Freshman 15

QIC: Nuggets McPatty VQ -Iditarod Assist at the end
PAX: Nuggets, Iditarod, Airwolf, Schnitzel, NPR, CDL, Aristotle, Sea Gull, 3rd Degree, Mr. Roboto, Grohl, Noble Virus

WOR-Washers/Dryers/Willie Mays Hayes

Freshman 15
Semester 1:
High Knees x 15 Each leg
MT Climbers x 15
Merkins x 15
American Hammers x 15
Complete Circuit 3X

Mid Term:Broad jumps to the courthouse and back 3x

Semester 2:
Jump Ropes X 15 each leg back & forth
Lectures x 15 Each Arm
Alternating Shoulder Taps x 15
Sumo Squats x 15
Complete Curcuit 3x

Final Exam: Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear to courthouse 3x

War Baby VQ Nuggets turned over to YHC

Mosey to the Plaza
Burpee Box jumps x 10 OYO
Step ups x 10 Each Leg
Sprints x 8
Irkins x 10
Derkins x 10
Prisoners Squats x 10
Sprints x 4
Burpee Box jumps x 10

Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
WWI’s x 10 OYO
Hello Dolly x 20 IC
WWi’s x 10 OYO


Moleskine: Good work and nice VQ by the resident War Baby Nuggets McPAtty. Nice to ha 3rd Degree with us from Nolensville promising to EH his BIL in the Boro. Sign up to Q on the google Doc.


Westeros – 12.11.17 – “MONSTER”

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX:  Megatron, Porcelain, Right Said, Butch Please

5 brave souls posted at Westeros to do battle with the MONSTER.

Having sent out the message that there would be a 10 Manmaker penalty for showing up in long sleeves, it was apparent that neither Porcelain nor Megatron saw that message. That, or they just didn’t care. Since we couldn’t just watch them, the rest of us held People’s Chair while they paid their dues.


Quick mosey down Elmington over to the gym entrance for COP. All exercises IC

  • SSH x 20
  • Squats x 20
  • LBAC x 15 F w/ 20 second hold
  • Overhead Press x 20
  • LBAC x 15 R w/ 20 second hold
  • WMH x 16
  • Merkins x 10

Mosey over to the main entrance for West End Middle to explain today’s torture: The MONSTER. 100 reps of the following exercises, and exercises may not be partitioned. Oh, and 5 Burpees EMOM.

  • Merkins
  • Overhead Lunges (which turned into hands on top of head lunges)
  • Newton’s Cradle
  • Smurf Jacks
  • Turkish Sit-up (similar to Get-up. Legs flat and arms above your head like a bench press. Sit up keeping your arms perpendicular to the ground, and return.)
  • Extenders (Like a Reverse Crunch, but it starts with an E.)
  • Rosalitas



Great work by all. This thing was tough. YHC was on his 39th rep of Rosalitas when time was up, and everybody else had at least gotten into the Extenders. Next time (yes, next time), we will reserve at least 40 minutes as I believe we started the routine with 33 remaining. That also means we did 165 Burpees in the middle of all that mess.


YHC will be taking the reins for another special New Year’s Day workout. Details still to come, but you should definitely mark your calendars. No George Michael this year, I promise.

PA out.


Crazy H8 or H8ful Eight

PAX: Skid Mark, Offshore, Walter White, Umbrella, Black Lung, Funyuns, Big Bang, Bagger Vance, Dr Smartt, Big Stick, CAPS LOCK, PSL, Cowboy, Venus, PreVac, Ludwig, Cinderella, Crawfish, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

45 degrees with a strong north wind greeted 19 redpillers at Sir E this morning. YHC explained that this was intended to be an Aunt Bea Q, but that his wife had contracted the stomach flu, and thus he would be unable to attend. Instead, we would pay homage to AB with different components of the workout starting right out with a reverse mosey capri lap. Following the loop we switched to a standard forward mosey, and made our way up towards the big house obviously not following sanctioned paths as is the standard under AB guidance.

