AMRAP, Speedbumps and Sevens at CRUEL HALL

PSL, Cinderella, Ludwig van Osh Kosh, Brother-at-Law, Big Stick (FIFO), Offshore, Edible Arrangement, Dine and Dash, Sand Lapper, Reefer, Barely Legal, CCR (YHC)

YHC arrived at the usual time to an unusual site.  Big Stick was already present and rearing to go.  He made up for his ontime arrival by prevacing about 10 min early.  12 PAX rolled in, started with 5 burpees to get the juices flowing and started off on a quick mosey around the new baseball loop.  We stopped off to grab coupons and lined up on the baseline of the pavilion for some dynamic warm ups…

All exercises back and forth to mid-court…
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffle
50% Run > 75% Run > 100% Run
SSH x20 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC

Grab your coupon and circle up for some 60 Second AMRAP loops.
PAX performed AMRAP of each of the exercise below followed by a run down to the holler and back.
YHC dropped a cone midway down to the holler to act as a two-way speed bump.  Face to Face self title album from 1996 played during this time.  It is safe to say that it is all PAX first time hearing this album.  Maybe the last.

Atomic Merkins
Squat Jumps
Box/Bench Jumps
Curl to Shoulder Press

Return coupons to their home and line up in the parking lot for a quick round of sevens. Big Stick out.
Mountain Merkins on the near side…
Atomic Merkins on the far side.
Quick, but effective.

Flutter Kicks x30 IC
High Plank
Alternating Shoulder Taps X20IC
Box Cutters x20IC
Slutter Kicks aka Megan Barrys x10 IC
Low plank for 60 seconds


Convergence in Franklin next Friday to support Spicoli and his recent cancer diagnosis. Keep an eye out for details. Shirt order coming up, CCR will post something on Slack to make sure we have at least 12 interested.

With the smaller group this morning, I decided to switch things up a little bit. All PAX had an opportunity to share a prayer or praise (or both in some cases) with the group. It was really great to take a few extra minutes to slow down and listen to what others have going on in their lives. We need to do this more often. Thanks to everyone for sharing…look forward to doing it again soon.

Until next time,

7s and 6s

PAX: Life Champ, Cowboy, Money Shot, Foggy Pirate, Bagger Vance

QIC: Bagger Vance

49 and humid for five Misfits this morning.

0529 30 disclaimer given…

0530 headlamp turned on and off we go.

Mosey around track and over to the top swing set for


PAX squared off and commenced with

All IC x 13

Heavy breathing deep squats, Imperial Walker, hillbilly, OK mornings, Willie Mays Hayes with baby arm circle forward and reverse

PAX partnered up by YHC to perform what turned out to be the first fail of the morning… PAX instructed to do 42 pull-ups to start today

What YHC realized was twofold 1) PAX hands are about four sizes too small to grasp the makeshift pull up station and B) we need to get better at pull ups

After about 60 to 90 seconds of bodies flailing around and modifying pull-ups for Rows, YHC dropped the grenade on that portion of the morning and we went over to the hill on Belmont Park Terrace.

PAX instructed to stick together although some of the speedier ones left their brothers behind heading up the hill.

Evolution I

Simple seven Burpee‘s at the top six squats at the bottom flap jacking exercises each run up and down the hill… We cranked out five rounds of this before moving onto the next evolution.

Evolution II

Head over to Lipscomb for dirkins, thrusters, irkins, thrusters combo on the rail.  Reps of 7s &6s flap jacking the exercises and one RnR

To the wall for 42 Mike Tyson Merkins…21 performed and then wall sits followed by the remaining 21. It was at this point that Foggy P made some pretty racy comments about YHCs midwife noises and the volume during a certain private act btwn husband and wife.  It wasn’t until after all was said and done that all remaining PAX wondered why FP went there.  By the by, Life Champ gave a nod to Bigstick by taking a leak right out there in the middle of the way.

Evolution III

Cover and Move southbound on GW to corner of GW and Lone Oak. 42 ASTs and then head back to Caballo Blanco as a team for


42” plank, F kix IC 42x, Supermans 42x sgl ct, Pistol LBCs 40x IC, SSH x 20 IC


NMM:  see above


  • Keep praying for recovery for Toga and his knee.
  • Spicoli will have his results in by this week.
  • Convergence happens this Friday to honor Spicoli at 0530 at the Battleground AO off McEwen. Please plan to make it, happy to get some clown cars loaded up and heading that way.


