HEARTs and Horsemen @ Defiant

Chris Farley GIF

“How many heart attacks does that make?!” “That makes about a Baker’s Dozen there Bob!”

Pre-Party: Kermit with a core-heavy PP led Staples, 3D (YHC) and RagDoll (on a Monday?! What!!!!?!?!) in Plank progressions, WWIs, IWs in a strange cadence, and Toes to Ball. Had to reel him back in as I wanted to Q too…

8 PAX in attendance for the main event: Kermit, Staples, RagDoll, Typo+, SnowBall, BeerGoggles, DoubleBirds & 3rdDegree (Q)


  • ShowMe Lap in which no one showed, including the long-anticipated Kermit Girl-Friend…alas, no LMP


Mosey to back of school and while running a lap around the “heart” YHC explained the concept for today: split into 2 groups and while G1 does AMRAP of the called exercise, G2 run a lap around the heart. But you have to enter and exit the Heart from the same side.

We did:

  • H: Humpers (The Monkey variety)
  • E: Everest (Mountain Climbers)
  • A: Angle Grinders
  • R: Regular Lunges
  • T: Turkish Get-ups

Each lap was ~0.2 miles and took ~1.5 minutes.

black and white heart GIF


  • in order to add an ! to the HEART, (or a little s via Staples) we Sprinted through the heart as 2 groups x 1 (CHEEK TO CHEEK!!!!)


Inspired by Tombstone and the book of Revelations, we did the full-price (no coupons…get it?!)

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: (patent pending)

4 Apocalypses of 4 exercises: Burpees, Floating Starfish (each side 1/2), Pull-ups, and IronMikes (each side 1/2)

Exercises A, B, C & D in progressive rounds like this: 10A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1A, 10B, 2C, 2D, 2A, 2B, 10C, 3D (the best round), 3A, 3B, 3C, 10D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 9A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5A, 9B, 6C, 6D, 6A, 6B, 9C, 7D, 7A, 7B, 7C, 9D, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and done…

Great way to get 55 reps of each exercise completed in a manageable way. Q quizzed the various PAX in attendance of what exercise and rep count was next to keep minds sharp in the thick of the Fog’o’War…

We moseyed back to the lot for CoT but got in a few GMs and Inchworm Merkins for good measure…6:15 already?!

CoT / Counterama / Namerama

What we learned:

  • listen to the counsel of a wise father from the past…Guard your heart, for from it flow the well-springs of life! Pax were exhorted by YHC and Kermit to guard against lust and viewing images that enter the eyes, play in the mind and lodge in the heart. Where your heart is, there your treasure is also…GUARD IT!
  • DoubleBirds is staying after it, and BeerGoggles back in the saddle and doing great! SnowBall even had the gas in the tank to draw Q out during a lap around the heart. Sorry SB for my out of breath replies…
  • Kermit and RagDoll stepped up with some great parties that focused on things not abused by Q already and were much appreciated. Thanks Gents!

PostParty: RagDoll led YHC in DuckWalk and AirSquat suicides of varying rep count and increasing distance. I Hate/Love you RagDoll.

Coffeteeria enjoyed by 4 PAX (even though the supplier wouldn’t even sample his own brew…) while others took off to get their Mammon on: some 2nd F took place including discussions about frequency preference, campers and cabins. Mufasa, watch out dude…you are camping with a manimal. Avert your eyes!


  • Thanks Typo+ for the coffeeteeria!
  • Continue to keep health issues of multiple PAX in your T&P: Ulysses, Carrot, MicDrop and others I’m sure…
  • Independence Day CSAUP set for 7/4/19. Hero of the Day Workout, stay tuned to Slack for timing
  • NightPath: free Ruck CSAUP July 27 with F3Franklin. Talk to 3D for more info.
  • F3Dads Camp in Tennessee in September!!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/f3-dads-camp-runamuck-tickets-58879270483

Humbled with the opportunity to sharpen and be sharpened.

– 3D OUT!!!!