Pop Quiz

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Transporter, Sanders, AK-47, Jaeger, Tater, Mt Man x3
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Beautiful 64 degrees

WARMUP: cherry pickers, toy soldiers, and LBCs

THE THANG: Pop Quiz!!
PAX had to do a changing mode of travel (lunges, broad jumps, duck walk, etc) to move themselves to the correct answer to a multiple choice question.
Correct answers got gold stars, 20 SSHs. Wrong answers got 10 burpees.
Vermont is the 14th state and Franklin Pierce was the 14th president!

Repeat X10

Next up a modified route 66, Merkins on 1 end, 4 count flutters on the other.

Finished off with 4 mins of Mary.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2.0 workout tomorrow at 9!!

COT: Thankful for these steadfast men who model great behavior to my kids and their own. Prayed for continued strength for all the HIM to continue being forces for good in their homes and communities.