AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: Pebbles, Timber, Waffle, AAA, Stubs, Sooie, morning stār, Ike(William Herbert), Bumblebee, The Judge, Rubix
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Warmer than Tuesday and wet

13 of each for the colonies
– Don Quixote
– Hill-billy
– BACs
– Merkins
– Indigenous people’s run to the stop sign and back

– 56 Pull-ups for the 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence
– 65 No Surrenders for the 65 countries who have won independence from Great Britain
– 76 Merkins for 1776 signing of the Declaration and the 76th birthday of the British Monarch, King Charles
– 87 Squats for 1787 ratification of the Constitution
Each of the PAX was encouraged to modify up or down according to their ability. There were Sandbags and Coupons available.

One of the cultural phenomenon lost as the British Empire spread was stone lifting in Ireland and Scotland. There were heavy stones of cultural significance that the people lifted as rights of passage, job interviews, funeral games, etc.
I brought a large stone from home that anyone who wanted to could attempt to lift. T-Claps to Timber and Waffle for lifting the stone, to Pebbles and morning stār for working together, Sooie for getting an ghaoth faoi (the wind under it), and to the 2.0s for their heart to try!!

– American Hammers
– WW1s
– WW2s
– Panamas

There were blocks and sandbags to allow PAX to modify up as well as options to modify down. Know yourself and what you need. Push yourself when you can, and pull-back when you need to.

– No Noise November
– Bingro

– Prayers were offered up.

KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid)

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string
PAX: Stubs, AAA, Pebbles, Timber, morning stār, El Capitan, Sooie, Ex-Pat, Siri, Papa Bear, Sparrow, Bumblebee, the Judge, Rubix
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and damp

– Seal Claps
– Overhead Press
– Mission and Credo while stretching
– High Plank with 5 merkins for each of the 5 core principles

– Brief run to the far stop sign with stops
– 10 Burpees
– Politician two houses
– 10 Iron Mikes
– Karaoke two houses
– Wounded Bear Crawl
MAIN THANG: Partner up for a DORA
– 100 Pullups
– 200 Bulgarian Split Squats
– 30 yard Bear-crawl
– One partner crawls while the other does reps. Alternate bear-crawl and crawl-bear

Count the number of sets each pair took to complete the work (35 total). 7 PAX over the HC count (thought it was 8 because I didn’t count the 2.0 HC).
Set out to finish with 8 sets of:
– 35 merkins
– Hill Sprint

T-Claps to Timber, Pebbles, and AAA for completing six sets.

I tried for a long while to come up with a super involved workout that would have taken as much time to explain as it would to do. But then I remembered to just keep it simple. Do lots of just a few exercises, and it’ll work. Sometimes I get so bogged down in the details that I forget simplicity. How often things go better if we do them the straightforward way.
Also, we often say to “modify as necessary,” with the thought of modifying down, but what about modifying up? How often do we challenge ourselves and really try hard? Today I wore a weight vest to challenge myself a bit more, and it was brutal! I felt like it was my first workout all over again. Seek out challenges when they are available.


-Thankful for our veterans

Audible to a Run

AO: toratoratora
Q: 40 Minutes
PAX: Ultratecht, Invictus
FNGs: None


THE THANG: running (see comments for details)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: come to greyalbum’s concert!

Sprint and Turf

AO: handsomizer
Q: Freakonomics
PAX: Natural Ice, Black Lung, Patty, Detective Pikachu, caprate, Cuban Missile, Baguette, Grape
FNGs: None
Mozy around the turf
Low and slow merkins – 15
Low and slow squats – 15
Little Baby Circles – 15
Little Baby Circles Reverse – 15
Air press
Willie Mays Hayes
Good mornings
Hamstring stretch

Main thang
2 rounds of sprint races in pairs. Losing team does 10 burpees. Winning does side straddle hops.

Repeat 4 exercises – merkins, squats, dry docks, Superman.
Start with 12 of each, run around the turf, 11 of each, around, 10… Black Lung actually got down to one!

7 minutes of Mary.
Cot & prayer.

handsomizer will be closed next week, Nov 15, for a convergence at bomber with a name that tune challenge led by Chunks. See you there next week!


AO: greenmachine
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Best Boi (F3 Hill Country), moneyshot, Young and Restless, Jeremy Vanslyke, SalPal, Cowboy, Betty Ford, Grape, Hanes, Topanga, Natural Ice, Dirty Dozen, Canned Heat
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Humid and Steamy

THE HORRIBLE THANG: Burpee-O’Clock-Alypse

YHC kicked off the morning with an interval timer set to chime every 60 seconds, signaling a simple yet brutal plan: 5 burpees every minute on the minute for 45 minutes. In between each set of 5 burpees, PAX were graciously given the “opportunity” to catch their breath with a resting exercise called out by YHC. These included light stretching to start, followed by multiple rounds of a Free People’s Run, squats, lunges, Lt. Dans, bear crawls, crab walks, and LBCs.

The soundtrack for this beatdown was none other than Dave Matthews’ magnum opus, Crash, which eventually transitioned to Under the Table and Dreaming after some lag in the latter half of the album. This change tested not only our physical endurance but also our mental toughness.

Overall, there were absolutely no groans or complaints. Each call of “five burpees” was met with cheers and applause (or something close to that), and a new record of 225 burpees was set. YHC is hopeful that future F3 PAX will take on the challenge to push that record to 230 and beyond.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tn Tussle and Q School!