We convened around the flag to get all warmed up.

WoR (all IC)
ssh x20
high knees x15
butt kicks x15
good morns x10
willie mays x10
windmills x10
squats x10

The first evolution was dubbed the Crazy H8, but I’m also considering H8ful Eight. Borrowing a page out of Tidy Cat’s playbook we did the standard double-loop figure eight with the following rules in place:

  • 8x Burpees at the middle, top and bottom of the 8 starting and finishing with said Burpees for a total of 40.
  • 8x each of Atomic Merks, Jump Squats and WW1s at each speed bump. 10x speed bumps for a total of 80x reps of each.

We mosey’d to the homestead for: 50x calf raises (25x each leg) followed by 15x more each leg.

Mosey to the big lot for some island to island work: bear crawl to first island, broad jump to second island, burpee broad jump to final island.

Once all in we mosey’d back to the church playground for a quick 10x pullups (lock those arms out, BV) and 20x rows.

We had just enough time for the final portion of the morning, which, obviously had to end in classic Aunt Bea fashion…“Peaches” by Presidents of the USA: holding a plank perform a merkin each time you hear the word “peaches” or “peach”. Our muscles were tired, but our hearts were full as the music faded at the strike of 6:15am.

This was a tough workout, especially the first portion. Kudos to all for pushing themselves. Big Stick kept talking about how easy it was. That guy. We will need to review video evidence on whether Bagger was performing a cheat step on each of his burpee broad jumps. The ruling on the field was that he was.

Check Slack for info on the TAK PAKs. Let’s try to get a bunch of those together for a great cause. I was talking with the M today about getting our kids involved with putting those together. I think it could be a great family tradition. Numbtucks will be collecting them next week at Detention and the Racetrack.

See you boys in the gloom,
Floppy Disk

Tour De 12 9 Dec 2017 Version

ABC, Red Baron (FNG), Black Lung, Spider Bite (FNG), Cowboy, Hambone, Foxtrot, Deep Dish, Edible Arrangement, Mickey Mouse, BV (QIC)
25 Degrees met the RedPillers at Stonewall.  3 Posted early for some Good Livin’ and the light pole challenge.  Enough with the over achievers, we started out with 8 and we also started out with 10 Burpee’s on your own
SSH, GMA, Imperial walkers, squats, hillbillies X 13 IC
Insert Mickey Mouse somewhere in the GMA/IW sequence
Tour De 12
Start out with the mosey towards the parade field and then to politician back to regular mosey up to White’s Mercantile. 10 regular Merkins and right leg Merkins 10 left leg Merkins all in? Good let’s mosey…
12 S. yoga for a downward dog and some other yoga form and BEAST >>> 10 dive bomber push-ups… It was at this point that one of our FNG’s corrected us on our form… More to come later.  It was also at this point that Foxtrot began to yell at some Yoggers, turned out to be Black Lung with another FNG in tow.  Looks like D’Mish O Nuts has another suitor for his name.
Up to Midtown 12 S. for some Preacher squats
Over to flipside for some high plank flipped into table top progression
5 correct dive bombers OYO tks to FNG
Over to Dolly Parton’s for some hello dollies IN cadence X 13 hands out, X 13 hands under head.
Double Indian run up to Bate then turn around come back down 12 S. Impromptu bear crawl somewhere along the way then circled up at southside tabernacle Baptist. Hi plank and Quick breakdown on accountability: being held accountable and holding someone else accountable. It was also at this point that YHC invented a new word that Foxtrot is still trying to trackdown Ms. Webster and figure out what it means.  Turns out that you simply abdicate, you can’t be abdicatorial…ok, enough already.
Head over to ice cream shop rear parking for some Dips OYO on parking lot 10x ea leg. Noise Discipline in effect
Back to 12S and partner up for wheel barrows from light pole to light pole then flap jack
12S Tap Room
ASTs x 12 IC
Mariah Careys x 6 ea side IC
ASTs x 12 IC
Ski Jumps x 12 IC
Slaloms X 12 IC (total Q fail here)
At the Funeral Home
Mike Tysons x 12 IC
Halcyon Bike Shop
Chucks/Freddie Mercuries x 20 IC
Mosey back to stonewall, up to the flag pole, raccoon crawl on back wall of swingsets over to the jungle gym for
Partner up again
10 pull ups and 10 merkins
P1 pull ups P2 merkins
Flap Jack down to 6
For 5-1, stay partnered up but complete last rounds as fast as possible
LBCs x 20 IC
Pistol LBCs x 10 IC ea side
High plank
Low plank
J Los x 12 IC
Makhtar N Dye x 12 IC
Supermans x 12 IC
Two minutes of Turk”ish” get ups
Took a page out of the T Cell playbook and felt like a Tour De 12 was in order. Awesome to see Black Lung show up late w an FNG – Spider Bite. Sufficient MC from ABC out of F3ATL who also brought an FNG along – Red Baron.
Check slack for the Christmas service project w NumbTucks on Q.
Bagger Vance

