10 Reasons to Love America

AO: devilsden
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Linus, Flash, Woodchuck, RPJ
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Fall’s first sneak peak

WARMUP: 2 mins stretching

THE THANG: KB Routine du jour:
6 Overhead Presses per Arm
6 Pause Squats per Arm
8 Bent over Rows per Arm
12 KB Swings per Arm
12 sit-outs per side


Cooled down with some stretching and a personal favorite of mine, the Bill of Rights, also known as the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution. A higher or loftier expression of the non-negotiable elements of freedom is hard to find. God bless this beautiful experiment we have the rare opportunity to take part in.

MOLESKINE: 80 degrees is too warm for most, but all agree AC is EXPENSIVE.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9-11 and 10 year anniversary convergences coming up in Nashville! Stay tuned for more details.

COT: praying for our dear friend Reveille, whose rock playlist we greatly enjoyed in his absence, and those who need comfort.