Quarterly Review

AO: detention
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Ponzi, Movin On Up, Ginger, Accounts Receivable, Deep State, Esposa, Donkey Hammer, Matador, softserve, Pedialyte, Topanga, EZ-Go, Winona, Ike, Pound Puppy, Spandex
FNGs: 1 Spandex

SSH x 25, Squats x 10, Finger Bangers x 10, Air Press x 20, WMH x 10 OYO

YHC was pleasantly surprised by the PAX # but it did require some improv to the planned workout. Partner up and grab a block.

PAX 1: 25 reps of a movement, 10 burpees, R&R until partner returns
PAX 2: Baseball loop (1/4 mile)

R1: Block Thrusters
R2: We’re Not Worthy
R3: Merkins
R4: Burpee pullups
R5: 4 Count Flutters


– Really grateful for the opportunity to lead y’all this morning. detention was my first AO, first AOQ spot, and is just a really solid place full of the HIMest of HIM. Deep State is doing an awesome job over there (and EZ-Go on Fridays).

– If you haven’t been to thestronghold you need to ask yourself why. It’s the epitome of the mission of F3. Time to get outside of yourself and support these men.
– F3 Brentwood doing the TacTeam challenge Sat May 18. Hit up leatherneck for details.
– Struggle 002 June 5th. Hit myself, Ginger or bigbang for details. Again, come support the 4:13 guys!
– Welcome FNG Spandex. I go to church with Spandex and just recently met him, great guy, lives down the road in Caldwell Hall. Who of you can commit to connecting with him and getting him involved with F3 Nashville?
– Esposa earned a 2nd nickname, Big Juicy Bear Hug (BJ/BH)


Take a Load Off Fanny (The Weight)

AO: the-castle
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Sunshine, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: These were “teasing” conditions–thought it was gonna be warm, but it was actually still kinda chilly

WARMUP: 1/2 mile run

Walk the weights over

Go to the middle for some IST, SSH, and merkins.

THE THANG: run back and grab the weights (2x16kg kettlebell, 1x32kg kettlebell, 60lb sandbag, 2x15lb plates, 1 20lb ruck)

Round 1 (x2):
farmers’ carry with 2x16kg kettlebell
squat with sandbag
plate steer with weight plates
deadlift with 32kg bell
jog it out

Round 2(x2):
farmers’ carry with 1x32kg kettlebell
sandbag press
figure eights with 1 16kg kettlebell
swings with ruck
jog it out

Head back to start.

MOLESKINE: I played a little rinky dink and fooled the pax by thinking we were running back to the weights–we ran past them at one point and did some extra running. YOLO.

I always enjoy adding in some weighted work. After running and bootcamping quite often, it’s good to do a metcon that is disguised as strength work.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: May the 4th be with you, and may you be with us on the 4th as we launch Hendersonville F3.

COT: Prayers for surgeries, babies, wives, and another year of life.

Queen Of Hearts

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Goose
PAX: 40 Minutes, The Bobs, Daylight
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hats, forward fold, SSH, arm stretches

THE THANG: Deck of Cards
Face and Aces=Mosey to street and back

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friends of Shelby party tonight at Shelby Bottoms

Passing of the Flag

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice , Freakonomics
PAX: Detective Pikachu, Grayson Adkins, Salami, Black Lung, Down Range from Atlanta – Can anyone share his name to get properly tagged?
FNGs: None



Thing 1 – YHC Natural Ice led the PAX through the rain to the top of the parking garage – instead of the planned burpee-stairway-a-clock-alypse we pivoted to the ramp-running-burpee-apocalypse. Pax performed a burpees apocalypse descending from 10 at each level of the garage. Once we hit the bottom we ran back to the top where the Q was handed off

Thing 2 – Freakonomics took the pack back down the garage, and each each level we performed a variety of exercises including, merkins (decline and incline), squats, lunges, and bear crawls!

Merry – A very long planril low plank, and a dealers choice ended in burpees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: A big warm welcome to Freakonomics stepping up as the new AOQ for Handsomizer! He has always brought a very energetic and positive attitude to the AO and I am excited to watch him continue to grow our handsome location!

COT: Prayers for Black Lung and his 2.0’s safety this weekend during their white water canoe trip. We also as lifted prayer for his family as they navigate a new job for his M and the changes to their schedule.

You are more than what you do

AO: pain-train
Q: morning stār
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, G-string, Dilbert, Siri, The Merchant, Timber, morning stār, Lunch Lady, Cheeks (Franklin)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just finished raining, perfect temp

5:30 – Men welcomed, disclaimer given: “YHC is not a fitness or mental health professional, you are responsible for your own physical and emotional health this morning. Raise your hand if you’re willing to take responsibility for your personal wellbeing.”

