Insert Generic Witty Title About Cold Weather Here

AO: atlantis
Q: Salpal
PAX: DintyMoore, Firefox, Young Pawn, Hair Band
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost, but not quite, in the single digits club. Maybe next year boys.

WARMUP: A few misc. routines and an ill-advised lap around a frozen parking lot.

THE THANG: EMOM Stations: Burpees, Lt. Dan’s, 35 lb. KB Swings, Jump Squats, BB Sit-ups.

Ring of Fire + Howler Monkeys + Dealer’s Choice Mary to Close.

I took off a few clothes.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PARTY @Firefox feat. @Natural_Ice MEAT NEXT SATURDAY LETS GO. If you really wanna shop around F3 events, @Hair_Band has an event before at the Cookery. Night moves + new Atlantis AOQ announcement.

Prayers for Hairband’s family, Dinty’s Reno, Young Pawn’s wife RTO (first time this week), Foxy’s wife’s grant, and the homeless and isolated of Nashville.

Reply below if I missed anything. Honor to lead. GreenSallyOut.

Get it Right

AO: thestronghold
Q: toga
PAX: Doggystyle, bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, toga, Minnie Pearl, Red Skull, D Pole, Evel Knievel, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Dantana, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
FNGs: 15 Dantana, Woodpecker, Wookie, Goldie Locks, Army Surplus, Yak, Frozen, Lost & Found, Sunshine, Neanderthal, Peach Pie, Tatter Tot, Iron Flush, Mittens, Mr. Krabs
CONDITIONS: Snowy and 18 degrees

WARMUP: Mossy to the gravel pit for some basic “in cadence” warm up. It took multiple attempts for the group to meet the Qs expectations. Each failure was rewarded with a 5 burpee penalty.
Don Quixotes
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Copperhead Squats
Scorpion Stretch

Pair up F3 and 4:13 Strong – run to the block pile. Each pair grabs a block followed by a Rifle Carry to the basketball court.

PAX 1 performs an exercise with the block while PAX 2 travels to the end of the court, completes an exercise and then travels back for a switch:
– PAX 1, Overhead Press, PAX 2, Run + 10 Merkins x 3
– PAX 1, Reverse Table Top, PAX 2, Bear Crawl + 15 Squats x 3

Rifle Carry block back to block pile and circle up for Mary.

Great first workout in some adverse conditions. Thanks to @toga for leading and for our 10 PAX that braved the weather to welcome the new class.

Snowmagedditon Pt. I

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: Sooie, Pebbles, morning star, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None

Joint mobility special led by Morning Star

Mosey through the snow around the knoll to the flood table.

Dips at the table
Sled down the hill
Floor to ceilings with sled full of snow at the bottom.
Jog up.

Mosey back to the playground
Big boys
Flutter kicked
Sled planks

None. Expect more of the same Thursday for Snowmageddon Pt. II

Line of Sadness

AO: hendersonville
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Pep, Splitter, Cuban Missile, Hair Band, Chunks, Disc Jockey
FNGs: 1 Disc Jockey
Sub-freezing w/ strong winds

Mosey, Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers, SSH

3 Stations, 3 exercises at each. PAX complete 5 reps of each exercise. After finishing Station 3, return to Station 1, completing 10 reps. Reps increase by 5 each round. Repeat until Mary.

Station 1
-Shoulder Taps

Station 2
-Bolt 45s

Station 3
-Big Boys
-American Hammers
-Leg Lifts

-Ring of Fire (2 rounds, 2 Merkins each)
-Captain Thors (4 rounds)
-Plank till the end


Get Handsome the Fastest

AO: handsomizer
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Freakonomics, Detective Pikachu, Frasier, Fudd
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a riddle: a lactose intolerant person who had cheese 30 minutes ago

50 SSHs


Relay race:
2 teams

Round 1:
Both teams do burpees
1 person does 10 burpee buy in then runs the handicap ramp and back down the stairs (due to rain we moved to the parking garage)
Tag next person
First team to all in chooses next exercise
Rinse repeat

– #leanpax still going strong
– #hendersonville relaunch tomorrow 01/13 at 6am
– #brewsday meeting (leanpax approved) is on the horizon
– January 24th Night Moves in the Nations for #Atlantis
– brewruck Feb 17th after leanpax

– each man shared, prayers for family physical, mental, and emotional health. Prayers for work & research. Celebrating for DRer Fudd family, new grandchild born

I believe I can fly

AO: thebuffalo
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: Ultratecht, greyalbum, The Bobs, Goose, Hot Route, Giving Tree
FNGs: None
Surprisingly warm surprisingly rainy

A little mosey and a little stretching

– Jog down to the lake with some burpees along the way
– Ab waterfall
–> Group did a combination of LBCs, WWIs, Freddie Mercuries, Mountain Climbers while one guy ran
– Jog back up to the bball court with some more burpees
– 11s: Curls and Squats with a coupon rifle carry in between

– @greyalbums mother in law

Turn It Up To 11!!!

