worked out inside but it was great to put some heavy weights into the workout.


20 min AMRAP of the following:

20 Amphitheater jumps

20 Wall-balls with 12-20lb balls

20 KB Swings 40lb or heavier

20 Merkins

Run to street and back.


Time was up so put up weights and run to football field for COT

Great workout today boys. This is a little different style then the typical F3 workout but I believe everyone got a good butt kicking this morning.

Till next time,



Ghosts of Swerkins Past

Titan – 11/1/17

PAX: Bad Boy, Blue Mule, Porcelain, Third Degree, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: High 40s w/ a drizzle progressing to outright downpour.

Short mosey around PAC.

Warmorama: SSH, squats, IW, BAC f/r

Elevens: Pull-ups & swerkins w/ lunge walk between stations (BB title comes for jangling swing chains – credit to Porcelain).

Mosey by the cars to grab YHC’s ruck and head to the Parthenon Ave hill. PAX take turns running around hill loop with ruck while other PAX perform AMRAP of exercise called by runner.                                                                                                            Rnd 1: Plank jacks, squats, overhead claps, imperial walkers, carolina dry docks Rnd 2: America hammers, WWIIs, V-ups, shoulder taps, hello dollies

Mosey back to launch point and finish w/ 10 burpees/minute x 2 minutes.

Bullhorn: Check Slack for ruck training schedule. Prayers for The Kemps and new babies on the way.



500 Yards of Martin Luthers

500 years ago today, Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with the writing and posting of his 95 Theses and altered the course of world history.  I’m pretty confident this why we have Halloween and kids dress up and get candy from strangers, right?

When he did it, I’m sure a part of Luther was wondering, “you know what, I wonder if this will inspire people 500 years from now to do a workout in my name…” And to that, I’ll say: it did.

Maybe that’s not the case, but this was a momentous occasion in Protestant history and QIC wanted to make sure we all could remember that 500 years ago was Martin Luther’s release of his 95 Theses.  So in remembrance of this hallowed day in history and on a chilly 38 degree Halloween morning, 21 men embarked on a workout in Luther’s name.

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Cathy, Venus, PreVac, Off Shore, Umbrella, Brother at Law, Big Bang, Cowboy, Binary, Funyuns, Donuts, Big Stick, Yard Sale, Floppy Disk, PSL, Bagger Vance, Edible Arrangements, Ludwig, CAPSLOCK, Dupree

Quick Disclaimer then straight in to mosey up the hill to flagpole parking lot in front of the main building in the Ag Center (probably not the formal name for the building).


Partner up. Partner One runs the loop down to the front gate and back up, almost 500 yards while Partner Two begins the MARTIN LUTHER workout, 95 reps of each exercise before moving to the next one.  When Partner One returns, he picks up the workout while Partner Two runs the loop.

M – Merkins

A – Aiken Legs (20 Squats, 20 Squat Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Split Jacks)

R – Reverse Crunches

T – Tuck Jumps

I – Inch Worm

N – Ninety Five Gorilla Humpers

L – LBCs

U – Uchi Mata Merkins (merkins with leg raise on push up)

T – Toe Touch Abs

H – Hydraulic Squat

E – Elbow Plank Donkey Kicks

R – Rockette Hillbillies

Mosey back to church lot and COT.

QIC had to skip out at 6am, so thanks to Donuts for wrapping things up.

Great work today, guys!

Till Next Time,


Westeros – 10/30/17

PAX: Porcelain, T-cell, Megatron, Hi Viz, Third Person, Princess Aurora, Crawfish (Q)

Conditions: Winter is coming.

Mosey to west side of school. Warmorama: GM, WMH, Seal claps, Hillbillies, SSH

Mosey to tennis court for 4 corners: Merkins, flutter kicks, squats, imperial walkers. Round 1: 10 reps of each, lunge walk between corner. Rnd 2: 20 reps, bear crawl between. Rnd 3: 30 reps, broad jump between. Rnd 4: 40 reps, reverse mosey between.

Recovery mosey around carpool circle.

Partner drags x 2 across tennis courts.

Indian run back to launch point.

Mary: LBCs x 20, American hammers x 20

COT: Check Slack for upcoming Ruck training.





