Triangle of Sadness

AO: thestronghold
Q: Sunshine
PAX: Chunks, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Decaf, Hacker (Franklin), Swingline / Jason Aeverman, bluemule, Skeet, Dan and Dave, Shoota, McFly (Franklin), Sunshine (Franklin), Woopie (Franklin), Noble Virus (Franklin), Blitz, Fozen, C Sharp, Yeti, Sgt. Meatball, Pacer, Westside, Trajectory,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and damp

WARMUP: SSH, Mosey, Arm Circles, Seal Claps

THE THANG: 3 station beatdown. PAX separated into 3 groups and partnered up within those groups. Group 1 grabbed coupons for their station and we all moseyed to the bball court. Each group started at a different station and rotated throughout.

Station 1
Overhead Press

Station 2
Bolt 45s

Station 3
Big Boys
American Hammers (2=1)
Leg Lifts

Perform 5 reps of each exercise, then move on to the next station. After completing all 3 stations, go up 5 reps to 10 total. Next round, 15 reps. So on until Mary.

Mary consisted of the song “Roxanne.” SSH through the song, performing a burpee every time Roxanne is said.

MOLESKINE: Sometimes we act like life gets easier the older you get, always looking to the next stage you think will be easier than the present. Like this workout, though, it often gets harder. You may find your groove or sweet spot, but then you up it by 5 reps, making it more difficult. Moments like that are when you lean on your battle buddy.


COT: YHC was too busy trying not to splash merlot to finish up after Moleskine.

Run It Back

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: Salami, moneyshot, Focker, Cowboy, Haggis, Right Said
FNGs: None

WARMUP: normal stuff

THE THANG: round 1, partner runs stairs while other completes

Atomic merkins
Carolina dry docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)
Ukrainian hammers
Newtons cradle

Round 2, went to dry ground, partner lunge walks and Bernie’s while other completes

Leg raises
Crunches (I don’t think this is what we did, can’t remember)
Knees to elbows (crunches)
‘Umpers of the monkey variety
Normal merkins

5MoM (including a 2 min plank)

COT: great prayer time and great coffeeteria



AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: Splitter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Dry. The rain held off.


THE THANG: 3.4 mile run along the greenway. Discussed hiking trips, marathons and ultras.

Coffee followed at Just Love Coffee.

Coffee shop doesn’t open till 6:30, so discussing either extending the distance or starting at 6:00. More info to follow.

While at coffee, we discussed how so many men are suffering in silence and choose to take their own life. As someone who struggled with depression in my past, this is all to real. Never miss an opportunity to reach out to someone, just to say your thinking about them. That can be life giving for anyone struggling. See y’all Saturday morning.



Your story matters

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Wolfpack, Siri, The Merchant, Ex-Pat, El Capitan, morning star, Malibu, Pebbles, Bumble bee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: delightful and the rain held off

5:30am – welcome and disclaimer

YHC loves motivators so much that I asked a PAX to lead a round since I couldn’t die to my Achilles recovery. El Capitan stepped up.

Motivators followed by lazy imperial walkers, little baby arm circles, and something else I can’t remember.

Part 1
30 rounds of 10 seconds of work / 20 seconds of active recovery:
1. hinge from knees / neck mobility
2. hard style plank + super slow push up / rocking
3. super slow Freddy mercuries / egg rolls

YHC demoed the excerccises and then had to pre-evac Bumble bee home.

Part 2:
Wolfpack stepped in and led the pax in:
Alternating between Low Slow Squat and Low Slow Merkin.

– 20 reps, 10 second rest of both
– 15 reps, 15 second rest of both
– 10 reps, 20 second rest of both
– 5 reps with 5 second hold, 25 second rest of both

Part 3:
YHC returned and led PAX through originally planned thang 1. Swapped recovery and work time for last round (20 seconds work / 10 seconds active recovery)

– Max plank for those doing plankpril.
– Flow core work along with low slow squats and slow merkins, ground movement (cat crawl, baby crawl), lots of rocking

– I find that when I do “inner work” it cones in rounds … work that is slow and methodical, then a rest, then another round of work that may vary in intensity, then rest. If I don’t take time to actively recover I sputter and burn out. This applies to all areas of life.
– I like being able to play with the creativity of these workouts to reinforced things I’m learning and practicing in my day to day. Appreciate the PAX for engaging in these mini experiment and / learning labs.
– I’ll be coming back to this topic of our stories when I Q at pain-train in a couple weeks.
– Thank you to Wolfpack and the PAX for continuing the BD while I had to leave. Am continuously encouraged by how powerful shared leadership is. Let’s keep practicing it and demonstrating it in our day to day outside the gloom.

– plankpril continues, get out in public and take some photos
– Good meat and fellowship at Chunks place, check 2ndf for details
– Drop into pain-train this Friday, Wolfpack is leading growth phase ramp up to official launch on 5/10
– Keep inviting men you know, grab a business card if it helps to leave them with something tangible

YHC reflected on the peaks and valleys of his life, shared some. Encouraged the PAX to reflect on their story and find ways to celebrate and honor it, even the touch painful scenes.

Here are some things to consider:
– What are the most beautiful moments of my life?
– What are the most broken moments of my life?
– What are the highs and what are the lows?
– Who are the people that have had the impact impact on who I am today (even those that hurt or abused me)?