Bagger Vance


Physical Fitness Foundation Hill Sprints

Q: Hambone
Pax:Blacklung, Skidmark, Spiderbite, Doubtfire, Shank, Bagger, PA, Bad Boy, Edible, Cowboy, Crawfish

Hill Sprints

Type: Run and muscular endurance

Duration: 1hr

Uniform: F3 Gear and Hambone’s Toro! shirt.

Dynamic stretching 5 min
Note: warm up consisted of SSH, Squats, IST (incorrectly named by YHC), Toy Soldier, and Cherry/Cotton Pickers

~1 mile job from Sevier to Ashwood Avenue. To ensure a steady and slow pace (~9:30 pace), Hambone lead the way and handicapped the crowd. No cobains will be given

Hill Sprints (x4)
60 sec push ups
60 sec LBCs
Sprint up hill (Ashwood Avenue bottom to 15th Avenue Meta Stop sign (sign about the stop sign)- jumping jacks at the top until everyone is there
60 squats
Jog down hill
60 sit ups
60 Werkins

~1 mile back, ~9:30, all together

Many thanks to Bagger for keeping QiC humble during his exercise naming snafu. Many thanks to Bad Boy for a time check to get us back by 0800. I was debating a 5th trip up because that hill was just that great.

Props to the left side of the sprint hill. The left site was the serious side. If I had medals to give, I would have given ourselves medals for being too serious. Then again, with so many studs on the right and their ability to effortlessly sprint up, seriousness wasn’t needed.

I have to admit that I wing most of my Qs. With a varying range of PAX fitness and undetermined numbers of who will show up, it’s always difficult to plan a good Q that leaves everyone smoked yet improved. I stumbled upon a link on Reddit (of all places) that contained a compilation of workouts for Army platoon leaders to implement with hopes of improving their men. This workout was mostly planned with enough variation to allow for modifications due to physical and geographical limitations. I can attest that this was a personally-satisfying Q because I think everyone was able to go and grow at their own pace. No man was left behind. Everyone had to try at some point. There was enough mumblechatter to keep things going.

Going into 2018, I wanted to set myself up to show sustained and measurable improvements in my fitness. I want my five mile pace to be at 8 mins. I’d like to post a 15:00 min 2 mile. With some of these planned workouts and consistent running and posting, I think it’s attainable.

If you’re interested in using these workouts or some variation of them, check them out here (PT workouts) and here (running).

Butt Soreness At Slamberry

Perfect temp outside for a Slamberry beat down. 11 pax showed up to move some heavy weights: Donuts, Bagger, Barely Legal, Vegimite, Skidmark, Dilly Dilly, Tampa, Grisham, Dr Smartt, and GreaseTrap

QIC: GreaseTrap

At 5:30 we found the perfect mosey loop that lead us back to the weights under the street lights.
A good warmup with discussion on proper form and ways to modify.
Here is what we did:

7! Push Press with Barbell (that’s reps of 7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
Some did 115 throughout and some added weight each set. Shoulders were feeling good. I sent Bagger and the guys finished early off to run the mosey loop so I didn’t hear complaining about standing around.

Once back, a brief explanation of the following reps.
4 Rounds EMOM (every min. on the min.)
1st min. 20 lunges with 60/80lb sandbag on back, knee to ground
2nd min. 20 dead lifts 115/135lb
3rd min. 20 push-ups
4th min. 20 KB swings 40/53/70lb
5th min. 1 min rest
By the end of all four rounds there was sweat poured out at every station.

6 minutes to spare so I passed the reigns off to Donuts who led us through some stretches and Mary.

We talked and prayed for Spicoli and Olan’s father.

Great morning boys! This was way more of a CrossFit style workout and everyone did great adapting. We discussed the need for everyone to HC by Wednesday before so Q can know what to plan. The Q will post the workout by Wednesday to list the weights that are needed so as to make sure we have everything there, and also so everyone doesn’t have to bring all their weights every time(I am happy to do so though). A concise list and a HC on weights would be nice.

I am sure most will be feeling this all weekend, which brings me great joy!

Till next time!

