Love is . . .

AO: bomber
Q: Vector
PAX: Pep, Firefox, DintyMoore, sooner, Sherlock, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Puzzlah, Fish Food (DR)
FNGs: None
YHC was the Q-pid for today’s Valentine’s Day prep for the PAX. I even had a bow . . . seriously.

CONDITIONS: Chilly, 23 degrees with love in the air

Theme of “Love is . . .”
Love is like Oxygen – Sweet
Love is a Battlefield – Pat Benatar
Love is an Open Door – Kristen Bell/Santino Fontana (from Frozen, not Moana sooner)
Love is the Drug – Roxy Music
Love is the Answer – Aloe Blacc
Love is a Stranger – Eurythmics
Love is in the Air – John Paul Young
Love is Blindness – Jack White
Love is the Answer – Dan Seals
Love is Dangerous – Fleetwood Mac
Love is Strange – Mickey & Sylvia
Love is a Long Road – Tom Petty

Mosey in heart-shaped circles
LBAC x 20
Seal Claps x 20
Overhead Presses x 20
RLBAC x 20
WMH x 10 OHO
Good Mornin’s x 10 OHO
SSH x 20

Q-pid started his work by having the PAX partner up and do several partner themed exercises:
Partner merkins x 20 (with clap between rep)
Partner WWI x 20 (with claps at top)
Partner chair squats x 30 sec x 3

Mosey to playground for some LOVES
Lunges x 100
Overhead presses x 100
V-shaped Pull-Ups x 100
Excellent form incline merkins x 100
Sexy squats x 100

[Aside: at some point sooner got caught up in the love and might have been twerking on the swing set pole . . . Q-pid supports all kinds of love, so go crazy HIM)

Mosey to flag for V-Day Mary of Alabama Prom Dates, J Los, Monkey Humpers, Jane Fondas to get those special parts trained for the day. So good, we rinsed and repeated.

– No Beer Ruck this weekend
– Game Night at Firefox abode Feb 28 at 7p
– Night Moves March 6 at 7:30pm

COT: Words of gratitude, prayers, and praises lifted up. Listened to the morning for a bit. Thankful for all of the HIM during what for me has been a very stressful time in both my personal (losing my mom) and professional (funding uncertainties, colleagues losing jobs abruptly) lives. Thankful to the PAX for pushing me each day.

SYITG, Q-pid (aka Vec)

Movie Night

AO: pain-train
Q: The Merchant
PAX: FLO, Half Lyfe, Lady Liberty, Sooie, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
A little chilly but clear skies

BACs, BAC BACs, Motivators (5)

HIIT Workout set to a playlist of songs from movie soundtracks

30 sec. of lunges
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of push-ups
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of mountain climbers
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of imperial walkers
10 sec. rest
30 sec. of low plank
90 sec. rest

If someone guessed song and movie it’s from, do 10 reps of whatever exercise they recommend during rest. If nobody guessed, do 10 burpees during rest.

Make an effort to be fully present in daily life. Try to find time to be alone with your thoughts and not in front of a screen.

Biscuit run and board game night coming up. Also keep an eye on the petition regarding Percy Warner park.


A path of light in the gloom

AO: the-knoll
Q: Stubs
PAX: Lady Liberty, Half Lyfe, Stubs
FNGs: None
Chilly, windy, very wet grass
SSH x 19 (messed up the count!)
BACs x 12
BacBacs x12
Shoulder presses x 12
Willy mays Hays OYO

Mosey with 4 lanterns to create running path.

Where each of lanterns were placed
5x mercans
5x shoulder taps 2 is 1
5x slow squats

Mosey to get coupons
Head to River table
Split into 2 teams.
Team 1 exercise
Team 2 runs to light path we created

Round 1 each team completed 3 laps
Step ups x 20 with coupon
Bent over rows x20 with coupon
Dips x 20

Round 2 each team completed 2 laps
Squats x15 with coupon
Floor to ceilings x15 with coupon
Incline mercs x15

Mosey to drop of coupons and gather lights

Ended with 3 pull-ups each

Spoke about the fellowship of the group and how it motivates us to get out of bed on these gloomy mornings. If I was going to the Y by myself there’s no way I’d get out of bed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: game night, biscuit run. Check slack

Lady Liberty led us in closing prayer focused on mental and physical health.