COT: F3 does not Suscribe – but we do lift up prayer!

Natty Out


AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Wolfpack, Hair Band, Schnauzer, Puzzlah, Toothless
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: warm and damp

WARMUP: side straddle hops, little baby arm circles, willie mays, good mornings, light mosey to get us going


A recreation of each stop of the Tussle- doing half the reps.
– Bear Crawl
– 25x clean & press w/ coupon
– John Cusack coupon carry to the swings
– Plank alternate shoulder taps & knee tucks
– Mosey around the tank
– 25x Underdogs
– Mosey around the tank
– 25x side-step merkins, 1/2 per side
– Farmer carry coupon to startx
– 25x iron mike
– Mosey to the ledge
– 25x box jumps
– Mosey to startx
– 25x burpees


Downgrading our goal from “Winning” to “Finishing”


Tussle this Saturday- still looking for 2x participants on Team Hair Band

No Noise November ongoing

COT: Prayers for a safe move for Schnauzer, victims of the hurricanes still working to build back, lifting each other up as one nation.

Also Schnauzer, Atlantis will miss you! You’ve been an excellent member of the PAX ever since we flagged you down on a run and dragged you back into the F3 world; come on back and visit us whenever you’re in town!


Dad Bod Run Club

AO: the-castle
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Strutter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Unseasonably Warm


THE THANG: 4.5 mile party pace run around Hendersonville.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: While 4:13 is on hiatus till after the new year. The Dad Bod Run Club off the books will be in effect on Thursdays at the castle.


Hump Day Heroes

AO: titan
Q: Goose
PAX: Tim the Toolman, preacherman, Crawlspace, Pep, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Chunks, Sherlock
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Willie mays hays, forward fold, arm stretches, cherry pickers

-Dora: 300 squats/ incline merkins while partner laps Parthenon.
-Lap of lunges around Parthenon.
-Dora: 300 SSH while partner takes a lap.
-50 step ups OYO
-50 crunches OYO
-50 call raises OYO
-20 flutter kicks in cadence

AOQ school next weekend. Contact Toothless for details.

COT: moment of silence and focus on 3 daily gratitudes.

III Pillars – 11.05.2024 – Election Day Special

AO: -f3-nashville-general
Q: princessaurora
PAX: t-cell, Black Lung, Grape, gov’t mule, Swiffer, wardas1, Will Norton, Red Skull, Pep, caprate, Go Fish, Haggis, Baguette, Tackle Box, Two Face, YumYum, Harbaugh, Full Monty
FNGs: None
Unseasonably warm, likely due to the hot takes surrounding potential election results

Today, we’d be campaigning through battleground states to earn the votes needed to win the election. Given we’re a two-party system, PAX were split into red and blue teams, and, thanks to Black Lung showing up right on time (a.k.a. 5 minutes late) YHC was able to remain a neutral election official.

After a mosey to and around the track, our first opportunity to win votes was a “debate” in the form of one lap around the track. PAX were told to select one candidate to represent their party, with Howitzer stepping in for Blue and Formica for Red.

BUT WAIT A SECOND…it’s been determined that both were no longer fit to hold office and, bypassing the primary, selected Red Skull (Blue) and Pep (Red) as new candidates. In a extremely tight race, Red Skull edged out Pep by a stride handing Blue 10 points.

Blue – 10 | Red – 0

Moving on to the battleground “state”ions! Each party’s goal is to get as many votes (reps) as possible in the time allotted.

“State”ion 1 (30 electoral votes)
Ballot Box Jumps – 4:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 0

“State”ion 2 (50 electoral votes)
Handcount Release Merkins – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 50

“State”ion 3 (80 electoral votes)
Swing State Ab Thrusters (feet in swing) – 3:00


Blue – 40 | Red – 130

“State”ion 4 (70 electoral votes)
Octoburpee Surprise*- 2:00
*if trailing team wins, they steal 10 votes from leading team in addition to earning electoral votes


Blue – 120 | Red – 120

“State”ion 5 (40 electoral votes)
Jane6 Fondas – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 120

“State”ion 6 (90 electoral votes)
Swing State Pull-ups – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 210

“State”ion 7 (60 electoral votes)
Abs-entee Ballots (Big Boy Sit-ups) – 3:00


Blue – 160 | Red – 270

This election came down to the wire with Blue having the chance to force a runoff, but in the end, Red prevailed and their version of democracy was saved.

Mosey back to flag to wrap up with some Ballot Box Cutters and Alabama Prom Dates until time.

You never know who you might offend when you Q a workout teeming with opportunities for political jokes, but I sure I hope it was someone! Hopefully everyone felt free to put fitness and fellowship over party. It’s also worth noting here that Pep has legs when the future of our country is on the line. Dude was moving faster than I’ve ever seen him go!

Also, here’s a fun fact: given this is being written post-election, I can now proudly say that the PA Election Day Q is 100% accurate at predicting the results of American presidential elections. All eyes on will be on iiiP in 2028…

– 11/9 – 0600 Tennessee Tussle at #brokenwheel in Nolensville – friendly competition between regions – see Hair Band for details!
– 11/16 – 0600-0800 – AOQ GrowSchool at stonewall

TAPS for
– Elizabeth Webb cancer treatment
– YumYum’s mother’s health
– Baguette’s trip with/for his father
– The country

God bless America,
PA out