12 Days of Christmas

AO: handsomizer
Q: Wedding Singer
PAX: Umbrella, Purple Tiger, Wedding Singer, Salami, Freakonomics, bluemule, Natural Ice – CBO, Spinal Tap
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool and crisp

Recognition of Umbrella, who allowed YHC to freely steal and modify (including the notable absence of even a single Michael Buble song on the playlist this time!) his long-standing tradition and recent beatdown at the-racetrack Mosey to the bottom of the steps


12 Days of Christmas
Day 1 – 8 count Body Builder
Day 2 – Apollo Onos
Day 3 – Worst Merkin
Day 4 – Lt. Dan
Day 5 – Burpees
Day 6 – Storm squats
Day 7 – WWI or WWII
Day 8 – Windmill Merkins
Day 9 – Iron Mike’s
Day 10 – Makhtar N’Diayes
Day 11 – Mountain Climbers
Day 12 – V-Ups

The day corresponds with number of reps. Start on Day 1 and then run lap up the stairs and back down the ramp. Day 2 then 1, run. Day 3 then 2 then 1, run…until you finish or time. 2 is 1 for all applicable exercises. That fact, along with the long set of stairs and ramp back down proved to be too much for any of the PAX to complete the work, but several got to Day 10!

Mosey back to startex

MARY: n/a – called for time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Franklin 10-year anniversary beatdown Saturday 1/4 at Pinkerton Park – 0630

See elsewhere on Slack for deets about New Year’s Day convergence and Lean PAX

COT: Reminder that F3 is first and foremost a leadership organization. It is in our Mission statement

Always an honor to lead.

Stay strong and keep signing-


Pole Dancer’s Christmas Special

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Toothless, Oatmeal
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy and Clear

WARMUP: Mosey around the fields, active warmups, dynamic stretching

THE THANG: After warming up to the unlit Pizza Hut, the PAX decided on naughty or nice rep counts for a two pack of exercises; 25 for nice, 50 for naughty. Mosey around the water tank for a breather in between sets;

Super Mans

Mountain Climbers

Imperial Walkers
Alabama Prom Dates

Star Jumps

Followed up with Lunge travel from the Pizza Hut back to StartX

Snuck in a ring of fire to everyone’s favorite insanity-inducing Christmas son, Dominic the Donkey, before a round of Mary to bring us to 6:15

MOLESKINE: Pricing and commerce of the secondary playing cards market, upcoming vacations, D&D escapades


COT: Prayers for safe travel over the holidays, health of 2.0’s and family, prayers of healing for Toothless’ MiL

PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/27NAXtLvRUmi0E56UHlJBo?si=8e73c00dcdc542c6

12 Days of Christmas

AO: the-knoll
PAX: Pebbles, Timber, The Banker, morning stār, Stubs, Sparrow, G-string, Bumblebee, Smoltz, Moochi
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: a little chilly

WARMUP: -5 motivators
-Baby arm circles 8 forward 7 back
-imperial walkers
-slow squats
-slow push ups
-mosey down to bottom of hill
-5 squats : backwards up hill and jog back
-5 lunges: shuffle sideways up and down hill
-5 squats: run up hill

THE THANG: 12 days of Christmas theme workout. Each day of Christmas you do that number of reps of an exercise.
Day 1- 1 inch worm
day 2- 2 burpees
Day 3 – 3 LT Dans
Day 4- 4 side lunges (2 is 1)
Day 5- 5 hand release mercans
Day 6- 6 squat jumps
Day 7 – 7 Carolina dry docks
Day 8 – 8 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
Day 9 – 9 dips
Day 10- 10 leg lifts
Day 11- 11 dercans
Day 12- 12 step ups (2 is 1)

Once we completed the 12 days of Christmas, we did a pull up ladder with partner starting at 6 reps and working down.

We finished by one partner holding a plank while the other partner ran down to street and back. We alternated for 5 minutes. Finished the last couple of minutes with stretching.

MOLESKINE: Holiday Season can be stressful and a tough time for some, especially those who have lost loved ones or feel stress of travel, gifts, etc. Challenge this year is to first remember what you are celebrating, and then remember to till all those close to you that you love them and appreciate them.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lean PAX starts in January, workout on the 26th is the gift exchange so bring any item or (leftover gift you don’t want) to do a gift exchange.


Dew & Dora

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Hanes
PAX: DrRupp, Focker, Oatmeal, SalPal, sooner, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Tropical Winter + Puddles

Jog around the track, sprint to front

MTN Climbers
American Hammers
Bobby Hurleys (jump squats)
Freddie Mercury’s

Control – run down the long straight on track and back, keep working out till All In. Change exercise.

Mosey to flag, 1 round of toe taps


ANNOUNCEMENTS: NYD Convergence led by Grape. Lean Pax.

COT: Prayers for those who have lost loved ones during the Holiday Season. Prayers for healthy families and travel. Prayers for individuals who may have some trauma during this season.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou

You can’t always control your environment or the things that happen to you, but you can always try to change your outlook or the way you choose to see something or someone.
The Challenge: Be the positive change wherever you are and encourage others with your effort to shape the things that you can change.

Shout out to Oatmeal and sooner for delicious coffee and encouraging and supporting another great AM in the gloom.


Winter is Coming….

