Birthday Bash at Stonewall

It was 70s and glorious at 0600 as the PAX arrived at Stonewall for a morning of childhood reminiscence.

QIC: Skid Mark

PAX: Edible Arrangement, Black Lung, Deep Dish, Hambone, Care Bear, Cowboy, Vegemite, V-Squared (late arrival from Chattanooga due to internet schedule confusion

We started with a mosey around the community center and back to the parking lot for some warm-o-rama.

WOR: SSH x30, LBACs x15 f/b, Don Quixotes x10, Imperial walkers x10, Hillbillies x10, Squats x20, Merkins x10


As it was my daughter’s 4th birthday party today, I thought we could sum up what life has been so far for a 4 year old..

Newborns go “back to sleep” and can’t really roll over – LBCs x50

Tummy Time – Reverse Snow Angels x1min 

Next they try to roll over – Scorpions x10 

Finally they get it – Superman – Banana – Rolling from superman position to a banana shape with legs and arms off the ground. On the Qs call.

Time to work on our pulling up from the floor to a sit/stand.

10 Headbangers, 5 pull ups EMOM x10 minutes

Next it was time to start moving:

Bearcrawls x20ft > Duck walks x20ft > Mosey x40ft then do everything in reverse (reverse mosey, reverse duckwalk,  and crawlbears). Rinse and repeat x3

Bearcrawls x20ft > Mosey 20ft > Sprint x40ft, then do it all in reverse again. Rinse and repeat x3

At this point we are getting more stable on our feet.  We took a mosey around the southwest corner of the park and back to the pavilion for some playtime. Children initially don’t play well together and instead do separate games on their own while standing next to each other.

30s Exercise with 10s rest alternating: AMRAP Monkey Humpers and AMRAP Picnic table prom dates (legs on a picnic table bench, back on the floor, lift the hips to the sky repeatedly)

Potty training time: Sprint 50yds from the pavillion to the port-o-potty: x5

Finally, children learn to play well together, time for a group exercise. Everybody assumed a plank position in line. The PAX at the front of the line then proceeded to do 10 rows on the climbing rope and went back to the end of the line.  Rinse and repeat with 5 rows per PAX.  

Mary: LBCs x15, Flutter Kicks x15, American Hammers x15, Freddy Mercury’s x15

-At this point, Foxtrot-talks-a-lot showed up to wish us well and then drove off to Portland brew.


Coffeeteria was attended by all but Vegemite…including FTTAL who seemed to show up only for the 2nd F rather than the 1st F. Welcome to V-squared who was visiting his parents in Nashville. Unfortunately, our website suggested the workout was at 0700 and he showed up a mere 50 min late. He put in some miles after coffeeteria to make up for the missed workout.


Batter Up!

Conditions: 70ish Degrees and balmy

20 PAX: Hambone, Jekyll (DR), Porcelain, Casual Friday, Red Skull, Big Ticket, Gussy, Satchmo, Bruh Bruh, Teddy, Lil Tony, Can’t Get Right, Fallout, Jersey$, Biscuit, Life Champ, Toga, Dupree, Vector, Hot N Ready (Q)

Mosey across campus to grassy area.
Good Mornings X 5 IC
Imperial Walkers X 20 IC
Squats X 20
Indian Run to baseball field. Picked up Jersey$ along the way. IR didn’t go as planned so circled up for Burpees X 10 to reset. Continued IR to baseball field.
Gather at home plate. Burpees x 5. Bear crawl to 1st  base. Merkins x 10 at 1st base. Sprint to right field fence.
Gather in right field. Carolina Dry Docks X 15. Mosey to center field.
Gather in center field. Jump Lunges X 15. Run backwards to 2nd base. Squats X 10. Super Mario back to center field. Alternating Shoulder Taps X 10 (Scratch that, make it 20). Mosey to left field.
Gather in left field. Jump Squats X 10. Sprint to 3rd base. Bear Crawl Home.
Rinse and Repeat 1X
At that point our feet were good and wet so we decided to embrace the dew filled grass.
Counted off 1s and 2s and split in two teams. This was a race across the field to the fence. Each team got in plank position in a line separated by a few feet. Last man farthest from the fence hopped over each man until reaching the end of the line and back in plank position. Continued until fence was reached.
Winner’s prize – Burpees X 10
Loser’s prize – Burpees X 20
**Team 2 with the WIN!**
20 Second countdown
Mosey over to basketball courts for Mary.
Around mid-mosey Biscuit was spotted cutting through buildings. Upon arrival at basketball courts, Biscuit was discovered lying on basketball court begging for mercy and claiming that the Q was “trying to kill” him. Kill attempt unsuccessful.
American Hammers
Flutter Kicks
Hand Release Merkins
Good Mornings
Flutter Kicks
2 weeks and 2 days remain for 4:13 Strong before transitioning to Full-Time Jobs.
Great to see Wolverine during coffee. Wolverine is working with an electrician and doing great! Let’s keep praying for him.
Thank you men for for working through my first Q. Way to bring it!

