Beach Bops

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: Pep, Cream Cheese, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Hedwig, Sherlock, Paddles (DR- Tampa)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it’s getting hot

WARMUP: SSH, WMH, LBAC etc. while we waited for DintyMoore to show up


B- 100 Burpees
E- 150 Elbows to knees (mountain climbers- 2 count)
A- 200 Alabama prom dates
C- 250 Carolina dry docks
H- 300 High knees

Timer runs around the building

Finished with wall sits and about 2 minutes of Mary

MOLESKINE: always good to get a burner in before a beach trip!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: hunger games 3.0 coming up, 5k coming up, night moves too, there’s a lot happening

COT: praise for Hedwig new job, prayers for DintyMoore friends and others who are sick and hurting


The quiet return

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: FLO, Timber, El Capitan, Pebbles
FNGs: None
Beautiful summer morning ending with an epic sunrise.

– inchworm walkouts to merkin
– runners stretch
– GOAT stretch
– High plank with five merkins following the mission and each core principle
– Mosey around the track, pick up coupons and burden carry to playground

Thang 1: E2MO2M
every two minutes, complete the following
– 15 shoulder presses
– 10 floor-to-ceilings
– 5 burpees over the block
Completed seven rounds. After the fourth round, add two reps to each exercise if finish before the first minute.

Thang 2: MOT race
Split into two teams. One person on the team raced while the other did block curls.
Race down the cones doing three MOTs on the way out then sprint back to start.
– alligator crawl
– Bear crawl
– Gorilla run
Winning team does 10 block leg extensions per leg. Losing team does 15 goblet squats.
Ran four races

To close it out, we did two rounds of ten SADs (slow ass derkins)

The media portrayal of dads is usually trash. Homer is a lazy idiot, the sultan in Aladdin is a doofus, Bluey’s dad is attentive but he “doesn’t remember the boring stuff” (sunscreen, floaties, essentials). Our kids need good, responsible men to look up to, and the stories we tell should reflect that. Right now, being the prince isn’t cool, and princesses have to do it all themselves.

We need to give our girls an image of good men, so they aren’t satisfied with bad men. And we need our sons to aspire to be heroes who can slay the dragon.

– TWO VQs next week at the Knoll!

– prayers were offered up

The 1975 World Tour

AO: the-castle
Q: SalPal
PAX: Snickers, Pink Slip, Strutter, hambone, Chunks, Pep, Dilbert
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Half-hearted SSH + squats

THE THANG: In honor of The 1975 (a shared passion of mine and Chunks), 4 sets of DORA, 75 reps each, each with a different method of travel:

Part 1:
Travel: Bernie Down/Run Back
– 75 Merkins
– 75 Air Presses
– 75 Dry Docks
– 75 Reptars

Part 2:
Travel: Broad Jump Down/Run Back
– 75 LBCs
– 75 Hammers (each side 1)
– 75 Mountain Climbers (each side 1)
– 75 Shoulder Taps (each side 1)

Part 3:
Travel: Shuffle Down/Run Back
– 75 Squats
– 75 Lunges (each leg 1)
– 75 Calf Raises
– 75 Apollo Ono’s (each leg 1)

Part 4:
Travel: Boo-Boo Bear Crawl Down/Run Back
– 75 WWIs
– 75 Burpees
– 75 Lt. Dan’s

Everyone got to part 4 at time, so we went back to startex for assorted routines to close.

MOLESKINE: PSA: Spotify Pleeb-ium throttles your max volume.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots going on in July: runs, launches, night moves, etc. Look at Slack. I’m your Q, not your personal planner. 2.0 support for Sunshine, see Slack for how to contribute.

COT: Praise for Snickers in the promotion, for my M and job search, for Sunshine and new 2.0. All other intentions spoken and unspoken.

Stay salty Nashville. Green Sally out.


