Conditions: Lots of wind + little heat = solid gloom
PAX: Hi-Viz, Porcelain, Bicentennial Man, Pumpkin Spice, Crablegs
QIC: Crablegs
Starting in the main parking lot, we shook some holiday rust off with a mosey to the back court, AKA Crabtrap, for some WOR including: SSH, WMH, Cherry Pickers, LBAC – F/R, Squats
Next was a mosey to the other cage where the chainlink fence provided ample relief from the elements.
PAX line up on the tennis courts for a ladder of Agassis, 2 courts wide.
- Agassi, 1 burpee. Agassi, 2 burpees…repeat up to 8 burpees.
- Agassi, 10 LBCs. Agassi, 20 LBCs…repeat up to 50 LBCs
- Agassi, 5 Merkins. Agassi, 10 Merkins…repeat up to 25 Merkins
We escaped the cage for a brief mosey around the soccer field and back up to the lot for Mary. PAX alternated exercises until we hit time.
- Box cutters x 25
- Flutter kicks x 25
- JLo x 25
- Alt Heel Tap x 25
- Freddy Mercury x 25
- Alphabet (only to Y)
- Finish with Perfect form in the peoples chair til the end ~40s.
NMM: Thankful today for the accountability of this group of men to get out there and embrace an exceptionally gloomy day. Looking forward to some redemption at #TheHill on Thursday.
BH (shamelessly copied from BV):
1 Dec STONEWALL MOVES TO FT NEGLEY: this week only due to Winter Warmer
1 Dec BV’s Tacky Christmas Party
7 Dev Umbrella hosts First Friday, 12th Man lunch at Richland Country Club $20/man buffet w speaker (see attached)