Titan – 08.08.18 – “88, Ain’t it Great”

CONDITIONS: Temp was mid-seventies, not humid, less light every morning.

PAX:  Bad Boy, Reveille, Harvey Updike, Fetch, Right Said, Crawlspace, Razor, Venus, ABC, Craig Thompson (FNG), Vital Signs, Crab Legs, Blue Mule ,Keep the Change, DaVinci, Trapper Keeper, Porcelain, Hambone, T-Cell, Hi-Viz

QIC: Studio 42


WARM-UP/CoP:  Mosey to the amphitheater (aka to McDonalds for that wonderfully greasy aroma) for a warm-up

  • Side Straddle Hops (20 IC)
  • Seal Claps (20 IC)
  • Squats (20 IC)
  • Overhead Claps (20 IC)
  • Clap Merkins (15)
  • Mountain Climbers (15 IC)
  • Willie Mays Hays (10 IC)


1st Indian Run

  • 1 mile loop around park, 2 lines in tandem (well, it started that way…), Pax in rear does 5 jump squats, then sprints to the front

88, Ain’t it great… to do this with a partner instead of on your own.

  • Mosey to the playground and partner up, do each exercise for 88 rep’s switching with your partner after 8 rep’s (or whenever suits you), partner counts when not doing rep’s
  • Exercises:
      1. Pull-up’s on the monkey bars
      2. Monkey Humpers
      3. Incline Merkins on the picnic bench
      4. Jump Squats

2nd Indian Run

  • A short run, then back to the start for Mary


  • Head to the statue platform for Hands of Time
  • Finished with some Burpees and Good Mornings



  • Friendly Friday this week, so bring a friend.
  • Be praying for Bad Boy and his wife as they navigate some difficult waters.
  • Shoutout to FNG Craig Thompson, now known as “Soft Wood” (briefly known as “Hatchet”… sorry brother, it was an incredible name for like 10 seconds).


It was a pleasure leading you men for my VQ today, just what I needed in the middle of a trying week.  I’ve only been with y’all for a month, but it’s been a great month – awesome to be part of a group of men that are pushing me to be a better version of who God intended me to be.

Studio 42 out.

The Skunk – 08.06.18 – “Bonnie Blair Witch Project”

7 PAX at The Skunk took a stab at this week’s IronPax challenge. It stabbed back.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Foxtrot-Talks-A-Lot, Cowboy, Venus, Big Stick, Money Shot, T-Cell


Mosey down the path and around the perimeter of the soccer field, tracing what would be our 400,for the main event, and back to the infield near our start point. COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 10
  • LBACs F x 10
  • Seal Claps x 10
  • Overhead Claps x 10
  • Air Press x 10
  • LBAC R x 10
  • SnL Squats x 10

Thoroughly warm, it was time to introduce everyone to the IronPax Challenge. For the month of August, F3 Greenwood is running a weekly challenge for F3 Nation. Complete the challenge, submit your time/score, and at the end of the month, a champion will be crowned. This week’s challenge was a wonderful start.

4 rounds for time:

  • 50 Air Squats
  • 40 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 30 Merkins
  • 20 Bonnie Blairs aka Jump Lunges (both legs=1 rep)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 400m run

After demonstrating the proper standard for executing each exercise completely, the pain commenced. Roughly 27 minutes later, all PAX were finished and sucking wind.

With that, it was time for Mary. It was mostly a blur, but there were some LBCs, Plank variations, and some WMHs and Good Mornings to stretch it out.



  • This was my maiden voyage at The Skunk, and it was good to be with these guys. Probably helped that T-Cell helped to inject a little Westside flavor to the mix. Hope to visit again soon!
  • For any of you doing this challenge for the first time, prep your mind for the Bonnie Blairs. 20 each leg is no joke when your heart rate is already 160+ and you’ve still got a 400 ahead of you. Then you’ve got to do them 3 more times.
  • Cowboy has a black eye and a really cool story of how he got it. Ask him.


