90s Summertime

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: morning stār, Pebbles, Sooie, The Banker, AAA, El Capitan, Ex-Pat, FLO, Sparrow, Timber, Malibu, @fishbiscuit (2.0), @tonks (2.0), @bumblebee (2.0), @icebox (2.0), @nitro (2.0), @cookie (2.0), @spike (2.0), @fern (2.0)
FNGs: 4 @nitro (2.0), @cookie (2.0), @spike (2.0), @fern (2.0)
CONDITIONS: Humid, upper 70s

TUNES: 90s jamzz


My Climb Warm-up Routine
– downward dog / cobra
– power merkins (3x per side)
– deep calf stretch
– PE back stretch
– lower back stretches

– Mosey around back stop to center of field


Part 1: Duck, Duck, Goose on the Plank!

– Duck PAX are all planking in a circle. Tagger chooses a “goose!” who will sprint around the circle to return to their spot. Instead of chasing, tagger does 10x Side Straddle Hops. Whoever is last to plank is “it”. (We had several close races!)

Part 2: Water Balloon Challenge

– 16x reusable water balloons contain laminated slips of paper with various workouts & are hidden around the playground.

– All PAX will hold a squat while one looks for a water balloon. He or she may pelt the PAX with the water balloon upon returning. All PAX will perform the exercise written within. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Cool down: Mosey’d a caboose-is-loose around the-knoll, then convened at playground for three minutes of Freddy Mercuries.


– Count Off
– Name-O-Rama
– Welcomed aboard 4 FNG’s visiting Uncle Sooie’s family from Central Florida. All had excellent F3 name choices.


Black Lung & Hair Band to Co-Q a 4th of July convergence beatdown at greenmachine :flag:


“You are as important as you make another person feel.”
-Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

I am so grateful for the men who make the-knoll such a positive, encouraging place to get stronger. I encourage y’all to be aware of the “least of these”, to see each person as a unique individual made in God’s image who is worthy of respect. Rather than seek glory for ourselves, seek the good of others in quiet service, empathy, and kindness.

Closed in prayer.

It was an honor to lead y’all this morning! :el-capitan:

U.S. Open

AO: detention
Q: Grape
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Esposa, Mistah Mistah, Movin On Up, Winona, Works for a Guy, Pound Puppy, Lockjaw
FNGs: 1 Lockjaw
CONDITIONS: a little warm for sleeves

WARMUP: normal shoulder burner:

20 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbillies
10 OH Press
10 OH Clap
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs

THE THANG: Mosey to the hill and fake like we’re going to climb the hill all morning, then mosey to the shed to get some coupons

Practice hitting BOMBS
Blockees- 25
OH Press- 50
Merkins- 75
BBSU’s- 100
Squats- 125


Work on throwing DARTS
Dirkins- 25
APD’s- 50
Regular squats- 75
Thrusters- 100
SSH- 125


Just enough time for a short PUTT
Pulls- 5
Unders- 5
Thrusters- 5
T-Ups- 5

ANNOUNCEMENTS: hunger games coming up

COT: prayers for the PAX

#the Prostitute comes to Hendersonville

AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: hambone, Pep, SalPal, Splitter, Sunshine, Dilbert, Country Parkour, Pink Slip, Outta Bounds (OB), Under the Table, Chunks, Outta Bounds, Pink Slip
FNGs: 2 Outta Bounds, Pink Slip
CONDITIONS: Hot and sweaty.

WARMUP: Mosey to the tennis court parking lot. Disclaimer. 10 each in cadence IST, Hillbillies, Abe Vigodas (Windmills), and Long Snappers.

