Pain in the Grass

Today we had 20 PAX in attendance and another record for The Forge…keep giving it away fellas! 20 men came to get nice and grassy on the practice fields! Also, horse flies do bite! (right Udder?)

20 PAX: Barney Fievel, Typ O+, 3rd Degree, Sterno, Weasel, Udder, Creeper, Cooter, MicDrop (FNG), NumbTucks (QIC), HushPuppy, Netflix, Stats, Altidore, Soccer Mom, Show Me, Tebow, MURSA, TV Guide, Quickie (FNG)

Warmup – 1 Lap around football field since the stadium was locked! BOOOOO! 

SSH x 20
Baby Arm x 15 (each way)
Air presses x 15
Overhead claps x 15
Seal claps x 15
Willie Mays OYO
Hip Flexer OYO

Hamstring OYO

THANG 1: Hill Runs

Start at the goal line on the practice field run down there, next time down there and back, and then down, back, down, then work your way back (1..2..3..2..1)
After each run do the following…
25 Merkins
10 Double Jack Burpees
20 WW1 Sit Ups
50 LBCs

(we worked down and back up with these going down by 5, but always doing at least 5 double shot of jack burpees) Confused, don’t worry everyone else was too!

Now that everyone is covered in grass lets keep the good times rolling.

THANG 2: Indian Bear Crawl

Single file line in plank position, back guy bear crawls to the front of the line, repeat until all PAX get tot eh end, every time Q yells down 5 Merkins


10 Burpees on the min for 8 min.

Great work men! Love seeing the growth in Nolensville.