  • As mentioned above, the IronPax challenge is live. Follow @F3IronPax to keep up-to-date on challenges and learn how to submit your results.
  • Friendly Friday this week. Get those Sad Clowns out!
  • Ironclad Challenge wraps up this month. We’ve got a few guys wrapped up already, some well on their way, and others I’m not quite sure remember signing up. Finish strong!
  • Labor Day and 9/11 will be here before we know it. Plan on committing to some special Qs.
  • GrowRuck in Memphis the weekend of 9/22. There are still spots left, so sign up here. We need some Nashville representation!

PA out.


Back to School at Broken Wheel

15  PAX in Attendance: Mr. Belding, SoccerMom, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Creeper, MRSA, Shocker (F3Franklin), HushPuppy, Sterno, NumbTucks, RagDoll, CheezWiz,Nimbus 2000, Wrecker (FNG), Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

YHC wanted to celebrate the beginning of the school season with an education-inspired Q.

13 years of education at least obtained by all PAX present (K-12) so we will do a rep for each year of each exercise called. We even did the Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag (a first, and possible return to later, cool moment).

NumbTucks earned some Extra Credit this AM with a pre-party showing with YHC doing 10 burpees on the minute x 10 rounds. AudioSlave was the BG Music.


  • None…let’s go! No Pre-school today men.

The Thang 

We will all Run 1/2 lap (1/6 mile) around the 1/3 mile track and perform 1×13 rep set of exercises for each letter of the alphabet. (A&B at one stop, C&D at next, etc.)

6.5 total laps (2.333 miles) and 26 different sets of exercises (some were combined)


  • A: American Hammers
  • B: Burpees
  • C: Crawl-Bears (13 IC across bridge)
  • D: Derkins
  • E: Everest (1 lunge up stair, then air squat on step, 1 lunge with next leg, then squat, etc. 13x)
  • F: Freddie Mercuries (Thanks NumbTucks for the idea!) IC
  • G: Gorilla Humpers
  • H: HillBillies
  • I: Irkins IC (26 total pushups)
  • J: Jackees (Burpee variation: single shot of plank jack after merkin during burpee)
  • K & L: Kicking Lunges: Karate Kick and then lunge walk that leg forward, each side is 1/2 count
  • M: Mountain Climber Merkins: 4 count MC and then a Merkin x 13. Whew!
  • N: Neverlands: Remember how Michael flies in Peter Pan (swimming motion) after being sprinkled by Tinkerbell’s fairy dust? Yeah? Well we did that. Prone position. Start in superman and then spread legs and arms to side IC. Like horizontal plankjacks. Better tuck your justifier to prevent permanent damage on this one!
  • O: Overhead Claps IC
  • P: Pullups
  • Q: Something I made up on the spot. Basically like a V-up but leave one leg extended. So we kinda made an O shape with arms/legs and the extended leg is the tail of a Q. It’s hard to find a Q-exercise. And it turned out to be a pretty good Mary exercise after 13 IC reps where each side is 1/2!
  • R: Run (thanks again NumbTucks!) Sprint the well-seeded football field (120 yds including both endzones) Dang, Mr. Belding is fast!
  • S: Side planks. Hold both sides ~7 seconds each.
  • T: Toe Taps: on your 6 hold your feet vertically and raise arms and upper torso off ground to touch your toes while keeping your feet straight.
  • U: Underdogs: Inverted Horizontal rows under swings
  • V: V-ups
  • W: Wacky Jacks (Thanks P90X!)
  • Y: Make a Y shape on the ground on your 6 holding partner’s legs while they throw your legs down x 13 times
  • Zig-Zags: Partner lays prone with arms underneath and partner jumps back and forth over partner side to side making a Z shape. Each side is 1/2. 13x (Disclaimer made prior to start, so no worries)

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


  • We Christened Mr. Belding’s EH FNG Gary with the moniker “Wrecker”. He killed it this AM. Strong work Wrecker and Mr. Belding.
  • Pray for HushPuppy and me as we take our 2.0s to F3Dad’s Camp this weekend in Alabama. 128 Pax are attending!
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots on or 3D will take them all! (except when Down Range, which is this weekend)
  • Eph. 4: Let’s grow up, mature, increase in true knowledge. Be Humble, put others before yourself. Enjoy Grace and Don’t waste this life!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Son Of A Monkey Humper

(Thanks to Porcelain for naming this Backblast, in what was either a moment of inspiration or exasperation. Either way, well done.)

