
AO: thestronghold
Q: tampalibra
PAX: Red Skull, Chunks, Dan and Dave, Ponzi, Ripcord, toga, bigbang, Grape, Patty, Right Said, Ginger, Crocket, C Sharp, Catfish, Zorro, Snapper, Old MacDonald, Pearl, Humble Boxer, Filet O’Fish, Dreamcast, Big Country, Vera Wang, Slab, Ten Pack, Speedway
FNGs: None
First. We didn’t finish the workout and that drives me crazy. I’ll take that as poor leadership there are a few things I should have adjusted BUT I’ve done this workout solo and even Q’d it a few times (starting at 200 reps) so I know it can fit in. I don’t like not finishing things, personal pet-peeve of mine :sweat_smile:

Exercises are to be done in sets of 25 reps. After completing 25 reps, run to the designated spot and do 3 burpees. After the 3 burpees, run back and continue with exercise.

175 curls
150 big boi situps
125 Overhead Press
100 Kettlebell Swings
75 Merkins
50 We’re not worthy’s
25 Blockees

The 200 rep set would have been Bonnie Blairs but I knew that was not going to happen and I’ve been doing Squatober so my legs barely work anyhow and decided to cut it :joy:

Street soccer rnd 2

AO: atlantis
Q: Subway
PAX: Oatmeal, Pole Dancer, SalPal, Schnauzer, Young Pawn, Toothless, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 57 – foggy and fun

WARMUP: Mosey with equipment to lower parking lot. Stretches and pot shots on goal with penalties for misses

THE THANG: 4v4 soccer – very bouncy ball

MOLESKINE: music.apple.com/us/playlist/ea-sports-fc-24-soundtrack/pl.d698e9b318a94aebad31b5d9913a3891

ANNOUNCEMENTS: too many to remember- check channels

COT: Rosh Hashana- happy new year – reflection on goals for next year!


Penalty burpees for no HC and burpees for no Merchant show

AO: titan
Q: Pep
PAX: Midwife, preacherman, Right Said, caprate, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Firefox, Young and Restless, SalPal, Salami, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
cool. comfortable fall day

burpee penalty:
– each pax with no HC 10 burpees
– all pax 10 burpees for Merchant
run the square

Dora at the playground:
– 100 pull ups
– 200 windshield wipers
– 300 firehydrants
7’s at the hill: burpees + hand release merkins

– pain lab: Salpal led on Saturday mornings in North Nashville
– chili event:
First Annual F3 Chili Cook Off!
Wolfpack is on Q and leading the charge.

When: October 20th. 1-3pm
Who: PAX, M, and 2.0s!
Where: Riverview Pavilion Shelby Park

– prayer for Midwife in his job search

FIFA Legends ( Part 1)

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Subway
PAX: Pole Dancer, Oatmeal, Toothless, Betty Ford, Schnauzer, DrRupp, Topanga, sooner
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 63 – clear skies

WARMUP: Mosey, stretches

THE THANG: Dribble around the PAX, then 5 on 4 concrete futsol (street soccer). Game was close, ball was bouncy. Goals resulted in 10reps of scoring teams choice for defending team; scoring team 10 reps of ab work chosen by defending team. Final score – doesn’t matter- no ACLs were torn- victory for all!

Game 2 – atlantis this Thursday

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday today

COT: Prayers for those in Western North Carolina affected by Helene.

Tortoise & Hare, S5E2

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Papa Bear, Pop-A-Lock, Chunks, Crawlspace, Right Said, Young and Restless, SalPal, Hair Band, Speedway, Zoro, Filet O Fish, Ol’ McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, 10 Pack, Pearl, Snapper, Slash, Vere Want, Humble Boxer, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 66 degrees and humid

WARMUP: Standard Pre-Run Warm-Up: SSH, Squats, IWs, Stretches

THE THANG: Get into assigned pace group (led by at least one F3 man). We had a total of five groups: 26:00, 28:00, 30:00, 32:00 and 34:00. Things went even better than expected with 10 of 14 4:13 Strong men reaching a new PR, one of which was a new course record for the class of 25:12.