Job’s Birthday Celebration

AO: Cruelhall

PAX: Bagger Vance, Donuts, Edible Arrangement, Dr. Smartt, Floppy Disk, Big Bang, Funyuns, CCR, PSL, Bartman, Blood Clot, Torch, Tortoise, Love Boat, Giggem, Cajon, CAPSLOCK, Accounts Receivable, Blackwater, Rooster, Grisham, Dupree, Prevac, Cinderella, Umbrella, Yard Sale, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks A lot, Ludwig von Beethoven, Braveheart, Numb Tucks, Harvey Updyke, Offshore, Swamp Fox, Captain Derivative, Private Sandman, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Hood Rat (FNG), Wedding Planner (FNG), Ettou-five (FNG), Bernie Madoff (FNG), Honey Badger (FNG), Fancy Pants (FNG), GreaseTrap QIC

When I arrived there was a welcome party doing extra credit burpees, which I did not partake in. I watched Bagger, Funyuns, and BigBang put there rucks on which I advised would not be a good idea. They should have known that you don’t have to make my workouts harder.

Everything in the workout was based around two numbers(more to come on this):

135- the number of days Job lived after being diagnosed with DIPG

6- this day (Dec 8) was his birthday which he turned 6 years old.

Here is how everything went down:

There was some malicious intent on our part with the warmup. For all the FNG’s, we normally run a slow loop and circle up to stretch and warmup. That was not our plan. At the strike of 5:30 Edible hollers to circle up with some SSH in cadence. The joy to me was no one but a few pax knew how many we were going to do. Edible did a fantastic job calling out 135 SSH. Not only did he do them all, but he kept good cadence. Props to him. I will remember for a long time Bagger standing there waving his hands in the air. Haha.

Once finished I brought everyone in to explain the significance of the day and what the numbers meant. We were there to workout so no long speech for me, and I sent pax off to grab coupons and meet again under pavilion.

We had already knocked out 1 of 6 135 reps exercises, so here was the rest:

Partner up- count reps together

135 merkins with coupon on back switching off

135 Burpees (shoot me)

135 Tabletop jumps (some pax did bench jumps-weak)

135 coupon squats (FNG- Wedding Planner has the best form out of all of us)

135 Rows with coupon on chest

You had 5 min to compete each round and if not finished, move to the next exercise to keep up with time.

Put coupons up and meet back in parking lot for COT. Skipped Mary. 44 Pax took a min, but it was so cool. 5 FNG’s to meet and name. I knew all of them from different walks of life, and it was great for them to be there.

Prayer and then the announcement there was Donuts and coffee at Dupree’s church next door for everyone.