Bomber – 48:  Age is Just a Number

PAX:  Porcelain, Firefox, T-cell, Megatron, Hi-Viz, PA, Badboy, Jolene, Harvey Updyke, Reveille, En Fuego, Ebola, Lunch Lady, Cat Scratch Fever (FNG David), Princess Zelda (FNG Kyle), Mo-Fomite (FNG Paul), Myers-Briggs (FNG Adam), Vector (QIC)

18 (including 4 FNGs) enjoyed a balmy morning for my VQ.  As more HIM kept arriving, yours truly felt the pressure to make sure all enjoyed their time in the gloom.

(Bad sign that this VQ was out of breath at the start!)

GM x 12 (well, 13 due to bad counting)
WMH x 12
IW x 12
Squats x 12
(4 x 12 = 48)

LBAC x 24
Ebola for a 24 count
RLBAC x 24
(2 x 24 = 48)

SSH x 48 (VQ Lesson #1:  Try not to have so many reps that you end up smoking yourself before the end; Thx to PA for reviving the count!)
(1 x 48 = 48)

Round #1:  48
Mosey to McCabe Rec Center.
As the oldest Bomber regular,  we celebrated YHC’s 48th by performing 4 exercises x 12 reps representing the stages of growing up:
1) Bear crawl x 12 (infant)
2) Mosey to benches on front of building:  Dips on benches x 12 (learning to sit up)
3) Mosey to playground: pull-ups x 12
4) Mosey to circle: Burpees x 12 (as T-cell stated, represents “dying”??)

Plank when complete — thx to T-cell for Qing impromptu plank sessions incl regular, bird-dog, reverse and other versions of plank pain.

Round #2:  Age is Just a Number
Count off 1-2 and partner up
Partner 1:  Incline merkins (or derkins) x the age of partner 2
Partner 2: Bobby Hurleys (in honor of the greatest 4 days in sports and my beloved Blue Devils) x the age of partner #1

Round #3:  Mary
E2K L x 24
E2K R x 24

Welcomed 4(!) FNGs:  David aka Cat Scratch Fever, Paul aka Mo-Fomite, Kyle aka Princess Zelda, and Adam aka Myers-Briggs.  That’s 4 (Ebola, Vector, Cat Scratch and Mo-fo) infectious disease guys in the group — watch out — we’re spreading . . .
So great to have new men come out into the gloom and experience F3 — welcome back anytime!
Bomber is down in Franklin at Battleground next week to support and lift up Spicoli – meetup at Bomber AO for caravan at 5am.

Special thanks to Ebola for EHing me into F3, to Big Bang for naming me, and for the entire PAX for supporting me even when I’m not the most fit and may lag behind.    Truly was an honor to lead you all this morning as we all push each other to be better men, husbands, partners, fathers, friends.


A Cold Hearted Snake


Bagger Vance, Too Tall, Olan Mills, Offshore, Private Sandman, Harvey Updike, Life Champ, Dr. Smartt, Edible Arrangements

10 showed up on a brisk morning at The Racetrack for a little Paula Abdul “fun”. Been thinking about rolling some version of this out after posting at The Racetrack for the first time.

Disclaimer dropped followed by 10 burpees OYO. Mosey up to just outside the parking garage up on Maryland Way. Circle up for:

  • SSH x15 IC
  • Slow and Low Squats x10 IC
  • Good Mornings x10 IC
  • Willie Mays x10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles (Both Ways) x10 IC

Mosey to parking garage for some dynamic exercises to get extra loose.

  • High Knees/Butt Kickers One Length of the Garage
  • Side Shuffle (Switch Midway) One Length of the Garage
  • Super Marios One Length of the Garage

Today consisted of sets of two steps forward followed by one step back. Started at level one of the garage, and worked all of the way up to level six. Here’s the breakdown:

Set 1:

  • Sprint up one ramp
  • Recover for 10 seconds
  • Sprint up one ramp
  • 20 Merkins
  • Bearcrawl down a ramp
  • 10 Burpees

Set 2:

  • Sprint up one ramp
  • Recover for 10 seconds
  • Sprint length of garage
  • 20 Merkins
  • Bearcrawl back
  • 10 Burpees

Set 3:

  • Sprint length of garage
  • Recover for 10 seconds
  • Sprint up one ramp
  • 20 Merkins
  • Lunges down a ramp
  • 10 Burpees

Set 4:

  • Sprint up one ramp
  • Recover for 10 seconds
  • Sprint length of garage
  • 20 Merkins
  • Lunges back
  • 10 Burpees

Set 5:

  • Sprint length of garage
  • Recover for 10 seconds
  • Sprint up one ramp
  • 20 Merkins
  • Run backwards down a ramp
  • 10 Burpees

Set 6:

  • Sprint up one ramp
  • Recover for 15 seconds
  • Sprint length of garage
  • 20 Merkins
  • Run backwards back
  • 10 Burpees

Set 7:

  • Sprint length of garage
  • Recover for 15 seconds
  • Sprint up one ramp
  • 20 Merkins
  • Mosey down a ramp
  • 10 Burpees

Set 8:

  • Sprint up one ramp
  • Recover for 15 seconds
  • Sprint length of garage
  • 20 Merkins
  • Mosey back
  • 10 Burpees

Set 9:

  • Sprint length of garage
  • Recover for 15 seconds
  • Sprint up one ramp
  • 20 Merkins
  • Mosey down a ramp
  • 10 Burpees

Mosey back down from the top floor stopping at level five, four, three, and two for 5 merkins. Those extra twenty merkins made 200 total along with 100 burpees. Not bad for ~35 minutes of work!

Mosey back to the lot on Maryland way for MARY:

  • Flutter Kicks x30 IC

Please keep Spicoli in your thoughts and prayers as he deals with his current diagnosis. Additionally, keep Olan Mills dad in your thoughts and prayers as well for hopefully good results from an upcoming biopsy. Cancer sucks.

Thanks for those that came out and put in the work to get better this morning. Looking forward to more of this with you all in the future.


Threes Company

Q- T-Cell

Pax – Blue Mule, High Viz, Porcelain, and Bicentennial Man.

The 2.0 turned 3 this weekend. Since I haven’t stopped eating cake since Friday, it was time the PAX helped me work off his 3rd birthday. It was snowing. Blue Mule was wearing summer attire. He said his app this morning read 50 degrees. Crap app.

The Thang:

Mosey round the back half of the school to try and find some shelter neath the gym overhang. It sort of worked.

Squats X 30 IC, SSH X 30 IC, WMH X 10, Imperial Walker X 30 IC, Merkins X 10 IC and some tiny and big baby arm circles. Mosey to the tennis courts.

The plan was for 3 laps around the two courts. Broad jumps down the sidelines, LT Dans down the baseline, and ending with a suicide. We got thru 2 of these but we were eating time and needed to make it to the hill, so we pressed pause and headed for Love Circle.

Ran to the base of the road leading to LC. The plan was for 3 trips up with 10 burpees between sets. After 2 trips, we were all thankful the 2.0 didn’t turn 5, or 12. But he will one day and that day will suck for Westeros.

After finishing there, we ran back over to the tennis courts to blow out the candle on our 3rd trip around the court. No time for Mary as we headed back to the cars for COT.


YHC is a man of the people and kept the PAX dry, so it was a leg heavy day. Although the workout was rep light, the trips up the hill are worth the price of admission alone.


Need to get a Q signed up for Titan on Wednesday. Vector makes his VQ on his 48th birthday on Friday. Be there!

Still room to join us at the Ruck in Nashville.

30 degree weather, snowing, dark, and a time change to mix in makes this Monday a tough one. Grateful for the guys who made the decision to get up and get better. I wouldn’t have been out there if it wasn’t for you. Thank you.

As I shared coffee with Bagger Vance this afternoon, was reminded once again it’s more than a workout fellas. Don’t ever forget that. Grateful for each of you .


Basketball Jones

15 laced up their Reebok pumps on a cold, snowy morning to commemorate the beginning of March Madness.  YHC has also been MIA at Detention over the last few months due to coaching basketball, so it was good to be back and honored to lead the charge.

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Pop-A-Lock, Accounts Receivable, Skid Mark, CAPSLOCK, Ludwig, CCR, PSL, Bro@Law, Dr. Smartt, Braveheart, Barely Legal, Black Widow, Vegemite, Harvey Updike


Quick mosey around the parking lot

SSH x 8, Squat x 8, GM x 8, WMH x 8

Nothing says basketball fun like defensive slides, so to finish getting warmed up, we got in a defensive stance and did slides from line to line for one minute.


We partnered up and grabbed a coupon per group and headed to the swings.

Round One: Partner One worked his rebounding skills by jumping up as high as he could at the swings while Partner Two ran to the building and back with the coupon. Rinse and repeat until each person did 64 reps of jumps.