Conditions: Pristine.

PAX: Porcelain, Bad Boy, Studio 42, Keep The Change, Trapper Keeper, Harvey Updyke, Blue Mule, Vector, Hawkeye, Walker (Visiting from Rock Hill, SC!), Da Vinci

QIC: Hi-Viz


Mosey to the tennis court for WOR.
Good Mornings X10 IC
Squats X 20 IC
Merkins X 10 IC
Carolina Dry Docks X 20 IC
Mountain Climbers X 20 IC
Air Presses X 10 IC

Mosey to the field for 11s.
Hand-Release Merkins on on side, Lieutenant Dans on the other with a full run across the field.

Plank and wait for the 6.

Line up. Bear Crawl to the mid-line. Monkey Humpers X 25 IC. Rinse & Repeat back to the start line.

Line up. Duck Walk to the mid-line. Carolina Dry Docks X 25 IC. Rinse & Repeat back to the start line.

Mosey to the parking lot for Mary.
Flutter Kicks X 20 IC
LBCs X 20 IC
Boxcutters X 10 IC
Plank Variations
J-Los X 20 IC



-Great to see Hawkeye back this morning. Keep him and the family in your prayers as they navigate the visa process in Atlanta in the coming days.
-Strong work all the way around. Nice to have Walker visiting (and setting the pace) from SC. #Respect
-Q sheet is looking a tad sparse. Need some guys to step up and sign up. Studio 42 has his VQ on Wednesday at Titan and I’ll be co-Qing with TK at Bomber on Friday, which is also #FriendlyFriday. Let’s get those EHs going and keep the momentum on the West Side going…

YHC turns 38 today, and the older I get, the more thankful I am for men like you who want more — and better — for their lives.

It’s an honor to hang with you.


Open Gates

6 stepped up to get a little better this morning at The Purple Cow.  Here’s how it went down:

PAX: Backlash, Boone’s Farm, Olan Mills, Umbrella, Black Widow, Toga (QIC)

Quick disclaimer, grab a coupon and head to BHS track, yes, the track was open!

Deposit coupons by the track and begin warmup COP.., the usual stuff.

Side shuffles, backwards run, power skips/Chauncey Woof and Poof

Begin tempo run drill= 2 min slow pace, 1 min uptempo pace, repeato x4

Partner up for to execute exercise with coupons while partner runs 100 yds and repeato x2.  Exercises = kb swings, overhead tricep extensions, single leg deadlifts, and APD up and overs passing weights to the partner after every 5 reps (Note: EPIC fail)

Back to the parking lot for COT.

NMM:  Backlash and YHC arrived early to determine whether or not the track was open.  The PAX showed legitimate wonder at this fact but ran the laps nonetheless.  It really is a nice facility, and YHC is certain we’ll find our way over there again.

Stay Classy,


The Bomber Roller Coaster

Weather: It’s Always Sunny in Sylvan Park

Q: T-Cell

Pax:  Princess Aurora, Dewey, Lemon, Hambone, Bicentennial Man, Vector, Harvy Updyke, Studio 42, Porcelain, High Viz, Firefox, Lunch Lady, Rocket League, Barthelona, Reveille, Keep the Change, DaVinci, Trapper Keeper, Crab Legs, Huggy, Clark Stint (FNG), Vinyl Signs (FNG), Rainmaker, (FNG)

24 rolled up, including a clown car of FNG’s from recent FNG DaVinci for a T-Cell special that apparently had Hambone feeling semi-erect for the last 24 hours.

Mosey around the hood just to get some Sylvan Park flavor and back up to the top parking lot. Warmorama of 20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers, 10 Willie Mays Hays, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, 20 Mountain Climbers, and finish with some Bat Wings.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill to board the roller coaster. Here was the deal, run up to the top of the hill, perform 1 burpee, run down other side to the gate, reverse run back up the hill, perform 2 burpees, run down to the start. This continued until you did 8 burpees. Porcelain remarked that this felt like a roller coaster since you went up slowly then put your hands up at top before coming back down. Alas, we now have the Bomber Roller Coaster.