AO: toratoratora
Q: Goose
PAX: 40 Minutes, greyalbum, The Bobs, Ultratecht, Invictus
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hays hays, arm stretches, forward fold


– Dora: 200 SSH while partner runs
– Lunges down and back, 2 trips
– 200 curls with rifle carry every 25 reps with coupon
– Dora: 200 overhead presses w/ coupon wile partner lunges down and back
– Circle of Mary


Invictus VQ next Monday!


AO: the-castle
Q: Strutter
PAX: Strutter
FNGs: None

WARMUP: it was warm and toasty in my car.

THE THANG: there was no Thang.




The Wet Bandits

AO: thebuffalo
Q: Natural Ice – CBO
PAX: greyalbum, The Bobs, Ultratecht
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH, Don Quixote, Imperial Walkers, High Knees, Merkins, Stretches, Arm Circles, Air Press, Seal Claps

THE THANG: “Wet Bandits Escape”
The Theme:
PAX took on the role of the Wet Bandits, bungling a break-in at Kevin’s house and attempting to “escape” through a gauntlet of booby traps and obstacles. The route simulated their chaotic escape, with periodic stops to “navigate obstacles” using themed exercises.

The Thang:
A quick mosey through the park to get loose, stopping at multiple “booby-trapped” locations along the way.

Station 1: “Paint Cans to the Face”
Imagine dodging paint cans swinging down from above.
– Exercise: Burpee Apocalypse
– Performed in descending sets: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Total: 55 burpees)
– Obligation fulfilled as Chief Burpee Officer.

Station 2: “Slippery Steps”
Mimic the struggle of slipping on icy steps.
– Exercises (3 rounds):
– Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
– Freddy Mercuries x 20 IC
– Iron Mikes x 10 each leg

Station 3: “Micro Machines Mayhem”
Picture crawling over scattered toys in Kevin’s hallway.
– Exercises:
– Bear Crawls
– Walking Lunges

Station 4: “Burning Doorknob”
Channel your pain tolerance as Harry grabs the scorching doorknob.
– Exercises:
– Hand-Release Merkins x 20
– LBCs to cool off
– Repeated with descending Merkin counts: 15, 10

Station 5: “Broken Christmas Ornaments”
Avoid the pain of stepping on shattered ornaments scattered by Kevin.
– Exercises (3 rounds):
– WWI Sit-ups x 25 OYO
– American Hammers x 20 IC
– Repeated with depending WW1 Count 20 and 15

Bonus Station: “Penance for Late PAX”
– Additional burpees for late arrivals: 10 + 9 (Total: 19)
– Final Burpee Count: A modest 74.

MOLESKINE: Keep it moving!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tomorrow, YHC is looking for people to lead events and social hangs for F3

COT: Praises for The Bobs 1 year sober, and prayers for greyalbums family as the navigate his mothers struggles with Alzheimer’s

Thanks for the invite to the East Side and the opportunity to lead

Friday the 13th

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Timber, Wolfpack, FLO, Half Lyfe, Cheeks, Pebbles
FNGs: None
Crisp and still

– BACs
– Back-BACs
– Slow squats
– Slow merkins
– Willie-Mays-Hayes

Mosey to grab some coupons
Partner up for a little Dora
– 150 Floor to ceilings
– 200 One-Arm coupon merkins
– 250 Coupon goblet squats
other partner is running a lap around the playground
– 50 Pull-ups
– 100 Lunges
other partner is doing bear crawls around the small jungle gym

King and Country Drummer Boy challenge

Happy Friday the 13th! In my family, Friday the 13th is a holiday. My Great-great-grandfather Wynn (who my son is named after) instituted this holiday in the 1930s, and the tradition is that every Friday the 13th he would take off work and pull his daughter, my Grani, out of school and take her to see a movie and get ice cream. It was one way he showed her that their relationship was more important than work or school. She passed away this September at 96 years old and still said her dad was the best man she had ever known.

This tradition has been passed down every generation since, and I will continue it with my children. I share all of this because traditions are important only inasmuch as they connect us through time. Love, family, and community are all remembered and celebrated through carrying on these traditions. As the holidays approach and are celebrated, take a moment to appreciate not only your family’s traditions but why you do them and where they come from. Then communicate all of that to your children. Then maybe one day in 90+ years, your great-great grandchildren will still know your name and treasure what was important to you.

– Franklin 10th anniversary on January 4th.

– Prayers were offered up.

Thanks for letting me lead you fine gentlemen! G-String out

Motivational Holiday Mosey

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Vector, Chunks, CubCadet, hambone, Blueprint, Pep, Pop-A-Lock, Right Said, Sherlock, Tim the Toolman
FNGs: None

WARMUP: mosey on

Mosey to north nipple –
20 merkin/mountain climbers

Mosey to circle –
20 squat kickers

Mosey to answer –
20 shoulder tap jacks

Mosey to free will church –
20 drop squat jumps

Mosey to 51st playground –
20 pull up burpees

Mosey to small field –
20 step up high knees

Mosey to start X –
20 line lunges merkins

Mary to finish or lap around big field and community center

Great to have our flag back thanks to Hedwig and Tim the Toolman

leanpax coming in January – join the channel

#brewruck was yesterday

COT: new life and new starts both require steps of faith and embracing the uncertainty, unknown, and discomfort. Best of luck to Blueprint Hedwig and Pop-A-Lock as they enter a new chapter of life.