An Excuse to Work Legs

AO: atlantis
Q: Hair Band
PAX: SalPal, Toothless, Pole Dancer, Puzzlah, Siri, Pothole
FNGs: 1 Pothole

Mosey 1 laps around soccer fields
Good mornings
Cherry pickers
Willie mays hayes
Cowboy hip rotations (fwd & bck)
50 SSHs

30 sec high knees + 10 perfect merkins
Repeat 10 times

15 Drop squats + sprint parking spaces
Repeat 8 times

Lunge walk around parking lot

4-5min of 10 burpees + 10 v ups alternating

In a world of well rounded workouts, Hair Band seems obsessed with getting our legs solid as marble. Complaints from the pax about leg soreness will be seen as badges of honor from Hair Band and only seek to fuel his love of leg based workouts. If anything, Hair Band feels like a merciful Q in that he allowed us to do Merkins.

• Night Moves hosted by SalPal March 6th, check his preblast for details
• AOQ Grow School coming back atcha Saturday March 22nd stonewall tel:0600-0800
• Spring Fling hosted by Natural Ice – CBO, check main channel for details
• May CSAUP coming your way

• prayers for work transitions and changes happening, prayers for men looking for work, prayers for babies on the way, over all health and well being

Thanks for letting me Q, this was a fun workout and due to my lack of bringing a speaker the mumblechatter was mumbling.

Welcome to Pothole!

Rock on,

Hair Band :sign_of_the_horns:

Valentines Shuffle

AO: thestronghold
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Mullet, Barney, Dan and Dave, Young and Restless, Decaf, Chyna, Skeet, Red Skull, toga, Yessir, BigRig, Toots, Toadstool, Airball, DPole, JackieMoon, Square Root
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Brisk and Wet

WARMUP: SSHs, Willy Mays, Good Mornings, Slow and Low Merkins

Mosey to front 🅿️

Partner 1 – hold plank for partner when done
10 Burpees
20 Iron Mikes
30 Merkins
40 Lunges
50 Mountain Climbers

Partner 2
Run across 🅿️ and Bernie back

Once everyone completes all five sets then mosey to baseball diamond

Break into four groups at each base.
10 Merkins and 10 SSHs before Bear Crawl to next base.
Repeat at each base until one full circuit.

Mosey to Back Hill
Partner 1
Low Plank Hold
Ohio Prom Dates
Elevated Leg Holds

Partner 2 sprint down and bear crawl back up

Mosey back to Start ⭕️ for 4:13 Selected Mary

MOLESKINE: One week left in this class, stay strong, encourage each other, take ownership of your opportunity.

No BrewRuck on 2/15 :rain_cloud:

It was a pleasure to lead and encourage the men of 4:13. Thanks for having me.

Tortoise & Hare #5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Decaf, Barney, Right Said, Crawlspace, Whoppi (Franklin), Big Rig, Toadstool, Wolverine, Mane ‘N Tail, Sax Man, Toots, Square Root, Airball, Yes Chef, D Pole, Jackie Moon, Danny (to be named when he returns to our Thursday workout)
FNGs: 1 Danny (to be named when he returns to our Thursday workout)
CONDITIONS: WET and COLD – a nice cold, constant rain for the entire run – 39 degrees

WARMUP: Standard warm-up – SSH, Squats, IWs, Stretches

THE THANG: RUN!! 3 soggy miles followed by some fun in the circle. Spent time on the ground to make sure that everyone enjoyed the moisture.

MOLESKINE: Despite the less than ideal conditions, we had one FNG and 4 PRs this morning. What a fantastic Week 5 showing.

COT: Prayers for strength, guidance and healing.

4 corners and tumbling dice

AO: the-knoll
Q: Stubs
PAX: Wolfpack, Half Lyfe, El Capitan, Sooie, Stubs
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Raining cats and dogs

SSH x 20
BACS x10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Stated mission
Slow squats x 5 – 1 for each principle
Willie Mays Hays OYO

Thang 1
Mosey to all 4 corners of the park
At each corner
25x mercans
25x shoulder taps (2 is 1)
25x squats

Thang 2
Roll of the dice
2 large dice – six sided die determine the exercise – 20 sided die determines reps
1 = incline mercs
2= ww2s
3 = dips
4 = step ups or iron mikes
5 = jump squats
6 = swimmers

Doubles = Burpees

Did about five rounds of this

Each Pax picked 1 exercise
Imperial walkers x10
Pull-ups x5
Shoulder presses x 15
Mountain climbers x15
Motivators x 5

Ended with ring of pull-ups – 2 rounds


Briefly touched on the Importance of relationships and the 2nd F especially when the conditions are this poor outside

Game Night 2/28
Biscuit Run 3/1
Petition to stop road thru Percy Warner park. All can be found in slack.