On to the parking lot for relay races. Each time squared off in a sprint against a member of the other team whilst the pax did squats and SSH. Had a marquee start with PA and Dewey leading us off.  Dewey however pulled a hammy on the way back. The 2’s took the competition.

Finished with some Mary, which turned into a impromptu “Plank Up Comedy Show”. Lots of good jokes. None of them repeatable.

Wrapped with COT and the naming of the new guys.

Keep Lunch Lady in your prayers as he’s got a challenging year ahead at his job. Praying things get better with his boss and his blood pressure (those two are related)

Praises for Reveille’s father being back on US soil. Grateful for his service.

Had 10 for coffeteria.

Thank you men. It’s an honor to lead you.

Dora 1, 2, 3….4

28 PAX beat out the early morning desire to fartsack and posted for a cool and humid morning at Cruel Hall with the fog rolling out of the holler and steam rising off of the necks of the PAX.

QIC: Skid Mark

PAX: Yardsale, CCR, Edible Arrangements, Bagger Vance, Prevac, Frugal McDoogal, Numtucks, Ludwig van Oshkosh, Off Shore, Floppy Disk, Lumberg, Reefer, Igloo (FNG), Olan Mills, Barf-ista (FNG), Venus, Dupree, Yumi, Calf-Killer, Capslock, Donuts, PSL, Backlash, Change order, Hollow-back-girl, Tampa Libra, Dine-n-Dash

We started with a quick mosey to the back of the school.  Circle up for WOR.

WOR:  SSH x25, LBAC 25 forwards, 25 backwards, Keep arms up for lunging calf stretch x8 each. Drop arms for willie mays x10 ct.

Mosey to the playground and partner up for…


Dora 1, 2, 3…4: 100 Pull ups, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats, 400 4ct Flutter kicks; laps around the baseball field.

We put in about 2 miles of running. Significant mumblechatter erupted about “1600” flutter kicks, but he PAX pushed on.  Eventually, we started to run out of time and YHC called for 1 more minute of flutters before we moved on to the next exercise.

The Hang Off:

The 1s hung from the swing set, monkey bars, or other pull up bar for as long as possible in a battle of forearm strength. Meanwhile the 2s were holding low plank. Flapjack for a second set. Each competition was fierce as Floppy just narrowly beat out Olan Mills for the 1s, and Prevac beat out Donuts for the 2s.  Both Floppy and Prevac were holding on to the small poles of the monkey/pull-up bars rather than the big rod of the swing set which was probably an unfair advantage….due to it’s familiarity.

Back to the parking lot for…

Mary: Circle up in high plank for 2 minutes of Merkins to “Up Down” by Morgan Wallen (ft. Florida Georgia line).

Thanks to everybody for giving me the opportunity to lead again this week. SYITG.

Stronghold 8/2/18

Rolled into the 4:13 compound with a truck bed full of fun this balmy AM.

21 PAX:

Red Skull, Hot N Ready, Big Ticket, Gussy, Biscuit, Satchmo, Bruh Bruh, Teddy, Lil Tony, Can’t Get Right, Fallout, Claud, Jersy$ (FNG), Olan Mills, PA, Bagger Vance, CAPSLOCK, Porcelain, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Blood Clot, Preacher Man (Q)

Circle up and read the riot act. Mosey to upper field for some side-shuffle, back-peddle and the following WOR: Goo’mornin, SSH, LBC forward and back, Squats, and maybe something else.



You know when you can’t help but take your work home with you? Well YHC couldn’t help but take his work to his workout with him. PAX were informed we was going to be at church this morning and started off with a bang:


C – Crawl Bear roughly 100yds

H – High Knees x50

U – Up-downs (5 steps + 1 drop) x10

R – Russian plank-kicks x50

C – Crunches x50

H – Hallelujah High Knees x50


Mosey back to edge of upper field where PAX partnered up and lined up in two rows – on top and bottom of steep bank. Top row AMRAP of Murkins, bottom row AMRAP of squats. All the while, wheelbarrow full of unknown weight of blocks, rocks, and wood was passed up and down the bank from partner to partner all the way down the line…and back so everyone had the pleasure of pushing the roughly 75lbs of flat-tired fun up the bank.


Mosey to bball court for quick sprint races (loser does 10 burpees) and then circle up for Mary.



Spell “church” with outstretched legs

Flutter kicks X20

WW1s X20

J-Los X10

Hallelujah High Knees for 1.5 mins


Countoff/Nameoff with naming of FNG Jersey$.
