Rain, Rain, Go Awayy

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: CubCadet, Papa Bear, Jordan OpLibertas, Tim the Toolman, Pep, doge, Michelin Man, Firefox, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: rainy, but it went away

WARMUP: mosey to the clubhouse

THE THANG: partner up
One partner runs around the clubhouse while the other does a set then flapjacks

Regular squats
Apollo Ohnos
Imperial walkers
Normal merkins

Regular dips
Air presses
Iron mikes
Normal merkins

Gorilla humpers
O squats

Alabama prom dates
American hammers
Yellowjacket run to startex

COT: loved everyone sharing one thing they are grateful for. Prayers for Vector’s mom, for our nations leadership, for health of friends and family, for airplane crash victims


40 second soul crusher

AO: handsomizer
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Spinal Tap, Puzzlah, Natural Ice – CBO, Old Maid, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Butter Knife – F3 Knoxville, @duece-and-a-half
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: misty and warm

WARMUP: the usual


40 seconds max with 5 second transition of the following: merkins, squats, Carolina dry docks, lunges, burpees, shoulder taps. Sprint to next level in the garage and repeat 5 times.

Throw a round of bear crawls in, two rounds of max dips, and a few downward dogs at the end.

Natural Ice – CBO is hosting a Superbowl party. Hit him for more details.
COT: traveling mercy for the great down range guys who came out. Remember to be present and reflect on the good things God has given us.

CCM is all around us

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Works for a Guy, Good Morning America, Firefox, moneyshot, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Esposa, Grape, Canned Heat, Sherlock, Steak Knives, LB
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: hot, comparatively

WARMUP: various stretches while the PAX were educated about the start of CCM in the Jesus Movement of the 60s and 70s with even artists like Bob Dylan taking part in CCM’s early formation. Describing how CCM really encompasses lots of genres and not just soft rock/pop.

THE THANG: mosey to hill.
Every PAX takes turn running up (Bernie style) while group does various waiting exercises (squats, merkins, SSH, prom dates, heel lifts). Q took time to describe formative artist Keith Green as well as early CCM theme of adventure/excitement (as manifested by “Go West Young Man” by MWS and “Great Adventure” by SCC)
Mosey to football field
10 yard crab walk
10 Burpees
20 yard bear crawl
20 Squat jumps
30 yard lunges
30 WW1
40 yard broad jump
40 Flutter kicks
50 yard sprint
50 Merkins
Back down the ladder
Mosey back to start and dealer’s choice Mary

MOLESKINE: #mumblechatter consisted of “I haven’t heard this” Grape or “man I haven’t heard this since high school” Cowboy or just good ole silent adoration.
Genuinely thank yall for indulging me today. These are the formative songs of my youth (and current life TBH)


COT: prayers lifted for selflessness, Grape and his wife in time of uncertainty, and Cowboy and his best friend in his season of cancer

KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid

AO: atlantis
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Puzzlah, Pole Dancer, SalPal, Son of Red Skull
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Shoulder Burns


PAX worked through a circuit of:
– Incline Merkins
– Dips
– Decline Merkins
– Sandbag Carry

Sandbag carry was the “timer”. Once everyone completed two sandbag carries we took a run around the football fields.

Second circuit of:
– Dips
– Carolina Dry Docks
– Dips
– Sandbag Carry

Went until all PAX completed two sandbag carries and took another lap around the football fields.

MOLESKINE: It was a quick one with a good mix of strength and cardio.


COT: Leading is encouraging and uplifting. Where in your daily life are you looking for opportunities to lead and take on responsibility?

Isolated, never alone

AO: the-knoll
Q: Étouffée
PAX: Pebbles, Half Lyfe, Stubs, Sooie, G-string, Lady Liberty, Sparrow
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: mosey to the stop sign
5 Burpees
10 slow squats
mosey back

THE THANG: (3) 10 minute AMRAP circuits, rotating exercises with partner

Round 1:
A) Sprint around backstop
B) 10 Pull-ups, 20 Push-ups, 20 Dips

Round 2:
A) 60 yards with sandbags
– 20 yards walking lunges
– 10 yards over-head walking lunges
– 30 yard mosey back
B) Plank

Round 3:
30 yards. Partner A down, B Back
– 10 yard wheelbarrow walk
– 20 yard partner carry
– 50 (split up) Big Boys

MOLESKINE: Isolated, but never alone. So often we may find ourselves in a state and/or temptation of being worn down or in isolation, discouragement. No matter how isolated we may feel, we are never truly alone. Not only is God with us, but there are so many others we are connected to seen or unseen. Our presence and our actions matter and affect others and ripple beyond – our family – our friends – our coworkers – our community – and beyond.


