Relay Races

AO: iiipillars
Q: Chunks
PAX: Grape, princessaurora, Black Lung, Right Said, Pep, Foot Drop, gov’t mule, YumYum, Tackle Box, Zelenskyy, Two Face, t-cell, Harbaugh, Jazzy Jeff, Swiffer
FNGs: None

Grab the 2 Coupons and Mosey to the field
41 SSHs


Round 1:
– Cinder Block Carry: One member carries the cinder block 50 yards and back.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Jumping Jacks until the cinder block carrier returns.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has carried the cinder block.
Round 2:
– Cinder Block Swings: One member performs 20 swings with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Mountain Climbers until swings are done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done swings.
Round 3:
– Cinder Block Curls: One member performs 20 curls with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Plank Hold until curls are done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done curls.
Round 4:
– Cinder Block Rows: One member performs 20 rows (10 each side) with the cinder block.
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Burpees until are rows done.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has done rows.
Round 5:
– Cinder Block rifle carry: One member rifle carriers a block down and back..
– Bodyweight Exercise: Team does Merkins until the block carrier returns.
– Switch and Repeat until each team member has carried the block.

TEAM 2 were the Winners 3 – 2.

Circled up for some P90X Yoga to end

Always an honor to lead. SYITG
Check Slack, busy July
Prayers for the Webb Family

Clydesdales Unite!

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Subway
PAX: Betty Ford, bluemule, Cowboy, Cal Worthington, Goose, Hipster, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Toothless, Starblade McKoy (Sp?)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey, burpees , stretching


5 / 5 minute rounds

Supersets 20 reps

Merkins (your choice)

Calf Raises

Side Straddle Hops
Step Ups

Taint Scrapers

Overhead Press

W/ coupons when applicable

Guantanamo Bay followed by dealers choice ab work


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday and Saturday stuff- check slack!

COT: Prayers for Bareback and his family as they move westward!

Thank you for letting me lead- it was a pleasure! SYITG

The Deck of Many Workout Things

AO: the-knoll
Q: SalPal
PAX: Sooie, Pebbles, G-string, The Merchant, El Capitan, Timber, Wolfpack, Sparrow, morning stār, Tea Party, Tebow, a number of 2.0s, please add in comments!
FNGs: None
COUNT: a lot
CONDITIONS: Feelin’ lucky

WARMUP: Quick mosey + burpees. Stretching is for the birds.

THE THANG: A modified deck of death. Merkins, squats, BB situps, and mountain Climbers were default routines, spiced things up by changing 2,3,4 to special rules.

MOLESKINE: El Capitan nearly got us to do 40 burpees, we modified as necessary. It got out of hand real fast.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sooie Party, Hunger Games, Night Movez, GEODIS run, Gulliver’s Travels.

COT: Those affected by Beryl, Peace for families, busy season at work, unspoken intentions.

Circle of Trust

AO: toratoratora
Q: greyalbum
PAX: 40 Minutes, Giving Tree, Culture Shock, Daylight, Goose, Ultratecht, Longcut, Invictus
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Pretty nice


Mosey out to track
Seal Claps
Overhead Press
Runner’s Stretch


Grab Coupons
Circle up and count off 1,2,3,4…

Each man in the circle takes turns doing main exercise, while remaining PAX complete different exercise

Bear Crawl out run back/PAX do Overhead Press and Curls

Run to Hangar/Merkins and Plank Jacks

5 Burpee/Wall Sit

10 Lunge w/ Coupon/Freddie Mercury and WW1

Broad Jump/Squats and Rows



Nerd Trivia

AO: westeros
Q: SalPal
PAX: The Merchant, Detective Pikachu, Siri, Chunks, Pep, bluemule, Grape, Solo Cup, Salami, Hedwig, CubCadet, Sooie, Ackbar
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cool and refreshing, like a dwarven ale after a long and tiring journey.

WARMUP: Mosey + Burpees

THE THANG: Assorted LotR + D&D trivia. Ended with sprints up Mt. Doom.

MOLESKINE: Lots of activities in F3 Nashville. See slack for more.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hunger Games, Brea Ruck, Nights Movez, GEODIS run. See slack for more

COT: prayers for Susan and her breast cancer diagnosis. All other unspoken intentions.

1,2,3 Dora

AO: the-castle
Q: Pep
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Donatello, SalPal, Chunks, hambone, Strutter, Knuckles, 2
FNGs: 1 2
CONDITIONS: Summer, not heavy humidity

– 20 little baby arm circles + reverse
– 20 seal claps
– 20 imperial walkers

Run around lacrosse field
– 100 burpees
– 200 dips
– 300 fire hydrants

July 12 – meat and games at Natural Ice’s house
July 13 – brew ruck
July 20 – night moves

– Knuckles – 22 year old son trying to find his way in the world
– SalPal’s wife – low iron
– Chunk’s daughter – returns from Nebraska today.