Here is the why behind this (quote from the Intentional Father by Jon Tyson):

“The goal here is to begin to get a sense of your own story, have awareness of the moments that have defined you,and remember the people who have shaped you. “”It’s important to come to terms with your own story. “”[Victor] Frankl said there’s something powerful about stepping back, gaining an objective distance from your own story, and observing the things that have made you who you are.”
YHC used to avoid his story, even despise it. It’s only recently that he’s come to explore it and honor it. That work (and it’s hard work) has led to much acceleration.

We ended with a ball of man with “honor” on 3.

Total Eclipse of the Heart

AO: iiipillars
Q: Grape
PAX: Matthew Gillmor, Pep, Go Fish, Pencil Pusher, Harbaugh, wardas1, Haggis, Zelenskyy, grisham, princessaurora, t-cell, DintyMoore, TiVo, Howitzer, Full Monty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it always rains on Tuesdays now I guess

10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
Mosey to the field

THE THANG: partner up, one partner runs a lap, other partner completes these exercises, then switch (completed three rounds, changes Ab Thrusters to Atomic Merkins and Knees to elbows to Knerkins (knuckle merkins) in round 3)

Ab Thrusters
Carolina Dry Docks
Knees to elbows (Peter Parker’s)

Ukrainian hammers
Newton’s cradle

MOLESKINE: so fun to lead this crew

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday tonight, keep going strong with plankpril

COT: prayers for Pep and PA


Tortoise & Hare

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: bluemule, Hacker (Franklin), Skeet, Longhorn, Decaf, Judy, Chunks, Buritto (Franklin), Yak, Frozen, Westside, Pacer, Trajectory, C#, Triple 7s, Blitz, Sgt Meatball
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect running weather – 63 and no rain!

WARMUP: Yak took us through a warm up which included SSH, IW, and a little stretching.

THE THANG: RUN!!! 3 miles around the campus. No train, no rain, a little pain. We have multiple PRs this morning – 5 from the 4:13 Strong guys and a couple from the F3 crowd. Overall, a great morning at The Stronghold.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The 4:13 Strong annual fundraiser is this Thursday. Several of our men will be on the stage sharing a testimony or performing some original music. It is going to be a great night!

COT: Yak closed us with a prayer.

Total Eclipse

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: Ultratecht, Giving Tree, The Bobs, Culture Shock, Front Loader – Jeff City F3, Daylight, Invictus, Long Cut, (Other Friend from Jeff City)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Little mosey, little stretching

THE THANG: Murph Prep

10 rounds of
– 5 pull ups
– 10 pushups
– 15 squats
– Run

Front to back run


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Beers by the river

COT: Thankful for friendship! Grab a beer or coffee with one of the guys from the group :slightly_smiling_face:

Another Dora

AO: the-castle
Q: Pep
PAX: Chunks, Sunshine, Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold for April

– little baby arm circles
– seal claps
– Good mornings
– Willie mays hayes

– run: around two of the tennis courts
– Exercises:
– burpees: 100
– American hammers: 200
– fire hydrants: 300
– big boy sit ups: 200
– dips: 100

Hambone said…
oops. I don’t it’s safe to repeat what he said.

Next Saturday at Chunk’s house is ufc + brisket


Pain Train is back baby!!

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: The Banker, Siri, Merchant, G-string (Eli Kresta), Three Stooges, Sooie
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Little chilly, but clear and comfortable.

WARMUP: Jumped on the train and moseyed to the incredibly well lit and large church parking lot across the street. SSH, BACs, BAC BACs, Overhead Claps, Imperial Walkers, WMHs

THE THANG: Run to a location, perform Tabata exercises (90 second work/45 second rest)

Red Caboose
– Merkins
– Spiccoli’s

– Wall Sits
– Burpees (jump up onto stage at the top and back down)

– Dips
– Incline Merkins

– Skullcrushers
– Pull Ups
– Step Ups

Red Caboose Field
– LBCs
– Plank
– Merkin Ring of Fire

MOLESKINE: Incredible to see the desire and support for growth in the Bellevue area… next 7 weeks Q’s are scheduled! Three Stooges bounced quickly so didn’t make it in the pic, but can confirm he was there! Sooie christened the caboose by accidentally dropping smashing his Nalgene into the ground in a sheer demonstration of Bellevue strength and power.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plankril Day 5. F3 Huntsville is converging on Franklin AO Armada tomorrow morning. Ping G-String for details if you’re able to head down and show some support for our Franklin brothers.

COT: Reminder to PAX to seek out ways to be inspired and in turn seek opportunities to inspire others. Loving kindness and good vibes for all prayers.

70 Times 7

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Linus, Transporter, Sanders, Rockies, Right Said, Mt Man x3
FNGs: None

WARMUP: OYO Stretches

THE THANG: Half Mile First Nations Run with 7 pushups required every time the last PAX reaches the front of the line.

Then, goal of hitting 70 reps in 7 minutes for:
Lunges (2 count)
Pull Ups

Props to Sanders for hitting 120 Australian Pullups!


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plankpril is ongoing, today is 90 seconds if you want to join in! (add 6 seconds of plank time each day for the rest of April)

COT: Great news for our friend Backrow’s wife, the chemo was successful and she is now in remission. Continuing to pray for the health of those who are suffering and ongoing strength for us all as we face the challenges of this life.