Words can not describe how much each of you have meant to me this year. It started out as a workout, and had lead to some of the best friendships. You all have been there with me through the whole time. There are moments that I will never forget- at the hospital Edible and Calf Killa were some of the first people to see us after the diagnosis, who, at the time did not know us that well. You all sent letters, texts, and recourses to me that I can not describe how much helped. You have always been there, at my house, when I said I needed help within 10 minutes. I particularly remember on Sept 14 I sent a text out and you were there in my driveway, quick. You prayed for us everyday and still do! Your wives have become some of Katie’s best friends and have given her so much strength. You have shown us a lot of love, and I am so thankful!

The 135 days Job lived after the diagnosis were some of the hardest but sweetest times of my life. With this type of news, your perspective on life changes, and it did that to me. I will cherish those days with Job for the rest of my life. I was suffering at the time, and F3 was what seamed to be the only constant in my life. Everything in my life turned upside down, but F3. I was still there because you gave me strength to go home and face the reality of my life.

Thanks to all of you who showed up Friday morning. It means a lot to me.


Winter Hillympics Week One

The first annual Winter Hillympics kicked off yesterday at The Hill as 20 strong enjoyed the cold morning with some fun and games.

The Winter Hillympics is a two-month long competition to see who can earn the most points and take the title of Winter Hillympics champion.

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Big Bang, Skid Mark, Toga, Funyuns, Buffalo Bill, Bro At Law, Dr. Smartt, Monkey Feet (FNG), Pop-A-Lock, Headstud, Bagger Vance, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Pope, Tampa Libra, Prevac, Black Lung, Too Tall, Venus

All PAX received 5 points just by showing up.


SSH x 12

Squat x 12

Merkins x 12

Good Mornings x 12

Willie Mays Hays x 12

Forward BAC x 12

Backward BAC x 12

Overhead Clap x 12

Shoulder Press x 12

Mosey to the Endzone



Competition #1:  100 yard Bear Crawl

  • First Place (7 points): Pop-A-Lock
  • Second Place (5 points): Dr. Smartt
  • Third Place (3 Points): Funyuns
  • Everyone Else receives 1 point for completed workout
  • Once all in, all PAX do 20 squats and 30 LBCs OYO.

Competition #2: 50 yard Sideways Crab Walk

  • This was far more difficult than QIC had thought when planning workout
  • First Place (7 points): Buffalo Bill
  • Second Place (5 points): Dr. Smartt
  • Third Place (3 Points): Funyuns
  • Everyone Else receives 1 point for completed workout
  • WWI until all in.

Mosey to the weight room, partner up, and grab a barbell with 10lbs. on each side (total of 65lbs.) per group and take it out to the amphitheater.

Competition #3: AMRAP Curls in 1 Minute

  • Partner One curls while Partner Two wall sits, then rotate.
  • First Place (7 points): Frugal Macdoogal and Dr. Smartt with 29 reps
  • Second Place (5 points): Skid Mark and Headstud with 26 reps
  • Third Place (3 Points): Big Stick with 25 reps
  • Everyone Else receives 1 point for completed workout

Competition #4: AMRAP Upright Rows in 1 Minute

  • Partner One rows while Partner Two wall sits, then rotate.
  • First Place (7 points): Big Stick with 42 reps
  • Second Place (5 points): Headstud with 26 reps
  • Third Place (3 Points): Tampa Libra with 24 reps
  • Everyone Else receives 1 point for completed workout

Competition #5: AMRAP Shoulder Press in 1 Minute

  • Partner One presses while Partner Two wall sits, then rotate.
  • First Place (7 points): Big Stick with 37 reps
  • Second Place (5 points): Tampa Libra with 34 reps
  • Third Place (3 Points): Dr. Smartt and Prevac with 28 reps
  • Everyone Else receives 1 point for completed workout

Competition #6: 1v1 Curls

  • Partner One curls while Partner Two runs Quad Loop.  When runner gets back, partner stops lifting weights.   You were competing against your partner.
  • Winner: 3 points
  • Loser: 1 point

Competition #7: 1v1 Upright Rows

  • Partner One rows while Partner Two runs Quad Loop.  When runner gets back, partner stops lifting weights.   You were competing against your partner.
  • Winner: 3 points
  • Loser: 1 point

Return weights to weight room then mosey up to football field.

