Oregon Trial – ReDeux (Featuring Egg Suck and Ride & Square Bales, Flatbeds)

Conditions: Perfect

15 PAX in Attendance: Tebow, Stats, Typo+, Nimbus1500, Creeper, TV Guide, Nacho, Snowball, NumbTucks, Barney, Staples, Mickey, Kermit, Toad, .

PreParty: Partner swap Prairie Grass Pullups (50 total) with AMRAP HipDips while the Medic played us some “Egg Suck and Ride”

Warm up:
Oval up…struggled with circle early.  Brief disclaimer in to 20 SSH, 10ish Arm Circles both directions and Good Mornings OYO.

Mosey over to Independence, MO (Nolensville First United Methodist Church) to gear up for our journey.

Assemble the Wagons: Partner up
Partner 1 in wide PLANK while Partner two begins their IRON Hulk swapping every set, ascending from 1 Merkin:4 AirPresses to 10 Merkins:40 AirPresses

Our sound track for the morning drew some early mumble chatter…might have been the opening “Square bales, flatbeds” line?  Can’t speak for everyone, but it fired me up!

Now that our transportation is taken care of, we rode over to the Kansas River (Mill Creek) via speed mosey.

Ford the River
Crabwalk feet first, then sideways, flip sides then backwards over the bridge.

Short Mosey to the Soccer Field

Bear Hunting
Partner 1 begins Crawl Bear away from Partner 2, while Partner 2 does 5 Pistol Squats on each leg.  Once partner 2 completes his Pistol Squats, he Bear Crawls until he catches Partner 1.  (Flip sides, Rinse and Repeat the length of the high plains of Nebraska (Nolensville Soccer Fields)

Short Mosey

Carry your Kill
Now that we’ve got lots of bear meat, we need to get it back to the wagon via Partner Carries from the Soccer Fields to Mill Creek Brewery.

Base of the mountain 
The weight of that meat on those wooden wheels gave us fits.  10x (Broken Wheel) One Legged Hops on the Right Leg, 10x CDDs, 10x One Legged Hops on the Left Leg, 10x Mountain Climbers.  Rinse and Repeat from the Mill Creek sign to the other side of the parking lot…to get us to the base of the Rockies.

Quick Mosey

BurpBack Mountain 
Gotta do what you have to keep warm with your partner in the Rockies.  PAX 1 did Politicians up the Hill and Bear Crawled down 2X, while PAX 2 did Burpees then swap.  Only one round for time

Indian Run back to home base

In honor of the origin of the name Oregon, thought to be from the French Canadian word Ouragan (Hurricane), we completed a quick Hurricane Hoedown.

10 Hands up High Flutter Kick – 10 Slightly Reclined Flutter Kick – 10 Flutter Kicks

Post Party
Nimbus1500, Mickey, Kermit & RagDoll

3X (10) DIDs

Intervals, Hill Crawls and Dwarf Kickin?

Good showing despite the late preds game last night!  16 PAX set out to complete my first non-themed workout.  Sorry, no story…

PAX: Mickey, Stats, MicDrop, NumbTucks, Creeper, 3rdDegree, Tebow, WMD, ShowMe, Kermit, Mufasa, Barney, Little Miss Piggy, Hushpuppy & Staples
TEMP: Awesome

Warm Up: 30 SSH + Some stretching


Interval Training w/some new moves

    • Side Gorlillas 30 Sec.
    • Sit Thrus 30 Sec.
    • Switches 30 Sec.
    • Stationary Gorillas 30 Sec.
    • 5 Step Bear Crawl to 5 Step Crawl Bear 30 Sec.
    • Vertical Jumps
      • X2 then 60 Second Rest
    • The Square Sequence 1:30 (Not sure how to describe the hoppy, stationary bear thing we did, I guess you had to be there.  Couple sit thrus then advance in a square pattern doing the hoppy thing & sit thrus at every corner)

Mosy to the Broken Wheel starting line


Broken Wheel, alternating legs after 15 hops with 10 CDD in between.  Advance to the hill (Or the rockies for those veterans of the Oregon Trail I & II)


Zig Zag Crawl Bear up the hill and Bear Crawl, advancing to the mud or 10 cycles, which ever came first.

Mosy to the Bleachers 


    • 25x Toe Gripping Hanging Sit ups off the Bleachers (Insurance Required)
    • 25x Hanging leg lifts

Mosy to the shelter

    • 20x Plank Hip Dips (Each Side)
    • 25x Kick Thrus (Each Side is a Half) – Pending name change…probably something about kicking a dwarf according to the MC.  Maybe we should say elf though, incase we have a dwarf visit? 
    • 25x Push Planks
    • Last two minutes of Isolation Hillbillies to round it out.

I’d highly encourage anyone who hasn’t joined the “Become your most Masculine self” Devotional to do so.  Select this link on your phone and it’ll take you to the YouVersion Bible app and give you the option to join the group.

If you weren’t able to make coffiteria, we learned a lot about kermit’s son Frodo & 3rd Degrees anxiety about using Irish Castle bathrooms after shepherds pie…I’ll leave it there…too much:)

• The Gauntlet is May 4th, do it


Rocky & The Rockettes


15 PAX made it out this morning, in what I hope is one of the last twenty something degree mornings of the year.

PAX: Nimbus1750, 3rdDegree, Tebow, Inspector Gadget, Kermit, Netflix, Stats, Sterno, Hot n Ready, Staples, Typo+, OldHickory, ShowMe, (shoulda done this earlier, now I don’t remember)

Warmup – delayed Capri lap due to technical difficulties. We tried out some new “Boxer Jacks” and a pretend jump rope progression.

Rocky I & II
-Mosey around the ballpark to the snack shack.
-50 Frog hops in to 50 Duckwalk steps X 4-5 depending on how long your duck stride was.
-50 Alternating “one arm” merkins with a clap merkin at the end. Each down counted as one
-Split into 2 groups    (Swap)                                                                                                                         Group A: 25 Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Leg)                                                                       Group B: 25 “One Arm” pullups…or at least they would’ve been if it wasn’t             so slick (seriously, that was the only thing preventing one arm pullups!)

Rocky III
-Partner up for the Apollo beach run (ie. jog around the 1/3 mile track with a partner and race to the finish line from the bench by the bridge)…then hug it out

Rocky IV
-Snowy Sled Pull (Push…cause a pull would’ve been awkward…like if you had hung under a dude before over the bridge…not saying I ever did that)
PAX 1 bear crawl drives PAX 2 while  PAX 2 pushes against PAX 1s                           shoulders.  Down and back 3 times, alternating Alternating drivers.                    -50 Hanging leg lifts off the bench, not quote the dragon flag I was hoping for…


I’m sure I’m missing a post party and other things, but Yo F3 PAX, I DID IT!

Oh yeah, I think we finished with some more boxing jacks upon Sterno’s request.


Nimbus’ Favorite Thangs

7 PAX out this morning in the low 20s for Nimbus’ list of Favorite Thangs!

PAX: Stats, Altidore, Tebow, Ragdoll, Sterno, Creeper & Nimbus1500


  • SSH x25
  • Tempo Squats x20
  • Big Arm Circles OYO (definitely needed before the sequence below)
  • Toy Soliders x10ish each leg OYO

The List

Thang Combo #1

Quick Mosey to the swing set for our partner swap Burpups (Prairie Grass Pullups for those of you who took the journey on the Oregon Trail pt. 2) and HipDips.  With 5 sets of 5, each PAX completed 25 Burpups and as many HipDips they could squeeze in while their partner was on the pull up bar.

Thang Combo #2

Mosey to the Snack Shack for some wall work.  In pairs, one PAX would run to the trees and back while the other PAX would do the wall exercise until the runner returned.  We did three rounds, 1st Wall Walkups, 2nd Balls to the Wall (lotta balls in my workouts lately?), 3rd Donkey Kicks.

Thang #3

Indian run from the snack shack to the bridge, where we did one lap of partner carries.  Each PAX rotated in as needed to complete the lap.

Thang #4

Since we were there and we hadn’t had enough shoulders yet, we Crawl Bear’d the bridge and Bear Crawled back.

Mosey back to launch


Quick mary with 3 mins remaining, but we got in some new flavors of planks I’ve been experimenting with…from my wife’s Barre classes:).  They have dumb names at Barre, so I’ll call the first one, “The Hillbilly Plank”.  We completed 20ish of those and then knocked out 10 “Push Planks” (name is in review).

Like most of my Qs, I had a lot more favorites to share, but didn’t have enough time.  A sequel is likely…

Soggy Balls

13 PAX this soggy/cold morning for a little diddy I learned Down Range.  #TheBallSack

Pre-Party: NumbTucks & Nimbus1500 – 1hr Speed Ruck

PAX: NumbTucks, Inspector Gadget, Stats, Altidore, Soccer Mom, Tebow, Gaylord Focker, FNG (Abby), Staples, Kermit, Typo Positive, Creeper & Nimbus1500


  • Tempo Merkins IC x 10
  • Windmills IC x 20
  • LBAC Backwards/Forwards x 20
  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • Jump Squats x 10

The Thang:

In my sack, there were 21 balls.  Each ball had a number and mode of transportation written on them.  There was one 5 ball (that we never found), with the rest numbered between 10 and 30.  The mode’s of transportation available were Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Right Leg Hop, Left Leg Hop, Broad Jump (which we never found…thank goodness) & Crab Walk.

Each PAX got a shot at my balls.  One at a time, they’d call an exercise, pull a ball from my sack and huck it as far as possible…most times (Typo and NumbTucks are on probation).  We’d then use the mode of transportation listed and once we made it to the ball, we’d do the exercise the thrower selected in the quality reflected on the ball.

I might miss one or two, but we got in some:

  • SSH
  • WWI
  • Merkins
  • Iron Hulk Modified (1:4 Merkins/OverHead Press)
  • Burpees
  • Double Shot of Jack Burpees
  • Lunges
  • American Hammers
  • Swats
  • Lt. Dan’s
  • Mountain Climber Merkins
  • Missing one, someone help me out if you remember.

The mumble chatter was everything I’d hoped for.  We burned through our time allotted and went strait to the count and nameorama.  Welcome to our FNG (Abby)!

Post Party: 15 DIDs

Oregon Trail Part 2

Conditions: 25 degrees

16 PAX in Attendance: 3rd Degree, Tebow, Altidore, CheezWhiz, Stats, Nimbus1500, ShowMe, Netflix, Creeper, Sterno,  SoccerMom, Inspector Gadget, NumbTucks (NimTucks this morning), ragdoll, Barney Fievel & WMD.

PreParty: 3rd Degree, SoccerMom, CheezWhiz, Creeper and Gaylord Focker (Don’t know what they did, I’m more of a Post Party kinda guy)

Warm up:
Started circled up for 10X: Twist Lunges, Knee Tucks, Toy Soldiers, T Merkins, Prisoner Squats & Prisoner Iron Mikes?

Prairie Problems
Partner swap:  PAX 1 Prairie Grass Pullups (Burpups) 10X, while PAX 2 completed as many “side plankups” as possible.  Swap then Rinse and Repeat for 10 mins

Base of the mountain 
The cold is tough on those wooden wheels.  15X (Broken Wheel) One Legged Hops on the Right Leg, 10X Angle Grinders, 15X One Legged Hops on the Left Leg, 20X Mountain Climbers.  Rinse and Repeat from the park entrance to the back parking lot, otherwise known as the Rockies

BurpBack Mountain 
Gotta do what you have to keep warm with your partner.  PAX 1 did Politicians up the Hill and Bear Crawled down 3X, while PAX 2 did Burpees.  Swap then Rinse and Repeat until there were an aggregate of 50 Burpees done by the pair.  Part way through, we lost some feet to frost bite, so the last 25 were one legged Burbees.

Quick Snake Run back to home base

30 Seconds of: Reverse Crunches, American Hammers, Jack Knife Sit-ups, One Legged Prom Dates (one round per leg, while my name was bellowed in a compromising way be the PAX), Wine mixers, Crunches, Mountain Climbers & Freddie Mercuries.

Post Party
Nimbus1500, 3rd Degree, CheezWhiz, Creeper, NumbTucks and SoccerMom & Barney completed 10 Yurpees

The Oregon Trail

Conditions: 38 degrees and raining

13 PAX in Attendance: 3rd Degree, Tebow, Altidore, CheezWhiz, Stats, Typo+, Nimbus1500, ShowMe, Netflix, Creeper, TV Guide, Sterno & SoccerMom.

PreParty: 3rd Degree, SoccerMom & Typo+ (Don’t know what they did, I came in hot at 5:30)

Warm up:
Started circled up with a few Butt Kicks, Side Straddle Hops and Dynamic Stretching prior to setting out on the trail.

Indian run over to Independence, MO (Nolensville First United Methodist Church) to gear up for our journey.

Assemble the Wagons: Partner up
Partner 1 in wide PLANK while Partner two begins their IRON Hulk swapping every set, ascending from 1 Merkin:4 AirPresses to 10 Merkins:40 AirPresses

Now that our transportation is taken care of, we rode over to the Kansas River (Mill Creek) via an Indian Run.

Ford the River
Crabwalk feet first, then sideways, flip sides then backwards over the bridge.

Bear Hunting
Partner 1 begins Crawl Bear away from Partner 2, while Partner 2 does 5 Pistol Squats on each leg.  Once partner 2 completes his Pistol Squats, he Bear Crawls until he catches Partner 1.  (Flip sides, Rinse and Repeat the length of the high plains of Nebraska (Nolensville Soccer Fields)

Carry your Kill
Now that we’ve got lots of bear meat, we need to get it back to the wagon via Partner Carries from the Soccer Fields to Mill Creek Brewery.

AND…we all died of dysentery (Ran out of Time)

Quick Snake Run back to home base

In honor of the origin of the name Oregon, thought to be from the French Canadian word Ouragan (Hurricane), we completed a quick Hurricane Hoedown.

Post Party
Nimbus1500, 3rd Degree, CheezWhiz, Creeper and SoccerMom completed 7 Yurpees