THE THANG: Mosey up the hill to Hazel Path. We began working the corners in an up and down ladder. 1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Corner 1 – 5 burpees.
Corner 2 – 10 Merkins. Sometimes in cadence, sometimes OYO.
Corner 3 – 15 squats. Sometimes in cadence, sometimes OYO.
Corner 4 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks. OYO.
Corner 5 – 50 LBCs in cadence.
Once we returned back to the start of our ladder, we moseied back for Mary.
Freddy Mercury’s
Mercury Freddy’s
Box Cutter
Cutter Box
A voice from the crowd yelled “We don’t go until 7 o’clock!”, so we ended there.

MOLESKINE: we welcomed in 2 new FNG’s. Glad you joined us Outta Bounds, and Pink Slip.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5k price goes up today. Any interest in a spot on the Bourbon Chase team?

COT: We prayed for spoken and unspoken requests, for our soldiers, LEOs, First Tesponders. It was not by chance that I found this group. Thank you for allowing me to lead today.

2.0 Fun

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Cream Cheese, DintyMoore, Firefox, Hedwig, Puzzlah, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wet Wipes, Clue, Leonardo, Ronaldo
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: last perfect morning

SSHs – 5
Toe Touches – 7
Side Jumps – 5
Donkey Kicks – 7
Bird dogs – 5
Imperial Walkers – 7

Home plate – 7 burpees
Gorilla Crawl
1st base – 5 iron mikes
Backwards Crab Walk
2nd base – 5 Burpees
Frog Jumps
3rd base – 7 merkins
Army Crawl

Kickball until 6:12
3 outs = 5 burpees
1 run = 5 lunges
Fielders = jumping jacks
Non-kickers = fence sit
Runners = hold plank

Quality time with our 2.0s was a fun way to spend the morning.

Hedwig starts new job on Monday


Agility Wars

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Flash, Transporter, Sanders, Tater, AK-47, Jaeger, Major F-35, Mountain Man Johnathan and Randall, Rusty
FNGs: 1 Rusty
CONDITIONS: gorgeous 68 degrees


THE THANG: Agility Wars!!

2 teams went head to head in various agility challenges relay race style. Waiting PAX performed planks, wall sits, flutters, and squats + pushups while the racing PAX did their thing.

2.0s rocked it!!



COT: Prayers for Sanders quad injury and safe travels for family and friends going out of town.

Brought to you by Chat GPT

AO: handsomizer
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, Red Skull, Blueliner, Spinal Tap, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, Salami, Old Maid, Cuban Missile, Frasier
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Nah, Lets’ get into it.

Divided PAX into two teams by counting off 1’s and 2’s. Didn’t think this would be that much of a struggle for the PAX, but it is Friday.

Each team grab a coupon and caboose is loose run passing the coupon to the back and sprint to the front.

Stopped at the back parking lot for the thang

I used the prompt “Create an F3 45 min workout where there are two teams and each team has 1 cinder block” to create the workout and I think it delivered

Station 1: Relay Run (5 minutes)
– Teams line up at the starting point.
– One member from each team runs to a designated point (50 yards) carrying the cinder block, drops the block, and runs back to tag the next team member.
– The next member runs to the block, picks it up, and returns to the start line.
Station 2: Block Exercises (10 minutes)
– Each team performs the following exercises with the cinder block. Teams rotate after each member completes their set.
1. Cinder Block Squats (10 reps per member)
2. Cinder Block Overhead Press (10 reps per member)
3. Cinder Block Curls (10 reps per member)
4. Cinder Block Tricep Extensions (10 reps per member)
Station 3: Team Circuit (10 minutes)
– One team member performs the exercise with the cinder block while the rest of the team does a bodyweight exercise. Rotate after each member completes their block exercise.
1. Cinder Block Thrusters (10 reps) – Rest of the team does Plank
2. Cinder Block Lunges (5 reps each leg) – Rest of the team does Mountain Climbers
3. Cinder Block Rows (10 reps each arm) – Rest of the team does Flutter Kicks
4. Cinder Block Russian Twists (20 reps) – Rest of the team does Burpees
Station 4: Block Carry Relay (10 minutes)
– Teams line up and each member takes turns carrying the cinder block around a 100-yard loop.
– While one member is running with the block, the rest of the team is doing continuous exercises:
1. Round 1: Merkins (Push-Ups)
2. Round 2: Squats
3. Round 3: Plank
4. Round 4: LBCs (Little Baby Crunches)

PAX did some laps with sprints between each station.

