Licking wounds

PAX: Black Widow, Backlash, Offshore, Olan Mills, Umbrella, Funyuns (QIC)

Conditions: 36* clear

6 PAX made the right decision and posted at The Purple Cow this AM. YHC was still feeling blue from the SEC Championship game (I hate Bama and the refs they have on payroll), and really wanted to fartsack and lick my wounds from the gut wrenching defeat of my beloved Bulldogs. Alas, I DRP’d and made it out to Q this beautiful morning.

Mosey from BMS to GWP parking lot for COP:

SSHs x 3OIC, BACsx10IC, SCsx10IC, APsx10IC, RBACsx10IC, GMsx10IC, WMHsx10IC, Merkinsx10IC, MCsx10IC,  Supermansx10IC, ASTsx20IC, Squatsx10IC, BKsx15IC

The Thang:

Line up at end of parking lot. Bear crawl for 4 lines, then switch to crab walk for 4 lines, Repeat sequence till  reach other end of parking lot. Plank for 6

Go back to other end, but crawl bear and walk crab, plank for 6.

Spartan 100: Sprint length of parking lot with 10 merkins at end of spring. We did this every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.

40s: Step-ups and dips at picnic table. 30:10, 25:15, 20:20, 15:25, 10:30

Back to end of parking lot for BC, CW, CB, WC switching every 3 lines to other end.

Mosey with politician mixed in back to BMS for Mary

Mary: 15 8ct body builders, 20 FKs IC, Alabama prom date x 10 IC


NM: Glad I got out of the fartsack this AM. Always good to be with the PAX. Pleasure to lead. Good work by all.


12th man leadership luncheon at RCC this Friday. 11:30, $20 per person. Hit up Umbrella for RSVP and more details.

Praise for Backlash’s father’s MRI coming back negative

Remember MP’s wife Ginny Burton. Brest cancer. Starts chemo this week.

Continue each day to strive to be better. Keep getting after it in all aspects of life.
