0451 Fill In BOMBS and Short Card 2.0
Floppy Disk, Big Stick, Funyuns, Donuts, @unt Bea, Vegemite, PreVac, Big Bang, Willy Loman (?), Bagger Vance (ATQ)
At some point yesterday YHC and CAPSLOCK were corresponding about some high level cases going on in Music City at which point the deal was struck to CoQ CAPSLOCK’S triumphant return. This am at 0451 the text came in that CAPSLOCK was unable to go due to ongoing 2.0 feeding/sleeping issues. YHC gladly grabbed the baton, as you all know ATQ is always looking for the spotlight.
5 ish degrees met the 9 RedPillers of the day. We had a Willy Loman in from the Carolinas and sad to say he didn’t make it all the way through…more to come. We took off heading out towards the back part of the lot in a Politician style mosey which led into some side shuffles and out of the corner of YHC’s floating/wandering eye another PAX was spotted. Our wildest dreams came true as we turned north on Marchant to see the Silver Stallion that belonged to none other that the elusive, infamous and otherwise absent @unt bea.
Circle Up for
WOR: SSH x 13 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies x 10 IC, Merkins x 10 IC, Mtn Climbers x 10 IC…BOMBS inserted as a nod to CAPSLOCK as he mentioned that being on his radar…5 Burpees, 5 Overhead Squats, 5 Merkins, 5 Burpees, 5 Squats OYO…enough time to REMIX Stonewall’s MARSOC short card, Cobains Vegemite!
Quick lap around CHUM
All PAX partnered up for accountability purposes for today’s festivities. This would come back to haunt YHC as his #Pardsy got a bit light headed halfway through the Card, took a knee and ultimately bailed on us. Well, so much for my ability to help PAX push through…a great and timely blow to YHCs inflated ego! So, we partner up for the following
MARSOC Short Card
30X Merkins (OYO), Squats (OYO), LBCs (IC)
10X Burpees, Windmills (OYO)
quick mosey 1/2 down lot and back
30 Merkins (OYO), 30 Flutter Kix (IC), 30 Mtn Climbers (OYO sgl ct…these proved to stump YHC as we normally do these IC but hey, it was 5* out)
10X Burpees (YHC Count), 10X Cherry Pickers (OYO)
quick mosey 1/2 down lot and back
30 Merkins (OYO), 30 SSH (IC), 30 Supermans (YHC Count)
10 Burpees (OYO), 10 Chain Breakers (IC)
quick mosey 1/2 down lot and back
30 Merkins (OYO), 30 Sgl Leg Lunges (OYO), 30 Ola Binary’s (IC)
10 Burpees (YHC Count), 10 Am Hammers
5 Dead Hang Pull Ups, focusing on the negative on way down
Rinse N Repeat
No Mosey in between sets, Time called right before Am Hams
NM: a little cold and frost and the PAX dwindle down significantly. Floppy was on bean patrol this am and you know he brought some seriously bad coffee when he bolts out and has Donuts bring the carafe back. So great to have @unt Bea back in the Gloom, he picked up right where he left off busting everyone’s balls and rolling in 2 minutes late! Now all we need to do is get Juan back out and we can resume our Mission from God. Cobains to Willy Loman on many counts 1) not getting his F3 name when he was my Pardsy 2) not realizing he was fading during the Short Car 3) not getting his info to follow up with him post workout. If you are reading this, please accept my apology and know that the rest of F3Nashville/F3Franklin is much more empathetic and caring than YHC.
I saw a twitter post from a PAX in a different region who had performed a rogue test. He dropped out of his normal running and boot camp AOs for 2.5 months to see if anyone would notice. While I think this is a bit, “hey look at me”, he brought up a telling point that only 1 PAX reached out to him and only one other did he bump into at Church. I share this to say, yall think about the PAX you were sweating next to a few months ago that have been absent, reach out to them and let them know you care and want them back in the Gloom with the rest of us Disrupters.
Warpath 6.5 this weekend in Franklin. Starts and ends at Armada, it’s gonna be cold and it’s gonna suck. There will likely be many variations of burpees and there will undoubtedly be a crap ton of running, should be just what you need to get the NewTear started.
5K4MLK supporting Barefoot Republic on 15 January starting at East Community Center, check this out for more info: www.5K4MLK.com
Keep Leveraging yourself to Serve others and help them accomplish what is important to them. Keep Lowering yourself to Lift others. Keep Headlocking to eradicate SadClownism in your community!