AO: thebuffalo
Q: greyalbum
PAX: Giving Tree, Sandlapper (David Suggs), @baconator, @duplex, @sweetnlow
FNGs: None

Seal Claps
Overhead press
Runner’s Stretch

The Thang:

11’s on Long Ave Hill

Ab Work
Crunchy Frogs
American Hammers
Flutter Kicks
Side Planks

Coupon Work on Bball court
Overhead Press Waterfall 10-1
AMRAP Rows, Curls, Chest Press


Sobriety, Adoption, Birthday

SKA is not only a musical genre…. it’s a lifestyle

AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Freakonomics, Salami, Blueliner, Cuban Missile, Strutter, BCG (F3 Harrisburg PA), Detective Pikachu, Red Skull, Spinal Tap, Old Maid, Natural Ice
FNGs: None
The majority of my musical teenage taste was focused on Rock and pretentiously seeking out Indie music. However my punk rock friends and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 added a little SKA flavor to my Youth. After seeing this about Bart SKA-mpson, I felt inspired to dig into the genre and torture the PAX with my findings.

CONDITIONS: Amazing Sunrise

Mosey to the Stairs. PAX was informed that is the SKA man started yelling “Get it Up Get it Up Get it Up” we would have to stop what we are doing and run up the stairs…… spoiler alert that happened a few times.

SSH, LBAC, Seal Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, OHP, Merkins
SKANKING – SKA version of an imperial walker – arms are more loose and your kind of hoping. Its a SKA thing…

Stair Run Race in pairs
Crossed soccer field with 2 lunges and a burpee broad jump, returned by SKANKing
Stair Run
Short 1 minute tabata – Reverse Lunges, Merkins
Stair Run
Bear Crawl down the soccer Field
Stair Run
Slow Alabama Prom Dates, Freddy Merks and Supermans
Stair Run, and second stair run to get the speaker 🙂

MOLESKINE: Its ok to like Bad Music, Dont Yuk the Their Yum

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 8th at 7pm here at the Handsomizer location

Hunger Games Round 3 – BBQ and Board Games July 12 at 7pm at the Ice Haus

August 2nd Detective Pikachu is moving and needs your help. Beer and Pizza to be provided

COT: Praise for Detective Pikachu M getting a job at higher than asking salary

Cafe Prius


AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, Ex-Pat, FLO, morning stār, Pebbles, Sooie, Sparrow, Bumblebee (2.0), Barfly, WordPress
FNGs: 2 Barfly, WordPress
CONDITIONS: Cool, Humid, mist on the knoll. Perfect way to kick off the longest day of the year!

top to bottom
Yes/No/Maybe’s in cadence
Overhead claps
Don Quixote’s
Low slow squats
Slow merkins
Scorpion stretches

20 yard sprints between cones at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% speed.
Team competition to pick up the most cones on the 120 yard sprint back.

War! Broke out the ol’ Deck O’ Cards, maintained the 2 teams from the cone competition. Proceeded to play war. Winning team did 1 of 3 exercises based on the color of the face up suits. Losing team did combination of exercises based on the suit.
J = 11
Q = 12
K = 13
A = 14
Winning team exercises:
:large_red_square: = air presses x total
:black_large_square: = Spicolli’s (calf raises) x total
:large_red_square: :black_square: = Imperial walkers x total
Losing team exercises:
:heart: = burpees
:diamonds:= WW2’s
:clubs: = dips
:spades: = squats

MOLESKINE: Had fun playing the game yet it reminded us of tensions, struggle, uncertainty, and injustice around the world. Shared Psalm 46 as a reminder of something more secure and more foundational than what we can see in the world around us.

:alert: VQ’s Next Week! :alert:
Sparrow Tuesday 6/25
FLO Thursday 6/27
Come out and show support!
Convergence at greenmachine 7/4

Prayers offered and lifted.

Class Trivia

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: Red Skull, Decaf, Skeet, Telecaster
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Hot and Humid

WARMUP: Announced to the group at 5:26, to stretch and warm up OYO, because we will be right to it

Divided the PAX into Concrete and Steel teams

Round 1 – Must do a burpee and touch my hand to answer the question.
Mission of F3?
4:13 Core Values?

