Purple Cow 2-11-19

Conditions were favorable, a little warmer but no rain, for 7 PAX as they started the week off by making the correct decision and heading to Purple Cow

PAX: Umbrella, Offshore, Olan Mills, Leatherneck, Boone’s Farm, Penny Loafers, Black Widow (QIC)

Quick disclaimer in the BMS parking lot, and then head off to Granny White Park. Circle up in main parking lot.


Good Mornings x 10

BAC x 10

RBAC x 10

Air Press x 10

Seal Claps x 10

Merkins x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

WMH x 10

The Thang:

Head to the corner of the main parking lot of GWP for some four corners. Mode of transportation from one corner to the next is running. From our starting point, we run to the first corner where we perform exercise #1. From there we go to 2nd corner, where we perform exercise #1 and #2. Each corner we build, until we are back at the starting point. Exercises are:

Round 1:

Burpees x 10

Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20

Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20, Lunges x 30

Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20, Lunges x 30, Squats x 40

SSH for the six, and then all end in cadence with 10 SSH.

Round 2:

Atomic Merkins x 10

AM X 10, Jump Tucks x 20

AM x 10, JT x 20, Air Presses x 30

AM x 10, JT x 20, AP x 30, WW1 x 40

SSH for the six, and then all end in cadence with 10 SSH

**It’s around this point that Olan Mills departs after seeing that the park ranger is there opening up the “facilities”

Head to Pavillion

Step Ups x 30

30 Second Wall Sits w/ arms above heads


**Olan Mills returns feeling better than ever

We line up for a short IR mosey towards the baseball fields, and then back towards the park.

Find some benches for DID’s

Dips x 20

Irkins x 15

Dirkins x 10


Line up for another IR mosey from playground back to BMS parking lot.

LBC x 30 was all the mary we had time for.

Prayers for Offshore’s wife’s cousins who lost their mother suddenly over the weekend. Also, with this being the week of Valentine’s and all, we closed out with some encouragement to love our wives well. Pray for them, be intentional with them, and reach out for help if you’re in the midst of struggles.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q this morning!

Black Widow