QIC: GreaseTrap

Pax: Black Water, Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, PSL, Ccr, Floppy, Black Widow, Calf killa, CAPSLOCK, NumbTucks, Lewd Wig, BV, and GreaseTrap

13 faithful men showed up to prove they were not scared of the cold. 34 degrees

Here is what we did:

Warm up:

Big loop around the school

Lunges to second speed bump

Side shuffle next two

Circle up

We did a number of SSH, GMs, WMH, then tempo squats (ass below knees), and Merkins.

Grab either weight or coupon and head to pavilion.

12 min AMRAP

2 thrusters with coupon

2 front squats with coupon

2 step ups with coupon

Run to bottom of Hill and back

Then do 4 of each exercise then bottom of Hill and back

Then 6,8,10 and so on till time was up

10 min AMRAP

Partner push ups

P1 does push ups with coupon on back while P2 in squat position. Swap back and forth. Strong emphasis on chest touching ground and elbows locked out at top. Floppy and I got 120 and we were smoked!

10 min AMRAP

Lunge to other end of pavilion 10 jump squats then back at other end with 10 burpees. For lunges emphasis on hands above head and knee touching ground

Time was almost up so back to COT for some Good mornings and WMH which was a beautiful thing.

Great workout today guys!


Bomber – 10.27.17 – “Somebody’s bakin’!”

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: T-Cell, Megatron, Porcelain, Firefox, Bicentennial Man, Crawfish, Hambone, The Baptist

9 HIMs posted at Bomber for a taste of some fresh-baked ciabatta.

With four PAX coming off of a 2-mile warmup, the rest of the crew rolled in and we got going.


After a .4 mile mosey of a circular nature, we hit the COP back at the starting point. All exercises IC

  • SSH x 20
  • WMH x 20
  • LBAC x 10 F
  • Big “Baby” Arm Circles x 10 F
  • Big “Baby” Arm Circles x 10 R
  • LBAC x 10 R

Enough playtime. Step over to the path and whip out the timer for some tabata. Each round of tabata was followed by another .4 mile run.

  1. Merkins
  2. Squats
  3. BBS

With some help from Hambone, we broke out the rucks to use as coupons. PAX split into threes. P1 does 10 walking lunges with the ruck overhead while P2 and P3 bear crawl beside him. Rotate through and RnR back to the starting point.

Next up was a 50-yard Farmer’s Walk. Switch sides on the way back. P2 and P3 performed burpees .

Out of time! COT/BOM


Glad to see Bicentennial Man back in the mix, and thanks to Hambone for Qing the warmup trot. Murphy Mile WILL happen


GrowRuck training is happening. Check Hambone’s blast for info on times, places, and routines.

Prayers for T-Cell as they’re expecting 2.1 this week. And praises for Grisham as they welcomed 2.2 Friday!

PA out.


Ruck Training Schedule – PREBLAST


With many questions swirling about ruck training for GrowRuck05 and ruck training in general, YHC is here to deliver a schedule.  A following post will give my recommendations for doing the Tough.

The bottom line with doing a GORUCK Tough is that if you can finish an F3 workout, you can finish a Tough.  Though being a finisher is okay, being a contributor and leader is your goal.  Meet your goal.  Leaders prepare, and these workouts will accommodate.

Saturday, 10/28 – Coupon Ruck March at Sevier Park – 06:00-06:50 (~3.3 miles)

Wednesday, 11/1 – Spearhead at Crieve Hall Elem Parking Lot – 05:30-06:15 – Bootcamp W/Ruck

Thursday, 11/2 – Speed Ruck – 05:00-05:50 – Speed Ruck (~3.3 miles)

Saturday, 11/4 – Coupon Ruck March at Sevier Park – 05:30-06:50 (~5 miles)

Wednesday, 11/8 – Spearhead at Crieve Hall Elem Parking Lot – 05:30-06:15 – Bootcamp W/Ruck

Thursday, 11/9 – Speed Ruck at Sevier Park – 05:00-6:15 (~ 4.5 miles)

Saturday, 11/11 – Coupon Ruck March at Sevier Park – 05:00-06:50 (~7 miles)

Wednesday, 11/15 – TBD

Thursday – Recover

Walk Softly and Don’t Bother with a Warm-up

21 redwoods posted for a beautiful morning at the Hall.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey around parking loop with high knees, butt kickers and lunges interspersed.  Immediately begin sprints across parking lot with 10 explosive merkins after each sprint.  Repeato 30x (probably 10 really but felt like 30).

