Sandbag Special

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: AAA, G-string, Lady Liberty, Pebbles, Stubs, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, Link (2.0), Sandlot (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 35 degrees, lots of moonlight

WARMUP: 4 minute mosey, BACs, back BACs, Seal Claps, Shoulder Press

THE THANG: as many rounds as possible
-Thang 1 (12 minutes): 7 pull-ups, 7 hang clean to squat and press (w/ 60lb sandbag), 15 merkins, 100 yard run
-Thang 2 (10 minutes): 15 squats, 15 curls (w/ 60lb sandbag), 15 WWIIs, 100 yard run
-Thang 3 (2 minutes): sprint 100 yards (w/ 60lb sandbag), rotate with partner

MOLESKINE: finished with 2 minutes of stretching, Pebbles with a great post workout brew, happy birthday to Stubs twins (9 yrs old on Saturday), thanks to Pebbles G-string The Banker for bringing sandbags, Wolfpack caught everyone up on his crazy week stuck in the hurricane, good push by all this morning

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chiliteria this Sunday!

COT: I have a lot of gratitude for the encouragement from my F3 brothers, and for working hard which motivates me to push harder. Special thanks to Pebbles who joined up on a tussle team with me and G-string, and expressed gratitude for his willingness to take over as AOQ on Thursdays at the-knoll!

Thanks for the push in the gloom!

Deck of Horrors!!! 🧛‍♂️ 🌕 🐺 🧟‍♂️ 🪦 👻 🔮 🎃

AO: atlantis
Q: Toothless
PAX: Schnauzer, Pole Dancer, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, bright with the full moon’s light, shrouded in mist and mystery



– Side straddle hops x 31
– Zombie walk out & back
– Werewolfs (aka Downward Dog into Cobra and back) x 10
– Scorpions x 10


First, obligatory Burpee Thriller, listen to Thriller and do a burpee every time you hear the signature “thriller” in the chorus or something scary in the verses

Deck of Horrors!!!

In the lower lot, circle up and get ready to pull cards.
– Add 10 to single digits
– Royals trigger 10 reps of a harder exercise
– Aces have their own deviltry

Spades ♠️
– Digits = Squats
– Royals = Squat Jumps
– Ace = Squat Jump to first median and back
Clubs ♣️
– Digits = Carolina Dry Docks
– Royals = Diamond Merkins
– Ace = Bear Crawl to first light pole and back
Hearts ❤️
– Digits = High Knees
– Royals = Hopping Hillbillies
– Ace = Cotton Eye Joe (High Knees with words, Hillbillies with instrumentals)
Diamonds ♦️
– Digits = LBC’s
– Royals = WW1’s
– Ace = 200 American Hammers (single count)

Back to post at 5 mins out for Howler Monkeys, I.e. monkey humper ring of fire


The conditions were perfect for a Halloween Q! Only the appearance of Wolfpack would have made it spookier. Cotton Eye Joe was a crowd favorite, and Pole Dancer really embraced the rhythm with continuous hopping hillbillies on the lyrical sections. It was scary fun.

– Chiliteeria this weekend! Sign up if attending or bringing!
– TN Tussle signups are open, Pole Dancer is looking to get an atlantis team signed up :trident:
– AOQ Grow School is in about a month

– prayers for Schnauzer’s mom dealing with home repairs in the aftermath of Helene
– prayers for Pole Dancer with a colleague who was drugged while being out on Broadway
– Prayers for YHC with the new kiddo, for continued health and opportunities to connect with my wife during the shift to man-to-man defense

Always an honor to lead men! Way to get out there on our first truly cold morning! Hope to see you out at middle-tooth next week where I’m on the Q again!

— :tooth: Toothless

Salt in the Wound

AO: greenmachine
Q: SalPal
PAX: Black Lung, FeelTheBerns, Rocket Mortgage, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Focker, Grape
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Irrelevant

THE THANG: Salty. Happy Octoburpee y’all. Let’s get it.
1. EMOM, alternate suicides and 10 Burpees, 10 sets
2. E2MO2M, alternate 400 meter sprints and 20 burpees, 8 sets.
3. Every 30 seconds on 30 seconds, alternate 30 yard dash and back and 5 burpees, 8 sets.

Signature salt in the wound: EMOM 10 burpees for 5 minutes.

Total burpees per person = 200, just shy of my burpee sprint Q last year (205).

Average calories burned in the 500-600 range

MOLESKINE: Great discussion at coffee about Transit Tax, voting, “stroads”, and 30 Rock.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: chili event, Grow School.

COT: fockers wife due soon, family friends with child in hospice.

Stay salty Nashville. Green Sally out.

Van Halen not Van Hagar

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: hambone, Dilbert, Country Parkour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold. hats and Ninja Ice made an appearance

Mosey to lower parking lot and back
20 SSH
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Arm Circles Forward
20 Arm Circles Reverse


20 Hand Release Merkins
20 Squats
20 Big Boy Situps
Mosey to Lower Parking Lot
17 Hand Release Merkins
17 Squats
17 Big Boy Situs
Mosey to Upper Parking lot
Continue with pattern down to 2

Circle up for 10 Burpees

5 Mins of Mary – Dealers Choice

Finished with 5 Burpees



Chiliteria – Sunday
Half Marathon – 10/26
The Struggle 003 upcoming 11/1

COT: Prayers for 413 after the incident. Prayers for all the men that don’t know they need F3.

Always an honor to lead. STRENGTH AND HONOR!

