T minus 87654321

15 HIM braved the cold this morning for a run heavy special.  The gloom factor was high but the temperature was low at 21 deg F.

PAX: Fred Said, Porcelain, Wendell G (from F3 Raleigh), Lockbox & Turbo from 4:13 thanks to BV and the clown-car, Trapper Keeper, Brother At Law, Craglegs, Bicentennial Man, Bad Boy, Cunning Linguist, High Viz, and YAC TheJeweler.

Warm-o-rama: The disclaimer was given briefly after we started jogging… we took a lap around the big green space (let’s call it the Hulk from now on) for a 600m warmup jog.  Circle up by the memorial for some stretching: 20 SSH, 10 WMH, 10 Hill Billies, 10 BAC (F & R), 15 Air Presses.  Mosey onto the 1 mile loop track for the following.

The Thang: 800m, 700m, 600m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m count down with 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 reps  in between.   The exercises were as follows: 80 SSH, 70 Air Presses, 60 LBCs, 50 Squats, 40 BACs, 30 Merkins (diamond, wide, regular), 20 kicking the moon, 10 burpees.

Mary: We did the last 100m or ~150m to make up for lost distance earlier,  on the field and ended close to where we began.  30 seconds of American Hammers in the middle of the field.

After your YHC almost lost the breakfast he had yet to eat, we counted off with 15 total HIM.  BV gave a few announcements, we have a Nashville CSAUP coming up, and a TT this weekend at Rose Park at 2pm.  It was great to have the men, Lockbox & Turbo, from 4:13 strong, they really showed a lot of heart and grit!

It was a pleasure to lead and be lead by this great group of men.
