May the 4th Be With You

AO: the-castle
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Splitter, Salami, hambone, Chunks, Dilbert, Pep, Cowboy, Cash Cab
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warm and muggy

WARMUP: Imperial Walkers, SSH, Good Mornings

THE THANG: Star Wars themed beatdown with all 6 episodes of the original saga represented. 1 station for each movie. Exercises were performed at each station, and travel to the next station were bear crawls while transporting the coupon.

Episode I – The Phantom Menace
– Jar Jar Goofballs – x15 (2=1)
– Podracer Steering Wheels – x10 (2=1)
– Droid Army Getups – x10
Episode II – Attack of the Clones
– Kaminoan Canoe Crunches – x10 each side
– Clone Army Body Builders – x10
– Curls for Padmes – x20
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
– “Do It” Seal Claps – x20
– Youngling Yeets – x15
– High Ground High Jumps -x15
Episode IV – A New Hope
– Blue Milk Mixers – x10
– Tusken Raider Presses – x15
– X-Wing Crunches – x10 each side
Episode V – Empire Strikes Back
– Skywalker Prom Dates – x20
– Dagobah Squats – x20
– Luke Curls (alt. Luke Lawnmowers) – x10 each side
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
– Slave Leia’s – x15 each side
– Ewok Humpers – x20
– Palpatine Presses – x15
Repeat until Mary
Mary: Dealer’s Choice




Kings of hearts

AO: cruelhall
Q: Accounts Receivable
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Pedialyte, Matador, EZ-Go, Topanga, Winona, Donkey Hammer, Mista mista, Pound Puppy, Soft Serve
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Side straddle hops, Willie mays, slow merkins, good mornings

Run baseball loop and grab blocks
Head to pavilion.

Clubs = Burpees
Spades = Merkins
Diamonds = WW1s
Hearts = Curl to thruster
(Aces were high)
Face cards were 10 reps
All others by their value

Return blocks and run baseball loop back
Cultivate an attitude of gratefulness and thankfulness. Choosing joy despite our circumstances.



Sometimes hugs say more than words / 1 year knollaversary!

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning stār , El Capitan
PAX: Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, The Merchant, El Capitan, FLO, The Banker, Timber, Lunch Lady, Ranger, morning stār, Pebbles, Parka-Eh, Birdman (2.0), Rubiks (2.0), Smoltz (2.0), Mozart (2.0), Bumble bee (2.0), Link (2.0), Retro (2.0), 2 fun new kids yet to be named
FNGs: 2 Retro (2.0), 2 fun new kids yet to be named
CONDITIONS: delightful

– mosey around the backstop as a group while signing “happy anniversary to the knoll”
– SSH x12, joint warmups x 12 (neck, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles)

Split into 2 teams, then again to get 4 teams.

Part 1: minute to win it
Each team performed given exercises at own pace for 1 min. Add up team total at the end.
Exercises: merkins, squats, lt. dans

Timber’s team won the first two. Lots of fun mumble chatter about legitimacy of this.

Mosey around the backstop and sing “happy anniversary to the knoll” again.

Hand off Q to El Capitan.

Part 2: Fun and Games
Form back into original 2 teams.

Round 1: frisbee
Round 2: soccer
Round 3: Calvin ball … 2 adults and 2 kids from each team split off to do human wheelbarrow to the tree and back while the rest played soccer and frisbee (all at once)

Stopped Calvin ball early to bring in the six because “we leave no man behind”.

– count-o-roma and name-o-roma
– YHC read “The Rabbit Listened” and talked about how this kids book gives him a wonderful example of how to BE with those around him that are hurting or upset.
– We poured drinks and YCH toasted (with a shot of olive oil).

“May we all continue to learn to live from our hearts.
May we all continue to get physically fit.
May we all continue to choose fellowship over isolation.
May we all continue to give this away and invite others into this space.
Blessing to all of you present, and all of those that will join us in the next year!”
– Lunch Lady and YHC informal fasting club, reach out to one of us if you’re interested. It’s for those that want to explore fasting (from physical health or spiritual perspective) or those that are already fasting and could use encouragement/mutual edification.
– may-you-pull-up challenge starting next Monday. Goal is to see how much you can improve your pull up max over 4 weeks. Most improved gets a beer or coffee on Hair Band.
– pain-train official launch next week! Bring your coupons (cinder blocks so they can get branded).
– Ex-Pat is leading a book study on Falling Upward by Richard Rohr starting May 14th. This is especially for men in their late 30s or 40s and feeling a shift in their outlook on life; open to all though. Reach out to him directly if interested.
– Check slack for others …

