The King. Is. Here!

High 30sF and starting to get some good BMNT light.  15 total pax.  QIC: Porcelain proudly stepping in for the workout before the Q Source LDP on the King.  Pax: the Count (WL Chattanooga mucho respect 60), Reveille, PA, Bad Boy, Brother At law, Tiny Dancer, CCR, Hot Route, Right Said, Vector, Studio 42, Crawl Space, Crablegs, BnB.

Brief disclaimer then mosey with shovel flag up and through the Parthenon to the ellipse.  Warmarama: 30 ssh, 10 wmhs, 10 good mornings, 20 merkins, 20 squats.  Workout explanation.  The King is comprised of a man accelerating his physical fitness.  That fitness can be judged by the factors of 3S2T: speed, strength, stamina, toughness (physical), and toughness (mental).  Coupon circuit on the fundamentals chasing the quickest or most reps man to get right.

The thang: moseyed over to porcelain’s pre positioned vehicle near the ellipse and unloaded all weights to the rear of the Parthenon.  Moleskin: this format was great once it got going but was slow to begin with the off load and set up.  Next time I need to EH a passenger to help off load early then stay by the equipment while I bring the rest of the group over.  Forgot the speaker but Bad Boy obliged to run back and get it while PA and team removed a bumper plate that would not fit on the bar.  Walked down the line of each station set up to explain rotation.

Station Circuit based off of 3S2T for the King.  Q’d up a playlist set to a 3 minute timer all exercises were for as many reps as possible.  The new mosaic dragon sculpture at the base of The Parthenon helped enhance the sound and ambiance.  With numbers stations were singles or pairs.

1. Speed-Ellipse Run

2. Strength-135# thrusters were a bit aggressive so modified to deadlift.  Squat hold alternate for a pair.

3. Stamina-jump rope.  Alternated with Squats for a pair.

4. Toughness mental.  Crawl bear stairs.  Reverse bear crawl up the Parthenon stairs then mosey back down.

5. Toughness physical.  Wall ball or passes with large 20# medicine ball.

6. Toughness mental.  Balls to the wall handstand merkins.

7. Toughness physical- farmers walk up the Parthenon stairs and back with 5 gallon buckets of sand.

8. Stamina- kettlebell swing with 25# or 50#.

9. Strength- overhead press with 45# barbell.  Remaining bumper plates that did not fit were available for pairs.

Made it all the way through 9 stations then moseyed with coupons back to Porcelain-mobile to stash.  Not enough time for Mary on return despite Roxanne beginning to play.  Circled up for COT in the Ellipse.

COT: the Scorpion 23 March 0600 CSAUP is all about pushing your stamina and toughness. TAPs for Count’s friend having Heart valve surgery and brother Bob fighting with bile duct cancer.  Also, Studio 42’s dad, Roger, suffered a heart attack recently and is in recovery.

5 continued to 3 bros coffee for contnuation of Q points from the King.  43 feet podcast is a great resource.