A little rain never…

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, Pop-A-Lock, Pep, Vector, el conductor
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: steady rain and perfect temps

WARMUP: A few OYO stretches,

1 minute on, 30 seconds off x 8
Jump Squat
Iron Cross
Jump Lunge
Carolina Dry Docks
Freddie Mercuries

Lap around the building to see if it was still raining, then do it 2 more times and finish up with a few extra rounds of burpees.

Simple workout under the bag drop cover.

With national one-hit wonder day yesterday, we jammed out to some lisa loeb, soft cell, and the one and only Harold Faltermeyer where we got a breakdown of the full scene from Beverly Hills Cop…Good stuff. Thanks for being my hype man, Pep.
Impressed by the commitment of these HIMs to show up in the gloom and put in a good effort on a dark, rainy morning.

Brews-day on Tuesday.
10th anniversary shirts for sale

Prayers for safety for our growing families, our travelling families, and all those who are and will be affected by the hurricane.


AO: handsomizer
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: caprate, Cuban Missile, Spinal Tap, Strutter, Freakonomics, Natural Ice, Shotz
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Rainy in the best way “You Only Get Wet Once”

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Stretching

THE THANG: – – Death by Burpees – –

YHC ran a 1 minute timer and every minute we performed 5 burpees. In between burpees a “resting” exercise was called to give a “break” between sets. Pax performed lunges, bear crawls, LT Dans, and various forms of merry.

Pax made it through 36 sets for a total of 180 burpees but felt called to beat the record I set at greenmachine last year. A final 21 were tagged at the end bringing the total count to 201 burpees.

MOLESKINE: – “My Body Hurts” Spinal Tap


Chili Cook Off – Oct 20th 1-3 pm – bring your 2.0s and Ms
Wolfpack is on Q – more details tbd

AOQ Grow School – October 12th 6 am to 8 am at stonewall
Hair Band on Q

COT: Lifted Prayer

Rock Me Like A Hurricane

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Donkey Hammer, Pedialyte, Works for a Guy, Mistah Mistah, Accounts Receivable, Focker, EZ-Go, Young and Restless, Michael Freiburg, Black Lung, Sofa King
FNGs: 1 Sofa King
Crieve Hall showed up and showed out for a washout F3 beatdown under the pavilión.


20 SSH

THANG: The Hurricane
Tabata (2 min on, 45s off)
Retrieve soggy coupon then…

Outer bands:
1 – Sumo Squats w block
2 – Tricep extensions
3 – WW1
4 – Decline mercs

Inner bands:
1 – Lt. Dans
2 – Bicep curls
3 – American hammers
4 – Incline mercs

Storm surge!
Thunderstruck burpee-fest

Eye wall:
Eye wall bear crawl

6 inches with block hold

Storm surge!
Thunderstruck burpee-fest

Welcomed Walter aka Sofa King (sells sofas on Facebook Marketplace)

Nashville half-marathon – Oct 26

Smokehouse new baby in da house!

Great work boys, always a pleasure!


Always have a buddy!

AO: thestronghold
Q: toga
PAX: Chunks, Dan and Dave, Red Skull, Right Said, Dan Tanna, toga, Skeet, Decaf, C Sharp, Snapper, DreamCast, Old McDonald, Coon Skin, Slash, Pearl, Vera Wang, Big Country, Old G, Humble Boxer, The Raptor(Miami), Zorro, Speedway, Filet O Fish, Ten Pack
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to the gravel lot for some calisthenics and the always fun, scorpion stretch amongst the rocks.

THE THANG: Partner up with instructions to spend the rest of the workout with you partner. Work together and finish together!
Part 1: Execute Bear Crawls and Polar Bears down the gravel lot and back. Form up in 2 columns and mosey to the lot across from the STEM school.
Part 2: Partner carry across the slot, flapjack and return to the other side of the slot. Execute the same with wheelbarrows and repeato 2x more.
Part 3: mosey the entrance to the STEM school where P1 executes 12 rows on the bar while P2 hold people’s chair. Flapjack and repeato 2x more times. The PAX (RA!) did this without starting till everyone was holding the chair and mounted the bar and could not complete until everyone was done.
The finish: mosey back to the home lot, quick marry and done!

MOLESKINE: It’s always humbling to lead and know that the PAX (RA!) will follow your lead for the duration of the workout. This is always a gift, but it’s especially humbling when you realize all the change these men are dealing with. RESPECT!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: It’s been 6 years of our F3/4:13 symbiotic relationship. YHC can only hope that the men of 4:13 are getting as much out of this as the men of F3. Here’s to 6 more!

COT: Prayers for Chunk’s grandmother who is in hospice and for the strength, health and will of the men in 4:13. Let’s keep the 40 days rolling!