– Great to see new and old friends today!
– Backstory on the Rabbit Listened: we got this book via Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (free books for kids though age 5). When I first read it I was deeply moved. My typical reaction to something going wrong around me is to find blame (who did it?) and then to fix it. This reaction has done a lot of harm to my relationships, especially with my M (wife) and 2.0s (kids). The Rabbit listened gave such a clear picture of how I could BE with those around me that are hurting or upset.
– I choke up and tear up each time I read it. I want to be the rabbit and I also am grateful for all those in my life that have chosen to BE with me in the beautiful mess of my broken humanity.
– About 6 months ago I traveled to California to spend with with my dad, step mom and my sister. They were all going through really hard times. When I prayed and considered how to BE on that trip, I realized that God was inviting me to sit and listen like the Rabbit. I took that book on my trip and it helped me recenter and practice this skill.
– Here’s the book being read:

Continue to practice BEING with others my brothers,

May The Twoth Be With You… did that work?

AO: greenmachine
Q: Cowboy
PAX: Focker, Chunks, Black Lung, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Grape, NFT, Works for a Guy, t-cell, FeelTheBerns, Jumpstart (DR from Arkansas) , Humper F3 Knoxville,, Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
FNGs: 1 Derik Deluca (Nutty Professor)
CONDITIONS: The Best; Not too hot Not too cold, just right

WARMUP: SSHG, Good Mornings, WMH, Slow Squats, Marine Merkins (Demo)
Mosey to the Lipscomb amphitheater with a brief stop for pullups.
THE THANG: 50s 100s Lightening Round
Partner Up: Round 1: 50 DIDs: between you
Partner 1 box jumps up the steps x2
Partner 2 The exercise
Flip Flop
Round 2: 100 Palm Squats, Z chairs, Lunges P1 Runs P2 exercise
Round 3 Lightening Round AMRAP P1 Jumps x1 P2 Exercise FF
Mosey Back with the Indigenous Peoples Run to Star Deck
Mary: PAX dealer’s choice.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Natural Ice Games Night Saturday 5/4; Brews Day Tuesday 5/7 12 South Tap Room 4:30

COT: Prayers and Done

Spontanous Work from the Well, Together

AO: 2ndf
Q: morning stār , Wolfpack
PAX: Wolfpack, morning stār
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just the right level of ambient noise and accountability for good productivity.

WARMUP: hug and quick catch up

THE THANG: pomodoro style …
2 sets of:
– 25 min focused work time
– 5 to 10 min walk around the block w/ intentional conversation

– this seems like a good 2ndF thing to do for PAX that work from home in west Nashville
– we’ll do this again … maybe add lunch
– could potentially be a spot to invite potential FNGs to that work from home but haven’t made it to a workout
– if you’re interested in something like this reply to this post or send Wolfpack or me a DM

Something about old dogs and new tricks.

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Pep, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, Detective Pikachu, Spinal Tap, Firefox, Right Said, Crawlspace, Supernova, Papa Bear, caprate, Puzzlah, Good Morning America, Tim the Toolman, Salami, Kirkland
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: solid. no complaints. no jackets.

WARMUP: none





Grand Slam

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: El Capitan, Ex-Pat, morning stār, Pebbles, Siri, Sooie, Sparrow, The Merchant
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Soggy yet pleasant

Shoulder rolls
Good Mornings OYO

30 breaths into 4 minute plank

Mosey to the baseball field
1 PAX at bat, hit the ball little league coach style then sprinted to retrieve it. 3 burpees for every strike. The rest of the lineup performed the following depending on where they were at in the lineup:
– Active recovery
– Irkins/Derkins
– Spicollis
– Step ups
– Jump squats
– Mtn climbers
– WW1’s
– Archer Merkins
– Dips
– Plank rotations
– Dry docks

Reflected on opportunities for improving my attitude in adverse situations. It’s not the circumstances that define us but how we react in those difficult circumstances.

– KNOLLIVERSARY 5/2 get ready for fun
– May pull-up challenge kicking off Monday

Prayers requested and offered. Sooie Brewie and fellowship enjoyed by all

Are You Not Entertained!?

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Toothless
PAX: Rocket Mortgage, Betty Ford, Hair Band, Young Pawn, Oatmeal, Subway, sooner, Puzzlah, Focker
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: The rain let up just like I planned it at precisely 5:27am. In scouting the conditions, I encountered a crawdad swimming on the asphalt. True story, will share the evidence.


