Q: Sunshine
PAX: hambone, Strutter, Dilbert, Donatello, The Rod (DR)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 50 SSH (Screw you Pep)
– Set tempo for intervals with Iron Mike’s, Stair run, 10 burpees and stair run down.
– 4 minute intervals to do the above, 5 sets
– “Black lung salute” – 10 Burpees EMOM
– Mary
– Flying EH’ed one “Luis” that worked at the Capitol. He disappeared to “take a call with his wife.”
– Tough workout. T-claps to the guys that made it out and made it happen.
– Great 2nd F at Von Elrods.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Run next week at Geodis
COT: Gratitude for the chance to do tough things.
WARMUP: farmers carries to set up the stations
THE THANG: 10 rounds of 4 1 minute increment each;
A P A P then B P B P
Abs Pushups Abs Pullups
Weights Pushups Weights Pullups
COT: lots of prayers for those traveling, going through medical procedures or recovering therefrom.
Moist. Slight Drizzle. Thick.
Warm Up I.C. X20
Imperial Walker
Toy Soldiers
Grass Git’rs
Stay down 4 stretch, left & right
Worlds Greatest Stretch
Mosey to the Track!
Set of 11’s – Dips and Derkins
Rack and Stack 400
Track Suicides Rack / Stack
Run to the 100 – Drop and do Exercise,
Run to the 100 – Drop and do Excercise, Run to the 200, exercise Then return.
At each 100, do the exercise. Upon return to start, stack exercises on top of each other.
(100,200,300, 400yrd marks)
✓ 5 burpees
✓ 10 hand release Merkins
✓ 15 Star jumps
✓ 20 heels to heavens
Finish with a Victiry Lap up
And down bleachers.
Mosey to the start and finish with Abs ring of Fire
Hope on Slack
Don’t focus on the negative. Control the controllable, keep it moving and you will get through it.
Thanks for letting me lead Focker :punch:
WARMUP: mosey+ assorted routines
THE THANG: fun to fields behind middle School. Set up 9 cones in a line, ~10 yards apart.
Modified suicides: bearcrawl to 1st cone, 9 burpees, run back, 10 Lt. Dan’s. Repeat, going out an additional cone and down one burpee until you get to the last come with 1 burpee.
Killed time at the end with proper suicides, mosey, and Merkins.
MOLESKINE: Do hard things.
COT: This country, Ms pregnancy, gratitude for physical health.
5 sets
5 pull ups
20 squats
10 v ups
Burpee burnout
COT: prayers for pound puppy and family for family member in hospice.
Run to Treaty Oaks.
Run the loop with 20 air squats, 20 lunges, 20 push ups. x2
Run down Lousiana. Bear Crawl random hill.
Back to West Park for 10 dips x2 in pavilion. 30 step ups.
More running. Tabata air squats. More running back to parking lot.
Sprints x 10
Deep squats x10
MOLESKINE: 2.64 miles when all said and done. Very hot and humid. Originally planned for basketball mid-workout but audibled due to wet courts and few PAX. We went off campus for a bit, but returned to West Park quickly because we wanted to be near the guy who sprints around the baseball field every morning.
Dash at the Castle 5K. Geodis Park, Saturday 7/27
Night Moves at Bicentennial Park, Saturday 7/20 at 1830
Prayers for healthy pregnancy
Prayers for injured and downrange PAX
Prayers for Schnauzer’s wife’s friend who recently lost her husband
Coffeeteria at White Bison
SSH x 30
Squats x 10
LBAC x 10 each way
Jack Webb 1/3 Merkin+Air Press up to 10/30
Grab a block at mosey
Line up in 2 groups of 11. bluemule was kind enough to Q some 4-count flutters while YHC set up cones.
Sprint relay – grab a cone bring it back, next guy grabs the next and brings it back, so on and so forth until all are picked up and then reset back out.
Group 2 won the first round with Red Skull someone getting stuck with 3 legs of it! To the winner goes the spoils so I gave them the choice of burpees or block thrusters. The team chose thrusters so 15 thrusters while Group 1 did 20 burpees.
Rinse and repeat. Group 2 again took the W. They chose burpees this time so YHC obliged with 30 burpees. 20 thrusters for Group 1.
YHC had some other things planned but wasn’t super pleased with the sprints, the lack of full reps, etc. SO we lined up and every man ran 125ft sprint down, and 125ft back. Immediate rinse and repeat again.
Grab the blocks and mosey home for burpee-apocalypse. When we got to 6 YHC promised we could be done once every person completed every rep. @Tampax stepped up and called out the reps for PAX, awesome leadership.
Barely Legal (repeat 413’r) asked me 3x for a new name. I told him no and that it only gets worse. I finally obliged after insisting several more times. Being at a Tampa Q, and the bright pink shorts, Barely Legal has been officially renamed Tampax. Dont let Red Skull put any of this Tampa-X nonsense out there. It’s Tampax. Period. (pun intended)
I had something a little different dialed up but last second changed it up. I thought it was important for the PAX to experience a team focused challenge. It was interesting seeing them only focus on the dude next to them and give only just enough effort that was required and forgetting about the bigger picture. Some good lessons in that for sure.
Lots of prayers for safety for the men, resiliency, and their families.
Spandex has a sister getting some cancer scans this week.
WARMUP: SSH, Squats, Overhead arm clap, variety of stretches for legs (covered F3 mission, principles, credo here)
Station 1: Item Toss
-divided into 2 teams, each PAX selected an item to throw to a target 25 yards away (items: football, tennis ball, frisbee, dodgeball)
-total # of steps from the target that items landed = total # of reps of exercises
-exercises: pullups, burpees, merkins (Round 1); squat jumps, Apollo Ohnos, spicollis (Round 2)
Station 2: Obstacle Course Run
-1 PAX from each team ran the playground obstacle course while other PAX completed a dealer’s choice of shoulder/core exercise (2 rounds)
Station 3: Matching
-8 pairs of workout cards (16 cardboard cards total) placed face down; PAX took turns flipping the cards. If NO match, PAX completed both workouts; if match, PAX discarded the cards without having to complete the workout. Cards: Carolina Dry Docks, Burpees, Merkins, 4ct flutter kicks, WWIIs, LT Dans, Jump Squats, Pullups
MOLESKINE: for the item toss, # of reps ranged in the 20-28 reps range for teams. The rain added in some challenges (like making the obstacle course a tad slick) – good work by PAX to err on the side of going slower to stay safe. El Capitan proved his tremendous servant leadership by showing up at the end with Mtn Mojo for the group. We expressed gratitude for a successful court date for Sparrow in their adoption process.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check slack channel!
COT: emphasis on the power of AFFIRMATION. When genuine, affirmation has the ability to install confidence and a feeling of security in our kids, and it has the ability to break down barriers with others we might have conflict with in our lives.
Great work this morning!
WARMUP: 6 Turkish get-ups
THE THANG: July Kettlebell Regimen x4. Finished with 5 minutes of burpee broad jumps until the clock hit 6:15AM
MOLESKINE: Mumble chatter: Home COVID tests are weird, Army fitness requirements even weirder, Flash has hair under his hat, Woodchuck new gig, McAfee did not remove shirt, Rev can’t sit Indian style, can you even say “Indian style” anymore?