Thr Four Corners of Brentwood

PAX: Umbrella, Vegemite, Big Bang, Cathy, Razor DBA Venus, Tinder, Olan Mills, Proton (F3 Knoxville), Canary


10 got better, or at least sweated like it at the Racetrack this morning.  It went like this:

Capri lap around the parking lot and back for


SSH x 15

GM x 10

Willie Mays Hayes x 10

Cotton Pickers x 10

LBAC forward x 10

LBAC reverse x 10

OH Presses x 10

Big baby arm circles forward x 10

Big baby arm circles reverse x 10


Mosey across Maryland Way to the corner for an explanation of today’s workout. YHC took a gander at Google Maps yesterday to formulate the Four Corners of Brentwood Escalator:

1st Corner: 10 squats and mosey up sidewalk to OHB for

2nd Corner: 10 squats and 20 merkins.  Mosey just below OHB past O’Charleys to Walgreens at corner of OHB and Franklin Road for

3rd Corner: 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges (15 each leg). Mosey down Franklin Road to LBMC/Hill Center at Maryland Way for

4th Corner: 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges and 40 OH claps. Mosey back to 1st Corner

Since we’ve reached the top of the escalator, we’ve got to get back down. 1st corner 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges, 40 OH claps and mosey on same route as before. Repeato each corner subtracting one exercise each time ie., 2nd Corner was 10 squats, 20 merkins, 30 lunges.

All corners completed and back to the parking lot for some


Flutter kicks x 20

Remain on 6 and hamstring stretch each leg 25 seconds x 2. Finish with 25 second stretch in middle.


Moleskin: 3rd F Opportunity at Crievewood Baptist this Saturday about 4 to benefit the Oasis Center. See Slack for details and AO Q is Dupree.

Great work this morning.  I had never run that route and wasn’t certain we were going to finish, but made it with 3m to go.  Each lap is about 1.8 miles, so put yourselves down for approx. 3.6 miles with some decent elevation change and some exercises mixed in.  Great to have Proton join us from F3 Knoxville.  Come back any time!



“Friendly Friday”

Pax: Yard Sale, Brother at Law, Edible Arrangement, Third Degree, Reefer, Ludwig, Swamp Fox, Razor DBA Venus, Cathy, Black Widow, CCR, Big Stick, Blue Mule, Dupree, PSL, FNG-Backlot, FNG- Hollowback Girl, FNG- Special Agent Greenwall


19 courageous souls descended upon Cruel Hall for yet another Friday installment.  Today’s theme was “Friendly Friday” in an attempt to EH those we have been working on for a while and give them a lighter taste of “just a few jumping jacks and push-ups” (at least that’s how I pitched my FNG)).  The irony of YHC on Q for Friendly Friday was not lost on myself as I suspect most of my Q’s are Friendly Friday-worthy anyway.  I was sweating, so whatever.

It went like this:

Mosey down to the bus loop where I caught my FNG coming in hot.  He was apparently been sitting in the literal back parking lot of the school because YHC had given some bad directions.  Apologies. Caught him and the rest of the pax where the following WOR occurred:

SSH x 10

Squats x 10

Willie Mays Hayes x 10

Good Mornings x 10

LBAC front x 10

LBAC reverse x 10

Over head presses x 10

Everyone find a spot on the line for Cruel Hall’s newest favorite exercise — CAPS LOCK HOPS. 60 seconds front to back followed by 60 seconds side to side. RNR x 1.  Mosey down to grab some bar for 20 OYO rows and 20 OYO merkins on the bar.  Plank and wait for the 6.

Mosey to the pavilion for burpee/squat 7s. Plank and wait for the 6.

Mosey to the top of the bus loop where we People’s Chair for the 6.  partner up and explain DORA 1-2-3. 100 plank jacks, 200 LBCS, 300 Overhead claps. P 2 is running the loop and beginning reps where P1 finished.

Mosey to the coupon shed for 10 rep coupon pyramid of OH presses. Next set is 10 rep coupon pyramid of squats.

Mosey back to the back lot.  Pax lines up on line and Lt. Dan’s approx 20 yards, 3/4 mosey to the other end (approx 60 yards).  Rinse n repeat back the same way.  All pax lines up for full sprint to end.  Rinse n repeat back the same way.


30 flutter kicks

10 tempo merkins

Finish last 60 seconds with Good Mornings

FNGs: Glad to have three come out last Friday. Welcome Hollowback Girl, Backlot because that’s his favorite place to park for a workout, and Special Agent Greenwall.


Hope everyone enjoyed the first Friendly Friday, as always it was a pleasure to lead you all.