Merch and Wolf Duet

AO: pain-train
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: The Merchant
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Hot and heavy


10 cones were set around the 1/5 mile track
Alternated carrying the 54lbs coupon and the 24lbs coupon around the track stopping at each cone and performing one of three exercises at PAX individual choice:

1: 20 SSH
2: 10 squats and 10 merkins
3: Captain Amerkins (Lt. Dans Burpees)

We did two laps around the track.

Following up with 10 minutes of Mary 40 seconds work and 20 seconds rest.

MOLESKINE: That big coupon gets heavy…

ANNOUNCEMENTS: See Hairbands convergence post

COT: Enjoy time off when you have it and work hard when you get the chance.

Once Upon a Time in 13 Rowdy Colonies

AO: greenmachine
Q: Hair Band , Black Lung
PAX: Dumpster Fire (F3 Naperville), Pebbles, moneyshot, Hipster, McAfee, The Merchant, Rocket Mortgage, Works for a Guy, Natural Ice, bluemule, DintyMoore, Dilbert, Good Morning America, Cowboy, El Capitan, Wolfpack, SalPal, Hair Band, Sparrow, Tim the Toolman, Black Lung, Esposa, Grape, Country Parkour, Under the Table, Haggis, Strutter, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, Fake Job, Late to The Party
FNGs: 2 Fake Job, Late to The Party
CONDITIONS: bright and swampy

30 SSH, 5 Good Mornings, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats. 10 LBAC, 10 Reverse LBAC, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies.
Thing 1: Burpee Apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

A salute to the 13 colonies.
1. 10 New York Yurpee (Burpee Variation. Merkin at bottom of burpee is a clap-merkin and on up portion there are 2 tuck jumps per burpee).
2. 30 Virginia V-Ups
3. 50 South Carolina Side Straddle Hops
4. 30 Rhode Island Iron Mikes (2-count)
5. 30 New Hampshire Hand Release Merkins
6. 50 New Jersey Jump Squats
7. 50 Connecticut Crunches
8. 35 Maryland Merkins
9. 50 North Carolina Dry Docks
10. 50 Massachusetts Mountain Climbers (2-count)
11. 50 Georgia Gorilla Humpers
12. 50 Pennsylvania Plank Jacks (2-count)
13. 50 Delaware Dips

Run half lap around the track and start from the top. 3 rounds.

Total reps 1776.

This workout was a beast sprung most from the tortured mind of Black Lung
We had 5/34 men completely finished the work out
We finished by reading the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence & saying the pledge of allegiance

Preamble: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


– SalPal requests prayers for his baby on the way and his baby they just pulled from daycare

[the-discipline] Welcome to THE DISCIPLINE

AO: the-discipline
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Dilbert, Highway BBQ, Dylan Wickliffe, Under the Table, Country Parkour, Snickers, Hallmark Betty
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cooler than expected

Slight mosey, some SSHs, some squats–simple stuff.

We worked our way down to the bottom of the hill–we stopped to add in some burpees and parking space work.

At the bottom of the hill, the men proceeded to do Quadraphilia and then rest.

MOLESKINE: This is just the start. To keep the discipline, we have to keep repeating


COT: Prayers for the launch of white-house

Lots of Squats

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Chunks, moneyshot, Bareback, Goose, Right Said, Detective Pikachu, Oatmeal, Rocket Mortgage, Cowboy, Toothless, Binki, Star Blade McCoy
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: A little reprieve from the swampiness, somewhere around 75° :sunrise:

Made a circle. PAX alternated doing 13 (or more…) squats and doing one of these exercises for a minute: arm circles, imperial walkers, pitcher’s stretch, lunges, reverse lunges, Bonnie Blairs, fire hydrants, donkey kicks (“the wrong way” says Cowboy, his way was better), mountain climbers, Lt. Dans, peoples chair, around the world lunges, and more squats. And we took turns planking during the exercises.

>From home plate, one PAX pulls the Frisbee and bernies around the bases while the rest of the PAX play defense and try to tag him out. No running with the disc, no force outs, round as many bases as you can. Record was 5 bases (home run + single).

Closed with 5 minutes of Mary and stretching.

:dagger_knife: Star Blade McCoy has only been posting for 2 weeks and is moving away in 6 weeks. A lesser man would’ve said “there’s no time to start something new.” Star Blade said “I’ll do the right thing right now” and found a group of other HIMs to make him better.

:man-lifting-weights: By my count, we did 2,532 squats altogether – including the 10 I gave DP for his sarcasm during the COT. Thanks Toothless for the coffee. Thanks Oatmeal for being AOQ and an encourager. Picture already posted above! :point_up_2:

:us: Convergence tomorrow!
:f3_nation: New AOs opened this week! See iron-giant and the-discipline
:man-walking: Fred “Right “Gulliver” Said” Pickney is traveling.

:pray: My sister had a baby on Monday, Bareback and Detective Pikachu are also moving soon, and other spoken and unspoken requests. In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayer.