Ten Trees

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Wolfpack, Stubs, Half Lyfe, Pebbles
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold for the first 10 minutes

WARMUP: SSHs til Siri gets out of his car. What was he doing in there?

Mosey to get coupons and carry to river table.

Ten Trees:

Split into two groups. One person runs and touches a tree while the other completes a workout. You cannot touch the same tree twice throughout the workout.

River table: Coupon Squats

Walk to playground with coupon over head

Playground: Bent over Rows

Walk to back stop with coupon over head

Backstop: Floor to Ceilings

Walk to street with coupon over head and return them to Pebbles house. Mosey back to startex.

Thang 2 – PlankUps Ring of Fire
Pax lines up at pull up bars. Everyone holds a high plank. First Pax does a pull up goes back to high plank, second pax follows, all the way down the line. When complete, Pax rotates so first is last and everyone moves up. Now hold low plank and go for two. Rotate. High plank for 3 pull ups each. Rotate. Low plank for 4 pull ups. Rotate. High plank for five.

MOLESKINE: There are not ten trees close to the backstop

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, push up challenge, Franklin’s Biscuit Run, Spartan code in general channel

COT: struggled to get out of bed this morning. Only reason I made it is because I was leading and I knew others depending on that. Made me think… I led therefore I showed up, but how often in my life am I showing up to lead? How often am I being intentional about not just being in a place, but taking on leadership… Am I being proactive about finding opportunities to lead? Encouragement to Pax to seek out places in their life where they can show up.

Tortoise & Hare, run #2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: hambone, Chunks, Judy, Barney, Decaf, Take 3, Big Rig, Toadstool, Wolverine, Mane ‘N Tail, Sax Man, Toots, Square Root, Airball, Yes Chef, D Pole, Jackie Moon
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 16 degrees and dark!

WARMUP: Regular pre-run warm-up: SSH, IWs, Squats, Stretches and WHM.

THE THANG: RUN!! We had only one PR this morning. Toots broke 30 mins for the first time and finished with an impressive 27:30!

MOLESKINE: Spirits remain high with this class. Thanks to Chunks hambone and Judy for joining us this morning.

COT: Prayers for healing, courage, strength and guidance.

Feels like 2

AO: detention
Q: Focker
PAX: Deep State, DintyMoore, Movin On Up, Esposa
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 9, but really :the_horns:

WARMUP: run a little, too cold to stretch

Pavilion to start
5 diamond merks, 7 wide grip, 9 regular
Lunge to half court
10 prisoner squats
Run to playground
5 pull ups
Did this x5

Core break

Changed location to get out of wind
Did same routine x5

Core break
Short mosey and Bernie up bus hill
Held low plan for 90 seconds to close

MOLESKINE: just so dang cold, but still great mumblechatter. Favorite cable movies

ANNOUNCEMENTS: push up challenge, leanpax

COT: Movin On Up and his father’s recovery. Safety today during inauguration and CFP. Prayers for our leadership

Top 5’s

AO: cruelhall
Q: Focker
PAX: Mistah Mistah, Pedialyte, Young and Restless, Donkey Hammer, EZ-Go, Esposa, Pound Puppy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant and chilly

WARMUP: some mobility work

THE THANG: run to ag center hill loop
20 Alabama prom dates at bottom
Bear crawl up hill
20 ww1 at top
Run down
20 lunges
Bear crawl up hill
20 ww1
Run down
20 prisoner squats
Bear crawl up hill
20 ww1
Run down
20 burpees

Run back to school
70 merkins until all in

MOLESKINE: just some really great Mumblechatter exploring our Top 5 albums and later diverging into Top 5 movies.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax, Smokehouse mile time trial on Tuesday!

COT: prayers for those in California and NC amid natural disasters, prayers for EZ-Go traveling and family peace

Hair Band Takes on The Buffalo

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Chunks, Ultratecht, greyalbum, Third Coast
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a bit nipply

Warm up
50 SSHs
Good mornings
Willie mays hays
High knees
Butt kickers

Everyone grab a coupon
New best friend, if you break your new best friend it’s 50 burpees & $3

Lunge walk in circle around parking lot w block in a cradle out front of you
10 cinderblock burpees
10 jump over block burpees (each side is half)
Jog a lap
50 4ct bent over rows
50 4ct tricep extensions or 40 merkins
Sprints (2×50%, 2×75%, 2×90%)
Those that just did merkins do tricep extensions
Those that just did tricep extensions do shoulder press 50ct
30 ct WW1s with block overhead
Jog a couple cool down laps

Good discussion around: What does it look like when we invest in our 3rdF and how does growing our 3rdF benefit us?
What can we do now to encourage 3rdF?

– 2nd quarterly AOQ Grow School coming soon, stay tuned for dates
– 4:13 strong does authentic manhood 4 times a new class, first one was at 0730 yesterday. Stay tuned in thestronghold channel for the next one, please consider showing up!

– every man shared something: prayers for health of loved ones, for marriage health, for a new job, for forgiveness and grace, and celebration of the return of third coast after about a year off!