Bagger Vance
30 December 2017 MARSOC Short Card
PAX: Deep Dish, Cowboy, Vegemite, The Jeweler, T Cell, Bagger Vance
QIC: Bagger Vance
At 0610, 34* felt down right balmy as YHC, Deep Dish and Cowboy headed out for Pre. Pretty uneventful run, save nearly getting run over on Caldwell and DD having the slowest fall ever recorded by a 40 something year old.
The rest of the PAX slowly trickled in around 0657 as the 3 Pre were shaking off the run. Oddly enough, T Cell repeated almost verbatim the conversations DD, Cowboy and YHC had 40 minutes earlier…Temp, Christmas tree dump, etc.
Ok, here we go, short mosey coupled w Side Shuffles and Politicians to the Parade ground for
WOR (weak attempt from YHC to replicate the day’s Q)
SSH x 13 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 10 IC
Boredom set in and we started the Thang:
Run up to Sunnyside Mansion
Quick bad run down on the days Evolutions, turn on the speaker and start jamming out to Punk Radio on Pandora with commercials, bc who doesn’t want to save money on car insurance?!
Today’s Beatdown brought to you by the Leathernecks of the USMC and the MARSOC short card:
Perform 30X exercises then 10 X exercises, technically no running and performed back to back with no rest…that makes it just a bit more difficult!
Evolution I
30X Merkins 10X Burpees 30X Merkins 10X Burpees
30X Squats 10X Windmills(IC) 30X Flutter Kix (IC) 10X Cherry Pickers (IC)
30X LBCs Down hill and back 30X Mtn Climbers (IC) Mosey
Evolution II
30X Merins 10X Burpees 30X Merkins 10X Burpees
30X SSH (IC) 10X Chain Breakers (IC) 30X Lunges 10X AmHammers (IC)
30X Supermans Down Hill & Back 30X Ola Binarys (IC) Mosey
Rinse & Repeato (crowd pleaser)
To the Playground for 2 Rounds Max Dead Hang Pull-Ups with Mary thrown in
Alabama Prom Dates
Mariah Carys
LBC Pistols
Mosey back to Lot
NM – while we modified some of the MARSOC short card by adding SSH instead of Star Jumps, flipping the F Kix and Mtn Climbers and adding in the running it was still a pretty nasty beatdown. I woggled snot for sure, can’t speak for the rest of the PAX. Awesome to have Jeweler back in the mix, Kotters. By the by, may want to get a new alarm clock as we still start at 0700! Fun workout in a box as Hambone would call it, perhaps in 2018 we can implement the Long Card…we shall see.
Thank you all for being a part of F3 this year; it has been really neat to see this thing grow. As you wind down ’17 and reach for ’18 please think of that guy that could benefit from shared suffering, not being left behind and having a Fellowship that seeks to protect him. I am ever grateful for 5 Star’s introduction of F3 to me in the fall of ’14, it goes without saying that life would look a lot different without you HIM around. Again, I would encourage you to reflect upon the HIM that you have come to know for the first time or have gotten closer to through F3 and urge you to focus on just one EH a quarter that you can share this IMPACT with.
So, in closing, I want to thank yall for pushing me, allowing me to push you and for being a part of something that is bigger than us all.
Bullhorn –
NYD workout led by Princess Aurora at The Hill at 0700 on 1/1/18…it will be a doozy, I’m sure but worth every minute of it! I don’t know what this year’s theme will be but I can almost guarantee you a well schemed theme.
Keep our brothers in your prayers that have lost loved ones over this last year on the front of your prayer/thought list. This is a tough time for them and we should be lifting them up as much as possible.
Warpath version 93 coming up on 6 January, should be about ½ Marathon distance wise with about 4 AOs sprinkled in for good measure. Startex is Armada at 0500, endex should come 3-3.5 hours later, guessing back at Armada. Please reach out to Big Bang for routing and details.
5K4MLK coming up on 15 January, see www.5k4MLK.com for more details and information.
Bagger Vance
28 December 2017 APFT
When: 28 December 2017
PAX: Tampa Libra, Princess Aurora, Dr. Smartt, Blue Mule, Vegemite, Deck the Hollis, Yard Sale, PreVac, Dupree, Bagger Vance
QIC: Bagger Vance
Whoah, 13* was a bold kick in the retreated crotch this am. 10 PAX made the right choice and took the RedPill this am to be there for their brothers. YHC was a bit nervous at 05:25:30 when it was an empty lot but thankfully, the cavalry finally arrived. Some quick paperwork at 05:28 and mosey over to pick up Veg and Dr. Smartt.
