AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Red Skull, Decaf, Skeet, Telecaster
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Hot and Humid
WARMUP: Announced to the group at 5:26, to stretch and warm up OYO, because we will be right to it
Divided the PAX into Concrete and Steel teams
Round 1 – Must do a burpee and touch my hand to answer the question.
Mission of F3?
4:13 Core Values?
Mosey with each team doing an Indian Run while I set the pace. Pass me and that’s 5 Burpees for the group.
Round 2 – Bible
How long were the Israelites slaves in Egypt?
Name Noah’s 3 sons?
Round of BOMBS – Starting with 10 Burpees and adding 5 reps to each exercise
Mosey with each team doing an Indian Run while I set the pace. Pass me and 5 Burpees for the group
Had to modify the original plan because of the train. Only way home was the long way around.
Round 3 – Financial Literacy
4 Walls (Expenses to be covered first)?
When is the best time to start saving?
Mosey! – Indian Run fell a part because of the amount of running. Stopped half way to pickup the six.
Round 4 – Construction Skills
What does OSHA stand for?
What are 2 free things to take to your job?
Mosey back to start Ex – Some on passed me so we had to do 5 burpees.
Stopped at the stop sign before getting back to the Startex.
I gave Red Skull a 10 sec head start and anyone who didn’t pass him owed me 5 Burpees.
Round 4 – Graduation
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13 Strong?
Had some healthy debate about who got the last question right, but in the end everyone won.
4:13 has become a core part of my life. I’m so glad I showed up to my first run and workout almost 2 years ago. These men have been such an encouragement to me. I just hope I’ve been able to give them half of what they have given me.
Signing day is 6/28, this friday. Block your calendar and be there at 11:30 to encourage these men as the begin the next and most difficult phase.
As always an honor to lead.