Round Two: Partner One did step ups x 32 while Partner Two did jump and slides.  You would jump two times forward, slide to the right two steps, slide to the left four steps, then back to the right two steps (no criss cross or everybody clap your hands), and then rinse and repeat until partner finished step ups.

Sweet Sixteen: Partner One did 16 burpees while Partner Two did up downs.  Partner Two would shuffle feet and then do the up down every time their Partner went to the ground.  Switch and repeat.

Elite Eight: This turned in to 10s instead of 8s…we’re overachievers.  On one end of the pavilion you would do 2 Makhtar Merkins, defensive slides to the other end, 8 Get Up Squats (Squat, lunge down to one knee, both knees, then get back up), defensive slides back.  Rinse and repeat by two until 8 Makhtar Merkins and 2 Get Up Squats.

Final Four: Partner One grabs a coupon and pushes weight out (as if holding steering wheel) four times then presses weight above head four times.  Partner Two runs suicide.  Switch and repeat and then rinse and repeat.

64: 64 Mountain Climbers

32: 32 Dips

16: 16 Pull Ups

8: 8 High Jumps

4: 4 Long Jumps

2: Run 2 Suicides

Return coupons and head back to the parking lot to partake in the final (championship if you will…) exercise, from henceforth named Lil Penny.

YHC played Barry White’s Space Jam version of “Basketball Jones” while PAX shuffled feet in squat position (or pulse squatted).  Every time the word “basketball” was said, PAX would jump.  For those who haven’t had the pleasure of listening to the song, it’s about 85 times in 5 minutes.

To make sure we wouldn’t forget our basketball stances, we finished with another minute of defensive slides.

Good work today, fellas!

Go Lipscomb and Go Vols…

Snow Day w/ Crazy 8

PAX: Money shot , Bagger Vance, Iron Lung, foggy pirate, Cathy, razor, Big stick,
Q: cowboy

Prevalent Mumble Chatter heard “Damn, I should have checked the weather before I threw out that HC last night.” Foggy Pirate. Iron Lung running around the parking lot “he never stops”

A set of Crazy 8 HIM PAX braved the elements at The Skunk. And stink was there. Those conditions were a terrible combo. 8 hours of rain followed by a couple hours of snow.
30 sec was called and then 5 Burpees to wake up. A mosey to the ballfield. Some Mumble Chatter about lots of 90 degree turns.
As we turned onto the baseball field YHC realized the tragic calamity that was about the ensue. The plan was to work in 4 stations (bases) on the ballfield. The ballfield was a muddy mess with at least 1/2″ of water over the infield. One would think that sitting on YHC’s couch Sunday afternoon amid the rain outside would have prompted pondering the condition of the field. Yes, one would think. But YHC did no such pondering of any significance.
As my Garmin used to say “recalculating route” went off in my head. A diversion to centerfield grass.

WOR: Disclaimer (after gentle reminder by bagger) and the WOR began
SSH, Good Mornings, Sumo Squates (slow & low), Willy Mays Hays (all IC x15)
Mosey to the 1st base dugout fence

The Thang:
Count off 1-4 (nice even pairs). Since the bases are a mess we will station at the dugouts, centerfield grass and behind homeplate
1st base – 3 Balls to The Wall x3
2nd base – 15 Merkin-Groiners x2
3rd Base – 44 Sumo Squats
Home – 60 American Hammers (now called Russian Hammers after campaign influence of recent times)
When finished at the station, plank and wait. All PAX progress to their next station when YHC called move by Bear Crawl to next station.
After 2 stations YHC decided to take this party to the state-of-the-art JT Moore tennis courts to pull the PAX in closer and step up the intensity if possible.
We completed the other two stations 3rd Crab walk between and 4th broadjump
After that painful 1st round YHC was smelling a dumpster fire. So Rinse and Repeat Round 2 was modified with everyone together on the same station. Starting at 1st station together, moving together. Better.

Next was Indian Run around the entire field with 5 burpees at each corner.
At last corner 11s – Dips and Derkins between the bleachers and the dugout bench.

Mary: Mosey to the parking lot for a slightly less conventional Mary
Circle up for 21s – SSH IC of 2 – 1st 10 are out loud as PAX. The remaining 11 to 21 are silent. The goal is everyone stops at 21 together. If we fail to stop together we do it again. The goal was to get in 5 perfect. We got 2.