PAX: Bagger Vance, PreVac, Lewd Wig, El Maestro, Big Bang, Black Widow, Big Stick, Karamazov, PopALock, Floppy D, Funyuns, Skidmark, PSL, Olan Mills, Edible Arrangement, Cowboy, Black Lung, Razor, Vegemite, Cathy*

*I am leaving out a pax, investigation is ongoing

22 HIM rose and show for some Mid-30 degree fun at Sir E this morning. Light MC before capri lap around the parking lot and back for a little WOR all IC:

LBCs x 10 front

LBCs x 10 reverse

BAC x 10 front

BAC x 10 reverse

Seal claps x 10

Air presses x 10

Deep squats x 10

Good Mornings x 10

Willie Mays Hayes x 10


Mosey across the street to the Ag Center to the right base of the circle drive. En route, little MC from BV assuming which exercises YHC didn’t care for, more on that later.  Pax to run AYG up the hill, lunge in front of the mansion, jog back, plank for the 6. All in. 5 squats OYO.  Face the “pond” (BV contests this description) and shuffle AYG up the hill, butt kickers in front of the mansion, plank for the 6.  All in.  5 squats OYO. Face the flagpole, shuffle AYG up the hill, high knees in front of the mansion and jog back for the 6.  All in. 5 squats OYO.  Back peddle up the hill, lunge in front of the mansion.  People’s chair for the 6.

Mosey to the museum lot. All pax line up at base line for merkin suicides.  Run to island 1 for 25 diamond merkins, back to base line.  Run to island 2 for 25 wide-base merkins, back to base line.  Run to island 3 for 25 regular merkins and back to base line.  All in

Mosey back to Church playground and borrow Tidy Cats fence for leg lift/ alabama prom date 11s.

Crap, still 10 minutes left.

20 pull ups, 20 Irkins, 20 rows OYO. Lt Dan to top of the hill for some…


20 SSH in cadence just for BV’s assumption from earlier

Tempo Merkins x 10

Flutter Kick x 20

Tempo Squat x 10



Praise: So amazing to have our friend and brother El Maestro back out there this morning.  Fingers crossed we get to see more of him very soon!

The title of today’s workout was inspired by the origin of my F3 name, given to me by Blue Mule.  One time when I was in law school, someone told me that listening to me argue a case was like listening to someone stuck on CAPS LOCK.  While it was so accurate I couldn’t be offended, it made me think about the way I communicate to make a point.  Short story, if you’re loud and passionate about everything, you’re loud and passionate about nothing.  As we enter the Lenten season tomorrow, let us remind ourselves that there is a time and place for loud words, but equally a time and place for impactful actions.

The pleasure, this morning, was entirely mine.




This is 30

PAX: Blackwater, Dr. Smart, Red Skull Bones, D’Mish, Cinderella, Edible Arrangement, Accounts Receivable, Bagger Vance, Walter White, Calf Killer, Floppy Disk, PSL, Dine n Dash, Black Widow, Yard Sale, TSwizz, The Jeweler


Muggy and 72 met YHC and 17 other red-pillers on the momentous day I entered my 30s.  After some MC re: YHCs Wal-Mart watch’s inability to keep time, the following ensued:

WOR: Mosey down Hogan to the entrance to Sir E. BV with some MC re: YHC’s brisk pace and mixing of Qs.  Qs and YHC’s brisk pace were not mixed, and did not last long.  Hit the bottom of the hill , disclaimer given, and circle up for some

SSH x 20 IC

Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC

GM x 10 IC

LBACs x 10 front IC

LBAC x 10 backwards IC


Pax makes it way back to original AO beginning with 30 monkey humpers followed by 30 Lt. Dans.  Normal mosey to the bottom of the bus loop, plank and wait for the 6.

Once 6 is in, commence man-maker/squat 7s.  One squat at the bottom of the hill, 6 man-makers at the top until numbers are flipped.  Finish squats at the top.

60 seconds of people’s chair once 6 is in from 7s.  Commence another round of 30 monkey humpers, 30 Lt. Dans enroute to the Pavillion.

Once at pavilion, circle up into groups of 3, then line up picnic tables approx 18 inches apart.  Each group  to complete 300 abyss merkins, AMRAP each person until hit 300 reps.  Other pax doing combo American Hammers, shoulder press, SSH, WWI.  In for the 6.

Mosey up and grab a coupon.  30 Overhead presses OYO. 15 dead lifts OYO, 15 squats OYO. Mosey back for some


30 flutter kicks IC, 15 Freddy Merks IC, 15 more deep squats IC.



Moleskin: Couldn’t be prouder to be entering my 30s with this group and others.  Made for a truly wonderful start to my day and week, as it always does.