The Pound 4/18/2019 – Scrooge (Virgin Q)

Conditions: Mid 60’s

QIC: Scrooge (Virgin Q) and Sterno (Co-Q)

PAX: Old Hickory, Nimbus 1500, Stats, TV Guide, Staples, Type O+, Mufasa, Creeper, Wolverine, and Kermit.


Mosey around the parking lot for a Show Me lap but he didn’t appear so we had to keep moving without his world class mumble chatter. Scrooge takes the lead and issues a sneaky beat down of epic proportions.


SSH x 10 (IC)
LBAC x 10 (IC)
Reverse LBAC x 10 (IC)


Partner one kneels down (knees on the ground, head between the knees) while Partner two jumps over Partner ones back. After Partner two jumps over Partner one, Partner one high planks and V ups so Partner two can bear crawl under Partner one. Rinse and repeat until Partner one completes 10 reps. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until Partner two completes 10 reps.


Partner one does AMRAP Merkins while partner two Burpee Broad Jumps to light poll and moseys back to starting line. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until each group completes 200 merkins.


Partner one does AMRAP WWI’s while partner two Bear Crawls to light poll and moseys back to starting line. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until each group completes 200 WWI’s.


Partner one does AMRAP Squats while partner two Lunge Walks to light poll and moseys back to starting line. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until each group completes 150 Squats.


Mosey to Pain Ground for some upper body work.

Partner one does AMRAP Merkins while partner two completes a set of ten pull-ups. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat.


Partner one does AMRAP WWI while partner two completes another set of ten pull-ups. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to Parking Lot.


Co-Q takes over at this point for a little bit of Mary

Flutter Kicks (IC x 31)

LBC (IC x 15)

Right Side LBC (OYO x 10)

Left Side LBC (OYO x 10)

High Plank and Hold/ Low Plank and Hold


Plank Jacks (IC x 10)

Low Plank Jacks (IC x 10)

Times Up

Count O Rama/ Name O Rama/ COT

Great work out there today men! I’m definitely gonna feel that beatdown tomorrow. Way to bring the heat on your first “Q” Scrooge. Looking forward to the sequel.

Prayer Requests/ Announcements

Pray for Creepers Family.

Pray for Scrooge and his mother. After a routine exam, the doctors found an area of density that needs further evaluation.

Pray for Soccer Mom

Third Thursday lunch at Oscars. Thanks for heading this up Type O+!

F3 Nolensville’s first CSAUP is coming up on May 4th, 2019. Get your minds right! There is another Gauntlet training pre-party opportunity this Saturday at The Forge (5:15am-6:00am)

Sterno/ Scrooge