Sometimes the workout you end up doing isn’t the workout you planned but that’s okay because your intentions for the planned workout weren’t where they should’ve been.

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, G-string, Lady Liberty, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Timber, Dr Stogie, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: :stars: 😎

Good Mornings OYO
Imperial Walkers
WMH (review mission/core principles/credo)
Loose caboose mosey

Tabata! 21 rounds.
12 seconds work
48 seconds active recovery/planks
Cycle through Merkins, Jump Squats, Plank toe touches. (20:23 total time)

Ultimate Frisbee ~10 minutes. Epic plays were made by all the PAX.

Recovery breathwork

This week the-knoll celebrates 1 year of being in the books. To commemorate it we did Tabata with 12 seconds on and a total workout time of 20:23 to commemorate the year we launched. I had planned a different beatdown, one that would’ve been harder and more self serving but ultimately felt it wasn’t the right time and my intentions weren’t in the right place. Instead we did a challenging workout that allowed some time for conversation as well. Reminded me that no matter what we do, let’s check our intentions and be mindful of why we do what we do.

9/11 convergence at the Capitol Steps.
9/11 convergence at The Brig (F3 Franklin) grassland park if the Capitol Steps is too far a drive.
9/14 F3 Nashville 10 year anniversary Sevier Park.

Prayers lifted. Sooie Brewie enjoyed.

let’s workout but really let’s play games

AO: atlantis
Q: sooner
PAX: Oatmeal, Pole Dancer, Young and Restless, Schnauzer, Siri, Red Skull, Right Said
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: glorious

WARMUP: brief mozy followed by active stretching


Ab circuit to start
50 crunches
25 4 CT Freddie Queens
50 leg lifts
30 big boys
50 alternating horizontal arms

Speed ladder work while oatmeal set up the field


MOLESKINE: my face hurts

ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff happening next week

COT: grief, healing, inspiration

On the Books Anniversary

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: The Banker, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Tea Party, Papa Bear, Pit Master, Dr. Stogie, Stubs, Eagle (2.0), The Judge (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cool, starry, perfect

Stretch OYO
Overhead claps
Seal claps
Don Quixotes
Motivators (from 5)

Split into 2 teams. Had 6 cones set up 15 yards apart. Each cone had a different exercise on it. Each team had to complete 200 reps of the exercise. The first team to finish the 200 reps captured the cone and added 25 reps to the next exercises.
1. Squats
2. Merkins
3. WW2’s
4. Monkey humpers
5. apollo ohno’s
6. Burpees

Next up a friendly game of capture the flag. Be warned Tea Party has some speed!

“Outdo one another in showing honor”
Romans 12:10

I’ve been incredibly blessed to witness the transformations in the lives of the men at the knoll. Took time to recognize and honor the men both present and absent.

9/11 convergence at the Capitol Steps
9/14 F3 Nashville 10 year anniversary

Prayers spoken and offered.

PSL Hill Work

AO: titan
Q: Natural Ice
PAX: Pep, Crawlspace, Young and Restless, Spinal Tap, Salami, caprate, Black Lung, Papa Bear, Old Maid, Right Said, Dirtbag, Tim the Toolman, preacherman, Dragon Spark, Sherlock, Sharkbait, For Closure
FNGs: 1 For Closure
CONDITIONS: Perfectly Pleasant

WARMUP: 30 SSH (I am just going to keep pushing that number up, because everyone starts to stop at 20), Little Baby Arm Circles, OHP, Seal Claps, Light Stretching

THE THANG: Hill Work
Pax Partnered Up. While partner 1 made the loop up and down the hill, partner 2 performed an exercise from the list provided by YHC. Upon returning, partner one performed the same exercise until both completed. Rinse and repeat all the way down the list.

Exercises in order:
**Plank Jacks**
**Mountain Climbers**
**Plank to Push-Up**
**Kraken Burpees**
**Imperial Walkers**
**Nolan Ryans**

**Squats** –
**Peter Parkers*
**Inch Worms**

Pax performed WW1s as we waited on the six.

We ended with Sprints, because 95% of people over the age of 30 will never sprint again.

Sharkbait clocked 2 miles of total running

MOLESKINE: We have 85 days left of pumpkin spice season. Enjoy it while you can.

Mens Group with YHC and Spinal Tap kicking off tonight 7:30 at the Ice Haus.
Wednesday 911 Convergence at the state capitol steps 5:30 launch
SATURDAY 10 year anniversary at Stone wall 6:00 am launch

COT: Prayers for travel and Right Said upcoming surgery

Why Burpees

AO: iiipillars
Q: Pep
PAX: princessaurora, gov’t mule, Zelenskyy, Tackle Box, Young and Restless, Two Face, YumYum, Foot Drop, RadioActive, Go Fish, thatdrimmel, Grape, KFC
FNGs: None
cool – fall weather (wear your beanie)

seal claps
air press
imperial walkers
good mornings
willie mays hayes


dora: 100 burpees, 200 dips, 300 fire hydrants
7’s: WWII’s, hand-release mericans


today (9/3) brews day at 12th south
9/11 convergence (check slack)
9/14 10 year anniversary 6am at Sevier Park by the pavilions


prayer for grape’s parents