Grab a partner, grab a coupon and begin 3 minute cycle where P1 executes 10 thrusters, 10 merkins (because we hadn’t already done those.., oh wait) and 10 pull-ups.  P2 does WWIs then flapjack.  Complete two cycles.

Big Stick mumbled something then disappeared.  YHC took Q.

Stay on playground for triple check.  Divide into teams of 3.  P1 does balls to the wall (B2TW), P2 does 10 swerkins, and P3 does leg raises.  Switch when P2 completes swerkins, and each person hits each station 3x.

Mosey to bottom of the hill on the northeast side of the school.  Begin The Beast= 6 exercises, 6 reps, 6 stops stopping at ~25, 50, and 75 yards up the hill and then back.  Exercises were leg raises, merkins, squats, WWII, and half of a round of burpees before time expired.

NMM:  YHC contacted Mr Stick about doing a Co-Q this morning, and there was even a comment about YHC’s portion being heavy on merkins.  Not to let that stop him, Big Stick skipped the traditional warmup, disclaimer and chit chat and went right to sprints and explosive merkins.  Was this motivated by YHC calling Big Stick second and not first, or was this because BS informed the PAX he had to go play round ball immediately after his portion of the Q? Who can say.  Nobody puts Big Stick in a corner!

All jokes aside, the PAX tackled the exploding sprints of doom and confusion around Triple Checks and The Beast with the usual aplomb.  Mumble chatter was high with discussions on the various modifications of exploding merkins, the various interpretations of balls to the wall, and where the 25, 50 and 75 lines should be for The Beast.  Good times!

PAX: Books a Million, Shug, Big Stick, Bagger Vance, Dmish/Doughnuts, Floppy Disk, Ludwig, Grease Trap, PSL, Cinderella, CAPS LOCK, Toga, Swamp Fox, Offshore, Yard Sale, and a cast of thousands (sorry Big Stick wasn’t there to capture all the names).

Qs: Big Stick, Toga

Stay Classy,

Toga and Big Stick

Just Another Bomb Track


Tampa Libra, Bro at Law, Tiny House, SBRL, Funyuns, Traffic Jam, Cinderella, Yard Sale, Preacher Man, D Mish, Frugal MacDugal, Foggy Pirate, BV


40 and perfect

Double loop up stairs and down HCap ramp

WOR in West End Zone:

All IC X 13



Evolution I

B urpees

O ne Arm Plank Jax

M erkins

B ig Boy Sit Ups

S quats

Start in end zone, each yard line indicates number of reps


(Those 50 Burpees in the middle had a large degree of suck)

Evolution II

Lt Dan length of End Zone

AYG on the diagonal to East EZ

Dan Lt length of EZ

AYG on the diagonal to West EZ

FKix, Plank Progression for the 6

Evolution III

Crawl Bear up bleachers side shuffle Plank to steps and Bear Crawl down. Raccoon walk on lowest seats to steps and Crawl Bear up. Side shuffle Plank to steps and crawl Bear down. Superman Plank on low step for 6.

Evolution IV


Balls to the Wall

Donkey Kicks


Evolution V

Indian Run


Beast R x 10 IC

Beast L x 10 IC

Mariah L x 10 IC

Bridge x 10 IC

Mariah R x 10 IC

Superman x 10 IC

Scorpion x 20 IC


NM: Light crowd at The Hill this AM but work was dispensed nonetheless.  Such a great venue to Q.  Check out the sign up sheet for next opportunity.


GrowRuck 05 still open for sign ups.  Call me, Funyuns, Big Bang or Hambone for intel.

Rob Jones Journey Marathon coming up 7 November at Shelby Bottoms.  Looks like we will start at 0700, run two nine mile loops and one 8.2M loop.

Spitballing the idea of our own Grow School the first weekend of December.  Reach out to Floppy, CCR, D’Mish or myself for intel.


Bagger Vance