Mosey with each team doing an Indian Run while I set the pace. Pass me and that’s 5 Burpees for the group.

Round 2 – Bible
How long were the Israelites slaves in Egypt?
Name Noah’s 3 sons?
Round of BOMBS – Starting with 10 Burpees and adding 5 reps to each exercise

Mosey with each team doing an Indian Run while I set the pace. Pass me and 5 Burpees for the group

Had to modify the original plan because of the train. Only way home was the long way around.

Round 3 – Financial Literacy
4 Walls (Expenses to be covered first)?
When is the best time to start saving?

Mosey! – Indian Run fell a part because of the amount of running. Stopped half way to pickup the six.

Round 4 – Construction Skills
What does OSHA stand for?
What are 2 free things to take to your job?

Mosey back to start Ex – Some on passed me so we had to do 5 burpees.

Stopped at the stop sign before getting back to the Startex.

I gave Red Skull a 10 sec head start and anyone who didn’t pass him owed me 5 Burpees.

Round 4 – Graduation
What are the requirements to graduate 4:13 Strong?

Had some healthy debate about who got the last question right, but in the end everyone won.

4:13 has become a core part of my life. I’m so glad I showed up to my first run and workout almost 2 years ago. These men have been such an encouragement to me. I just hope I’ve been able to give them half of what they have given me.

Signing day is 6/28, this friday. Block your calendar and be there at 11:30 to encourage these men as the begin the next and most difficult phase.

As always an honor to lead.





AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Wolfpack, Roboman, E-Z Go
FNGs: 1 E-Z Go
CONDITIONS: Perfection



Thang 1
11’s with 30 yard Coupon carries
– Goblet squat
– Iron Mike

Thang 2
AMRAP 4 rounds (30on 15off)
– Jump squat
– Mountain climbers
– Wall sits
– Lt. Dans

Visiting family in NC and got to run my uncle (Roboman) and a FNG through a F3 bootcamp. Decades ago I used to meet my uncle for weight training early in the morning. Awesome to still get at it with him all these years later.

Pizza and pool party tomorrow at Robomans.

COT: Fitness. Fellowship. Faith. It’s hard to go at these alone. Reminder to seek help where needed and lean on others for guidance.

A morning with sooner

AO: middle-tooth
Q: sooner
PAX: Triple Pane, Betty Ford, Cowboy, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Rocket Mortgage, Oatmeal, starlord hook
FNGs: 1 starlord hook

WARMUP: we did some active stretching and opened up cowboys hips


First… Ab City
– 50 LBCs plus 25 leg lifts
– 50 LBCs plus 25 alternating leg lifts
– 50 LBCs plus 25 WW1

Second… Choose your own adventure
-pardner up
– player 1 runs the long way round to meet player 2 to finish exercises
– Player 2 run short leg to do exercise
– Alternate players
– Exercises were merkins, dips, iron mikes and jump squats

Third… Goaltimate
– Basically make it take it ultimate

I took too long in cot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots, we have a great nantan… Read his posts

COT: family, travel, praise for healing

Tortoise & Hare v5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Hacker (Franklin), Judy, baggervance, SalPal, Chunks, Right Said, Decaf, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush, Pick Me!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: The summer humidity finally found The Stronghold. It was a sticky 77 degrees at 0530.

WARMUP: Circle Up for the standard pre-run warm-up: SSH, IW, Squats, Stretches, WMHs.

THE THANG: Partner Up, Set a Goal, RUN!! Today we saw 5 new PRs! The runners were “All In” by 40:17. Our Rucker was in by 50:00.

MOLESKINE: It is easier to do hard things when you have a partner to encourage you.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class is next Friday, 6/28 at 11:30. Come join us, celebrate the accomplishments of this class and enjoy some Hot Chicken and Mac & Cheese.

COT: Prayers for clear minds, strong hearts, wisdom and courage.