
AO: greenmachine
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Focker, moneyshot, Haggis, Cowboy, Michelin Man, Deep State, Triple Pane, Missing someone?
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: acceptable

WARMUP: run around the Machine


3 pullups -> bearcrawl -> 5 merkins -> bearcrawl -> 7 rows -> run back to start.

Repeat for 40 minutes.

5 minutes of sprints.

COT: Love being in the circle as always.

The Fourth F

AO: atlantis
Q: Firefox
PAX: SalPal, Pole Dancer, sooner, Oatmeal, Subway, Siri, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Misty with a light haze of bugs

WARMUP: Mosey down to the farthest field, plus some SSH, WMH, and GM.

Part 1: F3 Disc Golf
All PAX were given a disc golf putter. A Kanjam goal was set at the other end of the field. PAX had to get their disc into the goal in as few throws as possible.
– Lunge walk to the landing spot of your first throw
– Bear crawl to the landing spot of your second throw
– Murder bunny to all subsequent landing spots until complete
We multiplied the best and worst scores to determine how many burpees to do, which I believe ended up being 3 x 5 on the first pass.

We repeated this except doing bear crawls to the first landing spot and murder bunnies thereafter. Results were much better with us doing 3 x 4 burpees on the second round.

Thang 2: Ultimate!
Between points, scoring teams did 10 merkins, scored-upon teams did 5 burpees.
SalPal Pole Dancer Toothless and Subway (shirts) versus YHC, sooner Oatmeal and Siri (pasty white skins). It was a back-and-forth affair to start until Team PWS started pulling ahead. Shirts made a nice mini-run at the end.

MOLESKINE: Thanks for the push to pivot on the plan today. The real birthday Q at bomber tomorrow!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Oh so many. Check the calendar. Off the top of my head:
– Hunger Games
– Brewsday farewell to Bareback
– Night Moves
– Run at Geodis

– Disappointment to process and new challenges to navigate for SalPal and family
– Road trip well wishes for Toothless

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! Post any favorite moments/plays in the thread!

What is F3?

AO: offthebooks
Q: morning stār
PAX: morning stār, Dorothy, Flux Capacitor, Almanac, Mr. Clean, Pushkin, Strudel, Mr. Mom, the Pro
FNGs: 4 Pushkin, Strudel, Mr. Mom, the Pro
5:30: disclaimer given in Broadneck high school track parking lot.

CONDITIONS: 68; pleasant reprieve from the heat

Mosey to the picnic tables outside the track for SSH, baby arm circles and motivators (7 to 1).

Briefly cover history of F3. (Check out more at

Mosey to corner of track for 11s while covering the core principles. F3 workouts are
– always free
– Open to all men
– Held outdoors rain or shine
– Led in a rotating fashion by those who attend
– End in a circle of trust

11s … lazy imperial walkers (2 is 1) and jump lunges. Mode of transportion: bear crawls or lunges. Finished hero style.

Talked about F3 credo: “Leave no man behind; leave no man where you find him.”

Recovery jog with some motivators and covering F3 mission to plant, grow and serve small group workouts for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Partnered up and headed to bleachers:
– partner one lunges or jogs up the stairs
– Partner two does exercise

Air presses then merkins

Back to the corner for some Mary.

Mosey back to picnic tables for COT and Coffeeteria. Thank you Pushkin for the cold brew.

– beast gate tomorrow 5:15am at west gate mall
– Check out other spots at or

– count-o-roma and name-o-roma
– PAX shared what F3 meant to them
– Here’s my share: F3 has been a place for me to get back in shape with encouragement from other men, meet others in the neighborhood and most importantly have a place where I can practice living from the heart. I grew up stiffing my emotions and it’s refreshing to have a place where I can practice learning to share my heart with other men. F3 has also been a leadership lab for me to practice my skill of leadership.

– Honor to Pushkin for inviting some of his friends to give this a try.
– Thanks to the Annapolis PAX that came.
– Was great to be with you men this morning!
– Thank you Mr Clean for trusting us with part of your story. Hope you saw that you’re not alone.
– I am grateful of the constant reminder that I am not alone in my pain and trauma. Onward toward healing and maturity for all of us!
– The spot definitely has potential for an official AO one day.

Feel the Pump (Again)

AO: iiipillars
Q: Focker
PAX: Black Lung, t-cell, Haggis, princessaurora, Two Face, YumYum, Full Monty, Swiffer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Sticky with more construction equipment

WARMUP: started 2 minutes late so abbreviated stretches
Bear crawl and crab walk up hill to gate

Mosey to low brick wall
30 sec on, 10 sec off
Right leg step ups
Left leg step ups

Mike Tyson push up
Jump ups

Bicep incline push ups
Monkey humpers

Mosey to start
Pumping jacks (Merkins to failure, 15 SSH, and repeat until we all suck at merkins)
Tough round of Mary

MOLESKINE: great mumblechatter to start the workout, definitely decreased as it went on. Good to have Black Lung back from the UK.
“Cold coffee and hot Gatorade” was provided.
Men, my shoulders and chest are toast

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of stuff in July, check Slack!

COT: multiple illness related. Reminder to lean into our people’s lives and needs. Prayers for my ability (or inability) to communicate with my wife

Final Tortoise & Hare for Class 42

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Skeet, Right Said, Hair Band, Chunks, SalPal, Longhorn, baggervance, bluemule, Natural Ice, Decaf, Cabana Boy, Moon Walk, Tealfin, Midnight Club, Practice?, Night Light, Chef Boyardee, Cruise Line, LifeSaver, Dr. Seuss, Skechers, Double Flush
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 70 degrees – perfect weather for setting a PR

WARMUP: Circle Up 1 min late as YHC lost track of time while pairing pace setters with runners. Standard warm-up of SSH, IWs, Squats and stretching.

