The Rocky Road to Dublin…er….West Park

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Schnauzer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A perfect 50

WARMUP: Joint Mobility, Mosey around the fields, active warmups and stretching

THE THANG: Been on an Irish kick after a conversation with Toothless over the weekend, so set this workout to some of my favorite Irish folk and punk tunes.

As for the exercise, my 32nd birthday meant sets of 32 exercises separated by a run around the tank.

Mountain Climbers

Then tried out a new song-based challenge, The Rattlin’ Bog. For each layer of the bog, add one pushup. It was an ill-advised choice to pick an extended version of the song, when after 6 minutes we were tasked with a total of 105 pushups.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 convergence & 10 Year Nashville Anniversary

Trivia Time

AO: thestronghold
Q: Chunks
PAX: bluemule, Skeet, Decaf, Right Said, Red Skull, Dan Tanna, Natural Ice, Ripcord, Young and Restless, Lightweight, Speed Walker, Trajectory, Baby boy, Longway, Skid Mark, Temper Tantrum. Five Points
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Gave a 5 min warning to stretch, cause we had a lot to cover

5 rounds of Questions with running and burpees in between

Round 1 – F3 and 413 Values
Round 2 – Bible
Round 3 – Financial Literacy
Round 4 – Workplace
Round 5 – Requirements to graduate

Team Concrete was victorious.

On our way back to the Startex we stopped at the stop sign. I gave bluemule a 7 second head start and the rest of the PAX had to catch him or do burpees.

A couple of men caught him and gave up right at the end and didn’t finish strong. bluemule gave a rousing speech about not quitting when you see the finish line.

I always make a point to tell the 413 men at this point that I love them and am proud of them. Then implore them to keep working hard cause the next phase is the hardest.

Always honored to lead here.

This is a big week for the 4:13 men. Final run on tuesday, final workout on Thursday and Signing day on Friday.

Mark your calendars now and make it a point to come encourage these men this week. They will be fielding job offers and can always use a sounding board to make the best decision.

SYITG, Chunks



10 Reasons to Love America

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Linus, Flash, Woodchuck, RPJ
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Fall’s first sneak peak

WARMUP: 2 mins stretching

THE THANG: KB Routine du jour:
6 Overhead Presses per Arm
6 Pause Squats per Arm
8 Bent over Rows per Arm
12 KB Swings per Arm
12 sit-outs per side


Cooled down with some stretching and a personal favorite of mine, the Bill of Rights, also known as the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution. A higher or loftier expression of the non-negotiable elements of freedom is hard to find. God bless this beautiful experiment we have the rare opportunity to take part in.

MOLESKINE: 80 degrees is too warm for most, but all agree AC is EXPENSIVE.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9-11 and 10 year anniversary convergences coming up in Nashville! Stay tuned for more details.

COT: praying for our dear friend Reveille, whose rock playlist we greatly enjoyed in his absence, and those who need comfort.

Hot Potato!

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: FLO, G-string, morning stār, Papa Bear, Pitmaster, Sooie, The Banker, The Merchant, Timber, Wolfpack, AAA, Cable News, Ex-Pat, Mr. Stoogie, Stubs, Link (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0), Schmoltz (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Can we just hit pause on this weather?

WARMUP: Link led us in a warmup… run to stop sign, motivators from 5, Willie mays Hayes, burpee buy ins


Workout 1: Tabata 40 seconds work/20seconds rest/3 rounds

– Push ups
– Step ups
– Reverse snow angels

Game 1
Link classic… toilet tag!

Workout 2: Tabata 40 seconds work/20seconds rest/3 rounds

– Dips
– Lt. dans
– Incline pushups

Game 2
Hot potato with a 10lbs kettlebell
If it stops on you, 10 seconds of burpees while everyone else gets 10 seconds of rest

Stretches, American hammers and leg raises

PAX went around and said what defines a leader. Patience, good listener, confident, strong, vulnerable and many other incredible words were used. So much can make up a leader, but you don’t have to be everything all at once. Sometimes you need to just be one thing at a time the best that you can.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Big September coming… keep an eye on slack!

Link VQ on Thursday at Knoll.

9Square Arena tournament happening next week (8/30) at Pain Train

COT: moment of silent reflection for all prayers both said and unsaid.

Two Face VQ

AO: iiipillars
Q: Two Face
PAX: Pep, Haggis, gov’t mule, Two Face, Grape, Go Fish, t-cell, princessaurora, LorelaiG, Fanny, Formica, Bolt
FNGs: None

25 Side straddle hope, in cadence, 4 count
20 LBACs, in cadence, 3 count
20 Imperial Walkers, in cadence, 3 count

THE THANG: partner up
1. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 merkins (Partner 1 10, P2 plank – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with AL Prom Dates (to the beat of No Sleep til Brooklyn)
2. Sprint up hill, bear crawl across field; 100 LBCs (P1 10, P2 hold 6 inches up – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with Flutter Kicks
3. Sprint up hill, jog across field; 100 squats (P1 10, P2 air chair – rotate to 100); jog back to bottom of hill and wait for Pax with stretch
4. Lap track and meet in the middle
5. Circle up and each man shared a thing they’re grateful for, a life hack and a worry they’re carrying. 3-5 burpees in between each man.
6. Lap track
7. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pull ups at playground


ANNOUNCEMENTS: PA birthday workout Wednesday, 8/21 at 5:30.