Competition #8:  100 yard Sprint

  • First Place (7 points): Prevac
  • Second Place (5 points): Big Stick
  • Third Place (3 Points): Tampa Libra
  • Everyone Else receives 1 point for completed workout


Great job by all and an awesome start to the Hillympics!  I’m excited for the next two months.  If you missed out on week one, you can still be a part.  You earn points just by showing up at a workout at The Hill and taking part, so come join us!

Here’s the point standings after Week One:

Big Stick 33; Dr. Smartt 27; Tampa Libra and Headstud 25; Pop-A-Lock, Prevac, Skid Mark and Frugal 21; Big Bang and Buffalo Bill 19; Monkey Feet and Funyuns 17; Toga, BV, Foxtrot, and Pope 15; Bro@Law 14; Too Tall, Venus, and Black Lung 13.

If you want to lead a Winter Hillympic workout, sign up – we’re booked through year end, but will have a few open dates in January.

See You Next Week,


Offshore at The RaceTrack


Pax of 17 at racetrack this morning. Funyuns, olan mills, black widow, too tall, pop a lock, numtucks, Harvey Updike, umbrella, high heels, private sandman, ccr, headstud, dmishonuts, captain derivative, grease trap, Cinderella , offshore (QIC)

The pax mosied up to the parking deck and warmed up with SSHsx 10, baby arm circles x10 both ways, good mornings x10, willie Mays hays x10, squats x10. All IC

Proceeded to run 6 flights with 6 burpees at top then down and up to 5 with 5 burpees 4,3,2,1 till finished. Then mosey to brick wall for incline merkins x10 and derkinsx10. Another long mosey to the track to rotate between four stations x 3 (10 burpees, 10 WW1s, 10 pull ups, 25 squats). Next partner wheel barrows for twenty yards bear crawl back flapjackx2, then burpee broad jumps for 20 yards and crawl bear.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary with flutter kicks x30, lbcs x30, and WW2s x10.


Great VQ by Offshore this AM. Strong numbers at The RaceTrack as well. Great to see a run of VQs lately. HIMs stepping up! Let’s continue the momentum and get better!


Funyuns (posting for Offshore)

Monday Funday

Under a bright super moon on an unseasonably warm December morning, 21  decided to start the week out right…
PAX: Olanmills, Legalzoom, Offshore, CAPSLOCK, Umbrella, Yardsale,  Dine ‘n Dash, NumbTucks, PSL, Harvey Updyke, CCR, Dupree, Pop A Lock, Donuts, Ludwig van OshKosh, TooTall, Floppy Disk, Black Widow, Accounts Receivable, Blackwater, Dr Smart

Started out with 10 Burpees and then a jog around the ball field…
20 side straddle hops
15 good mornings
15 BACs forward
15 BACs backward
15 high knees

The Thang:
Indian run to the bottom of the hill / entrance of Ellington (.4 miles)
20 jump squats
Indian run back up the hill to the school (.4 miles) and meet at shed to pick up coupons
Begin the Murph
Break up 100 pull ups, 200 merkins, 300 squats w/ coupons into 10 sets (10/20/30)
We get through about 5-6 sets before time to run again
Indian run to bottom of the hill / entrance of Ellington (.4 miles)
Indian run back up hill to the school (.4 miles) and circle up for Mary

40 WW1s
20 Freddie Murcury’s
10 tempo merkins

Good push by all and welcome to FNGs Randy Bostich aka Legal Zoom and Malcolm Reddoch aka Harvey Updyke.

Announcements: It’s Joel Kemp’s bday on Friday. Please keep the Kemps in your prayers.