Mosey down to soccer field and track where the day’s Evolutions would take place. Take a lap around the track with some side shuffles, butt kickers and high knees. Circle up at mid-field.
SSH x 20 IC, Lunge Progression Right Leg x 5 IC in all directions, Lunge Progression Left Leg x 5 IC in all directions, Deep Squats x 10 IC, GMA x 10 IC, WMH x 10 IC, LBAC F/R x 10 IC, Michael Phelps x 10 IC, Air Presses x 10 IC, Mariah Carey R x 10 IC, Mariah Carey L x 10 IC, Supermans x 10 IC, SSH x 10 IC
APFT consisting of 2 mins max Merkins, 2 mins max Big Boy Sit Ups, 2 mile run.
After Merkins and BBSU, we did some more calisthenics and movements so no one pulled anything.
As we got back to the start line YHC realized timing had hit the fan so we would do 6 laps instead of 8 and multiply out those times for the 2 mile score.
NM: it is days like today that make us better, not necessarily physically but mentally. Glad that today wasn’t going to be a solo Q ala Bad Boy several weeks back. Part of the beauty of F3 is posting for that other HIM…such a different world view than most employ. With the cold weather, YHC wanted to make sure we got plenty of loosening and warming up in, hopefully as the year progresses and weather turns we won’t be rushed and will be able to do more after the APFT. Blue Mule and I came to the conclusion that having a heavier partner or at least one that is pretty close in weight is helpful when anchoring on the BBSU.
BH: continue to lift up those brothers who are going through this season having recently lost loved ones. Also, think about someone you haven’t seen in a while and reach out to him, CCR and I amongst others, have all the PAX contact info if you need help.
Upcoming Events –
1/1/18 – Annual NYD Convergence come one come all even if you still smell like 2017! Launch at 0700 from The Hill Princess Aurora on Q
1/6/18 – 57th Running of Warpath in Franklin. Launch at 0500 from Armada, will be 13.2M run with multiple AOs and multiple Qs…Truly something to check off your list and it is an all paces run as No Man Left Behind in full effect.
1/15/18 – 4th Annual 5K4MLK sponsored by Barefoot Republic, great cause and pretty easy course. Cost goes to $30 on 1/1/18, details here www.5k4mlk.com
Look for more 2nd and 3rd F Opportunities in the weeks to come as well as launch in Tullahoma and Nolensville Q1 of 2018.
Bagger Vance
Twenty Seventeen

Tour De 12 9 Dec 2017 Version
GrowSchool 2.0
Black Friday on #REDFRIDAY
Today marked the 3rd Annual Black Friday Convergence held at our newest and seemingly most popular AO The Hill. Sub freezing temps didn’t stop 24 RedPillers that included a Willie Loman from the land of Q-Tips and 2.5 FNGs.
WOR (BV): Mosey to stairs and hit the deck for some bear crawl butt sniffers up the steps over to the Concession stand for 5 HSPU, mosey down the hill to the soccer field sidewalk…Side Shuffle R, L, Politician, Mosey, High Skips…Circle up at 50 yard line…
All IC, All 13X
SSH, Imperial Walkers, Deep Squats, Ok Mornings, WMH
Evolution I (Floppy Disk)
Count off and partner up. Head West EZ and perform the following total reps as a team:
100 X Burpees, 100 X Butterfly Sit Ups, 200 X Gorilla Humpers. P1 runs to East EZ and back while P2 performs exercise. Flap Jack until finished…
Evolution II (Big Bang)
Line up in West EZ, brief history of Black Friday. Bear Crawl to East EZ. First to arrive finds the pack of Goo…this would come in handy lately. Perform 100 X OYO Merkins. Flutter Kix for the 6 on the 5 yard line.
Books A Million found the Goo and BB asked him over, under or the same. Under was called and everyone under his age of 42 performed 20 burpees, those over his age 20 LBCs.
Crawl Bear Back to the West EZ and perform 50 Diamond merkins.
Evolution III (Frugal McDugal)
Head off to the weight room and grab some gear for the evil that FM had in mind. Break up into groups of six…G1 Dumbbells, G2 Kettle bells, G3 Bar bells, G4 Hold the Doors.