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless
PAX: Focker, Grape, Goose, moneyshot, Chunks, Betty Ford, Topanga, Rocket Mortgage, bluemule, Cowboy, Black Lung, Sherlock, Pedialyte, Esposa, monster biscuit, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Clear, still dark, crisp like a cold seltzer (definitely not a cold beer these days #leanpax 👀)


In lot to catch stragglers
– Side straddle hops x 30
– Willy mays hays
– High knees
– Windmills
– Butt kickers
– Carrot pullers
– Mosey to field


11s V1
– Hand-release merkins
– Squat jumps
– Mosey to 20 yd line, Bernie back

11s V2
– Big boy sit-ups
– Prisoner squats
– Mosey to 20 yd line, Bernie back

4 Corners
Partnered, Dora style, one exercise at each corner, wait for six before rotating to next corner.

Travel exercise was to run out to 50 yd line, side shuffle across field, Bernie back to end zone, then shuffle back across goal line.

– 50 Body builders
– 100 Supermans
– 200 Dry docks
– 400 American hammers

The side shuffles were a crowd “pleaser”, with several “compliments” along the way. “That’s where I’m most likely to be sore, in one of those muscles right in here” – Black Lung, as he gestures to his pelvic box 👀

Playlist was a set from the Rock Band video game. Witnessed Grape and Focker reliving their glory days as singer and drummer 🎤 🥁 🎸

– Grape shared
– Dinty is moving down street to finished renovation, details for moving day to come

Shield Lock
This is a group of 3-5 guys who are consistently spending time with one another, ready to lock shields in support against life’s challenges. Do you have one? Are you investing in those relationships outside the family structure that will be there through ups and downs? I encourage you to build those relationships before you need them, you’ll be glad you did.

Kultimate Kans

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, Salpal, Crawlspace, Detective Pikachu, Hair Band, Firefox
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: brisk but not bright

WARMUP: active stretching


four things relay, lots of coaching… round 1-4 travels forward and back: murder bunny/redrum bunny, bear crawls/crawl bears, broad jump/backwards broad jump, mozey/jog

new game!!!
Ultimate KanJam, aka “Kultimate”
teams of 3, periodic exercises dictated by the q, general ultimate rules apply (5 stall count), hit the can-2 pts, in the kan-4 pts, in the slot-10 pts… play to 40… I thought we’d play best of 3, but turned into a turnover fest and only played 1 game.

share favorite memory below
– rugby scrum for the miss

a surprising number of announcements, leanpax, Firefox game night+hairband show on Jan 27, a special Atlantis night moves in February, others im sure im forgetting

El Cap’s Indie Rock Block

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, El Capitan, AAA, @BigRed (2.0), @Link (2.0), @Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Starlit, upper 30s

TUNES: Indie / Alternative Jams


– Climb stretch routine
– Willie Mays Hayes (3x each side)
– Don Quixotes (in cadence)
– Cherry pickers (in cadence)
– On your own stretch



Caboose-is-loose up Harpeth knoll hill, right at Harpeth Bend, back up to the coupon tree.


Four light cones. PAX will team up in pairs of two, choose a coupon, & line up at starting line.

With coupon in tow, Player 1 will LUNGE to each cone.

First cone: 15x goblin squats

Second cone: 15x overhead presses

Third cone: 15x curls

Leave coupon at third cone & bear crawl to backstop benches for 15 step ups

Bear crawl back to third cone & pick up coupon to mosey to starting line.

Player 2 will do the following exercise, then rest (one exercise per round):

– 100x American hammers (2 is 1) with coupon
– 50x big boy sit-ups with coupon at chest or in lap
– Hold plank until Player 1 begins step ups.

Rotate & repeat (3x Rounds)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Convergence in Brentwood on 01/12 in honor of a Knoxville-based PAX that passed away one year ago.

Moleskin: Read a poem titled “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden. Encouraged the PAX to continue to serve their families well (even when it feels thankless & nobody sees).

Prayer requests:

– for @Sooie to get back into the mental groove at work
– for @ElCapitan ’s home recently invaded by ants (#stressful)
– for @Timber as he leads his wrestling team

Thank you @morningstar for the ginger tea!


AO: devilsden
Q: Flash
PAX: McAfee, Skeet
FNGs: None


THE THANG: The number of electoral college votes to become President. The year Pham Hung comes to power in Champa and raids the Chinese-occupied territory of Tonkin. 2 + 7 + 0 = 9, square root of 9 is 3, 3 PAX at Devil’s Den.

Whatever it is, we did 270 burpees. 6 burpees EMOM for 45 rounds.

Simple, effective, tough.