Tortoise & Hare, Episode 5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Michelin Man, Focker, hambone, Longhorn, Decaf, Young and Restless, Chunks, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 66 degrees – a perfect morning for a run

WARMUP: Five Points led us through the warm up this morning. SSH, IWs, Squats, Leg Stretch, WMHs

THE THANG: Find your Pace Group and RUN!!! We had two PRs this morning: Temper Tantrum at 26:40 and Five Points with a new PR and class record 25:36. This is the fifth consecutive run that Five Points has brought home a new PR!

MOLESKINE: The F3 participation in our morning runs is making such a huge difference. I don’t think that we have ever had a class with so many sub 30 runners.

Next Tuesday is the final run with this class. I am expecting to see 8 PRs to close down this installment of Tortoise & Hare. Make plans to join us for the final run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day for this class is Friday, 8/30 at 11:30am. Join us for this fun celebration and stick around for a great lunch.

COT: Prayers for strength, endurance and thanks for new life.

Five x Five

AO: middle-tooth
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: sooner, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Pole Dancer, Schnauzer, DrRupp, Betty Ford
FNGs: None

Good Mornings
Imperial Walkers
Willy Mays

Five Stops w/ Mosey around Big Field
5 Exercises EMOM
Min 1 – Burpees 10
Min 2 – Air Squats 15
Min 3 – 15 Merkins
Min 4 – 20 Staggered RDLs
Min 5 – 20 BB Situps


9/11 Convergence
10 year Anniversary Convergence

Renewing your tags is advised but not mandatory?

Flying Fickle Finger of Fortune

AO: toratoratora
Q: Hipster
PAX: The Bobs, 40 Minutes, Ultratecht, Daylight, Longcut, Invictus
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pristine but sweaty

WARMUP: Quick mosey out of the airpark, grab a coupon, standard WOR fare on the blacktop

THE THANG: Wheel of Fortune

Each PAX spins the wheel (randome selection app), and as a group we do the specified movements. Here is the full menu of options:

4 x 25 yd sprint
50 yard suicide
25 flutters IC
25 Yard Admiral Dans
50 Yard Walking Lunges
1 minute coupon kb swings
1 minute high plank
1 minute merkins
10 Navy Seal burpees
1 minute dry docks
1 minute diamond merkins
25 American Hammers IC
25 partner merkin daps
1 min block curls
25 yard bear crawl
10 pullups
15 Kobe’s IC
Double Repeater
10 8 count BB’s
25 coupon goblet squats
1 min pickups
1 min coupon tri extendo
1 min plank jack thrusts
Dealers Choice
1 min coupon squat thrust
20 coupon bent over rows

We got through about 20 rounds total, and as fate would have it we did a lot of upper body work to compliment the lower body beat down from last Friday (thanks greyalbum)

MOLESKINE: New crowd favorite – partner merkin daps Chunks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming convergences

COT: TAPs for all the guys going through some stuff – thanks for sharing and being vulnerable, men. Leaning in to the discomfort is how we grow, and it helps to have support along the way. We’re all in this together.

Nobody said it was EZ (Go)

AO: detention
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Average Size, Works for a Guy, Topanga, Mistah Mistah, Donkey Hammer, Grape, Accounts Receivable, Winona, EZ-Go, Pedialyte, Deep State, Movin On Up, Old Maid, Pound Puppy
FNGs: None
Average August

Broga Flow: cobra, downward dog, right hand right foot/right hand stretch upward, warrior 1, rinse and repeat on left side

*grab a coupon

Block work:
50 – squats
40 – block rows
30 – block mercs
20 – triple arm killers
10 – 8 count bb
5 – bubkas
Repeat x2

CrossFit Lyon Workout :woman-lifting-weights::
5 rounds:
10 squat cleans
10 thrusters
10 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups

*Choose your own adventure
2 min 6 inches
20 WW1
1 min low plank
20 Supermans
20 WW1
20 1-leg Alabama prom dates

Big crew, big sweat, big gainz!

cruelhall Convergence with handsomizer on Sept 6 at Geodis
gullivers-travels-challenge is alive and well

Kids back in school, prayers for new school year
Praise for Average Size new job!

We’ve Got This One in the Bag

AO: the-castle
Q: hambone
PAX: Grape, Cowboy, hambone, Chunks, Pep, “Just Tom”
FNGs: 1 “Just Tom”
CONDITIONS: Nice as nice can be for August in Middle Tennessee!

WARMUP: We don’t do that here.

THE THANG: FNG Tom showed up. As we introduced ourselves he realized we had funny names and said, “I’m just Tom”. Just. Tom. Of course Tom is excited to get a name, but we don’t do that here until the 2nd post.

We brought our buddy (60lb sandbag) on our travels this morning.

Indian Run and share with our buddy. We made sure to swap the buddy off appropriately. We did a bit of Strutter’s prostitute route, but then we doubled back and hit the other side of the highway.

On the other side, we did a neat rotation of:

1. One guy runs ~600 meters
2. One guy holds the buddy (sandbag dead hang)
3. One guy planks
4. One guy promdates and holds

We then headed back to meet Chunks and Pep (who creeped out of the back of his car)

MOLESKINE: Grape mentioned that the uphill really torched his calves. He was also coming back from an IT band injury, so impressive work by the best fruit I know.

Cowboy came for a relaxing Saturday, and the 2ish miles we got in our travels were a fraction of what he gets down south. That said, our bag buddy hopefully made it worth it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go check slack to see what your bros are doing in the Nashville region.

COT: Prayers for Cowboy’s mother!!

One missed prayer was for hambone’s father; the old man turn 70 on Saturday. Never expected to see that day.