18 of the most handsome men in Nashville turned out to celebrate an unseasonably warm January day in Crieve Hall. Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys are Back in Town” played on repeat, except for Jeff Rosenstock’s “Festival Song” (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5qjTzPeA1E) in the middle. After all, the boys were back in town.
When: 01.07.2018
PAX: Floppy D; Black Lung; Dilly Dilly; Dr. Smartt; A/R; Tampa Libra; Pop a Lock; Stirrups; CCR; Dine and Dash; Boy Band; Too Tall; Ludwig; Reefer; Edible Arrangements; Juan Valdez; Bagger Vance; Brother-at-Law (QIC)
Warm Up: We did three mosey laps around the bus loop: 1) a brisk jog; 2) a side shuffle up the loop; 3) then a side shuffle facing the other way around the loop. Much grumbling. Then we did a walking lunge and reach to engage our core. Thin Lizzy engaged our ears.
The Thang: Split into two lines. Too Tall Loop American Indian Run. We lost Juan Valdez, who went to poop without telling anybody (he texted me). So after the run there was some brief confusion. BV had already gone to find Valdez by the time I saw the text. It was all very confusing. CCR had folks doing what appeared to be rows and pullups down at the playground. Thank you CCR.
After order was restored, we split back up into two groups at the playground for the following:
Group 1: 10 minutes AMRAP Cindy (5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats).
Group 2: 10 minutes AMRAP of the following super-set: 10 swirkins; 10 bunsen burners (bulgarian split squats with a foot in the swing) each leg); 10 ASTs.
Switch after 10 minutes.
Mosey back up to the lot for a series of sprints, plank jacks, planks/side planks, American hammers, and cash out with 5 burpees for notorious burpee lover Juan Valdez. That’s all she wrote.
Announcements: Leadership lunch next Friday 1/18 organized by Bad Boy and put on at Richland Country Club (apparently excellent catering?). See Slack for details.
Ironclad signup closes tonight I think. Good way to stay accountable during the dreary months.
4:13 Strong AO opens back up next Thursday. An awesome program, AO, and group. Make it out there for a few workouts this session if you can.
Prayers for the Santos and McCauley (spelling, sorry) families.
Loved seeing so many guys kicking off the post-holiday period off right. 2019 will be a good one. I feel it.