COT: prayers were offered up and coffee was had before we headed to dryer ground

That-workout-from-Friday redux

AO: westeros
Q: CubCadet
PAX: DintyMoore, Vector, bluemule, Pep, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Michelin Man
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Brisk 32 but manageable

WARMUP: 25 SSH, WMH / GM OYO, mosey around the big field (on the pavement)

THE THANG: Yeah, I stole my own workout from Friday / Bomber. Modified it slightly to make it less confusing (based on anonymous feedback)

– Endzone: 5 SSH
– 10 yard line: 10 burpees
– 20 yard line: 20 WW1
– 30 yard line: 30 mountain climbers
– 40 yard line: 40 merkins
– 50 yard line: 50 squats
– 40 yard line: 40 ski jumpers
– 30 yard line: 30 American Hammers
– 20 yard line: 20 box jumps
– 10 yard line: 10 wide arm merkins
– Endzone: 5 SSH

Rinse / repeat in reverse order

Travel between yard lines as a group was half bear crawl / half lunge worms (lunge, lunge, inchworm forward, 2 merkins, inchworm back up)

Sprint length of the “field” – 1x

Mary – round robin, 25 reps each exercise for 8 minutes

Playlist as also a recycle: Super Bowl Halftime songs.

MOLESKINE: Things I learned today:

– DintyMoore is alive
– SalPal was 12 in 2011
– Prince was the greatest SB halftime act. Ever.
– Coffee at Dose is pretty cool (#lovingmysabbatical)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Congrats to those who finished Leanpax. Check slack for details on Brewruck and Night Moves coming up.

COT: Prayers for:
– People and critical care / research institutions impacted by government budget cuts, and struggling with uncertainty.
– Vector and family over his Mother’s passing
– Michelin Man dealing with some back issues (and our gratitude that he came to hang with us)
– SalPal dealing with some leadership challenges / change at work
– Intentions in our hearts.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Go to church or the devil will getchya!

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Stubs, Siri, G-string, Pitmaster, Wolfpack, FLO, Waffle, Cheeks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shorts are back on the menu!

WARMUP: The usual suspects.

Run to Bellevue Church of Christ
10 rounds of:
10 second high plank hold
10 merkins
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low squat hold
10 squats
10 second rest

Run to Cross Timbers Freewill Baptist Church
10 rounds of:
10 second hollow body hold
10 big boy sit-ups
10 second rest

Run to Bellevue Presbyterian Church
10 rounds of:
10 second low plank hold
5 burpees
10 second rest

Run back to red caboose

Loved the counting rhythm we organically fell into. I think it really helped us lock into the workouts and push it together.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: biscuit run march 1st. Boardgame night Feb 28

COT: My mom sent me a book of daily devotions as she felt it may be good to bring into our COTs when I lead. The thoughtfulness of wanting to share something that was meaningful to her because she felt it would help me too really made an impact on me this week. It made me ask myself the question, am I actively listening to others and am I actively supporting and providing for them based on what I hear? Encouragement to PAX (including myself!) to listen more and take action to better the lives of those around us. Thanks Mom 😀

Get That Heart Rate Up

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Ultratecht, Sandlapper (David Suggs), Hot Route
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a bit nipply with a side of can’t see the line can ya Russ?

WARMUP: led by Ultratecht because Hair Band was 6 minutes late

Hair Band gave disclaimer and started up the 80s Music

Mosey 3 laps around parking lot

30 sec high knees + 10 perfect merkins
Repeat 10 times

15 Drop squats + Sprint curbs
Repeat 10 times

Lunge walk around parking lot once

4-5min of 10 burpees + 10 v ups alternating

The goal today was to get our heart rates up and we accomplished that pretty well
Ultratecht is still the fittest person I know, he ran circles around me for much of this workout. This… is always a humbling experience.

Lots of 80s music musings

– AOQ Grow School in March, date TBD but being discussed on SLT
– Spring Fling led by Natural Ice – CBO in April at the Warner Parks
– Mid Tennessee CSAUP coming in May

– prayers for family members health, praise for work successes

Always a pleasure to come out and be humbled by the buffalo.

Rock on,

Hair Band