G4 Amphitheater Jumps
G3 BB curls
G2 KB swings (USSR or USA…your choice)
G1 Farmer Carries around the quad (also acted as timer for G2,3,4)
All PAX Rotate through Evolution…Return Gear to Weight Room
50 F Kix IC
Name o Rama
Great turnout for our 3rd Black Friday offering. Pretty sure that Big Bang, Blue Mule and I have been in attendance for all three but really who besides me is counting?
Always a good time when you have multiple Qs that step up and lead. Not that much crossover on exercises either. Fun group of HIMs out today.
Rumor on the street is Co-VQ happening at The Skunk on Monday from Razor er Venus and Cathy. Yall post and support them!
Grow School 2.0 happening on 2 December at The Hill 0600-0700 Q with Grow School i.e. the Genesis of F3, what does the 2nd and 3rd F mean and how do we give this thing away…
Keep an eye on the Twitter and Slack for Frugal McDugal’s crazy ideas for The Hill and what The Winter Hillympics entails.
PAX: Numbtucks, Venus, Grease Trap, Tampa Libra, Mr. Clean (Willie Loman), WTF (formerly ATF), Missionary Physician (FNG), Chanel #4 (FNG), Big Bang, CCR, Floppy Disk, Frugal McDugal, Funyuns, Cowboy, Books A Million, Yard Sale, Savannah, Swamp Fox, Foggy Pirate, Right Said, Blue Mule, Edible Arrangements, BV
65 and steamy, YHC was on two wheels coming into the lot at Westeros and hit the ground running like Forrest Gump.
Fast mosey down past the port-a-jon up to the school to pick up Willie Loman AKA Foxtrot from Cape Fear and back up to the top of the lot on West End.
Quick Disclaimer for Slaughter Starter
11 Burpees per Minute for 11 Minutes to the stylistic tunes of Punk Rock on Pandora…it’s not commercial free because we all need to know what time the Steve Harvey show comes on the WB!
Finish that up with Max Burps in the 11th Minute (Crowd Pleaser)
Mosey down to the Gaming field for
SSH x 11 IC
Mariah Rt x 11 IC
Bridge Hold x 11 IC
Mariah Lt x 11 IC
Superman x 11 IC
Scorpion x 11 IC
Hillbillies er Imperial Walkers x 11 IC
Hillbillies x 11 IC
Main Thang:
11s w Merkins and Jump Squats
Get up the Hill w the Reverse Mosey aka Politician and get back down the hill with Bear Crawl…this is the ode to the Upside Down
As time was getting short, PAX instructed to finish #9 and #10 merkins and #2 and #1 squat jumps consecutively.
Back to the top of the hill for Minor Thang:
Stationary 11s
Reverse Burpees and Reverse Crunches
NM: Fantastic work this am paying homage to 11 from Stranger Things. Nice to pick up Foxtrot from Cape Fear. He got the Uber or Air BnB as T Cell calls it from the Lowes.
Nice to finally post w my buddy Megatron. Keep up that shoulder PT brother!
Had a fairly good representation of the GR05 Pax in the crowd. Tried to incorporate some team work at the end to help get all PAX pushed through MT 11s.
Keeping Foxtrot’s 2.0 in our TAP as she is entering week 4 at Quantico. Thank you for sharing with us.
Keeping the T Cell’s in our TAP as #2 is on the way, stubborn little sucker was supposed to show up on Sat and is still warm and cozy. Please pray for comfort for his M and peace as they go Man to Man on the homefront.
Really grateful for you HIM for pushing me and for allowing me to push you from time to time. Remember what we discussed this AM…”no discipline seems pleasant at the time…” This goes for our time in the Gloom, our time at home and work and our time as The Lord is sanctifying us here on earth.
Please reach out to someone who needs F3 today. There are plenty of HIM waiting to be unleashed, they just need you to help AWAKEN them.
Highly encourage you to come up with your goals for ’18…Personally, Professionally and Financially. How are you going to strengthen your walk with the Lord? How are you going to Pursue your Wife better? How are you going to love your Children better? How are you going to Leverage yourself for others?
Remember be Men of Action not reaction, be Men of Activity not passivity, be Men of Intention not of circumstance.