Thank y’all for letting me Q yesterday, I had a great time.

Rock on,

Hair Band

Oh Hill No!

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: Chunks, Pep, hambone, SalPal, Son of Red Skull, Salami, Tea Party, The Merchant, Strutter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Not raining! As promised.

WARMUP: The warmup consisted of the following exercises, all in cadence:
20) SSH’s
20) Imperial Storm Troopers
40) Arm Circle Complex
A short Mosey to the base of the hill.

THE THANG: Run to the top of the hill and return for an exercise. We performed these in sets of 3.
The first 3 trips were paired with 10) merkins IC.
The next 3 trips up the hill featured 10) American Hammers IC.
The 3rd set of hill climbs were followed by a merkin complex consisting of 10) merkins OYO (that fulfilled the 70/day requirement of a few of the Pax), 10) Wide Grip merkins IC, and 10) Diamond merkins IC.




Cinderblocks to Exhaustion (pt 2)

AO: pain-train
Q: Siri
PAX: Half Lyfe, Stubs, Pitmaster
FNGs: None

Get us warm with SSH, shoulder work, and a lap around the park with mobility.

3 Burpees + 3 cinderblock Front Squats with Overhead Press*

*On the minute, perform 3 Burpees + 3 Front Squats with Overhead Press. Burpees stay at 3-Reps every minute. The Front Squats increase by 1-Rep every minute (ex: 3 Burpees +1 FS, 3+2, 3+3, 3+4…and so on). Continue climbing the ladder of Front Squats until you can not complete the reps in that minute.

-Active Rest b/t Sets-
– mosey one lap followed by alternating sets of 15 (2-count) imperial walkers and 15 (4-count) SSH. 3 sets of each.

(Score is Highest Number of Squats from Set 1 + Highest Number of Squats from Set 2)


Great work everyone!



Push/Pull Day

AO: the-knoll
Q: Half Lyfe
PAX: G-string, Puzzlah, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Sooie, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Calm, nice 30ish degrees.

WARMUP: SSH, WMH, BAC, BBAC, MDC, Overhead Press, Fast feet taps with down to push up and back up to fast feet taps (similar to football exercise). Mosey to get coupons. Did some karaokes and politicians during mosey.

THE THANG: 10 stations (5 push/pull). Rotated to each station and did 20 reps then once one round complete drop 5 and repeat. Once down to 5 continues with 5 reps until time was up.
1) Merkins
2) Swing row
3) Front Arm Lift with coupon
4) Bands for reverse down
5)Pull ups
6) Overhead press with dumbbells
7) Bicep Curls with coupon
8) Tricep Extension with coupon
9) Dips
10) Bent over rows with coupon

Mosey back to return coupons. Each PAX said something meaningful to them (inspirational, gratitude, motivational, health, etc)

Returned back to playground. Person that guessed number of rounds we would complete in workout got to skip 5 group burpees. Props to Puzzlah for guessing 7 rounds (correct number) and still doing burpees.

MOLESKINE: see above. Each pax can add if they want. Mine was gratitude for finding F3 and all those I have met and have pushed me to improve myself in Fitness/Fellowship/Faith.


COT: count off, nameorama. Prayers offered up. Thank you Lady Liberty for the spoken prayer. Coffee!


AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Chunks, sooner, Oatmeal, Ginger, Red Skull, Skeet, Decaf, Shocker (Mark Holmes), toga, Ponzi, Pole Dancer, Young and Restless, Dan Tanna, Pearl (Jonathan Halter), DintyMoore, Crawlspace, Right Said, Hair Band, Mullet, Wedding Singer, Minnie Pearl, Catfish, Chyna, Whoopi, Escort, jackie moon, Toadstool (aka Princess Peach aka formerly PlayStation), Tail and Mane, Barney, Dpole?, Yes Chef, SaxMan, BigRig, Air Ball, Toots, Square Root, Wolverine
FNGs: None

50 SSH, 10 Merkins, 25 Flutters, 10 WMH, 10 GM’s

First, YHC quickly realized there was not enough blocks for what was planned. I don’t feel like I pivoted very well tbh, that’s on me for not having a backup plan in place.

Here is what was rx’d:
– 15 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 14 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 13 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 12 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 11 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 10 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 9 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 8 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 7 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 6 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 5 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 4 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run
– 3 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Hand-release Merkins, 200m run
– 2 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 Goblet Squats, 200m run
– 1 Burpee Block jump overs, 50 We’re not worthy’s, 200m run

In reality here is what happened:
Partner up – 1 block per partner group
– 15 burpees together
– P1 does 50 HR-Merks while P2 runs, flipflop
– P1 does 50 WNW’s while P2 runs, flipflop
– 14 burpees together..etc

2-3 rounds in YHC called an audible, rallied the troops, apologized for poor planning, constructively criticized poor listening, stupid questions, and bitching from PAX, and then prescribed finishing out the burpees (apocalypse+) starting at 13. Funny enough the MC and smart-mouths stopped :man-shrugging:

MOLESKINE: Lessons learned on leadership, planning contingencies, listening, using the time someone gives you to ask questions, etc