Cruel Hall – 3/2/2018 Captain America turns 27


23 showed up for birthday bash involving shields, boots, and a potential neighborhood noise complaint.

PAX: Offshore, Olan Mills, Third Degree, Edible Arrangement, Dilly Dilly, Yardsale, Big Stick, Razor, Cinderella, PSL, Reefer, Donuts, Jigsaw, Deck the Hollis, Swamp Fox, Tampa Libra, Accounts Receivable, Tulip, Greasetrap, Skid Mark, Dupree, Vegemite, Pop-A-Lock

Adorned in classic boots, cargo pants, and the signature shield, Cap came sprinting out onto the AO with music blaring. Mumble chatter encouraged Q to quiet it down lest the men in blue show up. Q obliged.

10x SSH

10x GM

10x BAC (forward and reverse)

10x Seal claps

10x Squats

10x Willie Mays Hayes

10x Merkins

Each PAX found a Bucky to be by their side throughout the THANG.

Mosey to bottom of Bus Hill. Q notices boots are hard to run in.

7 burpees

Reverse bear crawl to top of hill. Q regretted this decision about 1/3 of the way up.

20 Lieutenant Dan

Wall sit and wait

Mosey to playground

Partner relay – 7 pullups, 20 dips, 27 rows while partner runs Figure 8 around the playground and the baseball loop. Flapjack. Boots are REALLY hard to run in.

Mosey to covered area

Wheelbarrow relays – Teams wheelbarrow to end of court, swap and return. 7 muktar and cry, 20 squats at finish. Rinse and repeat.

Crab crawl relays – Teams crab crawl together to end of court, reverse and return. 7 burpees, 20 squats at finish.

Mosey to parking lot

Monkey shuffle relay – partners monkey shuffle (sideways bear crawl with ape like motion) to end parking lot and back. 7 burpees, 20 lunges at end.

Ankle grabber relay – partners ankle grabber to end parking lot and back. 7 burpees, 20 lunges at end.

Circle for Mary.

10x Muktar and Cry

Dealer’s Choice 20 rep abs:

20x LBCs.

Next PAX: 20 LBCs.

Q demands a switch of workout.

Next PAX: 20 LBCs.

Due to violation of direct order, 5 burpees were laid out in the formal court martial.

Circle of Trust


Stonewall – 2/24/2018 – The Strenuous Life


11 Pax appeared on a soggy Saturday morning for another Teddy Roosevelt Laced workout.

PAX: Foxtrot, Hambone, Pop-a-Lock, Deep Dish, Third Degree, Crawfish, Umbrella, Chatty Cathy, Cowboy, Vegemite Third Person

Quick mosey to community center parking lot.



“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot

14x SSH

15x BAC front and back

??? Butt kickers? It was early….

15x Seal claps

10x Squats


10 Muktar and Cry’s in cadence – Start in High Plank, down to Low Plank, JLo, up to High Plank and one Merkin (1 rep).

Quick mosey to open area next to tennis courts.

PAX paired off. While one HIM was in high plank, the other did 5 Merkins, then jumps over teammate, then crawls back underneath him. Repeat 20x per PAX, flapjack as necessary. Deceptively difficult. Sufficiently awkward for a Pop-A-Lock Q. With odd numbers, Q completed with an invisible partner, eliciting chuckles and mumblechatter from PAX.

Counted to 10. PAX nervous of a rinse and repeat.

Mosey around the tennis courts. Diverted onto tennis courts, to the relief of the PAX.

Round 1: Crabwalk suicides to ¼, ½, ¾ and full court. Face one direction the whole time. Every time the start point is reached, do 40 1 count flutters.

Triceps burned out.

Count to 20.

Round 2: Ankle grabber (duck walk holding ankles) suicides in same pattern. 20 ab thrusters when baseline is reached.

Quads screaming.

Count to 30.

Mosey to back of hill with flagpole, PAX (and the overly enthusiastic Q) rejoicing there was no rinse and repeat.

Round 1: Bear crawl to flagpole, 20 derkins at top. Bear crawl back, 20 squats at bottom.

Round 2: Crawl bear to flagpole, 20 derkins at top. Crawl bear back, 20 squats at bottom.

Triceps and shoulders completely burned out at this point.

Rounds 3: Back pedal up hill, 20 derkins at top. Sprint back, 20 squats at bottom.

Mosey to hill above playground.

PAX 1 PlankJacks while PAX 2 runs to pull up bars and completes 5 reps. Runs back to top of hill and flapjacks. Repeat 3x for each PAX.

Mosey to parking lot.

Circle of Trust

I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life” – Teddy Roosevelt. Had severe asthma, exercised out of it. Charged San Juan Hill, built the Panama Canal, established the National Parks. Known to kill mountain lions by hand and swim the Potomac in winter (Secret Service in tow).

PAX lived strenuously today. Rinse and repeat every day.