Bagger Vance
PAX: T Cell, Crawfish, Princess Aurora, Porcelain, 3rd Person, Megatron, Foxtrot (Cape Fear), Hi-Viz, Bagger Vance (QIC)
Three is the Magic Number
Bad Boy, Mickey Mouse, Third Person, Crawfish, Porcelain, Hambone, Edible Arrangements , Deep Dish, T Cell, Funyuns, ThreePutt, BV (QIC)
67 and thick
Since today was my three year anniversary YHC decided to start w the ever popular Blind Melon version of “3 is a Magic Number” and we commenced w the Slaughter Starter of Burpees for the entire song +/- 3:16.
And we’re off through the creek bed, up to 12th for bear crawl, crawl Bear, reverse lunge and skipping (AKA recruiting tool) back down around the Stonewall and circle up in lot next to Picnic Area 1.
Plank Jax x 7 IC
Check in w Bad Boy to see how his sciatica is feeling and mosey to Picnic Area 1 for
Evolution I:
7 Rounds AMRAP Pull Ups
Plank for 6
2 Min LBC
PAX chase down 12 to Kirkwood
Superman Plank for 6
PAX chase up service road to Sunnyside then down to playground for
Evolution II:
7 Rounds AMRAP Push Ups
Nail Salon for 6
2 Min V Ups (if you break set, must run up hill to split tree and back until all break)
Applesauce IR around Com ctr up to Tennis Courts for
Evolution III:
2 Min LBC
2 Min Rev Crunch
Evolution IV:
11s w Dragon Flags and Deep wall facing Squats (another recruiting tool)
Mosey back to Lot for
Bringing it full circle, we finish with “3…” and Burpees
That Slaughter Starter and Finisher w the Burpees was enough for any normal AOs entire Q but not the Big Show, Stonewall.
Thank y’all for all your hard work, for pushing yourselves and for pushing me. I think I lost time for a bit, didn’t hear nearly as much MC as I was expecting.
T Claps to Hambone for leading the Ruck portion of the am today. He had 7 others out for some good livin. I’m glad y’all didn’t have to suffer his awful Kim Jong Un impression. Am I right Edible?
Always a blast getting a behind the scenes in the law world w Deep Dish at Pre.
Wow, three years and man have things changed. Well, some have stayed the same but there is a ton of good that has come from my engagement with F3.
The first and most obvious to people that I haven’t seen in a while is the weight I’ve lost. Depending on the week is going and how burdened my heart is, I’m down 35 pounds. Much of this is due to better fueling but a lot also has to be attributed to the amount, frequency and pushing that comes from an F3 workout. In years past, I had been an early morning Y guy but honestly would never push myself the way I get pushed at F3. In the past, I’d quit w ten seconds left on a timed workout rather than start a new set of AMRAP. All that changed once I started posting w you freaks. Just this morning as we’re bumping out pull-ups I was directly in Funyuns line of vision, you think I’m gonna drop from the rafters before him, uh, HELL NO!
As far as the Fellowship piece, what a ride it’s been getting to experience that aspect. At the Y, I had the same old conversations with the front desk guys, the young kid at Smoothie King and the Fern Waterers. That’s not to forget all those old men that wanted to talk about their golf grip, posture and last round of golf…naked, no shame, ???⚽️⚾️??? just hanging out everywhere.
In the last five to six years, I’ve felt that a Man needs to have a Band of Brothers out there watching his six, making sure he’s not slipping making sure he’s got his hands on the wheel with Jesus, family, friends, vocation and calling. In years past, I’d rely on my pastor, my brother and my old business partner amongst the half dozen or so. In the last three years, I can testify that number has grown by more than I ever expected. Sure, there’s guys on the outer rings of the circle that are there but shoot, they’re as close as some of my inner circle was in years past.
One of the greatest works of God I’ve seen in my lifetime has been the story of sweet Job, Grease Trap, Katie and their precious family. I know this sounds odd and believe me it’s not because of how I understand (which I don’t) how God saw fit to call Job home BUT how they loved US all so well through their pain. I am so truly blessed to call Grease Trap a friend. It has been truly beautiful to see the other F3 HIM love him and his family well through this Valley. While I yearn for more 3rdF in our group, I have been blind and failed to see how God had been brining it to us this whole time through our brother Grease Trap. Isn’t that how God works? He puts it right there in front of us we just have to gain perspective to see it.
Thank you all for getting out there when it’s humid and hot, when it’s cold and dark or when you smell like last night! This F3 thing isn’t about you or me, it’s about that guy at the office, at church or down the street that needs an Emotional Headlock, a group of men that are fighting for him and to start the morning off with three minutes of Burpees!