PAX accepted personal responsibility.

Motivators 5 to 1, then followed Q around the playground.

COT formed early, this will be a different kind of beatdown.

PAX stretched on their own as YHC laid out the parameters:

“Our goal this morning is to exercise our capacity towards intimacy with others. Intimacy is revealing parts of yourself to others in a space of safety. “Into-me-you-see”.

We’re going to create a safe space for that by making three agreements to one another:
1.Confidentiality: I will hold each man’s story sacred and will not share it outside this circle without that man’s permission. I am free to share my story and my experience outside this circle.
2.Vulnerability: I will stretch myself emotionally by sharing parts of myself that are intimate. I will do this by choice not out of compulsion. I will modify as necessary so that I stay safe emotionally.
3.Attention: I will listen to each man’s story with my whole being, focusing on finding the goodness and beauty in that man. I will not interrupt another man when he is sharing, I will not give advice or feedback. If I have something to share with another man I will reach out to him outside this circle.

If you agree to confidently, raise your hand.
If you agree to vulnerability, take something you’re wearing and put it in this bag.
If you agree to attention take a moment and make eye contact with every man in this circle and communicate to him that you see and accept and honor him as he is.”

Reflection during movement. Sharing after movement. Rinse and repeat.

Part 1: who are you?

Reflection Prompt: think about your essence … “I am a … man” … what does this mean to you?

Movement: 7 min of repeating rounds of work/active recovery. Lt. Dans with standing cross crawls (lazy imperial walkers) and knuckle shoulder taps with rocking.

Sharing: After movement YHC led off and then each man stepped into vulnerability and shared a part of himself as the circle practiced attention.

3 burpees after all shared.

Part 2: how are you showing up as your true self, how are you experiencing joy?

YHC invited each man to put aside any consideration of where the PAX falls short. Focus on identifying and sharing the goodness and beauty that is.

“I Invite that part of you that evaluates how you’re falling short to take a break for the next 20 minutes. I invite the part of you that sees goodness, beauty and virtue to come fully online for the next 20 min.”

Reflection Prompt: think about a moment where you showed up as your true self. Or consider how you experienced joy recently.

Movement: 10 min of repeating rounds of work/active recovery. Lt. Dans with standing cross crawls (lazy imperial walkers) and knuckle shoulder taps with rocking.
Prompt: how have you showed up as that kind of man recently? What’s brought you joy recently?

Solid mumble chatter during first half of movement.

YHC invited PAX to finish movement in silence and refocus on the prompt.

Sharing: After movement YHC led off and then each man stepped into vulnerability and shared a part of himself as the circle practiced attention.

3 burpees after all shared.

Part 3: anchor the experience and check out

YHC asked all PAX to find a bar and hang as long as possible and think of a word or phrase that describes this time for you.

Come back to plank.

YHC realized that G-string and Timber were stuck in a dual to see who could hang the longest and called them back to the circle.

While planking YHC reminded PAX that what they shared in the COT stays in the COT. None of what they shared will be posted in BB.

We checked out with name-o-roma plus the phrase or word that described this experience to each PAX.

Closed COT with ball of man and “pain train” on three.

– I think anything with jump lunges should be called “ass crushers”
– great to meet Cheeks from the brig, across the county line from Franklin
– great to meet Dilbert who drive 45 min to be with us
– This DB was inspired by 30/30 from F3 Katy (props to Cash and Salty for the encouragement and sharing what they’ve learned).
– the BD was designed to provide plenty of immediate and future pain. My kuckles have tissue damage and I will be feeling those Lt. Dans tomorrow. Anyone else?
– Honoring and then inviting the part of me that evaluates and critiques all my actions has been life giving to me. It takes practice, but it’s with it. Continue to practice it with yourselves and those around you. Gratitude helps immensely in this pursuit.
– We were after the pain that has a higher purpose to build us up and help us grow.
– The tissue in my knuxks will heal and new, tougher skin will form. The soreness in my glutes will come and go and leave stronger muscles. The discomfort I felt when I stepped into the circle to share myself was replaced by peace and tenderness as I saw my brothers give me their full attention and heard what others shared.
– I’ve found that an accelerant growth is what happens after the work I do. When I intentionally rest and recover after the exertion (physical or emotional). Consider ways to give yourself space to recover and reset both physically and emotionally this week. We all did solid work today; of boys and heart. Well done!

Continue to practice grace and curiosity my brothers, especially towards yourselves,

Hold On

AO: bomber
Q: Firefox
PAX: Papa Bear, DintyMoore, CubCadet, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Light mosey up to the clubhouse

THE THANG: With a balky knee, YHC put together a workout devoid of jumping, lunges, and running (except for a couple short moseys between locations), incorporating a lot of static holds and hanging exercises to a playlist featuring songs with “Hold” in the title.

