The Pound is Launched

iPhone 7 front facing camera not all that good in the dark

Nolensville’s newest, freshest AO, The Pound, got off to a solid start with a Tebow-led Elite 11 wannabe QB camp. 3rd Degree, Altidore, Show Me, Nimbus, Stats, Barney Fievel, Typo+, Creeper, HushPuppy, Pocahontas, and Tebow were present.

Jog to soccer fields – thanks to whoever turned on the lights
SSH x 25
GMs x 10
Inchworms x 5
BACs x 10 + 10
Huggers x 10
Lunge stretch
Squats x 10
SSH x 10

Soccer field trudge – down and back:
Duck Walk / Merkins – down
Partner 1 – duck walk until partner 2 tags in, then merkins
Partner 2 – 15 merkins, then run and tag in to duck walk
Lt. Dans / Burpees – back
Partner 1 – walking Lt. Dans until partner 2 tags in, then burpees
Partner 2 – 10 burpees, then run and tag in for Lt. Dans

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery parking lot for happy hour

11s – mountain climbers (x2) / iron mikes (x2) with run in between sets
Plank merry-go-round

Barney came through with the coffeeteria

Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping launch another opportunity to get better. Thanks to Stats and Altidore for the flag.
And, finally, Nolensville swag has arrived (online)! Thanks to TVGuide and 3rdDegree for producing. Order by Nov. 8 – go here to get all swagged up:
F3 Nolensville Broken Wheel Pre-Order