MOLESKINE: It is much easier to push yourself and do hard things when you have someone doing them with you. Thank you to my F3 brothers for slowing down and encouraging the 4:13 Strong men. We had a huge lift in confidence today with so many new PRs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Struggle 003 is 11/1. This is a Friday night so no need to worry about work the next day. Stay tuned for more details. If you are ready to lock in your spot, let me know.

COT: Many prayer requests for endurance, strength and perseverance.

Monday Funday

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: The Bobs, Hot Route, Invicutus, Longcut
FNGs: None

WARMUP: forward fold, Willie mays hays, arm stretchs, cherry pickers

-Dora: 300 squats, Imperial walkers, calf raises, SSH while partner runs
-lunges: 2 trips down and back
-Arm Circles and over head press 50 reps each

ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for any victims of the severe weather recently

Because It’s My Destiny To Be The . . .

AO: westeros
Q: Vector
PAX: Grape, DintyMoore, Chunks, Pop-A-Lock, SalPal, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Right Said, Pep, Young and Restless, Hedwig
FNGs: None
Conjuring up this week’s theme, I felt we all needed a little bit of a push to make us better, because as “the kids” say, “No PAIN, no gain.”

CONDITIONS: Painfully pleasant, start of autumn, gloomy morning

WARMUP: To start the pain, we did W-O-R for the duration of Depeche Mode’s extended remix of “A Pain That I Am Used To.”
30 SSH, 30 LBAC, 30 Air Presses, 30 RLBAC, 30 Squats.

To reflect the missing HCs from the PAX, the group had to do 9 burpees. Then we repeated the above until end of song . . . 8 minutes later.

A Pain That I Am Used To – Depeche Mode
King of Pain – The Police
Pain Lies on the Riverside – Live
Joy and Pain – Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? – Culture Club
Pain – De La Sol (f. Snoop Dogg)
Hurts So Good – John Cougar
Sucker for Pain – Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons
Everybody Hurts – R.E.M.

PAIN #1: 50 reps of
Prisoner squats
Ass Kickers
Imperial Walkers
Normal Julgarian Split Squats (“Free Julgaria!”)
Then sprint up and down hill.

PAIN #2: 50 reps of
Plank Jacks
Alabama Prom Dates
Incline Merkins
Normal LBCs
Sprint the hill.

Mosey to Startex for Mary where a grand time was had by all

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday Tuesday this week – Check the Slack

COT: Prayers for Chunks on the passing of his grandmother and SalPal as his wife navigates restarting work life. Was fantastic to have SalPal back out, as his special brand of saltiness fit the theme perfectly . . . Thankful as always for all of the HIM who push me and each other to be better. SYITG, Vec

[nashvillemarthaon] Marathon Prep

AO: nashville-half-marthaon
Q: Hair Band , Cuban Missile
PAX: Hair Band, Cuban Missile
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool, damp, rock and roll vibe

WARMUP: nada

THE THANG: runnin

MOLESKINE: hills are hard but nevertheless we persist

– AOQ Grow School Sat Oct 12th tel:0600-0800 at Stonewall
– Marathon/ Half marathon Oct 26th 0700 First Horizon Park
– Tennessee Tussle Sat Nov 9th at Broken Wheel in Nolensville

• prayers for blue liner as he continues to make his recovery
• prayers for Chunks and family in the wake of the loss of his grandmother
• general health and wellness

Rock on,

Hair Band

A little rain never…

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Tim the Toolman, Firefox, Pop-A-Lock, Pep, Vector, el conductor
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: steady rain and perfect temps

WARMUP: A few OYO stretches,

1 minute on, 30 seconds off x 8
Jump Squat
Iron Cross
Jump Lunge
Carolina Dry Docks
Freddie Mercuries

Lap around the building to see if it was still raining, then do it 2 more times and finish up with a few extra rounds of burpees.

Simple workout under the bag drop cover.

With national one-hit wonder day yesterday, we jammed out to some lisa loeb, soft cell, and the one and only Harold Faltermeyer where we got a breakdown of the full scene from Beverly Hills Cop…Good stuff. Thanks for being my hype man, Pep.
Impressed by the commitment of these HIMs to show up in the gloom and put in a good effort on a dark, rainy morning.

Brews-day on Tuesday.
10th anniversary shirts for sale

Prayers for safety for our growing families, our travelling families, and all those who are and will be affected by the hurricane.