Earning Your Right to Walk Upright

AO: titan
Q: Hair Band
PAX: Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock, Young and Restless, Schnauzer, Pep, DintyMoore, Firefox, Papa Bear
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: chilly and damp

50 SSHs
5min Hair Band Mary
Mosey around lawn

Starting from statue area on west side of parthenon:
Round 1
Lunge down 4 benches
Bear crawl back
Broad jump 4 benches
Bear crawl back
Sprint to each bench for 10 burpees a pop
Bear crawl back

Round 2
Reverse lunge 4 benches
Crawl bear back
Inch worm (with or without pushup, mod as necessary) 4 benches
Crawl bear back
Bernie to each bench for 10 burpees a pop
Crawl bear back

DintyMoore talks a lot of smack

Chiliteria this Sunday Oct 20th at Shelby Bottoms (see main channel for deets)
Mid Tennessee Tussle! Nov 9, sign up sheets and info come out today
AOQ Grow School! Nov 16th, see main channel for details!

Prayers for health of families and friends, prayers for support of victims of Hurricanes Helene & Milton (please give to any of the orgs out there helping with relief like samaritans purse & red cross)

Thanks Tim the Toolman for having me out this morning! Had a great time leading

Rock on,

Hair Band

4 Minutes Ain’t Nothin’

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: El Capitan, Ex-Pat, Sooie, G-string, Sparrow, Pebbles, Papa Bear, Wolfpack, Stubs, Timber, Smoltz (2.0), Rubiks (2.0), Link (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Chilly (43 degrees), damp, dark

WARMUP: SSH, Slow Merkins, Slow Squats, Don Quixotes, High Knees (talked about F3 mission, 5 core principles, credo between exercises)

THE THANG: AMRAP; 6 exercises, 4 minutes each, 1 minute rest in between
1. Burpees,
2. LT Dans (10, 15 yard murder bunny w/coupon, 9, murder bunny, etc.)
3. Perfect Merkins
4. Squats (level up option w/coupon)
5. Floor to Ceiling (coupon)
6. WWIIs
*option to jog 50 yrds and back for a break at any point during the 4 minutes

MOLESKINE: Hoping for dry grass, we got wet grass. No worries, the men of the knoll executed instructions with minimal mumble chatter. Everyone layered up nicely, and quickly began to shed layers. El Capitan provided some warm coffee afterwards to warm up the bones. Good push by all.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chiliteria this Sunday @ Shelby Park from 12:30p-2:30p. Sign up!

COT: My youngest’s 4th birthday is today (where is time going??) which has caused me to reflect on slowing down time and reflecting on each day I have. God has gifted us so much, including each day. Whenever I’ve given a gift to someone, I’ve wanted them to cherish it and use it. May we do the same with God’s gifts – show gratitude for our lives, pour into those around us, and not take our gifts and challenges for granted.

Thanks for putting in the work with me this morning, men!

Tortoise & Hare – Week 5

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Decaf, Young and Restless, Michelin Man, Right Said, Crawlspace, SalPal, Chunks, hambone, Ol’ McDonald, Crockett, DreamCast, C Sharp, Vera Wang, World Tour
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Our first cool run of the season – 46 degrees

WARMUP: The warm-up was hijacked by World Tour who seemed to short-cut everything in an effort to get to the run. We stretched the right side more than the left which resulted in some lopsided running.

THE THANG: RUN!!! Three miles around the campus. We had a couple of PRs this morning. Those that are training for the half marathon are coming into the home stretch.

MOLESKINE: It was great to have a good showing this morning to offer encouragement to the 4:13 Strong men. Thank you to the faithful PAX that continue to show up and make a difference.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Struggle 003 is coming up in just a couple of weeks. This Struggle will be on a Friday night so work won’t be an excuse. Hit up Ginger if you would like to get you name on the list. You will be glad you did it.

COT: Prayers for strength, guidance and focus.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

AO: detention
Q: Focker
PAX: Topanga, Mistah Mistah, Matador, Movin On Up, Uncle Jerry, Pedialyte, EZ-Go, Winona, Accounts Receivable
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Almost long sleeve time

WARMUP: SSH, squats, dive bombers

THE THANG: grab coupon
Tabata work. 50 sec on, 10 off.
3 rounds of each exercise group then run top loop
Round 1: thrusters and flutter kicks
Round 2: rows and WW1
Round 3: swings and heel lifts
Round 4: burpee jumps and planks
Round 5: curl to press and crunchy frogs

MOLESKINE: mid to low Mumblechatter today due to progressing core difficulty noted. Lots of gas passing also due to core work

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chili time on 10/20! See slack ^^^for details

COT: prayers for traveling, prayers for Esposa to be back soon (we all miss you), prayers lifted for those who were in the hurricane path

Golf Outing During Series A Fundraising

AO: offthebooks
Q: SalPal
PAX: Pep, Pole Dancer
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Seasonally appropriate

WARMUP: OYO stretches + mosey

THE THANG: farmer carries + kettle bell swings, then octoburpee set l. Pole Dancer was a good sport and posted record time of 1:09 with no penalties on the ninja course.

MOLESKINE: Pain Lab continues to be on the forefront of F3 innovation.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: chili event next Sunday.


AO: handsomizer
Q: Cuban Missile , Cuban Missile
PAX: Chunks, Freakonomics, Young and Restless, Patty, Old Maid, Salami, caprate, @pharmacist
FNGs: None


THE THANG: We did multiple movements, I wrote the workout down twice and managed to delete it, not doing it a third time