Q: Strutter
PAX: Donatello, Dilbert, Chunks, Strutter
FNGs: None
OYO stretches head to toe while reviewing Mission/Core Principles/ Credo
Partner up for Dora with obstacle course. Each team to complete:
200 merkins
400 sit-ups
600 squats
Hero style finish
Partner A began work on the 200/400/600 while Partner B ran the obstacle course. PAX switched after Partner B completed the course.
The obstacle course was 4 cones, each spaced 15 yards apart. Cinder blocks at cones 2 and 3.
– Zombie crawl from cone 1 to cone 2
– Murder Bunny from cone 2 to cone 3
– The floor is lava (must remain on a cinder block at all times) from cone 3 to cone 4
– Lift Cindies onto table at cone 4
– Farmer carry from cone 4 to 3 (drop one cindie)
– single carry from cone 3 to 2 (drop cindie)
– Sprint/mosey/crawl from cone 2 to 1
– Switch with partner
Alas time proved to be our great adversary and lo, despite valiant efforts to complete the 200/400/600, the final tally was closer akin to 120/240/360. The floor is lava took longer than anticipated due to me not being a professional.
Isaiah 40:31
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
This verse has been on my mind lately and I’ve been thinking about the progression in the latter half of the verse: soar :arrow_right: run :arrow_right: walk. Sometimes we have the strength to soar through the situations life throws at us. Other times we can run. Sometimes all we can do is walk. The LORD supplies the strength we need where we are at.
10/20 Chili cookoff at Shelby Park. M’s and 2.0’s welcome. More deets coming to a channel near you.
Offered prayers for East Tennessee/North Carolina and all who are traveling over fall break.
Enjoyed :boar: :coffee: :tm: and launched a new AI/hardware tech company.
#1 Wim Hof breathing exercise by the lake
#2 Nordic 4×4 up the hill (only got to 2×2)
– Fridays by the river
– Prayers for health of families
– Prayers for families impacted by the hurricane
– 20x SSH
– 20x Imperial Walkers
– 20x Hillbillies
– OYO Good Mornings and WMH
Thang 1: Mosey to upper parking lot and partner up. 1 PAX holds a Hollow Body Hold, the other runs a suicide (do we have an alternate name for this?), and swap. 3 rounds total.
Thang 2: Staying in pairs, 1 PAX holds a static hold position while the other does an exercise, then swap. 3 rounds total per exercise.
– Table Top (bridge) and 10x/side alternating toe touches
– High Plank and 10x/side knee tuck donkey kicks
– Hollow Body Hold and 15x WW1s
– Reverse Plank and 15x/side reverse plank leg raises
Thang 3: Mosey down to the (well lit) playground. Staying in pairs, 1 PAX does 10x hanging leg raises while the other does Plank Jacks. 3 rounds total.
Thang 4: Mosey back to Startex. 1 PAX does box jumps on the wall while the other runs a Bernie up the drive to the stop sign and back. 2 rounds total.
Thang 5: A nice relaxing, meditative Hollow Body Hold for the final 2.5 minutes.
MOLESKINE: The goal was lots of core/full body engagement. There was no theme except for the absence of merkins and burpees and other exercises that aggravate my elbow… or was there? Perhaps there was a story told in the playlist that was almost completely divorced thematically from the actual workout?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the things. Check the calendar. There’s chili on there somewhere.
– Pop-A-Lock’s father
– DintyMoore’s M’s family visit
– Vector’s son and M travels
– Those suffering from Hurricane Helene (Look into NC/FL Disaster Relief Funds, American Red Cross, or any other forms of support that you’re able!)
– Those suffering from ongoing and escalating conflicts overseas
WARMUP: OYO stretching
THE THANG: Squat Pyramids from DD x2
Offset Merkins for the last 3 minutes had us all toasted
COT: praying for safe fall break travels, healing for the sick/injured, and comfort for those in distress.
WARMUP: mozy to track and do some active stretching
Plank circuit- 1 minute each
– plank jacks
– mountain climber
– alternating plank jacks
– jump mountain climber
– alternating shoulder taps
– high plank hand shuffle
– high-lows
– T jump merkins
Track interval ladder up and back down, 100 meter resting mozy
– 100
– 200
– 400
– 800
Brewsday was yesterday… There is a chili cook-off in a few weeks… Mini-Convergence at iiipillars next Tuesday. Don’t show up to middle-tooth because we won’t be there.
COT: Thinking about NC
Exercises are to be done in sets of 25 reps. After completing 25 reps, run to the designated spot and do 3 burpees. After the 3 burpees, run back and continue with exercise.
175 curls
150 big boi situps
125 Overhead Press
100 Kettlebell Swings
75 Merkins
50 We’re not worthy’s
25 Blockees
The 200 rep set would have been Bonnie Blairs but I knew that was not going to happen and I’ve been doing Squatober so my legs barely work anyhow and decided to cut it :joy:
WARMUP: Mosey with equipment to lower parking lot. Stretches and pot shots on goal with penalties for misses
THE THANG: 4v4 soccer – very bouncy ball
MOLESKINE: music.apple.com/us/playlist/ea-sports-fc-24-soundtrack/pl.d698e9b318a94aebad31b5d9913a3891
ANNOUNCEMENTS: too many to remember- check channels
COT: Rosh Hashana- happy new year – reflection on goals for next year!
burpee penalty:
– each pax with no HC 10 burpees
– all pax 10 burpees for Merchant
run the square
Dora at the playground:
– 100 pull ups
– 200 windshield wipers
– 300 firehydrants
7’s at the hill: burpees + hand release merkins
– pain lab: Salpal led on Saturday mornings in North Nashville
– chili event:
First Annual F3 Chili Cook Off!
Wolfpack is on Q and leading the charge.
When: October 20th. 1-3pm
Who: PAX, M, and 2.0s!
Where: Riverview Pavilion Shelby Park
– prayer for Midwife in his job search
WARMUP: Mosey, stretches
THE THANG: Dribble around the PAX, then 5 on 4 concrete futsol (street soccer). Game was close, ball was bouncy. Goals resulted in 10reps of scoring teams choice for defending team; scoring team 10 reps of ab work chosen by defending team. Final score – doesn’t matter- no ACLs were torn- victory for all!
Game 2 – atlantis this Thursday
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brewsday today
COT: Prayers for those in Western North Carolina affected by Helene.