– SSH x 80 (Colosseum was finished in 80 AD!)
– Willy Mays Hays x 12 (two each side)
– Michael Phelps x 10
– Big Arm Circles x 10
– Reverse Big Arm Circles x 10
– Good Mornings x 10 oyo

THE THANG: Are You Not Entertained!? :crossed_swords: :stadium:

Start with a 4 minute plank for plankpril to “win the crowd”

Count off into 2 groups. For the following rounds, all reps must be completed, but groups may pick up reps from the six to complete. Loser will have a choice of exercise in the next round, team wins will matter at the end.

Round 1
– Bear crawl to fence
– Lunge back
– 50 merkins
All run 2 laps when completed

Round 2
– Chariot (wheelbarrow) to fence
– Broad jump back
– Choice: 50 WWI’s / 100 American Hammers (2ct.)
– Team 2 won Round 1, so Team 1 chose 100 two-count American Hammers
All run 2 laps when completed

Round 3
– Suicides x 3 (each far court line, first & back, second & back, 3rd & back)
– Inchworm Merkin there
– Bernie back (outside line to avoid collision)
– Choice: 50 Euro Steps / 100 Squats
– Team 1 won round 2, so Team 2 chose 100 Squats

30 Burpee buyout, minus 5 per winning round for each team.
– Team 2 won 2 rounds and did 20
– Team 1 won 1 round and did 25.

Back to Startex for Mary – dealers choice of weapon (exercise) and proceed til time.

On a particularly rainy morning, YHC was grateful for the 10 PAX who did not let the fartsack win them over and who came out to test their mettle.

I personally found the playlist invigorating, and while there was mumblechatter, I think all but 2 PAX held the full 4 minute plank! Excellent full body yells on brand from Young Pawn.

Considering the conditions, we stayed pretty dry all the way until Mary when Rocket Mortgage promptly had us down in the water for our first exercise. Thanks for that – made the coffee from sooner taste even better!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: So very many – please see -f3-nashville-general for the full list!

Additional announcement is that Oatmeal and sooner are taking their families camping this weekend to Montgomery Bell State Park, and there’s an open invite to others who want to go!

COT: YHC echoed the message in the pre-blast about the importance of AOQs in F3 and shared gratitude for the 5-6 current and previous AOQs we had around the circle. I reiterate that we want PAX to lead before they’re ready and to leave before their ready, and we are pushing to help that trend solidify.

Prayers shared for recent diagnosis, death of an extended family member, and for a tragic incident in another F3 region with an FNG collapsing & not making it. Will share more as that travels through the grapevine.

Thank you, HIM, for your effort today. May you be better for it!

As always, it’s an honor to lead.
— Toothless :tooth:

Jazz Hands!

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: YumYum, moneyshot, t-cell, Pep, Harbaugh, Ryan Minniear, Grape, Good Morning America, Dollywood, Cowboy, Zelenskyy, grisham, Black Lung, Full Monty, Swiffer, Pipe Dream
FNGs: 1 Pipe Dream
On this International Jazz Day, you never know what note someone could play next.


Plenty damp but the rain thankfully cleared out.


Mosey to the field for a 3/4 lap and then circle up in the middle to get plankpril out of the way with a 4:00 plank to some delightful Italian jazz courtesy of Piero Umiliani.


With plankpril complete, it was time for today’s jazzy escalator workout. PAX complete the first exercise in the list below and take a lap around the track. Build on round 1 with the next exercise followed by another lap. RnR, continuing to build on the previous round all the way through to the final round of all 10 exercises.

1. Jump Squats x 5
2. Ab Thruster x 10
3. Z Chair x 15
4. Z Press x 20
5. E2K x 25
6. Ranger Merkin x 30
7. Crab Cakes x 35
8. Imperial Squat Walkers x 40
9. SSH x 45
10. Extenders x 50 cut for time

Mosey back to Startex for COT/BOM.


What started off relatively tame quickly escalated into an unpredictable sensory experience that, before we knew it, reached its end rather abruptly. But that’s jazz sometimes!

Welcome to FNG David Gilpin nka Pipe Dream, a nod to his unrealized potential as an organist. If this is news to you, I invoked Q rule 17.3 during coffeeteria. IYKYK


Pencil Pusher needs some help moving next Saturday, May 11. See Fish’s message above for details


– Continued prayers for Pep’s next project.
– Prayer for Go Fish selection
– Prayer for Full Monty as he steps into a new chapter in his career

I felt honored to see so many given the rainy morning, and it was a pleasure to lead each of y’all. Keep showing up!

Still jazzed,

Receive the Light With Two Hands

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: 40 Minutes, Daylight, The Bobs, Ultratecht, White Cloud, greyalbum, Invictus, longcut
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, forward fold, arm stretch


-300 SSH while parter runs to trash can and back

-Indian run around big loop

-100 merkins and squats in 25 set increments with run between sets.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friends of Shelby Party Friday