the most annoying workout in the world

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, bluemule, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Hanes, DrRupp, Betty Ford, aquaman
FNGs: 1 aquaman

WARMUP: active stretching


Rotating stations + hill sprint between rotations

Station 1: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Merkins

Station 2: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — squats

Station 3: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — hanging leg raises

Station 4: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Triangles

Station 5: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — Australian push-ups

Team station: Bring Sally Up + Bring Sally Down — up downs

Timer is a song about Sally going up and down…

Everyone completes all the stations

Back to start


COT: Ashley

Tortoise & Hare – Run #1

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Hair Band, Right Said, Crawlspace, hambone, Young and Restless, SalPal, Skeet, Take 3, D Pole, Jackie Moon + 9 FNGs waiting to be named on Thursday
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A chilly 19 degrees

WARMUP: SSH, IW, Squats, Stretching

THE THANG: Pair up and RUN!!

MOLESKINE: What a great first run for the new class. Everyone finished sub 40:00 today. Thanks for the great F3 support this morning.

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and wisdom

Keyless Entry

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: greyalbum, 40 Minutes, Ultratecht, The Bobs, LogJam, Invictus, Longcut
FNGs: None

Warm-up: Forward Fold, Willie Mays Hays, cherry pickers, Arm Stretches, SSH in cadence, Forward Fold.

The Thang:
-Mosey down Shadow Ln. to trailhead and back. 25 merkins or squats at every light/electric poll
-Lunges: one trip down and back with 10 squats every 5 lunges.
-Dora: 150 Curls and 150 Press while partner runs
– Mary
Lean Pax in full swing
Open dates at Tora need to be filled, VQs welcome!
Music City Marathon in April
LA community after fires.
Moment of silence, three daily gratitude’s

Filipino Friday

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Vector, Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, CubCadet, Sherlock, Wet Wipes, Puzzlah, Pep, DintyMoore, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Calm before the Snow

Having returned from 2.5 weeks in the Philippines, YHC queued up a playlist of Filipino/Filipino-American artists, equipped the PAX with 25lb bags of rice and led the mosey to the upper parking lot.

20x SSH
15x Air Presses
15x Filipino Night Clubs

Part 1: PAX split up into 2 groups of 5, each with a bag of rice. Groups did an indigenous peoples’ run around the parking lot, passing the bag of rice back to the last person, who would run it back to the front. In my group’s case, the pass was more of a toss. 2 laps around the lot.

Part 2: PAX split up into 4 groups of 2 or 3. Laying on the ground, PAX did a WWI to grab the bag of rice in front of them and then pass it back to partner, then getting up to reposition on the ground behind their partner to receive the bag of rice again. We did this down half the length of the parking lot and then did the reverse back to the starting point.

Part 3: In the same groups, 1 PAX held a plank while the other run the length of the parking lot, holding the bag of rice over their head. Second time through, we run half the length of the parking lot.

Part 4: Mosey down to the playground. PAX had to answer questions about the Philippines. We did reps of an exercise related to the answer. If anyone in the group could answer within a specified margin of error, 5 penalty burpees would be waived.

– 117 mountain climbers for the ~117 million people who live in the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 76 flutter kicks for the over 7600 islands in the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 124 plank jacks for the 124 islands in the Hundred Islands (at low tide) (+ five penalty burpees)
– 15 pull-ups (times 2 sets) for the 15 million people that live in Metro Manila
– 16 hanging leg lifts for the 16 Tennessees it would take to make up the population of the Philippines (+ five penalty burpees)
– 64 fire hydrants for the 64″ average height of Filipino men
– 61 dips for the 61 foot length of the longest recorded whale shark (+ five penalty burpees)
– 48 kick throughs for the differential between today’s low temperature and the low temperature in Manila

MOLESKINE: No bags of rice were harmed during this Q.
Also, YHC introduced “One More Thing” after Count-o-rama and Name-o-rama. Each PAX shared a word or sentence of gratitude to kick the day off on a positive and thankful note.

Also, also, our tunes were highjacked when my younger decided that 6am was a great time to be playing Chappell Roan on my Spotify account. Actual playlist below.


– Safety for all those traveling and/or affected by fires and winter weather
– Many thanks to DintyMoore for his leadership as AOQ for the last year and change

It was an honor and pleasure leading y’all today!

Return to Cinder

AO: the-knoll
Q: Half Lyfe
PAX: El Capitan, Lady Liberty, Malibu, morning stār, Pebbles, Stubs, 2 2.0 Iowa, Samwise?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Frosty 14 degs.

WARMUP: SSH, BAC, BBAC, High Knees, Good Mornings, WMH’s, mosey to get coupons.

THE THANG: Tribute Sooie with modified exercise challenge. Instead of planks did Cinder block arm extension in front hold until your not able to. Run to tree line and back. First person out (me) did jumping lunges. Did 2 rounds then started various exercises some with and some without cinder block. Push Ups alternating which hand is on block, bent over row, overhead thrusters with block, shoulder press, pull ups, curl/press/tricep, extension, on back leg press towards sky, mosey to concrete bench. Did steps ups with block, box jumps and dips with block on legs. Back to playground. Did some agility with block. Jump over side to side for 30sec, then side to side step ups for 30sec. Ended with more push ups and modified mountain climbers for some abs. Mosey back to return coupons.