PAX: CAPS LOCK, Pappa Lock, brother-in-law, Funyuns, PSL, PreVac, Grease Trap, Floppy Disk, Big Bang, Big stick,BV, umbrella, Black Lung, FNG (skidmark)

14 PAX braved the rain this morning to enjoy one last day of warm weather (60 degrees) before winter really rolls in.

Bagger was on the Co-Q to protect the group from experiencing a full VQ this AM. After a mosey to the top of the Ag Center and a quick disclaimer, Bagger responded to some mumble chatter with another lap around the Ag Center for good measure and then proceeded with WOR

Partnered up for DORA 123
Partner 1 ran the distance while partner 2 performed the exercise and then swapped, building to a cumulative number of each exercise.

1st Exercise: 100 Merkins; partner ran to 1st speedbump
2nd Exercise: 200 LBCs; partner ran half way down Ag center driveway
3rd Exercise: 300 Squat Jumps: partner ran full loop up/down hill to Ag center.

Plank until all in then . . . you guessed it

Reverse DORA123 (AROD?)

1st Exercise: 300 Frog Humpers partner ran half the hill
2nd Exercise: 200 Flutter kicks while partner ran to first speedbump
3rd Exercise: 100 Carolina Dry Docks (no running)

Mosey back to the parking lot for 6 minutes of MARY DJ style, then announcement and the naming of FNG Skidmark

Great work today,
Black Lung

GrowSchool 2.0

0600 Time to Go…Couple of Stragglers coming in on Two Wheels
Mosey to Soccer field w side shuffle L/R, Politician, High Knees and Butt Kickers
WOR (Princess Aurora)
All IC
SSH X 20
The Dirty McDuece
Count off 1s and 2s to partner up
Round I
Merkins, Squats, Ola Dollies x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round II
Atomic Merkins, Lunges, LBCs x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round III
CDD, Jump Squats (OYO), Reverse Crunches x 12 IC
Run 400M
Round IV
Burpees (OYO), Jump Lunges, Flutter Kix x 12 IC
Run 400M
High Plank on Hill for some of the Genesis of F3 Nation.
Looooong Aunt Bea like wandering mosey around the football field, softball field past the playground through the woods, slalom through the red tips.
Plank Progression in parking lot. More on F3Nashville’s beginnings.
Cross country over to JOHS baseball field back up to rear parking lot. Plank progression on Leadership, Fartsacking and the like.
Why do they call it Mary, CCR? From the famous car ride scene in Something About Mary…look it up.
High plank, low plank, flutters x30 IC, American Hammers x20 IC, Mariah’s x13 IC, j-los x13 IC, 10 burpees oyo
Goal today was to replicate the Qs of OBT & DREDD of GrowSchools and GrowRucks of the past. Must say, think we nailed it! Great work by Qs to explain what we do, why we do it and how we do it. Nice work by the PAX in chiming in w the MC and hard work. Probably the most Forward Leaning Rest/Listening Position/High Plank on record.
Proud to be a part of this great group of men. Thank yall for your hard work and dedication to the reinvigoration of male leadership in our communities.
If anyone knows of some small men that may need this, please a little EH on em.
Lots of great stuff going on right now…many opportunities to serve. Please reach out to me if you feel led to serve in any of the roles we mentioned this am or in any other way we would love to help.
I will get all of the GrowSchool info in one document and see about getting it on the interwebs.
Bagger Vance
Bicentennial Man, Brother @ Law, Right Said, PA, CCR, Floppy Disk, FTTAL, TOGA, T Cell, Traffic Jam, HiViz, Bad Boy, Pappa Lock, Frugal McDugal, Life Champ, Dupree, Numbtucks, Nimbus 2K (FNG), Black Lung, Hambone, Crawfish, PreVac, Lewd Wig, Foggy Pirate, Chum, Vegemite, Big Stick, Deep Dish, Cowboy, BV