COT: nameorama, countorama, coffeteria, and sweet sweet olive oil enjoyed


AO: thestronghold
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: bluemule, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Dan and Dave, toga, Chunks, Chyna, Young and Restless, Red Skull, Mullet, Right Said, Skeet, Decaf, Natural Ice – CBO, Airball, Yes Chef, Square root, Toadstool, Mane ‘N Tail, Saxman, D Pole, Big Rig, Duece and a Half, Jackie Moon, Take 3, Toots, Wolverine
FNGs: None

– Squats
– Merkins
– Arm Circles
– Air Press
– Seal Claps
– Moroccan Nightclubs
– Stretching as needed

PAX set off on a mosey toward the Helicopter Pad. However, YHC quickly grew deeply disappointed at the sluggish pace, so the mosey evolved into a series of sprints to keep things honest.

Burpee-A-Clock-Alypse – Round 1
– 5 burpees on the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes
– Between sets, YHC generously provided “active recovery” through squats, SSH, and LBCs
– Total burpees: 75

After finally feeling properly warmed up, we took off on sprint intervals back toward the StartEx. Along the way, we peeled off for 5 more rounds of burpees to bring the total up to a nice, even 100.

Upon returning to the StartEx and realizing we still had time left, YHC—ever the gracious leader—gifted the men with an opportunity to complete 5 bonus burpees (you’re welcome).

Outstanding effort from the men of 413 Strong today. The grit, attitude, and willingness to push through the suck were truly impressive. Proud to lead this crew!

Dirty Dora

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: Sherlock, Spinal Tap, bluemule, CubCadet, Tim the Toolman, Right Said, Pep, Steak Knives (F3 Cape Fear), Natural Ice – CBO, Aquaman, Deuce and a half
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Squats, LBCs, a little yoga stretching
Big long grapevine mosey

THE THANG: Dirty Dora

Pax Partnered up at the play ground for a typical Dora consisting of 100 cumulative merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs. However there was a Dirt Dora Twist – before starting the cumulative exercise PAX had buy-in of 5 pull ups and 5 burpees, every round.

After completion we went for a bear crawl up the hill, because we do hard things.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lean Pax is getting close to completion

COT: Prayers were lifted!

Tortoise & Hare – Run #3

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Right Said, Crawlspace, Chunks, bluemule, Michelin Man, Skeet, Young and Restless, Decaf, Tater (Skeet 2.0), Whoopi, Aquaman, Big Rig, Toadstool, Wolverine, Mane ‘N Tail, Sax Man, Toots, Square Root, Airball, Yes Chef, D Pole, Jackie Moon
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A beautiful 30 degrees

WARMUP: Regular warm up – SSH, Squats, IWs, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!! Asked every 4:13 Strong man to partner up with someone that would push them and it worked. We have 9 out of 11 4:13 Strong men set PRs today!

Wolverine set a new class record today with 26:02; our “all in” time was 37:25.

MOLESKINE: A great showing from F3 Pax and a great effort by all. To have this many men set a PR in week three shows that they are pushing to get better. Thank you for being a part of their transformation!

COT: Prayers for strength, courage and guidance.

Covered garage? But it’s not raining.

AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, YumYum, Go Fish, Harbaugh, Shania, Swiffer, Canned Heat, Howlitzer, lauralei
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold (not freezing)

Imperial walkers
Good mornings

– 100 hand release mericans
– 200 windshield wipers (left+right = 1)
– 300 fire hydrants (each leg 1)
– Jacob’s ladder: burpees at top of hill start with one and add one each round till 5 total
– Round of Mary

– grape’s parents
– Other prayers

4-Stop Neighborhood Burn

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Siri, El Capitan, Malibu, Sooie, Stubs, Wolfpack, Papa Bear, Sparrow, Pebbles, Pitmaster, @FLO, @AAA, @Iowa (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Just cold enough


SSH x25
Bacs & BacBacs
Yes, No, Maybes
Willie Mays Hays
Down Dog
Runners stretch
Back Stretches
Butterfly with deep breathing exercise


Part 1

Neighborhood Mosey with work at four stopping points.

At each stop: 10 burpees, 15 overhead presses, 20 crunches, 25 squats

Rest :60 after each burn + share the 5 core principles of F3 + mission & credo

Final stop: plank crawl along curb as a group from one lit lamppost to another

Part 2: Cooldown

>From curb, as a group, slow lunge up the hill.

We played three rounds of Bear Crawl Battle Royale (Iowa was the juggernaut!)

Round of MARY


My family has been out with the flu the last week & a half and my wife, unfortunately, has had the worst round of it. It has been humbling as a father & a dad to take care of her and my girls while she’s been sick. I’ve felt incompetent and clueless at times but it’s also been a good experience to grow. I’ve enjoyed the increased time spent with my girls as we’ve recovered together. Embrace those moments of incompetence & grow from them! It’s a good reminder of how much teamwork parenting & running a house requires. :pray:


Joy & thanksgiving for Sparrow’s new little one and for his wife’s healthy delivery!

Mystery V-Q on Thursday!! :party_parrot: :olive:


Nameorama, Countorama, and coffeteria enjoyed.

Grateful for y’all!