It is clear YHC has waited too long to be on Q. Needed the practice and needed the pressure. No HIM is as agile as Bagger with the Q-adjustment on-the-fly. I can aspire to that.
I have spent a lot of time with my Dad recently. He is 82 and not as mobile as he once was. He and my Mom moved to Hendersonville, Tennessee about 1 1/2 years ago from Oklahoma where he lived all his life. I haven’t lived in the same town as him for 35 years. This season of life is a chance and a challenge. A chance to have some meaningful moments with he and my Mom as they age in what will most certainly feel like a short final season. A challenge to live with the man he is today and not bring my expectations of the man I expect him to be. As he is dealing with and coming to terms with his new set of physical limitations of being 80+, I am finding how to personally journey with him there. I find I am disappointed with his lack of interest in getting better and more mobile, and I realize that disappointment is about my fear. My fear of what it will be like when I get there. I have to find a way to enjoy him in the health place he is in, find the moments to grab and cherish, sit with him in the tough transitions of life because I think I am guaranteed to be in many of those same tough transitions into a more limited life in my future. This winter has been a tough one for me getting out in the gloom. My frequency of posts in recent months took a big dip. I found my drive to get out of bed seems less than last year. I think I can find that drive again, but it often takes a challenge from the brethren of F3.
Doing hard things has always given me energy. I am grateful for the chance to do hard things with the HIM of F3.

New Take on BLIMPS

PAX: FTTAL, Big Stick, Skidmark, Pop A Lock, Crawfish, Cathy, Just Cheese (FNG), Blue Mule, BV

QIC: Bagger Vance

47 and humid


Lots of MC re temperature and clothing choices. Pop a Lock giving some lame ass excuses for not posting to Ruck. Skidmark broke out his finest cotton in an ode to CAPSLOCK.


FTTAL rolls in attempting to injure as many Pax as possible with his red thing, er Red BMW station wagon


#Disclaimer disclaimed


Slaughter Starter/Welcome Party

10 Body Builders

10 Burpees

10 Merkins

RNR for the first 10′

Mosey over to the Warm O Rama lawn for:

SSH, IW, HB, SQUATS, GMA, Tips to Toes (V Ups), Supermans

All IC X 13

Mosey back to parking lot for YHC phone and speaker


Evolution I:

Run Indian to Clayton and 12S



Lt Dans

Imperial Walkers

Mtn Climbers

Plank Jax


Evolution II:

Run Indian to Kirkwood and 12S


Big Boi Sit Ups

(insert Big Stick to the PAX)


Imp Walkers


Peter Parkers


Evolution III:

Indian Run to Kirkwood and Lealand


Body Builders


Iron Cross


Plank 20″ hold


Evolution IV:

Indian Run to Clayton and Lealand



Lt Dans

Iron Cross


Peter Parker


Evolution V:

Indian Run to base of hill

Three Legged Coupon drag to flag pole and run back

P1 Drags the coupon up the hill while keeping one body part on coupon and other three on ground.

Other PAX perform the following

Plank progression

Merkins x 10


Plank Progression

F kix

Ola Dolly

Pistol LBCs

Mosey back to lot

Mary Up:

Plank for last 30″


Lots of fun this am men. Always enjoy leading at Stonewall. Admittedly, YHC was a bit salty after the Solo Ruck and started w a bit of a Woggler out the gates.

Love BLIMPS, always challenging to come up with alternatives to the original letters.

Cathy was so scared we would come up with a cheezy name for his FNG that he didn’t even stick around for the process and thus Just Cheese is our newest PAX. Insert Walter Sobchack with the “Do you see what happens Larry, do see what happens when you …” Also, Cathy is looking for someone to massage his hernia, he’s kind of a big deal so it’s probably worth your while.

Someone got YHC very confused on the proper way to tie shoes, I haven’t been able to tie my shoes since.

Nice to have Big Stick show up post run. I think FTTAL was starting to get a little teary eyed, kept looking longingly over his shoulder.

Another first, Blue Mule had on a long sleeve shirt. I Team is looking into the possibility that he has some sort of enormous back tattoo of the Scales of Justice. Stay tuned.


Kettlebell/Barbell AO Qd by Grisham at Granbery Elementary on Fridays at 0530. Bring yer bells.

I am trying to gauge interest in a Ruck only AO. Mostly Rucking with some of the Goruck Wednesday Workout mixed in.  If you’re interested, hit me up