Made our way back to Startex with the coupons, but set them down and did another sprint to the finish.

Ended with about 3 mins of Mary
Always and honor to lead you men.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads
Congrats to Frasier for a big week last week
Sign up for the 5k on July 27th at this illustrious AO.

Till next time. Strength and Honor

The Return of Bagger Vance

AO: thestronghold
Q: baggervance
PAX: Chunks, Hair Band, Natural Ice, Skeet, Shocker (Mark Holmes), Red Skull, Decaf, Dan and Dave, Mayday (F3 Omaha), Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect 63 degrees with a beautiful sunrise. Rumored to be the last nice day for a while.

WARMUP: Circle up in the parking lot for a standard warm-up consisting of SSH, IW, HBW and some fancy stretching. Take off for a brief run which included some side shuffle and skips.

Meet on the basketball court for some movements to half court and back. Bear Crawl + Crawl Bear x 2, Inch Worm, Worm Inch.

To the block pile, every man grabs a block. Block work included Merkins with feet on the wall, Murder Bunnies, Redrum Bunnies, Blockies, OH Press, 1 arm OH Press, Block Swings, Lung Walk, Rifle Carry, March back to block pile to drop off the blocks.

Meet in the circle for a little BV Yoga before time was called.

MOLESKINE: Good energy this morning. It was nice to see some of the 4:13 Strong guys push hard and complete the work instead of giving up and stopping short like they would have done a couple of weeks ago. Progress is being made!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class will be Friday, June 28 at 11:30am.

COT: Prayers for fallen 4:13 Strong men, families and our city.

Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

Happy Accidents

AO: greenmachine
Q: Focker
PAX: Haggis, moneyshot, Works for a Guy, sooner, FeelTheBerns, Esposa, LorelaiG, Squints (DR)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant with a great view of the sunrise

WARMUP: Lots of hip flexor activation

THE THANG: mosey to the track where we did Noah’s Ark (duck walk, frog jump, gorilla walk, bear crawl, bunny hop)

100 m sprint 80 drydocks, 80 monkey Humpers, 80 leg lifts
200 m sprint 40,40,40
400 m sprint 20,20,20
200 m sprint 40,40,40
100 m sprint 80,80,80

MOLESKINE: “ running fast is the hardest workout”- FeelTheBerns
Like most workouts, we know Esposa wasn’t counting his reps since he was talking most of the time


COT: do justice, love kindness, walk humbly


AO: atlantis
Q: Grape
PAX: SalPal, Firefox, Schnauzer, Puzzlah, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None

WARMUP: typical shoulder burner to help YHC’s shoulder be ready for all the burpees that were to come

20 SSH
10 OH Press
10 OH Clap
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs
9 burpees for Puzzlah being 3 minutes late and missing the first 3 exercises (see, 3×3 makes 9, so we did 9 burpees, get it?)
Mosey to the big parking lot

THE THANG: SalPal asked me to be psychotic, so we had a crazy workout

Partner work, one partner runs while the other does the exercises. The twist is that every time both partners had completed an exercise, then both had to do burpees before moving on. Then repeato sans burpees until time. Key is constant motion

C- Carolina dry docks
R- regular squats
A- ab thrusters
Z- zebra kicks
Y- IYT’s

Mosey to startex for 5MoM

MOLESKINE: really enjoyed the vibe at Ramblin’ Joes and appreciate 100% PAX participation in coffeeteria

ANNOUNCEMENTS: night moves, 5k, check slack

COT: prayers for SalPal M in job hunt and pregnancy
Prayers for Pole Dancer M in job hunt
Prayers for Firefox and relationship with parents