THE THANG: Every 4:13 Strong man was assigned an F3 man who was charged with setting and holding a pace. The pairings and pace assignments ensured that every 4:13 Strong man would be able to set a PR if they stayed with their pacer.

The pacers did a fantastic job. The 4:13 Strong men not so much. We had two reach a new PR and two that came very close. The other eight turned in a pretty pathetic final run.

MOLESKINE: You may be set up for success, but succeeding still requires effort. The 4:13 Strong men had everything they needed to turn in their best run of the class…the only thing lacking was the attitude and the effort.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class is this Friday (6/28). We will gather at 11:30am. The ceremony will begin around 11:40am and will last less than 30 minutes. Lunch and fellowship will follow. Come join us and help celebrate what these men have accomplished.

COT: Practice? jumped in to close out our morning. Following the COT he shared that was his first time leading a group prayer.

Ring Around the Rosies

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sparrow
PAX: Pebbles, El Capitan, Timber, Sooie, Malibu, WordPress, FLO, Gabby Cat, Bookworm, Smoltz, Iowa, Tonks, Fishbiscuit, Foxy, Samwise
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 67 Degrees, Partly Cloudy

WARMUP: (5 mins) Inch Worm. Start from touching you toes, walk hands down to down dog. Pedal legs, walk back up to standing, do 15x calf raises. Repeat, except replace pedal with leg lifts. Repeat till time is out.

(Ring Around the Rosies) – Group 1 that met criteria will run a lap, the group 2 will do an exercise till everyone finishes lap, those who finish early will join exercise. Cycled through Burpees, High Knees, Side Squats, Apollo Onohs, Lung Jumps). Q picked.
Core workout (15 mins): Pattern 45 sec hold, 15 sec rest:
Set 1: Plank Jacks, R Side Plank Crunch, Back Plank with Leg lifts, Left Side Plank Crunch, Plank Shoulder Touch
Set 2: Scissor Legs, Bicycles, ww2’s, Superman Alternating, Rest
Set 3: Repeat Set 1

Cooldown (10 mins): Freeze Tag. 2.0’s are freezers, but it takes 2 unfrozen players to simultaneously touch to unfreeze someone. 2.0’s WON two rounds

As men we often have been conditioned to think in terms of left brain/right brain, reason vs feelings and put a wall between them. This has some merit but sometimes it leads to feeling a disjointed and anxious life. God created our hearts, our desires, and the deepest fundamental reality of who we are. When we see our feelings as flowing from our God given desires, and our thoughts/reasoning as flowing from our heart- it can lead to freedom and contentment, and fellowship with our creator.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of stuff going on in F3 Nashville, Check the slack! No Knoll workout next Thursday as there will be a convergence at Green Machine.

FLO will be doing VQ This thursday. Go FLO!

Prayers offered and lifted.

Special 11

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Rocket Mortgage
PAX: sooner, Betty Ford, DrRupp, moneyshot, Toothless, Oatmeal
FNGs: None

WARMUP: The usual. Sooner was tired.

THE THANG: Ran to playground. 3 sets of
10 Pushups
20 Carolina DDs
25 Squats
Lap around the playground

Ran to Tennis courts

11s – Burpees on one end, Star Jumps on the other. Mode of travel was lunges (painful) one way – Bernie on the way back. Was hard. Y


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Busy July – check Slack

COT: Prayers for travel & mental acuity.

Thanks for being tired with me!

Monday Funday

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: 40 Minutes, Culture Shock, greyalbum, Ultratecht, invictus, schnitzel
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willi Mays Hays, Forward Fold, Cherry Pickers, Arm Stretchx2

THE THANG: Deck Of Cards: Clubs=Squats, Hearts=Merkins, Spades=crunches, Diamonds=SSH, Aces/Faces=Mosey

Circle of Mary

Feel the Pump

AO: detention
Q: Focker
PAX: Movin On Up, Pedialyte, Esposa, Topanga, Matador, Deep State, Mistah Mistah, Winona, Pound Puppy, Average Size
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Just how I like it

WARMUP: various stretches

25 sec on, 10 sec rest x5
Monkey humpers

Pumping Jacks
Merkins to failure then 20 SSH
Repeat until toasted

Block work 25 sec on, 10 sec rest
Thrusters x3
Presses x3
R leg deadlift x2
L leg deadlift x2
Atomic blerkins x3
R side disco x2
L side disco x2

60sec plank
Return blocks

MOLESKINE: this one ended up being a surprise burner. Respect for Matador still coming late


COT: EZ-Go have a great trip!
Esposa wisdom for new job opportunity
Prayers for my selfishness and communication

Beach Bops

AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: Pep, Cream Cheese, Tim the Toolman, DintyMoore, Hedwig, Sherlock, Paddles (DR- Tampa)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: it’s getting hot

WARMUP: SSH, WMH, LBAC etc. while we waited for DintyMoore to show up


B- 100 Burpees
E- 150 Elbows to knees (mountain climbers- 2 count)
A- 200 Alabama prom dates
C- 250 Carolina dry docks
H- 300 High knees

Timer runs around the building

Finished with wall sits and about 2 minutes of Mary

MOLESKINE: always good to get a burner in before a beach trip!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: hunger games 3.0 coming up, 5k coming up, night moves too, there’s a lot happening

COT: praise for Hedwig new job, prayers for DintyMoore friends and others who are sick and hurting