Thang 1: Plank to the Alabama Shakes “Hold On”

Thank 2: PAX partnered up. 1 PAX held a static hold position while the other performed 10 reps of an exercise and then alternated. Partners performed each exercise 3x.

1. Hold: Table Top (or high bridge); Exercise: Table Top alternating toe touches (10x each side)
2. Hold: Superman; Exercise: Hand Release Merkins
3. Hold: Hollow Body Hold; Exercise: WWIs
4. Hold: Reverse Plank; Exercise: Reverse Plank leg raises (10x each side)
5. Hold: High Plank; Exercise: Plank with leg raises (10x each side)

Thang 3: Mosey down to the playground, then OYO:

1. 10x Hanging Leg Lifts, 20x Merkins, 30x Plank Jacks – 3 total circuits
2. 10x Hanging Knee Crunches, 20x Dips, 30x Mountain Climbers (each side is 1/2) – 2 total circuits
3. 10x Pull-Ups, 20x Candlesticks/Butt-Ups, 30x Buzzsaw Planks – 1 circuit

Mary: Dealer’s Choice
– Freddie Mercury’s
– LBCs
– Flutter Kicks
– Heel Touches

– Hunger Games
– Hendersonville Launch
– Paintrain
– Symphony tickets
– All the things (check the calendar)

COT: Everyone shared a moment of gratitude or reflection

Always an honor and joy to lead. Also, apologies that the Respect : No-Respect ratio was not in favor of the Respect cohort, CubCadet.

Birthday Vibes

AO: atlantis
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Pole Dancer, DintyMoore, Puzzlah, Toothless, CubCadet, Schnauzer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: shoulder work, good mornings, Willy mays Hayes, long mosey around the park

Thing 1
100 Air Squats
80 Lunges
60 Freddy Mercuries
41 Burpees
60 Freddy Mercuries
80 Reverse Lunges
100 Air Squats

Thing 2
Merkins to every PBJ (41) reference

Mosey cool down then Mary to finish

2.0 inspired birthday workout playlist

MOLESKINE: thanks for celebrating 41 years with me.

#Plankpril Continues
Bring an FNG next week 5/2
Ultimate Frisbee convergence 5/9
Official launch the-castle
Official launch pain-train

COT: Prayers for Toothless baby no. 2 and happy, healthy checkups

Slow down

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Siri, FLO, morning stār, The Merchant, G-string, Ex-Pat, The Banker, Pebbles, Timber, Sooie, matthew hayes, Lunch Lady, Bumblebee (2.0), Fish Biscuit (2.0), Tonks (2.0)
FNGs: None






Final Tortoise & Hare for Class 2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Chunks, Right Said, bluemule, Decaf, Michelin Man, Longhorn, Skeet, Hacker (Franklin), Detective Pikachu, John Deere, Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, C#, Triple Sevens, Blitz, Sgt Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect morning for a run. 43 degrees, a beautiful sunrise, a train and a locked gate.

WARMUP: Westside took us through our warmup – SSH, IW, Stretches, Squats and Tappy-Taps

THE THANG: Pair up – each 4:13 Strong man picked an F3 running partner and set a goal time for the run. The pairings seemed to work well as today was our fastest run of the class. We were “All In” by 34:00 with 7 out of 8 4:13 Strong men setting a new PR.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday, 11:30am. Come celebrate what these men have accomplished and stick around for some lunch and fellowship. It is one of the best ways to spend your Friday lunch hour.

COT: Red Skull closed with a prayer.

You Can Do Anything for 10 Minutes

AO: the-knoll
Q: SalPal
PAX: The Banker, Timber, Sparrow, matthew hayes, Sooie, Pebbles, morning stār, The Merchant, Ex-Pat, El Capitan, G-string, FLO, Rubics (sp?) and Birdman, very brave 2.0s
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shoe-gonna-get wet

WARMUP: Non-existent

“Life isn’t measured in moments, but in the moments that take our breath away. Now give me ten burpees.””
“”Black Lung”” “1. 10 minutes: 10 burpees, EMOM
2. 10 minutes: 2 minutes on, 30 seconds off plan
3. 10 minutes: interval sprints
4. 10 minutes to do ~50-75 yards of burpee broad jumps

MARY to close.

MOLESKINE: T-Claps to the 2.0s sprinting to give us the distance for our run, and to everyone for dragging their broken bodies through the 40 degree wet grass. Sooie brought some of that sweet sweet jet fuel to close.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next week, big things happening at both atlantis and the-knoll, bring men out that need the fitness, fellowship and faith.

COT: All intentions spoken and unspoken; practice gratitude today fellas. 5 thank yous and praises for every 1 sh*tty thing you say. Show the world and your community you chose joy.

Green Sally Out