Tribute to Tamara, my step mom

AO: offthebooks
Q: morning stār
PAX: morning stār
FNGs: None

YHC got out way early to show solidarity to #pain-train official launch. This BD is dedicated to Tamara, my step mom who passed last week. She was 82.

CONDITIONS: 55F a few degrees colder than #pain-train right now ; sprinklers gong in the park

3:30 local time / 5:30 central time – YHC gave himself the disclaimer.

– 5! Motivators
– 1 lap around the park green (about .15 miles according to Strava)
– 10 rotation as of each joint
– 1 lap around
– OS resets (rocking, cross crawl, segmental rolls, baby crawl)

Today’s #may-you-pull-up ladder is 5,5,4,3,2. With the intent to build more “rest” time between sets YHC came up with:
5 rounds of … take the ladder number (x) and do:
– x pull ups
– x laps around green with x Lt.dans at the start and x! Motivators at the half way point
– rinse and repeat till done with pull up ladder

This ended up being:
– 19 pull ups
– 19 laps
– 79 Lt dans
– 79! Motivators

(If YHC had added this up ahead of the he would have put another 3 Lt dans and motivators in there for a total of 82.)

Ukrainian hammers till the end.

Practiced coming back to joy with GAMES, focused around my step mom, her passing and tantrum. Did this through our the BD.


– I didn’t want to get up and out, the fart sack was nice and warm. My desire to workout at the same time as #pain-train was what got me out there.
– Had to work through fears of perceived danger as I walked to the park. 3am is early.
– I didn’t want to get to get we and then I realized that my step mom didn’t want to get Parkinson’s. There’s lots of things I may not want in life and learning to work thekfubthen is a good life skill. Thankfully one only gets wet once.
– 82 minutes for 82 years of life. Life is precious.
– some ducks were out which was comforting even though every odd noise (from the sprinklers) kept triggering my horror movie fears that some one was about to jump out and chase me
– had a profound revelation about “modify as necessary” … that removes the excuse that x is injured and so I’ll stay home. I still show up and do something different. A commitment to BE there with the PAX is power. It also takes intention to decide how to modify and fortitude to do it.
– Didn’t think I could do pull-ups due to a twinge in my left shoulder, but it felt much better after warmup!

keep moving my friends,