MOLESKINE: Getting outside comfort zone. Applies to many areas of life, work, relationships, kids, F3, etc. Good to have routine, but also good to mix it up. Don’t get stuck!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bellevue ADA Playground Equip meeting tonight. Reach out Stubs for details. LeanPax on going. Pitmaster VQ tmrw at Pain Train.

COT: Prayers for those battling and impacted by Cali wild fires, Stubs friend who had a stroke, and Mental health.

Welcome Back and Impromptu Q

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Dilbert, Country Parkour, OnTHE Fence
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and Snowy as we wrapped


Hugs for Dilbert welcoming him back off the IR.

Was thrust into action as Q, since the AOQ and Q for the day had overslept. No worries. We are all freed to lead. Thankfully I still had the kettlebells in the car.

20 SSH
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Cherry Pickers
10 Forward Arm Circles
10 Reverse Arm Circles


Partner Up!
1 PAX works out with Kettlebell
1 PAX runs to end of parking lot and back

KB exercises
Overhead Press
Tricep Ext

Our AOQ joined us and finished the workout with us.

Couple mins of Mary and then 5 Burpee Buy out.


Dilbert we are glad you are back off IR. OnTHE Fence good to see you too. Country Parkour your presence is always a joy. hambone the standard is the standard.

PAX, if you know men North of the wall (OHB) encourage them to get to this AO. Big things are coming for this area. These HIMs are invigorated to lead and encourage the men of the North.



Earning the Apres

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Young and Restless, DrRupp, sooner, Toothless, bluemule
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold and Windy! I thought it was supposed to be warm in the south…

WARMUP: Mosey around the school, active warmups, dynamic stretching

THE THANG: Cross Country Skiing

Lunge the length of the field
20 Burpees
Mosey back
Lunge the length of the field
20 Star Jumps
Mosey to the Parking Lot

Inchworm from standing position into plank, perform merkin, walk feet up to hands, put hands straight up. Inchworm the length of the parking lot

Ring of Fire!
All start in high plank, transition to low plank, and back to high plank throughout the song.

DORA: 200 WW1’s as your partner travels the length of the lot and back

5 Burpee buy in for ending one minute early

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax started yesterday, juiceday kicking off, new 4:13 class at Stronghold next Thursday

COT: Prayers for health in the new year


We did this not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy.

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: Half Lyfe, Pebbles, Sooie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: :cold_face: brrrr-ning up :cold_face:

Good Morning OYO
Head circles
Front Shoulder taps
Air presses

Circle up hold a low plank.
When first PAX collapses, all run to the tree line and back (~0.24 mile). PAX who gave up first does exercises. Remaining PAX resume plank competition. Repeat. Since there were only three of us, we did 3 full rounds. Pebbles was the overall victor with Half Lyfe in a close second.

After the plankapalooza we each did 30 DIDs.
Finished with Mary.


Pebbles has a cool F3 book he’s willing to lend after he finishes it.

Prayers spoken and offered. Great coffeeteria provided by Pebbles

Restorative Sportcore

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: wardas1, Pep, Will Norton, Swiffer, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, Black Lung, Harbaugh
FNGs: None
The year is 1502. On this day, in the city of Bologna, Italy, a boy by the name of Uno Boncompagni is born. He will go on to study and teach law before he is summoned to Rome by Pope Paul III and appointed first judge of the capital. Uno’s administrative strengths will allow him to rise through the ranks of the Catholic Church, resulting in his eventual election to the papacy in 1572. Ever the patron of the arts and sciences, Uno will use his position to commission a modified version of the Julian calendar 10 years later. More closely approximating the solar year and properly spacing leap years, it will go on to become the most widely accepted calendar in the world.

523 years later, Uno Boncompagni is better known by his assumed name, Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the Gregorian calendar is named.

Vatican Night Clubs
SnL Squats

Building a Foundation
3 rounds – 1’ per exercise

1. Squats
2. Side Lunges
3. SL Deadlifts
4. Split Squats R
5. Split Squats L

Gregora 1-2-3
Partner up – P1 reps, P2 runs to opposite end of field and back.

100 Merkins
200 WWIs
300 Jane Fondas R/L

Mosey back to flag for COT/BOM

The story of Pope Gregory XIII had everything to do with January 7 and nothing to do with any of the workout, save for a few cleverly named exercises. Sometimes you just want to Q something that works!

LeanPax is in full swing and men across F3 Nashville are participating in the challenge. Details from Black Lung are in the thread above, and the spreadsheet to track your progress is

On 2/11, I’ll be on Q for a Valentine’s Day-themed workout to get you prepped, so go ahead and get sexy for me with a way too early HC.

We lifted up:
– the Stark family
– Elizabeth Webb
– Keith
– Ariel
– The Gilberts