Stay Classy,

Elevens & the Deadly Dice

AO: the-knoll
Q: El Capitan
PAX: Ex-Pat, AAA, morning stār, El Capitan, Malibu, Sooie, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Timber, Stubs, Bumblebee (2.0), Schmoltz (2.0), TopGun (2.0), TheJudge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees & foggy. Starlit overhead.
TUNES: Joyful eclectic playlist

– Downdog + cobra
– 10x mountain climbers
– Bird Dogs (3x) each side, 3 sets
– Back stretches (the best)

– Squat Jumps at top of road
– Butt-kickers down hill to road
– Plank Jacks on road curb
– High Knees back up hill.

Repeat until 11’s complete

PART 2: Deadly Dice

Circle up around flood table. One PAX rolls 12-sided die with regular die into bucket.

Regular die represents exercises:
– 1 (Burpees)
– 2 (Downward Dog Toe Taps 2=1)
– 3 (Dips)
– 4 (American Hammers 2=1)
– 5 (Hand-release merkins)
– 6 (Iron Mikes 2=1)

12-sided die represents the amount of reps.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

PART 3: Return of the Plank, Plank, Goose!
– Circle up in grass. One person is “it”. Goes around duck-duck-goose style. When he chooses a goose, he immediately does 10 SSH while the tagged runs around circle & tries to return to spot before tagger does.

Cool down mosey to coupon tree & back to playground.

Encouraged the PAX to look outside themselves & seek opportunities to better serve their families & communities. It’s so easy to be primarily concerned with what matters to me – but true manliness is sacrificial, seeking the good of others for the glory of God.

Happy birthday, @Schmoltz!! Enjoy those birthday breakfast bagels in bed. :joy:
Fat Bear Week is next week, per Sooie! :bear:

COT: Lifted up prayer requests & held a moment of silence. Enjoyed a delicious moment of fellowship & :boar::coffee::tm: post-workout.

Grateful for y’all!


Go Back to Go Forward

AO: atlantis
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: Pole Dancer, Schnauzer, Toothless, Siri, Tea Party, Strutter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Foggy under the sea, but beautiful stars in the sky

Arm Circuit
Some good ole fashioned stretching before moseying down to England Park

Shout out to Tea Party, Pole Dancer, and Schnauzer for getting lost with me in the Nations for the pre-party for 2+ miles.

Sprint 50 m, Yves Pull (run backwards 25) all the way down the street.
At each backwards stop, complete 15 of each exercise (one exercise per lap):
T- Tuck Jumps
O- Os and Xs
W- Worst Merkins (Wide, Regular, Diamond)
N- Nolan Ryans

Moseyed back under the sea and tried to make Rattlin Bog a thing–except hold a plank for the song and do alternating shoulder taps at each level.
Finished with some Elbows to Knees to get to 6:15.

2 miles run total according to my Strava.

This week (Tuesday) marked the 15th anniversary of my move from Boston to Nashville–not knowing anyone, no money, and no real plans. I also moved into a new house over the weekend. Boy, how times have changed. In that reflective mood, we discussed where we were in 2009 and some of the challenges we faced before and where we are now.

Check out T-shirt link in -f3-nashville-general

COT: Let’s help Sirifind a new job. Connections welcome. For all the partners, especially parents out there to remember to find space for one another, and for safe travels.

Me Myself and I

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: Chunks
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool but humid

WARMUP: 20 SSHs, Willie Mays Hayes and other stretches

THE THANG: 3 mile run tour of White House.

MOLESKINE: Grateful for F3 and all you men. Being able to run 3 miles by myself is because of the all the encouragement of you HIMs over the past two years. Let’s keep looking for ways to share F3 and grow this area. There are a lot of men that need this more than they know. Strength and Honor – Chunks


COT: Requesting prayers for my family. My grandmother had a stroke yesterday morning and now unresponsive. Hospice is here doing there thing. Thanks men.

God Bless America (I got a copy in my truck)

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Linus, Skeet, Woodchuck, Flash, Meat Sweats
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: beach weather (according to McAfee)

WARMUP: 3x Turkish getups each side after OYO streching

THE THANG: Squat Pyramid!! Two Times!!
1x Press 1x Clean 1x Squat 1x Renegade Row
up on Squats till we hit 5 reps, then back down.

Finished off with 100 KB Swings. Hoo lawd!

MOLESKINE: Did you know Jesus had a brother? How did the bible get put together? We’ve got 2 more Wednesdays with Woodchuck before he ships off for a while. Let’s enjoy them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Half Marathon at 7:00 at Don Fox Park this Saturday!

COT: Beautiful words were spoken to lift up those in need in prayer; thankfulness and gratitude for the things we have in this life were expressed.